(a) An initial clothing allowance must be available to a child eligible for:
(1) the pre-Northstar Care for Children foster care program under section 260C.4411, subdivision 1; and
(2) the Northstar Care for Children benefits under section 142A.604.
(b) An initial clothing allowance must also be available for a foster child in a group residential setting based on the child's individual needs during the first 60 days of the child's initial placement. The agency must consider the parent's ability to provide for a child's clothing needs and the residential facility contracts.
(c) The county of financial responsibility under section 256G.02 or tribal agency authorized under section 142A.03, subdivision 9, shall approve an initial clothing allowance consistent with the child's needs. The amount of the initial clothing allowance must not exceed the monthly basic rate for the child's age group under section 142A.609, subdivision 3.
NOTE: A transfer of a power or responsibility in this chapter to the Department of Children, Youth, and Families is effective upon notice of the commissioner of children, youth, and families to the commissioners of administration, management and budget, and other relevant departments along with the secretary of the senate, the chief clerk of the house of representatives, and the chairs and ranking minority members of the relevant legislative committees and divisions. Laws 2024, chapter 80, article 8, section 72, Laws 2023, chapter 70, article 12, section 30.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes