Section | Headnote |
281.001 | MS 2006 [Renumbered 15.001] |
281.02 | AMOUNT PAYABLE. |
281.06 | UNDIVIDED PART. |
281.08 | SPECIFIC PART. |
281.13 | MS 1998 [Repealed, 1999 c 243 art 13 s 21] |
281.15 | MS 1994 [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] |
281.19 | WHO MAY REDEEM. |
281.20 | MS 1998 [Repealed, 2000 c 260 s 97] |
281.22 | MS 2016 [Repealed, 1Sp2017 c 1 art 2 s 43; art 15 s 37] |
281.23 | NOTICE. |
281.26 | MS 1994 [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] |
281.27 | MS 1994 [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] |
281.30 | SERVICE. |
281.328 | MS 2012 [Repealed, 2014 c 308 art 9 s 94] |
281.34 | FEES FOR NOTICE. |
281.36 | MS 1982 [Repealed, 1983 c 342 art 15 s 39] |
281.37 | MS 2010 [Repealed, 2011 c 112 art 7 s 9] |
281.38 | MS 1998 [Repealed, 1999 c 243 art 13 s 21] |
281.41 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.42 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.43 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.44 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.45 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.46 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.47 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.48 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.49 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.50 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.51 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.52 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.53 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.54 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.55 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.56 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.57 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.58 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.59 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.60 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.61 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.62 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.63 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.64 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.65 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.66 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
281.67 | MS 1941 [Unnecessary] |
Any person claiming an interest in any parcel of land bid in by the state at a tax sale may redeem the same within the time and in the manner in this chapter provided.
Any person redeeming any parcel of land shall pay into the county treasury, the amount for which the same was bid in, the amount of all subsequent delinquent taxes, penalties, costs, and interest thereon at the rate provided in section 279.03.
The county auditor shall certify to the amount due on such redemption, and, on payment of the same to the county treasurer, shall make duplicate receipts for the certified amount, describing the property redeemed, one of which shall be filed with the auditor. Such receipts shall be governed by the provisions of this chapter regulating the payment of current taxes and such payment shall have the effect to annul the sale. If the amount certified by the auditor and received in payment for redemption be less than that required by law, it shall not invalidate the redemption. On redemption being made, the auditor shall record the parcel as redeemed.
(2153) RL s 947; 1983 c 342 art 15 s 22; 1986 c 444; 2014 c 308 art 9 s 49
Minors, persons with a mental illness, persons with a developmental disability, or persons in captivity or in any country with which the United States is at war, having an estate in or lien on lands sold for taxes, of record in the office of the county recorder of the county where the lands lie, before the expiration of three years from the date of such sale, may redeem the same within one year after such disability shall cease; but in such case the right to redeem must be established in a suit for that purpose brought against the party holding the title under the sale.
(2154) RL s 948; 1976 c 181 s 2; 2005 c 56 s 1; 2013 c 59 art 3 s 4
When the owner of lands sold for taxes dies after such sale and before the expiration of the period of redemption, a personal representative or any person interested in the owner's estate as heir, devisee, legatee, or creditor, may redeem from such sale during the period for redemption. If such redemption be made by a personal representative, the representative shall at the time thereof produce to the county auditor letters issued pursuant to chapter 524. If made by any other person, the person shall make and file with the county auditor an affidavit stating under what right or claim such redemption is made. The auditor shall make and deliver to the person making such redemption a certificate containing the name of the person redeeming, a statement of the claim or right upon which such redemption was made, the amount paid to redeem, a description of the lands redeemed, the date of the sale, and the year in which the taxes for which such sale was made were levied, which certificate shall have the effect to annul such sale, and may be recorded as other deeds of real estate, and with the like effect. If such redemption be made by a creditor, the amount paid to effect such redemption, with interest thereon at the rate provided in section 279.03, shall constitute a valid claim against the estate of the deceased.
(2155) RL s 949; 1983 c 342 art 15 s 23; 1986 c 444
Any person claiming an undivided part of any parcel of land sold for taxes may redeem the same on paying such proportion of the amount required for redemption as the part so claimed bears to the whole.
Any person claiming an undivided share in any parcel of land out of which an undivided part has been sold for taxes may redeem the undivided share claimed by paying such proportion of the amount required for redemption as the undivided share claimed bears to such undivided part.
Any person claiming a specific part of any parcel of land sold for taxes may redeem the specific part by paying such proportion of the amount required for redemption as the value of such specific part bears to the whole.
Any person claiming a specific part of any parcel of land out of which an undivided part has been sold for taxes charged on the whole parcel may redeem the specific part by paying such proportion of the amount required for redemption as the value of such specific part bears to the value of the whole of such parcel.
When a partial redemption is asked for pursuant to section 281.08 or section 281.09, the county auditor, after notice to all parties interested, shall determine the proportion to be paid by the person applying to redeem and the auditor's decision shall be final thereon. Such notice shall be given by delivering a copy of the notice to the party to be notified, or, if the party cannot be found in the county, by leaving a copy thereof at the party's residence or usual place of business therein; but, if the party have no such residence or place of business, and cannot be found in the county, of which facts, or either of them, the affidavit of the person appointed by the auditor to give such notice shall be evidence, the auditor shall give two weeks' published notice thereof; the last publication to be not less than ten days prior to the day fixed by the auditor for the determination of such matter. The auditor shall not be required to proceed under this section until the applicant pay to the auditor such sum as shall be reasonably sufficient to reimburse the auditor for expenses necessarily to be incurred in giving or publishing such notice.
Any person holding an interest in a tract of land which forms a part less than the whole of a tract of land as listed for taxation, including mortgagees, lessees, and others, who by law or contract are required or entitled to pay taxes to protect any right, title, interest, claim, or lien held by them in, to, or upon such tract less than the whole so listed, may pay such portion of the taxes assessed against the whole tract of land as may be determined as the proper proportion of such taxes to be apportioned against the lesser tract by the county auditor, after notice to all parties interested given in the manner provided by section 281.10. The county auditor shall give notice as provided by section 281.10, and not less than 10, nor more than 20, days after such notice, shall determine the portion of the tax on the whole tract to be charged to such lesser tract, and any person may pay such portion to the county treasurer, and upon payment to the county treasurer of the amount so charged to such lesser tract the treasurer shall give a receipt for the amount so paid and specify the tract so paid on, and enter on the tax list the name of the person who paid such taxes and the tract on which the tax was so paid, and report to the auditor the payment of such taxes on such tract. Thereupon the tract shall be exempt from proceedings to enforce the collection of the tax against the remaining tract upon which such tax has not been paid and the collection of such tax upon the remaining tract upon which the taxes have not been paid shall be proceeded within the same manner as to such remaining tract as though it were listed as a separate description.
(2161) 1923 c 344 s 1; 1986 c 444
When the land of any person is sold for taxes assessed conjointly on such land and the land of another person, and such other person shall not make a proportional payment, the person whose land is sold may redeem the same by paying the amount required to redeem, and may recover from such other person whose land was assessed conjointly a just proportion of the redemption money so paid, with interest from the time of such redemption. Such just proportion and interest shall be a lien upon the land of such other person so sold and, after expiration of the time allowed for redemption, may be collected out of such land by sale thereof, by foreclosure or other proper action or proceeding; provided, that the same shall not be a lien until the person paying the same, or the person's agent or attorney, shall make and file for record with the county recorder of the county where the land lies an affidavit, stating the amount paid for which such other person is liable, and that the payer claims a lien therefor.
(2162) RL s 955; 1976 c 181 s 2; 1986 c 444
The time for redemption from any tax sale, whether made to the state or to a private person, shall not expire until notice of expiration of redemption, as provided in section 281.17, shall have been given.
The term "stated period of redemption," as used in sections 281.16 to 281.25, means the period of time specified in those sections or in any other law for redemption of lands from any tax judgment sale, including any extension of the period originally prescribed, but not including any further time allowed for redemption on account of requirements for giving notice of expiration.
(a) Except for properties described in paragraphs (b) and (c), or properties for which the period of redemption has been limited under sections 281.173 and 281.174, the period of redemption for lands sold to the state at a tax judgment sale shall be three years from the date of sale to the state of Minnesota.
(b) The period of redemption for all lands located in a targeted community as defined in section 469.201, subdivision 10, except homesteaded lands as defined in section 273.13, subdivision 22, is one year from the date of sale.
(c) The period of redemption for all real property constituting a mixed municipal solid waste disposal facility that is a qualified facility under section 115B.39, subdivision 1, is one year from the date of the sale to the state of Minnesota.
(d) In determining the period of redemption, the county must use the property's classification and homestead classification for the assessment year on which the tax judgment is based. Any change in the property's classification or homestead classification after the assessment year on which the tax judgment is based does not affect the period of redemption.
(2164-6) 1935 c 278 s 2; 1975 c 437 art 13 s 1; 1977 c 434 s 14; 1983 c 342 art 15 s 24; 1Sp1985 c 14 art 4 s 84; 1987 c 268 art 6 s 45; 1987 c 386 art 6 s 1; 1990 c 604 art 3 s 36; 1991 c 265 art 9 s 68; 1991 c 291 art 1 s 33; art 12 s 18; 1992 c 511 art 2 s 26; art 4 s 18; 1994 c 639 art 1 s 11; 1996 c 471 art 3 s 28; 1Sp2001 c 5 art 3 s 58; 2003 c 127 art 5 s 32; 2013 c 143 art 4 s 25; 2014 c 308 art 9 s 50; 1Sp2017 c 1 art 2 s 25
This section applies if at any time after the tax sale as provided in section 280.01 has occurred but before notice of expiration of time for redemption has been given, a court order is entered reducing to five weeks the redemption period during which the owner, the owner's personal representatives and assigns, or any other person holding an interest in the premises, may redeem the premises in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Any city, county, housing and redevelopment authority, port authority, or economic development authority, in which the premises are located may commence an action in district court to reduce the period otherwise allowed for redemption under this chapter. The action must be commenced by the filing of a complaint, naming as defendants the record fee owners or the owner's personal representative, or the owner's heirs as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, contract for deed purchasers, mortgagees, assigns of any of the above, the taxpayers as shown on the records of the county auditor, the Internal Revenue Service of the United States and the Revenue Department of the state of Minnesota if tax liens against the owners or contract for deed purchasers have been recorded or filed; and any other person the plaintiff determines should be made a party. The action shall be filed in district court for the county in which the premises are located. The complaint must identify the premises by legal description. The complaint must allege (1) that the premises are abandoned, (2) that the tax judgment sale pursuant to section 280.01 has been made, and (3) notice of expiration of the time for redemption has not been given.
The complaint must request an order reducing the redemption period to five weeks. When the complaint has been filed, the court shall issue a summons commanding the person or persons named in the complaint to appear before the court on a day and at a place stated in the summons. The appearance date shall be not less than 15 nor more than 25 days from the date of the issuing of the summons. A copy of the filed complaint must be attached to the summons.
The summons and complaint may be served by any person not named a party to the action. The summons and complaint must be served at least seven days before the appearance date, in the manner provided for service of a summons and complaint in a civil action in the district court, and posted in a conspicuous place on the premises. If a defendant cannot be found in the state, then upon an affidavit to that effect being filed with the court, the summons and complaint may be served by sending a copy by certified mail to the defendant's last known address, if any, at least ten days before the appearance date. Summons by certified mail is complete upon mailing. If personal or certified mail service cannot be made on a defendant, then the plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney may file an affidavit to that effect with the court and service by posting the summons and complaint on the premises is sufficient as to that defendant. Service upon the United States of America shall be made in accordance with applicable federal law.
At the hearing on the summons and complaint, the court shall enter an order reducing the redemption period to five weeks from the date of the order, if evidence is presented supporting the allegations in the complaint and no appearance is made to oppose the relief sought. An affidavit by the sheriff or a deputy sheriff of the county in which the premises are located, or of a building inspector, zoning administrator, housing official, or other municipal or county official having jurisdiction over the premises, stating that the premises are not actually lawfully occupied and further setting forth any of the following supporting facts, is prima facie evidence of abandonment:
(1) windows or entrances to the premises are boarded up or closed off, or multiple window panes are broken and unrepaired;
(2) doors to the premises are smashed through, broken off, unhinged, or continuously unlocked;
(3) gas, electric, or water service to the premises has been terminated;
(4) rubbish, trash, or debris has accumulated on the premises;
(5) the police or sheriff's office has received at least two reports of trespassers on the premises, or of vandalism or other illegal acts being committed on the premises; or
(6) the premises are deteriorating and are either below or are in imminent danger of falling below minimum community standards for public safety and sanitation.
The court may consider an affidavit from any other person having personal knowledge, which states facts supporting any other allegations in the complaint. Written statements of the owner, the owner's personal representatives or assigns, including documents of conveyance, which indicate a clear intent to abandon the premises, are conclusive evidence of abandonment. In the absence of affidavits or written statements, or if rebuttal evidence is offered by the defendant or a party lawfully claiming an interest through the defendant, the court may consider any competent evidence, including oral testimony, concerning any allegations in the complaint. An order entered under this section must contain specific findings of abandonment and must contain a legal description of the premises.
Within ten days after the order is entered, a certified copy of the order must be filed by the moving party with the office of the county recorder or registrar of titles and with the auditor for the county in which the premises are located. Failure to file the order within ten days shall not invalidate the proceedings.
If the property is not redeemed within five weeks of the date of entry of the order the county auditor, without further notice, shall execute a certificate as provided for in section 281.23, subdivision 9.
This section applies regardless of the subject property's homestead tax status at the time of sale.
This section applies to property located within a city if at any time after the tax sale as provided in section 280.01 has occurred but before notice of expiration of time for redemption has been given, a court order is entered reducing to five weeks the redemption period on property under subdivision 2 during which the owner, the owner's personal representatives and assigns, or any other person holding an interest in the property, may redeem that property in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.
Only property that meets all of the following criteria is subject to the five-week redemption period as provided in this section:
(1) the property is located in a targeted neighborhood revitalization program under section 469.201;
(2) no structures are located on the land;
(3) the property is classified under section 273.13 as residential; and
(4) a residential structure existed on the land within the last five years.
Any city, county, housing and redevelopment authority, port authority, or economic development authority in which the property is located may commence an action in district court to reduce the period otherwise allowed for redemption under this chapter from the date of the requested order. The action must be commenced by the filing of a complaint, naming as defendants the record fee owners or the owner's personal representative, or the owner's heirs as determined by a court of competent jurisdiction, contract for deed purchasers, mortgagees, assigns of any of the above, the taxpayers as shown on the records of the county auditor, the Internal Revenue Service of the United States and the revenue department of the state of Minnesota if tax liens against the owners or contract for deed purchasers have been recorded or filed, and any other person the plaintiff determines should be made a party. The action shall be filed in district court for the county in which the property is located. The complaint must identify the property by legal description. The complaint must allege (1) that the property is vacant, (2) that the tax judgment sale under section 280.01 has been made, and (3) notice of expiration of the time for redemption has not been given.
The complaint must request an order reducing the redemption period to five weeks. When the complaint has been filed, the court shall issue a summons commanding the person or persons named in the complaint to appear before the court on a day and at a place stated in the summons. The appearance date shall be not less than 15 nor more than 25 days from the date of the issuing of the summons, except that, when the United States of America is a party, the date shall be set in accordance with applicable federal law. A copy of the filed complaint must be attached to the summons.
The summons and complaint may be served by any person not named a party to the action. The summons and complaint must be served at least seven days before the appearance date, in the manner provided for service of a summons and complaint in a civil action in the district court, and posted in a conspicuous place on the property. If a defendant cannot be found in the state, then upon an affidavit to that effect being filed with the court, the summons and complaint may be served by sending a copy by certified mail to the defendant's last known address, if any, at least ten days before the appearance date. Summons by certified mail is complete upon mailing. If personal or certified mail service cannot be made on a defendant, then the plaintiff or plaintiff's attorney may file an affidavit to that effect with the court and service by posting the summons and complaint on the premises is sufficient as to that defendant.
At the hearing on the summons and complaint, the court shall enter an order reducing the redemption period to five weeks from the date of the order, if evidence is presented supporting the allegations in the complaint and no appearance is made to oppose the relief sought. An affidavit from any person having personal knowledge about the property may be filed stating facts supporting any allegations in the complaint. In the absence of affidavits or written statements, or if rebuttal evidence is offered by the defendant or a party lawfully claiming an interest through the defendant, the court may consider any competent evidence, including oral testimony, concerning any allegations in the complaint. An order entered under this section must contain a legal description of the property.
Within ten days after the order is entered, a certified copy of the order must be filed by the moving party with the office of the county recorder or registrar of titles and with the auditor for the county in which the property is located. Failure to file the order within ten days shall not invalidate the proceedings.
If the property is not redeemed within five weeks of the date of entry of the order the county auditor, without further notice, shall execute a certificate as provided for in section 281.23, subdivision 9.
Every parcel of land heretofore sold to the state at any tax judgment sale and now subject to redemption shall continue subject to redemption until the expiration of the time allowed for redemption after the giving of notice of expiration as provided by law. Upon the expiration of such time absolute title to such parcel, if not theretofore redeemed, shall vest in the state.
Redemption of any parcel of land referred to in section 281.18 may be made by any person interested in such parcel in the manner otherwise provided by law.
Notice of expiration of the time for redemption of any parcel of lands sold to an actual purchaser at any tax judgment sale hereafter held, or bid in for the state at any such sale and thereafter assigned to an actual purchaser, shall be given and served as provided by section 281.23. Such notice may be issued and served at any time not earlier than 60 days before the expiration of the stated period of redemption of such parcel from such sale. The time for redemption of any such parcel from such sale shall expire 60 days after the service of such notice and the filing of proof thereof in the office of the county auditor.
In case any parcel of land bid in for the state at any tax judgment sale has not been redeemed by 120 days before the expiration of the period of redemption of such parcel, it shall be the duty of the county auditor thereupon forthwith to give notice of expiration of the time for redemption of such parcel, as herein provided; provided, that delay in giving such notice shall not affect the validity thereof.
The notice of expiration of redemption must contain the tax parcel identification numbers and legal descriptions of parcels subject to notice of expiration of redemption provisions prescribed under subdivision 1. The notice must also indicate the names of taxpayers and fee owners of record in the office of the county auditor at the time the notice is prepared and names of those parties who have filed their addresses according to section 276.041 and the amount of payment necessary to redeem as of the date of the notice. At the option of the county auditor, the current filed addresses of affected persons may be included on the notice. The notice is sufficient if substantially in the following form:
Office of the County Auditor
County of ......................., State of Minnesota.
To all persons having an interest in lands described in this notice:
You are notified that the parcels of land described in this notice and located in the county of ................................, state of Minnesota, are subject to forfeiture to the state of Minnesota because of nonpayment of delinquent property taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs levied on those parcels. The time for redemption from forfeiture expires if a redemption is not made by the later of (1) 60 days after service of this notice on all persons having an interest in the lands of record at the office of the county recorder or registrar of titles, or (2) by the second Monday in May. The redemption must be made in my office.
IMPORTANT: If the parcels forfeit, they will be sold. If the proceeds from the sale exceed the total amount of the delinquent taxes, special assessments, penalties, interest, and costs assigned to those parcels, you may be entitled to the excess proceeds from the sale. If there are excess proceeds, you will be notified and must submit the claim form included with the notification in order to receive the proceeds.
Names (and Current Filed Addresses) for the Taxpayers and Fee Owners and Those Parties Who Have Filed Their Addresses Pursuant to section 276.041 | Legal Description | Tax Parcel Number | Amount Necessary to Redeem as of Date of Notice | |||
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... | .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... | .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... | .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... | |||
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... | .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... | .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... | .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... |
Inquiries as to these proceedings can be made to the County Auditor for ............... County, whose address is set forth below.
Witness my hand and official seal this ............................ day of ................, .......
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... | |||
County Auditor | |||
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... | |||
(Address) | |||
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... | |||
(Telephone)." |
The notice must be posted by the auditor in the auditor's office, subject to public inspection, and must remain so posted until at least one week after the date of the last publication of notice, as provided in this section. Proof of posting must be made by the certificate of the auditor, filed in the auditor's office.
As soon as practicable after the posting of the notice prescribed in subdivision 2, the county auditor shall cause to be published for two successive weeks in the official newspaper of the county, the notice prescribed by subdivision 2.
An affidavit establishing proof of publication of the notice affidavit, as provided by law, must be filed in the office of the county auditor. A single published notice may include parcels of land bid in at different tax judgment sales, but included parcels must have a common year for expiration of redemption.
Forthwith after the commencement of such publication, the county auditor shall cause the notice of expiration of redemption to be mailed by certified mail, return receipt requested, to all real property taxpayers and fee owners and in addition to those parties who have filed their addresses pursuant to section 276.041. Proof of such mailing shall be made by the certificate of the auditor filed in the auditor's office. Failure to receive the notice shall not operate to postpone or excuse any default.
In this section, "occupied parcel" means a parcel containing a structure subject to property taxation.
Immediately after the commencement of publication or mailing the county auditor shall deliver to the sheriff of the county or any other person not less than 18 years of age a sufficient number of copies of the notice of expiration of redemption for service on the persons in possession of all parcels of such land actually occupied, and documentation if the certified mail notice was returned as undeliverable or the notice was not mailed to the address associated with the property. Within 30 days after receipt of the notice, the sheriff or other person serving the notice shall investigate as necessary to ascertain whether or not the parcels covered by the notice are actually occupied parcels, and shall serve a copy of the notice of expiration of redemption upon the person in possession of each parcel found to be an occupied parcel, in the manner prescribed for serving summons in a civil action. If the sheriff or another person serving the notice has made at least two attempts to serve the notice of expiration of redemption, one between the weekday hours of 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and the other on a different day and different time period, the sheriff or another person serving the notice may accomplish this service by posting a copy of the notice of expiration of redemption on a conspicuous location on the parcel. The sheriff or other person serving the notice shall make prompt return to the auditor as to all notices so served and as to all parcels found vacant and unoccupied and parcels served by posting. The return must be made on a copy of the notice and is prima facie evidence of the facts stated in it.
If the notice is served by the sheriff, the sheriff shall receive from the county, in addition to other compensation prescribed by law, fees and mileage for service on persons in possession as prescribed by law for such service in other cases, and shall also receive compensation for making investigation and return as to vacant and unoccupied lands as the county board may fix, subject to appeal to the district court as in case of other claims against the county. As to either service upon persons in possession or return as to vacant lands, the sheriff shall charge mileage only for one trip if the occupants of more than two tracts are served simultaneously, and in such case mileage must be prorated and charged equitably against all such owners.
The time for redemption of any parcel of land as to which notice of expiration has been given, as provided in subdivisions 2, 3, 5, and 6, shall expire 60 days after the giving of such notice and the filing of proof thereof in the office of the county auditor.
The cost of giving notice, as provided by subdivisions 2, 3, 5, and 6, shall be paid by the county. The county may recover costs incurred for posting, publishing, mailing, and serving the notice from the owner of the parcel that is the subject of the notice.
After the time for redemption of any lands shall have expired after notice given, as provided in subdivisions 2, 3, 5, and 6, the county auditor shall execute a certificate describing the lands, specifying the tax judgment sale at which the same were bid in for the state, and stating that the time for redemption thereof has expired after notice given as provided by law and that absolute title thereto has vested in the state of Minnesota. Such certificate shall be recorded in the office of the county recorder, except that in case of registered land such certificate shall be recorded in the office of the registrar of titles. Such certificate and the record thereof shall be prima facie evidence of the facts therein stated, but failure to execute or record or file such certificate shall not affect the validity of any proceedings hereunder respecting such lands or the title of the state thereto.
(2164-12) 1935 c 278 s 8; 1976 c 181 s 2; 1Sp1981 c 1 art 2 s 17; 1983 c 342 art 15 s 26; 1Sp1985 c 14 art 20 s 12; 1986 c 444; 1992 c 511 art 4 s 19; 1993 c 158 s 2; 1997 c 231 art 2 s 27,28; 1998 c 254 art 1 s 107; 1999 c 133 s 5; 1999 c 243 art 13 s 5-7; 2006 c 259 art 5 s 6; 2024 c 127 art 70 s 3
If the county auditor provides notice as required by section 281.23, the state, agency, political subdivision, or other entity that becomes the fee owner or manager of a property as a result of forfeiture due to nonpayment of real property taxes is not required to expend public funds to maintain any servitude, agreement, easement, or other encumbrance affecting the property. The fee owner or manager of a property may, at its discretion, spend public funds necessary for the maintenance, security, or management of the property.
Every parcel of land heretofore bid in for the state at any tax judgment sale and not heretofore sold or assigned to an actual purchaser, and every parcel of land hereafter bid in for the state at any such sale, unless redeemed, shall remain subject to assignment to an actual purchaser in the manner provided by law until the date of forfeiture of such parcel, but no longer. In case any such parcel shall be so assigned after notice of expiration of redemption has been given by the county auditor, such notice shall be ineffectual as to such parcel, and the time for redemption of such parcel shall continue until terminated after notice given as in other cases of parcels assigned to actual purchasers. In the case of those tracts entitled to the benefit of one-year's notice of expiration of the period of redemption such one-year period shall not be shortened by reason of any sale or assignment of the tax judgment or certificate covering such tract.
Except as otherwise provided by law, the title to every parcel of land acquired by the state shall be held by the state in trust for the respective taxing districts interested in the taxes, assessments, penalties, interest, and costs accrued against such parcel at the time of such acquisition in proportion to the respective interests of such taxing districts therein.
When a county sheriff or other person serves notice of expiration of the time for redemption of any parcel of real property from delinquent taxes upon any occupant of the real property, the sheriff or other person shall inquire of the occupant and otherwise as the sheriff or other person may deem proper whether the real property was owned and occupied for dwelling, professional, business or agricultural purposes by a person in the military service of the United States as defined in the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, as amended, or the person's dependents at the commencement of the period of military service. On finding that the real property is so owned, the sheriff or other person shall make a certificate to the county auditor, setting forth the description of the property, the name of the owner, the particulars of the owner's military service so far as ascertained or claimed, and the names and addresses of the persons of whom the sheriff or other person made inquiry. The certificate shall be filed with the county auditor and shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated. If the real property described in the certificate becomes forfeited to the state, it shall be withheld from sale or conveyance as tax-forfeited property in accordance with and subject to the provisions of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, as amended, except that the requirement in United States Code, title 50, section 560, that the property be occupied by the dependent or employee of the person in military service does not apply. The period of withholding from sale or conveyance shall be no longer than is required by that act. If upon further investigation the sheriff or other person finds at any time that the certificate is erroneous in any particular, the sheriff or other person shall file a supplemental certificate referring to the matter in error and stating the facts as found. The supplemental certificate shall be prima facie evidence of the facts stated, and shall supersede any prior certificate so far as in conflict therewith. If it appears from the supplemental certificate that the owner of the real property affected is not entitled to have the same withheld from sale under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, as amended, the property shall not be withheld from sale further under this section.
The owner of any real property withheld from sale pursuant to section 281.273, or the owner's agent or representative, may at any time while entitled to have the same withheld from sale under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, as amended, pay the aggregate amount of all delinquent taxes and assessments as provided in subdivision 2 in one payment without penalties, interest or costs or in ten installments as provided in subdivision 3. Upon full payment of such aggregate amount of all delinquent taxes and assessments, the forfeiture shall be canceled and of no effect, and the county auditor shall certify to the commissioner of revenue the following facts: The description of the real property, the name of the owner thereof, the particulars of the owner's military service for the United States, so far as known, the payment in full of the aggregate amount of such taxes and assessments, and the date thereof. Upon receipt of such certificate from the county auditor, such owner shall receive a quitclaim deed to such property from the state executed by the commissioner of revenue.
The aggregate amount to be paid as provided in subdivision 1 shall mean the sum of the taxes and assessments without penalties, interest or costs accrued against such real property and unpaid, including taxes and assessments levied and assessed as omitted taxes as hereinafter provided. When an application is made to pay taxes and assessments as provided in subdivision 1, the auditor shall levy and assess against such real property as omitted taxes, upon the basis of the net tax capacity in effect in the last year in which taxes included in such notice of expiration of the time for redemption were levied and assessed, all taxes which would have been assessed in each year after the last year so included in such notice and all assessments which would have been levied and assessed against such real property after the last year included in such notice.
When any person accorded the right in subdivision 2 to pay taxes makes application to the county auditor to pay the aggregate amount of such taxes and assessments in installments, the person shall pay one-tenth of the aggregate amount of such taxes and assessments at the time of application and the balance thereof in nine equal annual installments, with the privilege of paying the unpaid balance in full at any time, with interest at the rate of four percent on the balance remaining unpaid each year, the first installment of principal and interest to become due and payable on October 31 of the year following the year in which the application was made, the remaining installments to become due and payable on October 31 of each year thereafter until fully paid. Failure to make any payment herein required within 60 days from the date on which payment was due shall constitute default and upon such default the right, title, and interest of such person in the military service or the person's heirs, representatives or assigns in such real property shall terminate without the doing by the state of any act or thing.
1943 c 565 s 2; 1973 c 582 s 3; 1986 c 444; 1988 c 719 art 5 s 84; 1989 c 329 art 13 s 20; 2008 c 277 art 1 s 97
If at any time the county board is of the opinion that the ability of the person in the military service to pay the taxes or assessments upon such real property is not materially affected by reason of such service, it may petition the district court of the county wherein such real property is situated for an order authorizing the property to be sold or otherwise disposed of under the laws relating to tax-forfeited property in conformity with the provisions of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, as amended, 50 United States Code Annotated App., section 560 (2). Upon the filing of such petition the court shall fix a time and place for hearing thereon, and notice of the time and place of such hearing and the relief requested thereat shall be served upon the owner of such real property in like manner as a summons is served in a civil action. If there be no appearance by such person who is in the military service of the United States, the court shall proceed in the manner prescribed by the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, as amended, 50 United States Code Annotated App., sections 520 to 525, inclusive.
Unless a certificate showing military service is filed as required by section 281.273, it shall be presumed that the owner of the property described in the notice of expiration of the time for redemption from delinquent taxes is not in such service. The filing of the certificate provided for in section 281.273 shall not affect the forfeiture of the real property described in such notice of the expiration of the time for redemption from delinquent taxes or their proceedings relating thereto except as expressly herein provided.
Nothing contained in sections 281.273 to 281.277 shall be construed to prejudice or preclude any right secured to any person under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, as amended.
Sections 281.273 to 281.277 shall remain in force as long as the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, as amended, shall remain in force.
Any person or corporation having any right, title, or interest in or to any land or real property in this state may file, or cause to be filed, in the office of the auditor of the county in which such land or real property is situated a statement, in writing, containing: first, the name of the person or corporation having such right, title, or interest; second, a description of the land or real property in which such right, title, or interest is had; and, third, the designation of some person who is a resident of such county, or of some corporation which has an office or place of business within such county, upon whom or upon which a personal service may be made of notices of the expiration of the period of redemption of land or real property from tax sales. Each such statement shall be signed by the person or corporation having such right, title, or interest or by any agent or attorney of such person or corporation, but need not specify the nature of such right, title, or interest.
Each such statement so filed in the office of the county auditor in this state shall be immediately numbered and filed in the auditor's office by such auditor consecutively in the order in which it is received and the auditor shall, at the same time, enter consecutively in the order in which such statement is received, in a book to be kept for that purpose, first, the file number of such statement; second, the date when such statement is received and filed; third, the name of the person or corporation named in such statement as having some right, title, or interest in land or real property, with the post office address of such person or corporation, if given in such statement; and, fourth, the name of the person or corporation named in such statement as the one upon whom or upon which a personal service of notice may be made. At the same time the auditor shall enter the file number of such statement in the real estate transfer book or books under each piece or parcel of land described in such statement. For the duties required of the auditor by sections 281.28 to 281.30 the auditor shall be paid, by the person presenting such statement to be filed, a fee as set by the county board to cover administrative costs for each piece or parcel of land described in such statement. Each such statement shall cease to be valid and effectual as such for any and all purposes of sections 281.28 to 281.30 at the expiration of five years from the date of its filing, or when the person named therein as the one upon whom a personal service of notices may be made dies or ceases to be a resident of such county, or when the corporation named therein as the one upon which a personal service of notices may be made ceases to have an office or place of business within such county. The person or corporation named in a statement filed under the provision of sections 281.28 to 281.30 as having such right, title, or interest may file in the same office in which such statement is filed an instrument releasing any particular piece or parcel of land or real property described in such statement from the effect of such statement, such releasing instrument to be executed with the same formalities as are necessary to entitle conveyances of real estate to record. Such releasing instrument shall be, by the auditor, immediately attached to and filed with such statement affected thereby. Every person or corporation filing such releasing instrument shall, before such releasing instrument is filed, pay to the auditor, for the auditor's own use, a fee of ten cents for each such releasing instrument. From the time such releasing instrument is so filed such statement affected thereby shall cease to be valid and effectual as to such particular piece or parcel of land or real property so released, but shall nevertheless be and remain valid and effectual as such for any and all the purposes of sections 281.28 to 281.30 as to each and every other piece or parcel of land or real property therein described.
(2166) 1917 c 388 s 2; 1Sp1985 c 14 art 20 s 13; 1986 c 444
Service of notice of expiration of redemption from all tax sales, whether of lands bid in by the state or otherwise sold, shall be made upon resident agents appointed under sections 281.28 to 281.30, in the same form, in the same manner, and within the same time, as is now or may hereafter be provided by law for personal service upon the person to whom such notice of expiration of redemption is directed. The full period of redemption shall not expire until 60 days shall have elapsed after the service of such notice and proof thereof has been filed.
(2167, 2168) 1917 c 388 s 3,4
No notice of the expiration of the time of redemption upon any certificate of tax judgment sale issued to an actual purchaser, or upon any state assignment certificate, shall issue or be served under the provisions of any law in force at the time of the passage of this section after the expiration of six years from the date of the tax judgment sale described by any such certificate; nor shall any such certificate be recorded in the office of any county recorder after the expiration of seven years from the date of such sale. All such certificates upon which such notice of expiration of redemption shall not be issued and served, and such certificate recorded in the office of the proper county recorder within the times limited by this section, shall be void and of no force or effect for any purpose whatever, and failure to serve such notice or record such certificate within the time herein prescribed shall operate to extinguish the lien of the purchaser for the taxes for the year or years in such certificate described and appearing, anything in any other statute of this state to the contrary notwithstanding.
No notice of the expiration of the time of redemption upon any certificate of tax judgment sale issued to an actual purchaser shall be issued or served after the expiration of six years from the date of the tax judgment sale described by any such certificate, nor shall any such certificate be recorded in the office of the county recorder or filed in the office of the registrar of titles of the proper county after the expiration of seven years from the date of such sale.
No notice of the expiration of the time of redemption upon any state assignment certificate issued under the provisions of section 280.11 shall be issued or served after the expiration of six years from the date of such certificate, nor shall any such certificate or deed issued pursuant thereto be recorded in the office of the county recorder after the expiration of seven years from the date of such certificate.
All such certificates upon which such notice of expiration of redemption shall not be issued and served and such certificates recorded or filed in the office of the proper county recorder or registrar of titles within the time limited by this section shall be void and of no force and effect for any purpose, and failure to serve such notice or record or file such certificate within the time herein prescribed shall operate to extinguish the lien of the purchaser for the taxes for the year or years in such certificate described and appearing and the lien of all subsequent taxes paid under such certificate.
(2170) 1917 c 488 s1; 1919 c 169 s 1; 1976 c 181 s 2; 1997 c 7 art 1 s 117
No notice of the expiration of the time of redemption upon any real estate tax judgment sale certificate, forfeited tax sale certificate, or state assignment certificate heretofore issued pursuant to any law of this state at or pursuant to any such sale held in the year 1935 or prior thereto, which has not become void under any law, shall issue or be served after the expiration of six months from the date Laws 1941, chapter 399, becomes effective; nor shall such certificate be recorded in the office of the county recorder or filed in the office of the registrar of titles of the proper county after December 31, 1942.
No notice of expiration of the time of redemption upon any real estate tax judgment sale certificate, forfeited tax sale certificate, or state assignment certificate issued pursuant to any law of this state at or pursuant to any such sale held between January 1, 1936, and April 24, 1941, or held thereafter, shall be issued or served after the expiration of six years from the date of the certificate, nor shall such certificate be recorded in the office of the county recorder or the office of the registrar of titles of the proper county after the expiration of seven years from the date of the certificate.
Any such certificate upon which notice of expiration of redemption shall not be issued, served, and recorded or filed within the time limited by sections 281.321 to 281.324 shall be void and of no force and effect for any purpose, and failure to serve such notice or record or file such certificate within the time herein prescribed shall operate to extinguish the lien of the holder of the certificate for the taxes for the year or years in such certificate described and the lien of all subsequent taxes paid under such certificate.
The county auditor shall annually, as soon as practicable after the second Monday of May, cancel of record all real estate tax judgment sale certificates, forfeited tax sale certificates, and state assignment certificates, upon which notice of expiration of the time of redemption has not been served, and recorded or filed of record within the time herein fixed, by making any entry "canceled by limitation" in the proper real estate tax judgment book opposite the description of land covered by such certificate.
Upon request of the holder of a real estate tax judgment sale certificate, state assignment certificate, or forfeited tax sale certificate and surrender of the same, whether notice of expiration of time of redemption has been issued and served or not, the county auditor shall cancel the same, making an entry in the proper copy real estate tax judgment book, opposite the description of land covered by the certificate, "canceled by surrender of certificate."
The county auditor shall annually, as soon as practicable after the second Monday of May, cancel of record all real estate tax judgment sale certificates, state assignment certificates, and forfeited tax sales certificates upon which notice of expiration of time of redemption has not been given within a period of six years next following the date of the issuance of such certificate, by making an entry in the proper copy real estate tax judgment book, opposite the description of land covered by such certificate, "canceled by limitation."
Upon the petition of any person interested in the land covered by a real estate tax sale certificate, state assignment certificate, or forfeited tax sale certificate and, upon the giving of such notice to the holder of such certificate as may be ordered, the district court, in the proceedings resulting in the judgment upon which a real estate tax judgment sale certificate, state assignment certificate, or forfeited tax sale certificate is based, may order the cancellation of a real estate tax judgment sale certificate, state assignment certificate, or forfeited tax sale certificate upon which notice of expiration of time of redemption has been issued when the certificate or a deed issued thereon has not been recorded in the office of the county recorder or filed in that of the registrar of titles, if the land is registered, within seven years after the date of the issuance of such certificate; the county auditor, on the filing of the order, shall record the land as canceled by order of court; and the rights of the holder under the certificate shall thereupon be terminated of record in the office of the county auditor.
(2145-3) Ex1937 c 71 s 3; 1976 c 181 s 2; 1986 c 444; 2014 c 308 art 9 s 51
No transfer of the lands described in such certificate to the certificate holder shall be made on the books of the county auditor, and no certificate shall be entitled to record, nor shall the full period of redemption expire, until 60 days shall have elapsed after the service of such notice, and proof thereof has been filed.
For serving such notice the sheriff shall receive the same fees as for the service of summons in a civil action in the district court, except that where more than one notice is served upon one person or corporation at the same time and place the sheriff shall be entitled to charge but one mileage. Such fees and the printer's fees for publishing such notice and the costs of the certified mail shall be repaid by the party offering to redeem such land before a certificate of redemption shall issue.
When any notice of expiration of redemption is served upon the person named therein, and it shall be made to appear that such person was at the time of the service not the real owner of the lands described in such notice, and had no interest therein for more than two years prior to such service, although the lands were assessed in that person's name, and that such person fraudulently caused or permitted such service to be made, and thereby prevented the service of such notice upon the occupant of such lands, or upon the real owner thereof, and thereby prevented the service of such notice by publication, then such notice and the service thereof shall be void, and the right of redemption shall continue in the owner of such lands as if no service had been made; provided, that the action in which such claim is made or defense interposed shall be brought within two years after such attempted service.
Whenever at the time fixed by law for absolute forfeiture of any parcel of land heretofore or hereafter bid in for the state there shall be pending, in the United States district court, proceedings in eminent domain affecting such parcel, and such eminent domain proceedings shall have been pending more than two years prior to the date of forfeiture, the time of the forfeiture of such parcel shall be and is postponed and continued until the expiration of one year after the final determination of such eminent domain proceedings; and the owner of such parcel, regardless of whether such parcel is included within the boundaries of any game preserve, reforestation project, or conservation area, or any person having an interest therein, may discharge the delinquent taxes and assessments against such parcel and redeem such parcel, or portion thereof, from such sale to the state within such period, as so extended, upon payment of the portion of such unpaid taxes and assessments permitted by any law in effect during the pendency of such condemnation proceedings. Such redemption and discharge of delinquent taxes and assessments may be so made regardless of any or no determination of the value or other action by the county board or the commissioner of revenue.
(2176-1) 1933 c 274 s 1; 1973 c 582 s 3; 1983 c 342 art 15 s 29
When any tract less than the whole parcel designated for taxation and bid in for the state shall be taken or encumbered by such eminent domain proceedings, the tract so taken or encumbered may be redeemed and the delinquent taxes and assessments thereon discharged, as provided in sections 281.39 and 281.40, without redeeming or discharging the delinquent taxes and assessments on the entire parcel so bid in for the state. When only such portion or fraction of the parcel bid in for the state shall be redeemed and discharged from taxes and assessments, the amount to be paid for such redemption and discharge from delinquent taxes and assessments shall be computed by the auditor of the county wherein such lands are situated, and shall be such a part or proportion of the amount designated by any such law permitting redemption and discharge on payment of a fraction or percentage of the total amount due, as provided in sections 281.39 and 281.40, as the tract taken or encumbered by the proceedings and so redeemed bears to the value of the entire parcel bid in for the state, and of which it forms a part. Any party interested in such computation and determination of value, and aggrieved thereby, may, within ten days following the filing thereof, appeal to the district court of the county wherein such land is situated, by filing written notice of such appeal and proof of service thereof, with the court administrator of such court.
If premises described in a real estate tax judgment sale are vacant or unoccupied, the county auditor or a person acting on behalf of the county auditor may, but is not obligated to, enter the premises to protect the premises from waste or trespass until the county auditor is notified that the premises are occupied. An affidavit of the sheriff, the county auditor, or a person acting on behalf of the county auditor describing the premises and stating that the premises are vacant and unoccupied is prima facie evidence of the facts stated in the affidavit. If the affidavit contains a legal description of the premises, the affidavit may be recorded in the office of the county recorder or the registrar of titles in the county where the premises are located.
(a) The county auditor may take one or more of the following actions to protect the premises from waste or trespass:
(1) install or change locks on doors and windows;
(2) board windows; and
(3) other actions to prevent or minimize damage to the premises from the elements, vandalism, trespass, or other illegal activities.
(b) If the county auditor installs or changes locks on premises under paragraph (a), the county auditor must promptly deliver a key to the premises to the taxpayer or any person lawfully claiming a right of occupancy upon request.
Costs incurred by the county auditor in protecting the premises from waste or trespass under this section may be added to the delinquent taxes due. The costs may bear interest to the extent provided, and interest may be added to the delinquent taxes due.
The actions authorized under this section are in addition to, and do not limit or replace, any other rights or remedies available to the county auditor under Minnesota law.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes