Agency responsibilities, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Auxiliary aids and services for effective communication
Defined, Minn. Rules 3300.5010
Providing, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Blind persons rehabilitation services, Minn. Rules 3325.0100 to 3325.0478
Child care, providing, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Comparable benefits, Minn. Rules 3300.5050
Computer hardware and software, providing, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Consumer financial participation threshold, Minn. Rules 3300.5040
Continuation of services, changed categories, Minn. Rules 3300.5020
Counseling, state services, exemption from counselor licensing laws, Minn. Rules 2150.7575
Definitions, Minn. Rules 3300.5010
Durable medical equipment
Defined, Minn. Rules 3300.5010
Providing, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Eligible consumers, comparable benefits, use, Minn. Rules 3300.5050
Eligible individuals
Defined, Minn. Rules 3300.5010
Generally, Minn. Rules 3300.5040
Exclusion from rules, blind persons, Minn. Rules 3300.5000
Financial participation, Minn. Rules 3300.5040
Interpreter services, defined, Minn. Rules 3300.5010
Maintenance, providing, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Mentally ill persons, residential facilities for adults, program services, Minn. Rules 9520.0620
Minnesota sexual psychopathic personality treatment center, see Treatment under MINNESOTA SEXUAL PSYCHOPATHIC PERSONALITY TREATMENT CENTER
Notetaker services, defined, Minn. Rules 3300.5010
Personal assistance services, providing, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Physical and mental restoration services, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Public safety officers, priority for services, Minn. Rules 3300.5030
Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 3300.5000
Reader services, defined, Minn. Rules 3300.5010
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 3300.5000
Selection for services, Minn. Rules 3300.5020, 3300.5030
Small business enterprises, assisting to establish, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Tools and equipment, providing, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Transportation services, providing, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Tuition, providing, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Variances, financial participation, Minn. Rules 3300.5040
Vocational adjustment training, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Vocational evaluation services, Minn. Rules 3300.5060
Workplace accident and injury reduction, employers, duties, Minn. Rules 5208.1500