Accessibility deferred loan program, Minn. Rules 4900.0750 to 4900.0780
Accessibility requirements, State Building Code, see Disability access under STATE BUILDING CODE
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)
Defined, Minn. Rules 7869.0100
Horse racing licensees, compliance, Minn. Rules 7870.0500
Alcohol and drug counseling, training about, Minn. Rules 4747.1100
All-terrain vehicles, wildlife management areas, Minn. Rules 6230.0250
Blind persons, see BLIND PERSONS
Building accessibility
Accessibility code
Application, Minn. Rules 1300.0010, 1300.0050
Building code amendments, Minn. Rules 1305.1101
Driver's license agents, Minn. Rules 7404.0400
Inspections, accessibility specialists, duties, Minn. Rules 1301.0200
International symbol, Minn. Rules 1341.0403
Mississippi River corridor critical area, Minn. Rules 6106.0080
References to other codes, Minn. Rules 1309.0020
State Building Code, see Disability access under STATE BUILDING CODE
Certificates and certification, verification of condition, Minnesota reduced fee identification cards, Minn. Rules 7410.0700
Civil service, Minn. Rules 3900.0100 to 3900.9500
Contracts, see STATE CONTRACTS
Data, condition, classification, Minn. Rules 7410.0700
Deaf persons, see DEAF PERSONS
Horse racing, Minn. Rules 7869.0100
Human services merit system, Minn. Rules 9575.0010
State contracts, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Transportation for elderly, disabled, Minn. Rules 8840.5100
Discrimination, human services merit system, prohibited, Minn. Rules 9575.0090
Dwellings, regulated lead work, exemptions, Minn. Rules 4761.2100
Discrimination, Minn. Rules 3535.2300 to 3535.2800
Special education, see SPECIAL EDUCATION
Vocational education, see CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION
Employment, human services merit system
Discrimination, prohibited, Minn. Rules 9575.0090
Examinations, Minn. Rules 9575.0450, 9575.0470
Equal pay, Minn. Rules 5200.0040
Extended employment programs, Minn. Rules 3300.6000 to 3300.6070
Family day care homes, children's health, Minn. Rules 9502.0405
Health maintenance organizations, dependent coverage, termination at limiting age, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Hunting, see Disabled hunters under HUNTING
Jail inmates, disabled inmates, Minn. Rules 2911.7100
Major life activities, definitions, transportation for elderly, disabled, Minn. Rules 8840.5100
Maltreatment, see under VULNERABLE ADULTS
Minimum wage, Minn. Rules 5200.0030, 5200.0040
Minnesota identification cards, Minn. Rules 7410.0100 to 7410.1810
Motor vehicle fuel emergencies, odd-even purchasing, exemption, Minn. Rules 7620.0630
Performance, time studies, Minn. Rules 5200.0030
Physical or mental impairment, definitions, transportation for elderly, disabled, Minn. Rules 8840.5100
Physical therapy, see PHYSICAL THERAPISTS
Pipefitters, examinations, Minn. Rules 5230.0090
Positive support strategies, see under HOME AND COMMUNITY-BASED SERVICES WAIVERS
Preferences, state contracts, Minn. Rules 1230.1400 to 1230.1910
Rehabilitation facilities, see REHABILITATION FACILITIES
Residential and nonresidential programs
Admissions, Minn. Rules 9570.2400
Architectural barriers, removal, Minn. Rules 9570.3300
Classification, Minn. Rules 9570.2300
Definitions, Minn. Rules 9570.2200
Design, living areas, Minn. Rules 9570.3200
Developmental services, Minn. Rules 9570.2500
Discharges, Minn. Rules 9570.2400
Discrimination, Minn. Rules 9570.2400
Equipage, living areas, Minn. Rules 9570.3200
Licenses, requirement, generally, Minn. Rules 9570.3400
Living areas, Minn. Rules 9570.3000 to 9570.3300
Organization, Minn. Rules 9570.2800
Personnel, Minn. Rules 9570.2900
Program objectives, Minn. Rules 9570.2100
Records, Minn. Rules 9570.2700
Rehabilitative services, Minn. Rules 9570.2500
Resident living areas, Minn. Rules 9570.3000
Resident services, Minn. Rules 9570.3100
Residents, policies, Minn. Rules 9570.2600
Staff, Minn. Rules 9570.2600, 9570.2900
Statutory authority, Minn. Rules 9570.2000
Transfers, Minn. Rules 9570.2400
Residential facilities, social services, Minn. Rules 9570.3300
School buses, Minn. Rules 7470.0100 to 7470.1700
Schools, curriculum, contributions to society, Minn. Rules 3500.0550
Semiambulatory, definitions, Minn. Rules 8840.5100
Sheltered workshops, see REHABILITATION FACILITIES
Special education services, see Eligibility under SPECIAL EDUCATION
Special education teachers, see TEACHERS
Special transportation services, Minn. Rules 8840.5100 to 8840.6300
Staff, residential programs, Minn. Rules 9570.2900
State Building Code, accessibility, see Disability access under STATE BUILDING CODE
Statutory authority, residential programs, Minn. Rules 9570.2000
Student supplemental loans, Minn. Rules 4850.0020, 4850.0021
Substantial physical disability, defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Supervised living facilities, Minn. Rules 4665.0100 to 4665.9900
Symbols, international facility accessibility, Minn. Rules 1341.0403
Targeted group businesses, state contracts, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Time studies, determining wages, Minn. Rules 5200.0030
Transfers, residential programs, Minn. Rules 9570.2400
Transportation, Minn. Rules 8840.5100 to 8840.6300
Underserved populations, definitions
Economic development and housing challenge program, Minn. Rules 4900.3610
Housing trust fund program, Minn. Rules 4900.3705
Ventilator-dependent persons, medical assistance, home health services, coverage, Minn. Rules 9505.0295
Vocational education, see CAREER AND TECHNICAL EDUCATION
Vocational rehabilitation, see VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION
Wheelchairs, see WHEELCHAIRS