Advertisements, bids, solicitation, Minn. Rules 1230.0300
Affirmative action, generally, Minn. Rules 5000.3400 to 5000.3600
Annual bid and supply bonds
Forfeitures, Minn. Rules 1230.0500, 1230.1175
Requirements, Minn. Rules 1230.0500
Debarment or suspension, Minn. Rules 1230.1150
Certified directories, removal from, Minn. Rules 1230.1850
Eligibility determinations, Minn. Rules 1230.1700
Targeted group subcontractor use, penalties, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Application of law
Consultant, professional, and technical procurements, Minn. Rules 1230.1910
Data practices, Minn. Rules 1205.0100
Auctioneers, state surplus property, Minn. Rules 1255.0400
Auctioneers, state surplus property, Minn. Rules 1255.0400
Generally, Minn. Rules 1230.0800
Consultant, professional, or technical services, Minn. Rules 1230.1910
Delays, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Failure to accept, effect, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Methods, Minn. Rules 1230.1810
No acceptable bids, effect, Minn. Rules 1230.1810
Record keeping, Minn. Rules 1230.1910
Suspension, see Debarment or suspension under this topic
Bid invitations
Auctioneers, state surplus property, Minn. Rules 1255.0400
Division, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Notice requirements, Minn. Rules 1230.1810
Small business procurement program, Minn. Rules 1230.1810, 1230.1820, 1230.1900
Bids and bidding
Annual bid and supply bonds, Minn. Rules 1230.1175
Application of rules, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Bidder errors, Minn. Rules 1230.0600
Conflict of law, bid conditions, Minn. Rules 1230.0400
Debarment or suspension, see same under this topic
Definitions, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Federal surplus property sales, Minn. Rules 1260.0800
Invitations, see Bid invitations under this topic
Liquidated damages, see same under this topic
Material variances, defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Medical assistance
Generally, Minn. Rules 9505.0200, 9505.0445
Hearing aids, Minn. Rules 9505.0287
Medical equipment and supplies, Minn. Rules 9505.0200
Mineral leases for prospecting, Minn. Rules 6125.0500
Minor deficiencies or informalities, waivers, Minn. Rules 1230.0700
Open market bids, Minn. Rules 1230.0300
Opening, Minn. Rules 1230.0700
Preferences, see same under this topic
Rail service improvement projects, Minn. Rules 8830.5650
Rejection, Minn. Rules 1230.0700
Requests for bids (RFBs), cancellation, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 1230.0100
Security, Minn. Rules 1230.1100
Set-asides, see same under this topic
Solid waste, abandoned motor vehicles and scrap metal, package bid disposition, Minn. Rules 7035.3400
Specifications, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
State lands, leases, state as lessor, Minn. Rules 1245.0900
State surplus property sales
Auctioneers, Minn. Rules 1255.0400
Generally, Minn. Rules 1255.0500, 1255.0600
Tied bids, treatment, Minn. Rules 1230.0900
Violations and penalties, Minn. Rules 1230.1200, 1230.1820
Withdrawal, procedures, Minn. Rules 1230.0600
Breach of contract
Annual bid and supply bonds, attachment, Minn. Rules 1230.0500
Liquidated damages, see same under this topic
Burden of proof, preferences, eligibility determinations, Minn. Rules 1230.1601, 1230.1700
Cancellation, Minn. Rules 1230.1200
Conflicts of interest, Minn. Rules 1230.0750
Conflicts of law
Bid conditions, Minn. Rules 1230.0400
Preferences, governing law, Minn. Rules 1230.1450
Consultant services, preferences
Application of law, Minn. Rules 1230.1910
Targeted group businesses, subcontracts, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Contested cases, preferences
Certified directories, removal from, Minn. Rules 1230.1850
Discovery, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Eligibility determinations, Minn. Rules 1230.1700
Targeted group subcontractor use, penalty assessments, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Bids and bidding, see same under this topic
Notice given, inability to perform, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Notice received
Debarment or suspension, Minn. Rules 1230.1150
Small businesses, referrals to Employment and Economic Development Department, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Targeted group subcontractor use, penalty assessments, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Performance bonds, forfeiture, Minn. Rules 1230.0500, 1230.1175
Preferences, Minn. Rules 1230.1400 to 1230.1910
Rejected items, duties, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Targeted small group businesses, subcontracts, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Violations and penalties, Minn. Rules 1230.1200, 1230.1820
Cooperation, failure to cooperate considered inability to perform, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Liquidated damages, see same under this topic
Vendors, failure to perform, Minn. Rules 1230.1100
Data practices
Application of law, Minn. Rules 1205.0100
Generally, see GOVERNMENT DATA
Standard industrial classification (SIC), use, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Debarment or suspension
Awards to debarred vendors, Minn. Rules 1230.1180
Generally, Minn. Rules 1230.1150
Reinstatement, see same under this topic
Terminations, conditions, Minn. Rules 1230.1180
Transportation Department contracts, Minn. Rules 1230.3000 to 1230.4300
Default, Minn. Rules 1230.1100
Definitions, generally, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Directories, small business procurement program, Minn. Rules 1230.1805, 1230.1850
Disclosure, small business procurement program, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Discovery, Employment and Economic Development Department records, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Economically disadvantaged area small business program
Preferences, Minn. Rules 1230.1400 to 1230.1910
Set-asides, see same under this topic
Economically disadvantaged area small businesses
Directories, Minn. Rules 1230.1805, 1230.1850
Notice given, changes in information, Minn. Rules 1230.1905
Proportional utilization, Minn. Rules 1230.1810
Reporting requirements, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Bids and bidding, see same under this topic
Limitations, Minn. Rules 1230.1860
Lists of vendors, see same under this topic
Preferences, Minn. Rules 1230.1400 to 1230.1910
Set-asides, see same under this topic
Environmental permit coordination, information center grants, Minn. Rules 4350.3120
Forfeitures, bid security, Minn. Rules 1230.0500
Hearings, targeted group subcontractor use, penalties, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Incentives, application of law, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Inspections, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Investigations, reinstatements, Minn. Rules 1230.1175
Joint ventures, defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Liability, vendors, replacement of rejected items, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Liquidated damages
Bid security, Minn. Rules 1230.0500
Defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Vendors, failure to perform, Minn. Rules 1230.1100
Lists of vendors
Debarment and suspensions, Minn. Rules 1230.1150
Materials management division, duties, Minn. Rules 1230.0300
Removal from, Minn. Rules 1230.0300, 1230.1850
Material variances, defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Minnesota firms, preferences, Minn. Rules 1230.0900
Open market
Defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Purchases, replacement items, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Generally, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Probationary period, Minn. Rules 1230.1175
Small businesses, inability to perform, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Performance bonds, forfeitures, Minn. Rules 1230.0500, 1230.1175
Administration, Minn. Rules 1230.1400
Appeals, Minn. Rules 1230.1609, 1230.1700, 1230.1850
Bid invitations, Minn. Rules 1230.1810, 1230.1820, 1230.1900
Incentive rule, application of law, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Rebidding, Minn. Rules 1230.1810, 1230.1820
Targeted group small businesses, Minn. Rules 1230.1810, 1230.1820
Targeted group subcontractor use violations, cancellation, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Conflict of laws, governing law, Minn. Rules 1230.1450
Contested cases, Minn. Rules 1230.1700, 1230.1850
Definitions, Minn. Rules 1230.0150, 1230.1600
Directories, Minn. Rules 1230.1805, 1230.1850, 1230.1900
Denials, Minn. Rules 1230.1609, 1230.1700
Generally, Minn. Rules 1230.1600
Limitations, Minn. Rules 1230.1860
Lists, removal from, Minn. Rules 1230.1850
Operating control, Minn. Rules 1230.1605
Ownership, Minn. Rules 1230.1604
Reinstatement, Minn. Rules 1230.1850
Social and economic disadvantage, Minn. Rules 1230.1603
Termination, Minn. Rules 1230.1860
Group membership determinations, Minn. Rules 1230.1602
Incentive rule, application of law, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Minnesota firms, Minn. Rules 1230.0900
Penalties, Minn. Rules 1230.1820, 1230.1850
Procedures, Minn. Rules 1230.1608
Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 1230.1400
Revenue and sales limitations, Minn. Rules 1230.1700, 1230.1860
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 1230.1450
Set-asides, see same under this topic
Standards, Minn. Rules 1230.1601, 1230.1606, 1230.1607
Subcontractors, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Prices, adjustments, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Professional or technical services
Application of law, Minn. Rules 1230.1910
Targeted group businesses, subcontracts, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Errors, Minn. Rules 1230.0600
Minor deficiencies or informalities, waivers, Minn. Rules 1230.0700
Opening, Minn. Rules 1230.0700
Rejection, Minn. Rules 1230.0700
Withdrawal, procedures, Minn. Rules 1230.0600
Cancellation, Minn. Rules 1230.1200
Laboratory testing, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Purchase orders, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Rejected items, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Purpose of rules, preferences, Minn. Rules 1230.1400
Records and record keeping
Consultant, professional, and technical services, awards, Minn. Rules 1230.1910
Debarment and suspensions, Minn. Rules 1230.1150
Rehabilitation facilities, purchases from, application procedures, Minn. Rules 1230.1300
Applications, Minn. Rules 1230.1175
Defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Determination procedures, Minn. Rules 1230.1175
Preferences, Minn. Rules 1230.1850
Probationary periods, Minn. Rules 1230.1175
Rejections, see Performance under this topic
Requests for bids (RFBs)
Annual bid and supply bonds, Minn. Rules 1230.0500
Bid conditions, Minn. Rules 1230.0400
Cancellation, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Security, Minn. Rules 1230.0500
Requests for proposals (RFPs)
Annual bid and supply bonds, Minn. Rules 1230.0500
Cancellation, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Preferences, subcontractors, waivers, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Solicitation conditions, Minn. Rules 1230.0400
Responsible vendors
Defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Determinations, Minn. Rules 1230.1150
Lists, Minn. Rules 1230.0300, 1230.1850
Scope of rules
Competitive bidding, Minn. Rules 1230.0100
Generally, Minn. Rules 1230.0100
Preferences, Minn. Rules 1230.1450
Sealed bids, see Bids and bidding under this topic
Eligibility, Minn. Rules 1230.1600, 1230.1850, 1230.1860
Joint ventures, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Revenue and sales limitations, Minn. Rules 1230.1860
Small business procurement program, Minn. Rules 1230.1400 to 1230.1910
Socially and economically disadvantaged small businesses
Directories, Minn. Rules 1230.1805, 1230.1850
Notice given, changes in information, Minn. Rules 1230.1905
Proportional utilization, Minn. Rules 1230.1810
Reporting requirements, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Socially and economically disadvantaged small businesses, defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Socially disadvantaged or economically disadvantaged area small businesses
Preferences, Minn. Rules 1230.1400 to 1230.1910
Set-asides, see same under this topic
Defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Targeted group businesses, Minn. Rules 1230.1820
Violations and penalties, Minn. Rules 1230.1200, 1230.1820
Suspension, see Debarment or suspension under this topic
Targeted group businesses
Bids and bidding, see same under this topic
Defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Preferences, Minn. Rules 1230.1400 to 1230.1910
Set-asides, see same under this topic
Subcontractors, see same under this topic
Third party lessors, preferences, eligibility, exclusion, Minn. Rules 1230.1600
Variances, material variances, defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Bid security checks, return, Minn. Rules 1230.0500
Bids and bidding, see same under this topic
Conflicts of interest, Minn. Rules 1230.0750
Debarment or suspension, see same under this topic
Default, Minn. Rules 1230.1100
Disclosures, conflicts of interest, Minn. Rules 1230.0750
Liability, replacement of rejected items, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Notice given, bids, withdrawal, Minn. Rules 1230.0600
Notice received
Annual bid and supply bonds, attachment, Minn. Rules 1230.0500
Bid rejections, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Debarment or suspension, Minn. Rules 1230.1150
Deliveries, rejection, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Performance bonds, forfeiture, Minn. Rules 1230.0500, 1230.1175
Preferences, Minn. Rules 1230.1400 to 1230.1910
Registration, Minn. Rules 1230.0300
Reinstatement, see same under this topic
Rejected items, duties, Minn. Rules 1230.1000
Set-asides, see same under this topic
Veteran-owned small businesses
Defined, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Directories, Minn. Rules 1230.1805
Preferences, Minn. Rules 1230.1400 to 1230.1910
Proportional utilization, Minn. Rules 1230.1810
Reporting requirements, Minn. Rules 1230.1900
Bids, minor deficiencies or informalities, Minn. Rules 1230.0700
Contractors, targeted small group businesses, subcontracts, Minn. Rules 1230.1820