Section | Headnote |
147.0001 | MS 2006 [Renumbered 15.001] |
147.001 | SCOPE AND PURPOSE. |
147.011 | DEFINITION. |
147.021 | [Renumbered 147.091] |
147.031 | [Repealed, 2016 c 158 art 1 s 215] |
147.0391 | RESIDENCY PERMIT. |
147.05 | [Renumbered 147.01, subd 5] |
147.06 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.07 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.072 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.073 | [Renumbered 147.161] |
147.074 | [Renumbered 147.162] |
147.075 | [Repealed, 1981 c 323 s 4; 1983 c 312 art 1 s 27] |
147.08 | [Repealed, 1974 c 61 s 2] |
147.09 | EXEMPTIONS. |
147.10 | [Renumbered 147.081] |
147.101 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.11 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.12 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.121 | IMMUNITY. |
147.13 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.16 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.17 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.171 | [Repealed, 1990 c 576 s 6] |
147.18 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.19 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.20 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.23 | [Repealed, 1985 c 247 s 26] |
147.24 | [Repealed, 1990 c 576 s 6] |
147.25 | [Repealed, 1990 c 576 s 6] |
147.26 | [Repealed, 1990 c 576 s 6] |
147.27 | [Repealed, 1990 c 576 s 6] |
147.28 | [Repealed, 1990 c 576 s 6] |
147.29 | [Repealed, 1990 c 576 s 6] |
147.30 | [Repealed, 1990 c 576 s 6] |
147.31 | [Repealed, 1990 c 576 s 6] |
147.32 | [Repealed, 1990 c 576 s 6] |
147.33 | [Repealed, 1990 c 576 s 6] |
147.34 | [Repealed, 1995 c 205 art 1 s 25] |
147.35 | [Repealed, 1995 c 205 art 1 s 25] |
147.36 | [Repealed, 1995 c 205 art 1 s 25] |
Sections 147.01 to 147.37 may be cited as the "Minnesota Medical Practice Act."
The primary responsibility and obligation of the Board of Medical Practice is to protect the public.
In the interest of public health, safety, and welfare, and to protect the public from the unprofessional, improper, incompetent, and unlawful practice of medicine, it is necessary to provide laws and regulations to govern the granting and subsequent use of the license to practice medicine.
The Board of Medical Practice consists of 16 residents of the state of Minnesota appointed by the governor. Eleven board members must be licensed to practice medicine under this chapter. At least one board member must hold a degree of doctor of medicine, and at least one board member must hold a degree of doctor of osteopathic medicine. Five board members must be public members as defined by section 214.02. The governor shall make appointments to the board which reflect the geography of the state. In making these appointments, the governor shall ensure that no more than one public member resides in each United States congressional district, and that at least one member who is not a public member resides in each United States congressional district. The board members holding the degree of doctor of medicine or doctor of osteopathic medicine must, as a whole, reflect the broad mix of expertise of physicians practicing in Minnesota. A member may be reappointed but shall not serve more than eight years consecutively. Membership terms, compensation of members, removal of members, the filling of membership vacancies, and fiscal year and reporting requirements are as provided in sections 214.07 to 214.09. The provision of staff, administrative services and office space; the review and processing of complaints; the setting of board fees; and other provisions relating to board operations are as provided in chapter 214.
Prior to the end of the term of a doctor of medicine or public member on the board, or within 60 days after a doctor of medicine or public member position on the board becomes vacant, the State Medical Association, the Mental Health Association of Minnesota, and other interested persons and organizations may recommend to the governor doctors of medicine and public members qualified to serve on the board. Prior to the end of the term of an osteopathic physician, or within 60 days after an osteopathic physician membership becomes vacant, the Minnesota Osteopathic Medical Society may recommend to the governor three osteopathic physicians qualified to serve on the board. The governor may appoint members to the board from the list of persons recommended or from among other qualified candidates.
The board shall elect from among its number a president, a vice-president, and a secretary-treasurer, who shall each serve for one year, or until a successor is elected and qualifies. The board shall have authority to adopt rules as may be found necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The members of the board shall have authority to administer oaths and the board, in session, to take testimony as to matters pertaining to the duties of the board. Nine members of the board shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The board shall have a common seal, which shall be kept by the executive director, whose duty it shall be to keep a record of all proceedings of the board, including a register of all applicants for license under this chapter, giving their names, addresses, ages, educational qualifications, and the result of their examination. These books and registers shall be prima facie evidence of all the matters therein recorded.
Subject to the exceptions listed in this subdivision, all communications or information received by or disclosed to the board relating to any person or matter subject to its regulatory jurisdiction are confidential and privileged and any disciplinary hearing shall be closed to the public.
(a) Upon application of a party in a proceeding before the board under section 147.091, the board shall produce and permit the inspection and copying, by or on behalf of the moving party, of any designated documents or papers relevant to the proceedings, in accordance with the provisions of rule 34, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure.
(b) If the board takes corrective action or imposes disciplinary measures of any kind, whether by contested case or by settlement agreement, the name and business address of the licensee, the nature of the misconduct, and the action taken by the board are public data. If disciplinary action is taken by settlement agreement, the entire agreement is public data. The board shall decide disciplinary matters, whether by settlement or by contested case, by roll call vote. The votes are public data.
(c) The board shall exchange information with other licensing boards, agencies, or departments within the state, as required under section 214.10, subdivision 8, paragraph (c), and may release information in the reports required under section 147.02, subdivision 6.
(d) The board shall upon request furnish to a person who made a complaint, or the alleged victim of a violation of section 147.091, subdivision 1, paragraph (t), or both, a description of the activities and actions of the board relating to that complaint, a summary of the results of an investigation of that complaint, and the reasons for actions taken by the board.
(e) A probable cause hearing held pursuant to section 147.092 shall be closed to the public, except for the notices of hearing made public by operation of section 147.092.
(f) Findings of fact, conclusions, and recommendations issued by the administrative law judge, and transcripts of oral arguments before the board pursuant to a contested case proceeding in which an administrative law judge found a violation of section 147.091, subdivision 1, paragraph (t), are public data.
The Board of Medical Practice shall provide blanks, books, certificates, and such stationery and assistance as is necessary for the transaction of the business pertaining to the duties of such board. The expenses of administering this chapter shall be paid from the appropriations made to the Board of Medical Practice. The board shall employ an executive director subject to the terms described in section 214.04, subdivision 2a.
(a) The board may charge the following nonrefundable application and license fees processed pursuant to sections 147.02, 147.03, 147.037, 147.0375, and 147.38:
(1) physician application fee, $200;
(2) physician annual registration renewal fee, $192;
(3) physician endorsement to other states, $40;
(4) physician emeritus license, $50;
(5) physician late fee, $60;
(6) duplicate license fee, $20;
(7) certification letter fee, $25;
(8) education or training program approval fee, $100;
(9) report creation and generation fee, $60 per hour;
(10) examination administration fee (half day), $50;
(11) examination administration fee (full day), $80;
(12) fees developed by the Interstate Commission for determining physician qualification to register and participate in the interstate medical licensure compact, as established in rules authorized in and pursuant to section 147.38, not to exceed $1,000; and
(13) verification fee, $25.
(b) The board may prorate the initial annual license fee. All licensees are required to pay the full fee upon license renewal. The revenue generated from the fee must be deposited in an account in the state government special revenue fund.
(5706) RL s 2295; 1921 c 68 s 1; 1927 c 188 s 1; 1963 c 45 s 1; 1967 c 416 s 1; 1969 c 927 s 1; 1973 c 638 s 6; 1975 c 136 s 5; 1976 c 2 s 65; 1976 c 222 s 32; 1976 c 239 s 53; 1984 c 588 s 1; 1985 c 247 s 1-3,25; 1986 c 444; 1Sp1986 c 3 art 1 s 22; 1987 c 86 s 1; 1990 c 576 s 1-3; 1991 c 105 s 1; 1991 c 106 s 6; 1991 c 199 art 1 s 40; 1992 c 513 art 7 s 9; 1Sp1993 c 1 art 5 s 6; 1995 c 186 s 44; 1995 c 207 art 9 s 38; 1996 c 334 s 3; 2000 c 284 s 2; 2004 c 270 s 1; 2004 c 279 art 11 s 2; 2012 c 278 art 2 s 8; 2013 c 44 s 2; 2016 c 119 s 1,2; 1Sp2017 c 6 art 11 s 1; 2019 c 8 art 7 s 1; 2020 c 79 art 1 s 1; 2022 c 99 art 2 s 1
For the purpose of this chapter, "regulated person" or "person regulated by the board" means a person licensed, registered, or regulated in any other manner by the Board of Medical Practice.
The board has responsibility for the oversight of the following allied health professions: physician assistants under chapter 147A, acupuncture practitioners under chapter 147B, respiratory care practitioners under chapter 147C, traditional midwives under chapter 147D, registered naturopathic doctors under chapter 147E, genetic counselors under chapter 147F, and athletic trainers under sections 148.7801 to 148.7815.
The board shall issue a license to practice medicine to a person not currently licensed in another state or Canada and who meets the requirements in paragraphs (a) to (i).
(a) An applicant for a license shall file a written application on forms provided by the board, showing to the board's satisfaction that the applicant is of good moral character and satisfies the requirements of this section.
(b) The applicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the board of being a graduate of a medical or osteopathic medical school located in the United States, its territories or Canada, and approved by the board based upon its faculty, curriculum, facilities, accreditation by a recognized national accrediting organization approved by the board, and other relevant data, or is currently enrolled in the final year of study at the school.
(c) The applicant must have passed an examination as described in clause (1) or (2).
(1) The applicant must have passed a comprehensive examination for initial licensure prepared and graded by the National Board of Medical Examiners, the Federation of State Medical Boards, the Medical Council of Canada, the National Board of Osteopathic Examiners, or the appropriate state board that the board determines acceptable. The board shall by rule determine what constitutes a passing score in the examination.
(2) The applicant taking the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX-USA) must have passed steps or levels one, two, and three. Step or level three must be passed within five years of passing step or level two, or before the end of residency training. The applicant must pass each of steps or levels one, two, and three with passing scores as recommended by the USMLE program or National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners within three attempts. The applicant taking combinations of Federation of State Medical Boards, National Board of Medical Examiners, and USMLE may be accepted only if the combination is approved by the board as comparable to existing comparable examination sequences and all examinations are completed prior to the year 2000.
(d) The applicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the board of the completion of one year of graduate, clinical medical training in a program accredited by a national accrediting organization approved by the board or other graduate training approved in advance by the board as meeting standards similar to those of a national accrediting organization.
(e) The applicant may make arrangements with the executive director to appear in person before the board or its designated representative to show that the applicant satisfies the requirements of this section. The board may establish as internal operating procedures the procedures or requirements for the applicant's personal presentation.
(f) The applicant shall pay a nonrefundable fee established by the board. Upon application or notice of license renewal, the board must provide notice to the applicant and to the person whose license is scheduled to be issued or renewed of any additional fees, surcharges, or other costs which the person is obligated to pay as a condition of licensure. The notice must:
(1) state the dollar amount of the additional costs; and
(2) clearly identify to the applicant the payment schedule of additional costs.
(g) The applicant must not be under license suspension or revocation by the licensing board of the state or jurisdiction in which the conduct that caused the suspension or revocation occurred.
(h) The applicant must not have engaged in conduct warranting disciplinary action against a licensee, or have been subject to disciplinary action other than as specified in paragraph (g). If the applicant does not satisfy the requirements stated in this paragraph, the board may issue a license only on the applicant's showing that the public will be protected through issuance of a license with conditions and limitations the board considers appropriate.
(i) If the examination in paragraph (c) was passed more than ten years ago, the applicant must either:
(1) pass the special purpose examination of the Federation of State Medical Boards with a score of 75 or better within three attempts; or
(2) have a current certification by a specialty board of the American Board of Medical Specialties, of the American Osteopathic Association, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or of the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
The board may grant an extension to the time period required to pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) as specified in subdivision 1, paragraph (c), clause (2), if an applicant is mobilized into active military service, as defined in section 190.05, subdivision 5, during the process of taking the USMLE, but before passage of all steps. Proof of active military service must be submitted to the board on the forms and according to the timelines of the board.
The board may grant an extension to the time period and to the number of attempts permitted to pass the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) as specified in subdivision 1, paragraph (c), clause (2), if an applicant has been diagnosed with a medical illness during the process of taking the USMLE but before passage of all steps, or fails to pass a step within three attempts due to the applicant's medical illness. Proof of the medical illness must be submitted to the board on forms and according to the timelines of the board.
The board shall adopt a written statement of internal operating procedures describing procedures for receiving and investigating complaints, reviewing misconduct cases, and imposing disciplinary actions.
At least annually, the board shall publish and release to the public a description of all disciplinary measures taken by the board. The publication must include, for each disciplinary measure taken, the name and business address of the licensee, the nature of the misconduct, and the disciplinary measure taken by the board.
The publication requirement does not apply to disciplinary measures by the board which are based exclusively upon grounds listed in section 147.091, subdivision 1, clause (l) or (r).
(a) The licensee must maintain a correct mailing address with the board for receiving board communications, notices, and licensure renewal documents. Placing the license renewal application in first-class United States mail, addressed to the licensee at the licensee's last known address with postage prepaid, constitutes valid service. Failure to receive the renewal documents does not relieve a license holder of the obligation to comply with this section.
(b) The names of licensees who do not return a complete license renewal application, the annual license fee, or the late application fee within 30 days shall be removed from the list of individuals authorized to practice medicine and surgery during the current renewal period. Upon reinstatement of licensure, the licensee's name will be placed on the list of individuals authorized to practice medicine and surgery.
(5707) RL s 2296; 1909 c 474 s 1; 1927 c 188 s 2; 1937 c 203 s 1; 1953 c 290 s 1; 1959 c 346 s 1; 1963 c 45 s 2; 1967 c 416 s 2; 1969 c 6 s 25; 1969 c 927 s 2; 1971 c 485 s 2; 1973 c 638 s 7; 1974 c 42 s 1; 1975 c 93 s 1,2; 1976 c 222 s 33; 1983 c 290 s 17; 1985 c 247 s 4-6; 1986 c 444; 1988 c 557 s 1,6; 1989 c 282 art 2 s 39; 1990 c 576 s 6; 1993 c 21 s 2,3; 1Sp1993 c 1 art 5 s 7; 1998 c 254 art 1 s 37; 1999 c 33 s 1; 2006 c 188 s 1; 2006 c 199 s 1; 2007 c 13 art 1 s 11; 2007 c 123 s 4,5; 2013 c 44 s 3; 2016 c 119 s 3; 1Sp2017 c 6 art 11 s 2; 2019 c 8 art 7 s 3
In a proceeding for the suspension or revocation of a license or other disciplinary action for unethical or unprofessional conduct involving sexual contact with a patient or former patient, the board or administrative law judge shall not consider evidence of the patient's previous sexual conduct nor shall any reference to this conduct be made during the proceedings or in the findings, except by motion of the complainant, unless the evidence would be admissible under the applicable provisions of section 609.347, subdivision 3.
(a) The board may issue a license to practice medicine to any person who satisfies the requirements in paragraphs (b) to (e).
(b) The applicant shall satisfy all the requirements established in section 147.02, subdivision 1, paragraphs (a), (b), (d), (e), and (f), or section 147.037, subdivision 1, paragraphs (a) to (e).
(c) The applicant shall:
(1) have passed an examination prepared and graded by the Federation of State Medical Boards, the National Board of Medical Examiners, or the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) program in accordance with section 147.02, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), clause (2); the National Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners; or the Medical Council of Canada; and
(2) have a current license from the equivalent licensing agency in another state or Canada and, if the examination in clause (1) was passed more than ten years ago, either:
(i) pass the Special Purpose Examination of the Federation of State Medical Boards with a score of 75 or better within three attempts; or
(ii) have a current certification by a specialty board of the American Board of Medical Specialties, of the American Osteopathic Association, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or of the College of Family Physicians of Canada; or
(3) if the applicant fails to meet the requirement established in section 147.02, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), clause (2), because the applicant failed to pass each of steps one, two, and three of the USMLE within the required three attempts, the applicant may be granted a license provided the applicant:
(i) has passed each of steps one, two, and three with passing scores as recommended by the USMLE program within no more than four attempts for any of the three steps;
(ii) is currently licensed in another state; and
(iii) has current certification by a specialty board of the American Board of Medical Specialties, the American Osteopathic Association Bureau of Professional Education, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
(d) The applicant must not be under license suspension or revocation by the licensing board of the state or jurisdiction in which the conduct that caused the suspension or revocation occurred.
(e) The applicant must not have engaged in conduct warranting disciplinary action against a licensee, or have been subject to disciplinary action other than as specified in paragraph (d). If an applicant does not satisfy the requirements stated in this paragraph, the board may issue a license only on the applicant's showing that the public will be protected through issuance of a license with conditions or limitations the board considers appropriate.
(f) Upon the request of an applicant, the board may conduct the final interview of the applicant by teleconference.
(a) An applicant for licensure under this section may request the board to issue a temporary permit in accordance with this subdivision. Upon receipt of the application for licensure, a request for a temporary permit, and a nonrefundable physician application fee specified under section 147.01, subdivision 7, the board may issue a temporary permit to practice medicine as a physician if the applicant is:
(1) currently licensed in good standing to practice medicine as a physician in another state, territory, or Canadian province; and
(2) not the subject of a pending investigation or disciplinary action in any state, territory, or Canadian province.
(b) A temporary permit issued under this subdivision is nonrenewable and shall be valid until a decision is made on the physician's application for licensure or for 90 days, whichever occurs first.
(c) The board may revoke a temporary permit that has been issued under this subdivision if the physician is the subject of an investigation or disciplinary action, or is disqualified for licensure for any other reason.
(d) Notwithstanding section 13.41, subdivision 2, the board may release information regarding action taken by the board pursuant to this subdivision.
Notwithstanding subdivision 2, the board may issue a temporary permit to practice medicine to an applicant who has not satisfied the requirements of subdivision 1, paragraph (c), clause (2), item (i) or (ii), but has satisfied all other requirements for licensure under this section, and has paid a nonrefundable fee set by the board. The permit remains valid for six months.
(5709) 1905 c 236 s 1; 1913 c 139 s 1; 1919 c 251 s 1; 1927 c 188 s 3; 1953 c 290 s 2; 1963 c 45 s 3; 1975 c 92 s 1; 1977 c 7 s 1; 1985 c 247 s 8; 1986 c 444; 1991 c 106 s 1; 1992 c 513 art 6 s 28; 1993 c 19 s 1; 1993 c 21 s 4; 1999 c 33 s 2; 2004 c 268 s 12; 2004 c 288 art 7 s 5; 2006 c 188 s 2; 2008 c 189 s 3; 2016 c 119 s 4; 1Sp2017 c 6 art 11 s 3; 2022 c 99 art 2 s 2,3
(a) A physician not licensed to practice medicine in this state may provide medical services to a patient located in this state through interstate telehealth if the following conditions are met:
(1) the physician is licensed without restriction to practice medicine in the state from which the physician provides telehealth services;
(2) the physician has not had a license to practice medicine revoked or restricted in any state or jurisdiction;
(3) the physician does not open an office in this state, does not meet with patients in this state, and does not receive calls in this state from patients; and
(4) the physician annually registers with the board, on a form provided by the board.
(b) To register with the board, a physician must:
(1) state the physician's intention to provide interstate telehealth services in this state;
(2) provide complete information on:
(i) all states and jurisdictions in which the physician is currently licensed;
(ii) any states or jurisdictions in which the physician was previously licensed;
(iii) any negative licensing actions taken previously against the physician in any state or jurisdiction; and
(iv) other information requested by the board; and
(3) pay a registration fee of $75 annually and an initial application fee of $100.
(c) A physician registered to provide interstate telehealth services under this section must immediately notify the board of restrictions placed on the physician's license to practice in any state or jurisdiction.
(d) In registering to provide interstate telehealth services to state residents under this section, a physician agrees to be subject to state laws, the state judicial system, and the board with respect to providing medical services to state residents.
(e) For the purposes of this section, telehealth means the practice of medicine as defined in section 147.081, subdivision 3, when the physician is not in the physical presence of the patient.
A physician who is not licensed to practice medicine in this state, but who holds a valid license to practice medicine in another state or jurisdiction, and who provides interstate telehealth services to a patient located in this state is not subject to the registration requirement of subdivision 1, paragraph (a), clause (4), if:
(1) the services are provided in response to an emergency medical condition. For the purposes of this section, an emergency medical condition means a condition, including emergency labor and delivery, that manifests itself by acute symptoms of sufficient severity, including severe pain, that the absence of immediate medical attention could reasonably be expected to result in placing the patient's health in serious jeopardy, serious impairment to bodily functions, or serious dysfunction of any body organ or part;
(2) the services are provided on an irregular or infrequent basis. For the purposes of this section, a person provides services on an irregular or infrequent basis if the person provides the services less than once a month or provides the services to fewer than ten patients annually; or
(3) the physician provides interstate telehealth services in this state in consultation with a physician licensed in this state and the Minnesota physician retains ultimate authority over the diagnosis and care of the patient.
The board shall obtain confirmation of licensure from all states and jurisdictions in which a physician registered under subdivision 1 has ever been licensed to verify statements made by the physician and to be notified if any future adverse action is taken against the physician's license in another state or jurisdiction. This requirement does not replace the reporting obligation under section 147.111.
For the purposes of this section, "telehealth" has the meaning given in section 62A.673, subdivision 2, paragraph (h).
A physician-patient relationship may be established through telehealth.
A physician providing health care services by telehealth in this state shall be held to the same standards of practice and conduct as provided in this chapter for in-person health care services.
A person desiring to practice medicine in this state who has previously practiced in another state shall submit the following additional information with the license application for the five-year period of active practice preceding the date of filing such application:
(a) The name and address of the person's professional liability insurer in the other state.
(b) The number, date, and disposition of any medical malpractice settlement or award made to the plaintiff relating to the quality of medical treatment.
1976 c 222 s 35; 1985 c 247 s 25; 1986 c 444
The board shall issue a license to practice medicine to any person who satisfies the requirements in paragraphs (a) to (g).
(a) The applicant shall satisfy all the requirements established in section 147.02, subdivision 1, paragraphs (a), (e), (f), (g), and (h).
(b) The applicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant is a graduate of a medical or osteopathic school approved by the board as equivalent to accredited United States or Canadian schools based upon its faculty, curriculum, facilities, accreditation, or other relevant data. If the applicant is a graduate of a medical or osteopathic program that is not accredited by the Liaison Committee for Medical Education or the American Osteopathic Association, the applicant may use the Federation of State Medical Boards' Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS) or its successor. If the applicant uses this service as allowed under this paragraph, the physician application fee may be less than $200 but must not exceed the cost of administering this paragraph.
(c) The applicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has been awarded a certificate by the Educational Council for Foreign Medical Graduates, and the applicant has a working ability in the English language sufficient to communicate with patients and physicians and to engage in the practice of medicine.
(d) The applicant shall present evidence satisfactory to the board of the completion of one year of graduate, clinical medical training in a program accredited by a national accrediting organization approved by the board or other graduate training approved in advance by the board as meeting standards similar to those of a national accrediting organization. This requirement does not apply:
(1) to an applicant who is admitted as a permanent immigrant to the United States on or before October 1, 1991, as a person of exceptional ability in the sciences according to Code of Federal Regulations, title 20, section 656.22(d); or
(2) to an applicant holding a valid license to practice medicine in another country and issued a permanent immigrant visa after October 1, 1991, as a person of extraordinary ability in the field of science or as an outstanding professor or researcher according to Code of Federal Regulations, title 8, section 204.5(h) and (i), or a temporary nonimmigrant visa as a person of extraordinary ability in the field of science according to Code of Federal Regulations, title 8, section 214.2(o),
provided that a person under clause (1) or (2) is admitted pursuant to rules of the United States Department of Labor.
(e) The applicant must:
(1) have passed an examination prepared and graded by the Federation of State Medical Boards, the United States Medical Licensing Examination program in accordance with section 147.02, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), clause (2), or the Medical Council of Canada; and
(2) if the examination in clause (1) was passed more than ten years ago, either:
(i) pass the Special Purpose Examination of the Federation of State Medical Boards with a score of 75 or better within three attempts; or
(ii) have a current certification by a specialty board of the American Board of Medical Specialties, of the American Osteopathic Association, of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or of the College of Family Physicians of Canada; or
(3) if the applicant fails to meet the requirement established in section 147.02, subdivision 1, paragraph (c), clause (2), because the applicant failed to pass each of steps one, two, and three of the USMLE within the required three attempts, the applicant may be granted a license provided the applicant:
(i) has passed each of steps one, two, and three with passing scores as recommended by the USMLE program within no more than four attempts for any of the three steps;
(ii) is currently licensed in another state; and
(iii) has current certification by a specialty board of the American Board of Medical Specialties, the American Osteopathic Association, the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, or the College of Family Physicians of Canada.
(f) The applicant must not be under license suspension or revocation by the licensing board of the state or jurisdiction in which the conduct that caused the suspension or revocation occurred.
(g) The applicant must not have engaged in conduct warranting disciplinary action against a licensee, or have been subject to disciplinary action other than as specified in paragraph (f). If an applicant does not satisfy the requirements stated in this paragraph, the board may issue a license only on the applicant's showing that the public will be protected through issuance of a license with conditions or limitations the board considers appropriate.
The board may contract with any qualified person or organization for the performance of a review or investigation, including site visits if necessary, of any medical or osteopathic school prior to approving the school under section 147.02, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), or subdivision 1, paragraph (b), of this section. To the extent possible, the board shall require the school being reviewed to pay the costs of the review or investigation.
1985 c 247 s 9; 1986 c 444; 1991 c 106 s 2; 1993 c 21 s 5,6,13; 1994 c 433 s 1; 1995 c 18 s 2; 1999 c 33 s 3; 2004 c 270 s 2; 2007 c 123 s 6; 2008 c 189 s 4; 2016 c 119 s 5; 1Sp2019 c 9 art 10 s 2; 2022 c 99 art 2 s 4
The board shall issue a license to practice medicine to any person who satisfies the requirements in paragraphs (a) to (d).
(a) The applicant must satisfy all the requirements established in section 147.02, subdivision 1, paragraphs (a), (e), (f), (g), and (h).
(b) The applicant must present evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant is a graduate of a medical or osteopathic school approved by the board as equivalent to accredited United States or Canadian schools based upon its faculty, curriculum, facilities, accreditation, or other relevant data. If the applicant is a graduate of a medical or osteopathic program that is not accredited by the Liaison Committee for Medical Education or the American Osteopathic Association, the applicant may use the Federation of State Medical Boards' Federation Credentials Verification Service (FCVS) or its successor. If the applicant uses this service as allowed under this paragraph, the physician application fee may be less than $200 but must not exceed the cost of administering this paragraph.
(c) The applicant must present evidence satisfactory to the board of the completion of one year of graduate, clinical medical training in a program accredited by a national accrediting organization approved by the board or other graduate training approved in advance by the board as meeting standards similar to those of a national accrediting organization. This requirement does not apply:
(1) to an applicant who is admitted as a permanent immigrant to the United States on or before October 1, 1991, as a person of exceptional ability in the sciences according to Code of Federal Regulations, title 20, section 656.22 (d); or
(2) to an applicant holding a valid license to practice medicine in another state or country and issued a permanent immigrant visa after October 1, 1991, as a person of extraordinary ability in the field of science or as an outstanding professor or researcher according to Code of Federal Regulations, title 8, section 204.5(h) and (i), or a temporary nonimmigrant visa or status as a person of extraordinary ability in the field of science according to Code of Federal Regulations, title 8, section 214.2(o).
(d) The applicant must present evidence satisfactory to the board that the applicant has been appointed to serve as a faculty member of a medical school accredited by the Liaison Committee of Medical Education or an osteopathic medical school accredited by the American Osteopathic Association.
The board may contract with any qualified person or organization for the performance of a review or investigation, including site visits if necessary, of any medical or osteopathic school prior to approving the school under section 147.02, subdivision 1, paragraph (b), or subdivision 1, paragraph (b), of this section. To the extent possible, the board shall require the school being reviewed to pay the costs of the review or investigation.
If a person holding a license issued under this section resigns or is terminated from the academic medical center in which the licensee is employed as a faculty member, the licensee must notify the board in writing no later than 30 days after the date of termination or resignation. Upon notification of resignation or termination, the board shall terminate the medical license.
A person holding a license issued under this section is subject to the reporting obligations of section 147.111.
A person issued a license under this section may only practice medicine within the clinical setting of the academic medical center where the licensee is an appointed faculty member or within a physician group practice affiliated with the academic medical center.
The licensee must meet the continuing education requirements under Minnesota Rules, chapter 5605.
A person holding a license to practice medicine in the state may, upon approval of the board, be granted license cancellation if the board is not investigating the person as a result of a complaint or information received or if the board has not begun disciplinary proceedings against the person. Such action by the board must be reported as a cancellation of a license in good standing.
A person who receives board approval for license cancellation is not entitled to a refund of any license fees paid for the licensure year in which cancellation of the license occurred.
If a person who has been granted board approval for license cancellation desires to resume the practice of medicine in Minnesota, that person must obtain a new license by applying for licensure and fulfilling the requirements then in existence for obtaining an initial license to practice medicine in Minnesota.
A person regulated by the board, whose right to practice is under suspension, condition, limitation, qualification, or restriction by the board may be granted cancellation of credentials by approval of the board. Such action by the board shall be reported as cancellation while under discipline.
Credentials, for purposes of this section, means board authorized documentation of the privilege to practice a board-regulated profession.
A person regulated by the board who receives board approval for credential cancellation is not entitled to a refund of any fees paid for the credentialing year in which cancellation of the credential occurred.
If a person regulated by the board, who has been granted board approval for credential cancellation, desires to resume the practice of the regulated profession in Minnesota, that person must obtain a new credential by applying to the board and fulfilling the requirements then in existence for obtaining an initial credential to practice the regulated profession in Minnesota.
The Board of Medical Practice shall not renew, reissue, reinstate, or restore a license that has lapsed and is not subject to a pending review, investigation, or disciplinary action, and has not been renewed within two annual license renewal cycles. A licensee whose license is canceled for nonrenewal must obtain a new license by applying for licensure and fulfilling all requirements then in existence for an initial license to practice medicine in Minnesota.
A person must have a residency permit to participate in a residency program unless licensed by the board. Upon issuance of a license by the board, the board will terminate a residency permit. A person must have a license to practice medicine to practice outside of a residency program, except as set forth in section 147.09. An applicant for a residency permit must pay a $20 nonrefundable fee upon initial application and upon a change in residency program a lesser nonrefundable fee set by the board in such amount that is necessary to cover administrative costs incurred by the board. The applicant must also have been accepted into either:
(1) a graduate medical education program accredited by a national accrediting organization approved by the board; or
(2) other nonaccredited graduate training approved by the board as meeting standards comparable to those of a national accrediting organization.
The approvals required by clauses (1) and (2) must have been granted by the board before the applicant enrolls in the training.
Upon a change in residency programs, a person holding a residency permit must notify the board in writing no later than 30 days after termination of participation in the residency program being terminated. A separate residency permit is required for each residency program until licensure is obtained.
If by the laws of any state or the rulings or decisions of the appropriate officers or boards thereof, any burden, obligation, requirement, disqualification, or disability is put upon physicians registered in this state or holding diplomas from medical colleges in this state which are in good standing therein, affecting the right of these physicians to be registered or admitted to practice in that state, then the same or like burdens, obligations, requirements, disqualification, or disability may be put upon the registration in this state of physicians registered in that state or holding diplomas from medical colleges situated therein.
It is unlawful for any person to practice medicine as defined in subdivision 3 in this state unless:
(1) the person holds a valid license issued according to this chapter; or
(2) the person is registered to provide interstate telehealth services according to section 147.032.
Any person violating the provisions of subdivision 1 or section 147.082 is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.
For purposes of this chapter, a person not exempted under section 147.09 is "practicing medicine" or engaged in the "practice of medicine" if the person does any of the following:
(1) advertises, holds out to the public, or represents in any manner that the person is authorized to practice medicine in this state;
(2) offers or undertakes to prescribe, give, or administer any drug or medicine for the use of another;
(3) offers or undertakes to prevent or to diagnose, correct, or treat in any manner or by any means, methods, devices, or instrumentalities, any disease, illness, pain, wound, fracture, infirmity, deformity or defect of any person;
(4) offers or undertakes to perform any surgical operation including any invasive or noninvasive procedures involving the use of a laser or laser assisted device, upon any person; or
(5) offers to undertake to use hypnosis for the treatment or relief of any wound, fracture, or bodily injury, infirmity, or disease.
(5717) RL s 2300; 1927 c 188 s 4; 1963 c 45 s 6; 1971 c 485 s 5; 1974 c 43 s 1; 1985 c 247 s 13,25; 1986 c 444; 1993 c 121 s 1; 2002 c 361 s 2; 2016 c 119 s 7; 2017 c 56 s 1; 1Sp2021 c 7 art 6 s 28
(a) A person not licensed under this chapter is prohibited from using the title "doctor of medicine," "medical doctor," "doctor of osteopathic medicine," "osteopathic physician," "physician," "surgeon," "M.D.," or "D.O." in the conduct of any occupation or profession pertaining to the diagnosis of human disease or conditions.
(b) Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit a health care professional from using a title incorporating any of the words specified in paragraph (a), or from using a title or designation that is not specifically protected in paragraph (a), if the title or designation used is permitted under the health care professional's practice act.
Section 147.081 does not apply to, control, prevent or restrict the practice, service, or activities of:
(1) A person who is a commissioned medical officer of, a member of, or employed by, the armed forces of the United States, the United States Public Health Service, the Veterans Administration, any federal institution or any federal agency while engaged in the performance of official duties within this state, if the person is licensed elsewhere.
(2) A licensed physician from a state or country who is in actual consultation here.
(3) A licensed or registered physician who treats the physician's home state patients or other participating patients while the physicians and those patients are participating together in outdoor recreation in this state as defined by section 86A.03, subdivision 3. A physician shall first register with the board on a form developed by the board for that purpose. The board shall not be required to promulgate the contents of that form by rule. No fee shall be charged for this registration.
(4) A student practicing under the direct supervision of a preceptor while the student is enrolled in and regularly attending a recognized medical school.
(5) A student who is in continuing training and performing the duties of an intern or resident or engaged in postgraduate work considered by the board to be the equivalent of an internship or residency in any hospital or institution approved for training by the board, provided the student has a residency permit issued by the board under section 147.0391.
(6) A person employed in a scientific, sanitary, or teaching capacity by the state university, the Department of Education, a public or private school, college, or other bona fide educational institution, a nonprofit organization, which has tax-exempt status in accordance with the Internal Revenue Code, section 501(c)(3), and is organized and operated primarily for the purpose of conducting scientific research directed towards discovering the causes of and cures for human diseases, or the state Department of Health, whose duties are entirely of a research, public health, or educational character, while engaged in such duties; provided that if the research includes the study of humans, such research shall be conducted under the supervision of one or more physicians licensed under this chapter.
(7) Physician assistants licensed in this state.
(8) A doctor of osteopathic medicine duly licensed by the state Board of Osteopathy under Minnesota Statutes 1961, sections 148.11 to 148.16, prior to May 1, 1963, who has not been granted a license to practice medicine in accordance with this chapter provided that the doctor confines activities within the scope of the license.
(9) Any person licensed by a health-related licensing board, as defined in section 214.01, subdivision 2, or registered by the commissioner of health pursuant to section 214.13, including psychological practitioners with respect to the use of hypnosis; provided that the person confines activities within the scope of the license.
(10) A person who practices ritual circumcision pursuant to the requirements or tenets of any established religion.
(11) A Christian Scientist or other person who endeavors to prevent or cure disease or suffering exclusively by mental or spiritual means or by prayer.
(12) A physician licensed to practice medicine in another state who is in this state for the sole purpose of providing medical services at a competitive athletic event. The physician may practice medicine only on participants in the athletic event. A physician shall first register with the board on a form developed by the board for that purpose. The board shall not be required to adopt the contents of the form by rule. The physician shall provide evidence satisfactory to the board of a current unrestricted license in another state. The board shall charge a fee of $50 for the registration.
(13) A psychologist licensed under section 148.907 or a social worker licensed under chapter 148D who uses or supervises the use of a penile or vaginal plethysmograph in assessing and treating individuals suspected of engaging in aberrant sexual behavior and sex offenders.
(14) Any person issued a training course certificate or credentialed by the Emergency Medical Services Regulatory Board established in chapter 144E, provided the person confines activities within the scope of training at the certified or credentialed level.
(15) An unlicensed complementary and alternative health care practitioner practicing according to chapter 146A.
(5716) RL s 2299; 1971 c 485 s 4; 1980 c 567 s 1; 1981 c 23 s 4; 1985 c 247 s 12; 1986 c 444; 1987 c 384 art 1 s 17; 1990 c 542 s 5; 1990 c 576 s 4; 1991 c 255 s 19; 1993 c 21 s 8; 1993 c 326 art 8 s 2; 1Sp1995 c 3 art 16 s 13; 1996 c 324 s 3; 1996 c 424 s 1; 1999 c 54 s 1; 2000 c 260 s 24; 2000 c 460 s 21; 2003 c 130 s 12; 2005 c 147 art 1 s 5; 2009 c 159 s 13; 2016 c 119 s 7
The board may refuse to grant a license, may refuse to grant registration to perform interstate telehealth services, or may impose disciplinary action as described in section 147.141 against any physician. The following conduct is prohibited and is grounds for disciplinary action:
(a) Failure to demonstrate the qualifications or satisfy the requirements for a license contained in this chapter or rules of the board. The burden of proof shall be upon the applicant to demonstrate such qualifications or satisfaction of such requirements.
(b) Obtaining a license by fraud or cheating, or attempting to subvert the licensing examination process. Conduct which subverts or attempts to subvert the licensing examination process includes, but is not limited to: (1) conduct which violates the security of the examination materials, such as removing examination materials from the examination room or having unauthorized possession of any portion of a future, current, or previously administered licensing examination; (2) conduct which violates the standard of test administration, such as communicating with another examinee during administration of the examination, copying another examinee's answers, permitting another examinee to copy one's answers, or possessing unauthorized materials; or (3) impersonating an examinee or permitting an impersonator to take the examination on one's own behalf.
(c) Conviction, during the previous five years, of a felony reasonably related to the practice of medicine or osteopathic medicine. Conviction as used in this subdivision shall include a conviction of an offense which if committed in this state would be deemed a felony without regard to its designation elsewhere, or a criminal proceeding where a finding or verdict of guilt is made or returned but the adjudication of guilt is either withheld or not entered thereon.
(d) Revocation, suspension, restriction, limitation, or other disciplinary action against the person's medical license in another state or jurisdiction, failure to report to the board that charges regarding the person's license have been brought in another state or jurisdiction, or having been refused a license by any other state or jurisdiction.
(e) Advertising which is false or misleading, which violates any rule of the board, or which claims without substantiation the positive cure of any disease, or professional superiority to or greater skill than that possessed by another physician.
(f) Violating a rule promulgated by the board or an order of the board, a state, or federal law which relates to the practice of medicine, or in part regulates the practice of medicine including without limitation sections 604.201, 609.344, and 609.345, or a state or federal narcotics or controlled substance law.
(g) Engaging in any unethical or improper conduct, including but not limited to:
(1) conduct likely to deceive or defraud the public;
(2) conduct likely to harm the public;
(3) conduct that demonstrates a willful or careless disregard for the health, welfare, or safety of a patient;
(4) medical practice that is professionally incompetent; and
(5) conduct that may create unnecessary danger to any patient's life, health, or safety, in any of which cases, proof of actual injury need not be established.
(h) Failure to provide proper supervision, including but not limited to supervision of a:
(1) licensed or unlicensed health care provider; and
(2) physician under any agreement with the board.
(i) Aiding or abetting an unlicensed person in the practice of medicine, except that it is not a violation of this paragraph for a physician to employ, supervise, or delegate functions to a qualified person who may or may not be required to obtain a license or registration to provide health services if that person is practicing within the scope of that person's license or registration or delegated authority.
(j) Adjudication by a court of competent jurisdiction, within or outside this state, as:
(1) mentally incompetent;
(2) mentally ill;
(3) developmentally disabled;
(4) a chemically dependent person;
(5) a person dangerous to the public;
(6) a sexually dangerous person; or
(7) a person who has a sexual psychopathic personality.
Such adjudication shall automatically suspend a license for the duration of the adjudication unless the board orders otherwise.
(k) Conduct that departs from or fails to conform to the minimal standards of acceptable and prevailing medical practice in which case proof of actual injury need not be established.
(l) Inability to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of the following, including but not limited to:
(1) illness;
(2) intoxication;
(3) use of drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or any other type of substance;
(4) mental condition;
(5) physical condition;
(6) diminished cognitive ability;
(7) loss of motor skills; or
(8) deterioration through the aging process.
(m) Revealing a privileged communication from or relating to a patient except when otherwise required or permitted by law.
(n) Failure by a doctor of osteopathic medicine to identify the school of healing in the professional use of the doctor's name by one of the following terms: osteopathic physician and surgeon, doctor of osteopathic medicine, or D.O.
(o) Improper management of medical records, including failure to maintain adequate medical records, to comply with a patient's request made pursuant to sections 144.291 to 144.298 or to furnish a medical record or report required by law.
(p) Fee splitting, including without limitation:
(1) paying, offering to pay, receiving, or agreeing to receive, a commission, rebate, or remuneration, directly or indirectly, primarily for the referral of patients or the prescription of drugs or devices;
(2) dividing fees with another physician or a professional corporation, unless the division is in proportion to the services provided and the responsibility assumed by each professional and the physician has disclosed the terms of the division;
(3) referring a patient to any health care provider as defined in sections 144.291 to 144.298 in which the referring physician has a "financial or economic interest," as defined in section 144.6521, subdivision 3, unless the physician has disclosed the physician's financial or economic interest in accordance with section 144.6521; and
(4) dispensing for profit any drug or device, unless the physician has disclosed the physician's own profit interest.
The physician must make the disclosures required in this clause in advance and in writing to the patient and must include in the disclosure a statement that the patient is free to choose a different health care provider. This clause does not apply to the distribution of revenues from a partnership, group practice, nonprofit corporation, or professional corporation to its partners, shareholders, members, or employees if the revenues consist only of fees for services performed by the physician or under a physician's direct supervision, or to the division or distribution of prepaid or capitated health care premiums, or fee-for-service withhold amounts paid under contracts established under other state law.
(q) Engaging in abusive or fraudulent billing practices, including violations of the federal Medicare and Medicaid laws or state medical assistance laws.
(r) Becoming addicted or habituated to a drug or intoxicant.
(s) Inappropriate prescribing of or failure to properly prescribe a drug or device, including prescribing a drug or device for other than medically accepted therapeutic or experimental or investigative purposes authorized by a state or federal agency.
(t) Engaging in conduct with a patient which is sexual or may reasonably be interpreted by the patient as sexual, or in any verbal behavior which is seductive or sexually demeaning to a patient.
(u) Failure to make reports as required by section 147.111 or to cooperate with an investigation of the board as required by section 147.131.
(v) Knowingly providing false or misleading information that is directly related to the care of that patient unless done for an accepted therapeutic purpose such as the administration of a placebo.
(w) Aiding suicide or aiding attempted suicide in violation of section 609.215 as established by any of the following:
(1) a copy of the record of criminal conviction or plea of guilty for a felony in violation of section 609.215, subdivision 1 or 2;
(2) a copy of the record of a judgment of contempt of court for violating an injunction issued under section 609.215, subdivision 4;
(3) a copy of the record of a judgment assessing damages under section 609.215, subdivision 5; or
(4) a finding by the board that the person violated section 609.215, subdivision 1 or 2. The board shall investigate any complaint of a violation of section 609.215, subdivision 1 or 2.
(x) Practice of a board-regulated profession under lapsed or nonrenewed credentials.
(y) Failure to repay a state or federally secured student loan in accordance with the provisions of the loan.
(z) Providing interstate telehealth services other than according to section 147.032.
(a) The board may not grant a license to practice medicine to any person who has been convicted of a felony-level criminal sexual conduct offense.
(b) A license to practice medicine is automatically revoked if the licensee is convicted of a felony-level criminal sexual conduct offense.
(c) A license that has been denied or revoked pursuant to this subdivision is not subject to chapter 364.
(d) For purposes of this subdivision, "conviction" means a plea of guilty, a verdict of guilty by a jury, or a finding of guilty by the court, and "criminal sexual conduct offense" means a violation of sections 609.342 to 609.345 or a similar statute in another jurisdiction.
The board may investigate allegations and impose disciplinary action as described in section 147.141 against a physician performing utilization review for a pattern of failure to exercise that degree of care that a physician reviewer of ordinary prudence making utilization review determinations for a utilization review organization would use under the same or similar circumstances. As part of its investigative process, the board shall receive consultation or recommendation from physicians who are currently engaged in utilization review activities. The internal and external review processes under sections 62M.06 and 62Q.73 must be exhausted prior to an allegation being brought under this subdivision. Nothing in this subdivision creates, modifies, or changes existing law related to tort liability for medical negligence. Nothing in this subdivision preempts state peer review law protection in accordance with sections 145.61 to 145.67, federal peer review law, or current law pertaining to complaints or appeals.
(a) A license to practice medicine is automatically suspended if (1) a guardian of a licensee is appointed by order of a court pursuant to sections 524.5-101 to 524.5-502, for reasons other than the minority of the licensee; or (2) the licensee is committed by order of a court pursuant to chapter 253B. The license remains suspended until the licensee is restored to capacity by a court and, upon petition by the licensee, the suspension is terminated by the board after a hearing.
(b) Upon notice to the board of a judgment of, or a plea of guilty to, a felony reasonably related to the practice of patient care, the credentials of the regulated person shall be automatically suspended by the board. The credentials shall remain suspended until, upon petition by the regulated person and after a hearing, the suspension is terminated by the board. The board shall indefinitely suspend or revoke the credentials of the regulated person if, after a hearing, the board finds that the felonious conduct would cause a serious risk of harm to the public.
(c) For credentials that have been suspended or revoked pursuant to paragraphs (a) and (b), the regulated person may be reinstated to practice, either with or without restrictions, by demonstrating clear and convincing evidence of rehabilitation, as provided in section 364.03. If the regulated person's conviction is subsequently overturned by court decision, the board shall conduct a hearing to review the suspension within 30 days after receipt of the court decision. The regulated person is not required to prove rehabilitation if the subsequent court decision overturns previous court findings of public risk.
(d) The board may, upon majority vote of a quorum of its members, suspend the credentials of a regulated person without a hearing if the regulated person fails to maintain a current name and address with the board, as described in paragraph (e), while the regulated person is: (1) under board investigation, and a notice of conference has been issued by the board; (2) party to a contested case with the board; (3) party to an agreement for corrective action with the board; or (4) under a board order for disciplinary action. The suspension shall remain in effect until lifted by the board pursuant to the board's receipt of a petition from the regulated person, along with the regulated person's current name and address.
(e) A person regulated by the board shall maintain a current name and address with the board and shall notify the board in writing within 30 days of any change in name or address. If a name change only is requested, the regulated person must request revised credentials and return the current credentials to the board. The board may require the regulated person to substantiate the name change by submitting official documentation from a court of law or agency authorized under law to receive and officially record a name change. If an address change only is requested, no request for revised credentials is required. If the regulated person's current credentials have been lost, stolen, or destroyed, the person shall provide a written explanation to the board.
A suspension, revocation, condition, limitation, qualification, or restriction of a license or registration shall be in effect pending determination of an appeal unless the court, upon petition and for good cause shown, shall otherwise order. A revocation of a license pursuant to subdivision 1a is not appealable and shall remain in effect indefinitely.
In its discretion, the board may restore and reissue a license to practice medicine, but as a condition thereof may impose any disciplinary or corrective measure which it might originally have imposed.
In addition to any other remedy provided by law, the board may, without a hearing, temporarily suspend the license of a physician if the board finds that the physician has violated a statute or rule which the board is empowered to enforce and continued practice by the physician would create a serious risk of harm to the public. The suspension shall take effect upon written notice to the physician, specifying the statute or rule violated. The suspension shall remain in effect until the board issues a final order in the matter after a hearing. At the time it issues the suspension notice, the board shall schedule a disciplinary hearing to be held pursuant to the Administrative Procedure Act. The physician shall be provided with at least 20 days' notice of any hearing held pursuant to this subdivision. The hearing shall be scheduled to begin no later than 30 days after the issuance of the suspension order.
In disciplinary actions alleging a violation of subdivision 1, paragraph (c) or (d), a copy of the judgment or proceeding under the seal of the court administrator or of the administrative agency which entered the same shall be admissible into evidence without further authentication and shall constitute prima facie evidence of the contents thereof.
(a) If the board has probable cause to believe that a regulated person comes under subdivision 1, paragraph (1), it may direct the person to submit to a mental or physical examination. For the purpose of this subdivision every regulated person is deemed to have consented to submit to a mental or physical examination when directed in writing by the board and further to have waived all objections to the admissibility of the examining physicians' testimony or examination reports on the ground that the same constitute a privileged communication. Failure of a regulated person to submit to an examination when directed constitutes an admission of the allegations against the person, unless the failure was due to circumstance beyond the person's control, in which case a default and final order may be entered without the taking of testimony or presentation of evidence. A regulated person affected under this paragraph shall at reasonable intervals be given an opportunity to demonstrate that the person can resume the competent practice of the regulated profession with reasonable skill and safety to the public.
In any proceeding under this paragraph, neither the record of proceedings nor the orders entered by the board shall be used against a regulated person in any other proceeding.
(b) In addition to ordering a physical or mental examination, the board may, notwithstanding section 13.384, 144.651, or any other law limiting access to medical or other health data, obtain medical data and health records relating to a regulated person or applicant without the person's or applicant's consent if the board has probable cause to believe that a regulated person comes under subdivision 1, paragraph (1). The medical data may be requested from a provider, as defined in section 144.291, subdivision 2, paragraph (i), an insurance company, or a government agency, including the Department of Human Services. A provider, insurance company, or government agency shall comply with any written request of the board under this subdivision and is not liable in any action for damages for releasing the data requested by the board if the data are released pursuant to a written request under this subdivision, unless the information is false and the provider giving the information knew, or had reason to believe, the information was false. Information obtained under this subdivision is classified as private under sections 13.01 to 13.87.
(a) In addition to the provisions of subdivision 1, the board may not issue or renew a license if the commissioner of revenue notifies the board and the licensee or applicant for a license that the licensee or applicant owes the state delinquent taxes in the amount of $500 or more. The board may issue or renew the license only if (1) the commissioner of revenue issues a tax clearance certificate and (2) the commissioner of revenue or the licensee or applicant forwards a copy of the clearance to the board. The commissioner of revenue may issue a clearance certificate only if the licensee or applicant does not owe the state any uncontested delinquent taxes.
(b) For purposes of this subdivision, the following terms have the meanings given.
(1) "Taxes" are all taxes payable to the commissioner of revenue, including penalties and interest due on those taxes.
(2) "Delinquent taxes" do not include a tax liability if (i) an administrative or court action that contests the amount or validity of the liability has been filed or served, (ii) the appeal period to contest the tax liability has not expired, or (iii) the licensee or applicant has entered into a payment agreement to pay the liability and is current with the payments.
(c) In lieu of the notice and hearing requirements of subdivision 1, when a licensee or applicant is required to obtain a clearance certificate under this subdivision, a contested case hearing must be held if the licensee or applicant requests a hearing in writing to the commissioner of revenue within 30 days of the date of the notice provided in paragraph (a). The hearing must be held within 45 days of the date the commissioner of revenue refers the case to the Office of Administrative Hearings. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, the licensee or applicant must be served with 20 days' notice in writing specifying the time and place of the hearing and the allegations against the licensee or applicant. The notice may be served personally or by mail.
(d) The board shall require all licensees or applicants to provide their Social Security number and Minnesota business identification number on all license applications. Upon request of the commissioner of revenue, the board must provide to the commissioner of revenue a list of all licensees and applicants, including the name and address, Social Security number, and business identification number. The commissioner of revenue may request a list of the licensees and applicants no more than once each calendar year.
A board review or investigation of a regulated person must not be initiated unless the board has received a complaint or report within seven years from the date of the commission of some portion of the conduct complained of or reported on except for alleged violations of subdivision 1, paragraph (t).
1971 c 485 s 3; 1974 c 31 s 1; 1975 c 213 s 1; 1976 c 222 s 34; 1981 c 83 s 1; 1982 c 581 s 24; 1985 c 21 s 1; 1985 c 247 s 7,25; 1986 c 444; 1Sp1986 c 1 art 7 s 7; 1Sp1986 c 3 art 1 s 82; 1987 c 384 art 2 s 1; 1988 c 557 s 2; 1989 c 184 art 2 s 3; 1992 c 559 art 1 s 3; 1992 c 577 s 1; 1Sp1994 c 1 art 2 s 3,4; 1995 c 18 s 4-8; 1996 c 334 s 4; 1997 c 103 s 1; 1999 c 227 s 22; 2001 c 137 s 7; 2002 c 361 s 3; 2004 c 146 art 3 s 6; 2004 c 198 s 16; 2005 c 56 s 1; 2007 c 147 art 10 s 15; 2014 c 291 art 4 s 58; 2016 c 119 s 6,7; 2017 c 56 s 3; 2020 c 79 art 1 s 4; 2020 c 83 art 2 s 6; 1Sp2021 c 7 art 6 s 28; 2022 c 58 s 84
A person licensed under this chapter who is unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety by reason of illness; use of alcohol, drugs, chemicals, or any other materials; or as a result of a mental, physical, or psychological condition may participate in the health professional services program under sections 214.31 to 214.36 if the person meets the eligibility requirements.
(a) In any contested case in which a violation of section 147.091, subdivision 1, paragraph (t), is charged all parties shall be afforded an opportunity for a probable cause hearing before an administrative law judge. The motion for a hearing must be made to the Office of Administrative Hearings within 20 days of the filing date of the contested case and served upon the board upon filing. Any hearing shall be held within 30 days of the motion. The administrative law judge shall issue a decision within 20 days of completion of the probable cause hearing. If there is no request for a hearing, the portion of the notice of and order for hearing relating to allegations of sexual misconduct automatically becomes public.
(b) The scope of the probable cause hearing is confined to a review of the facts upon which the complaint review committee of the board based its determination that there was a reasonable belief that section 147.091, subdivision 1, paragraph (t), was violated. The administrative law judge shall determine whether there is a sufficient showing of probable cause to believe the licensee committed the violations listed in the notice of and order for hearing, and shall receive evidence offered in support or opposition. Each party may cross-examine any witnesses produced by the other. A finding of probable cause shall be based upon the entire record including reliable hearsay in whole or in part and requires only a preponderance of the evidence. The burden of proof rests with the board.
(c) Upon a showing of probable cause, that portion of the notice of and order for hearing filed by the board that pertains to the allegations of sexual misconduct, including the factual allegations that support the charge, become public data. In addition, the notice of and order for hearing may be amended. A finding of no probable cause by the administrative law judge is grounds for dismissal without prejudice. Nothing in this section shall prevent the board from reopening the investigation or filing charges based on the same subject matter at a later date.
A person who has knowledge of any conduct constituting grounds for discipline under sections 147.01 to 147.22 may report the violation to the board.
Any hospital, clinic, prepaid medical plan, or other health care institution or organization located in this state shall report to the board any action taken by the institution or organization or any of its administrators or medical or other committees to revoke, suspend, restrict, or condition a physician's privilege to practice or treat patients in the institution, or as part of the organization, any denial of privileges, or any other disciplinary action. The institution or organization shall also report the resignation of any physicians prior to the conclusion of any disciplinary proceeding, or prior to the commencement of formal charges but after the physician had knowledge that formal charges were contemplated or in preparation. Each report made under this subdivision must state the nature of the action taken, state in detail the reasons for the action, and identify the specific patient medical records upon which the action was based. No report shall be required of a physician voluntarily limiting the practice of the physician at a hospital provided that the physician notifies all hospitals at which the physician has privileges of the voluntary limitation and the reasons for it.
A state or local medical society shall report to the board any termination, revocation, or suspension of membership or any other disciplinary action taken against a physician. If the society has received a complaint which might be grounds for discipline under sections 147.01 to 147.22 against a member physician on which it has not taken any disciplinary action, the society shall report the complaint and the reason why it has not taken action on it or shall direct the complainant to the Board of Medical Practice. This subdivision does not apply to a medical society when it performs peer review functions as an agent of an outside entity, organization, or system.
A licensed health professional and persons holding a residency permit under section 147.0391, shall report to the board personal knowledge of any conduct which the person reasonably believes constitutes grounds for disciplinary action under sections 147.01 to 147.22 by any physician or person holding a residency permit under section 147.0391, including any conduct indicating that the person may be medically incompetent, or may have engaged in unprofessional conduct or may be medically or physically unable to engage safely in the practice of medicine. A licensed physician or other health professional licensed under this chapter shall also report to the board any occurrence of any adverse reaction resulting from an optometrist's prescription, use, or administration of any legend drug. Any reports received by the board must be reported to the Board of Optometry. No report shall be required if the information was obtained in the course of a physician-patient relationship if the patient is a physician or person holding a residency permit under section 147.0391, and the treating physician successfully counsels the person to limit or withdraw from practice to the extent required by the impairment.
(a) Four times each year as prescribed by the board, each insurer authorized to sell insurance described in section 60A.06, subdivision 1, clause (13), and providing professional liability insurance to persons regulated by the board, shall submit to the board a report concerning the regulated persons against whom professional malpractice settlements or awards have been made to the plaintiff.
(b) A medical clinic, hospital, political subdivision, or other entity which provides professional liability coverage on behalf of persons regulated by the board shall submit to the board a report concerning malpractice settlements or awards paid on behalf of regulated persons, and any settlements or awards paid by a clinic, hospital, political subdivision, or other entity on its own behalf because of care rendered by regulated persons. This requirement excludes forgiveness of bills. The report shall be made to the board within 30 days of payment of all or part of any settlement or award.
(c) The reports in paragraphs (a) and (b) must contain at least the following information:
(1) the total number of settlements or awards made to the plaintiff;
(2) the date the settlements or awards to the plaintiff were made;
(3) the allegations contained in the claim or complaint leading to the settlements or awards made to the plaintiff;
(4) the dollar amount of each settlement or award;
(5) the regular address of the practice or business of the regulated person or entity against whom an award was made or with whom a settlement was made; and
(6) the name of the regulated person or entity against whom an award was made or with whom a settlement was made.
The reporting entity shall, in addition to the above information, report to the board any information it possesses which tends to substantiate a charge that a regulated person may have engaged in conduct violating a statute or rule of the board.
The court administrator of district court or any other court of competent jurisdiction shall report to the board any judgment or other determination of the court which adjudges or includes a finding that a physician is mentally ill, mentally incompetent, guilty of a felony, or guilty of a violation of federal or state narcotics laws or controlled substances act, guilty of an abuse or fraud under Medicare or Medicaid, appoints a guardian of the physician pursuant to sections 524.5-101 to 524.5-502 or commits a physician pursuant to chapter 253B.
A physician shall report to the board any personal action which would require that a report be filed with the board by any person, health care facility, business, or organization pursuant to subdivisions 2 to 6.
Reports required by subdivisions 2 to 7 must be submitted not later than 30 days after the occurrence of the reportable event or transaction. The board may provide forms for the submission of reports required by this section, may require that reports be submitted on the forms provided, and may adopt rules necessary to assure prompt and accurate reporting.
The board may issue subpoenas for the production of any reports required by subdivisions 2 to 7 or any related documents.
Any person, health care facility, business, or organization that fails to report as required under subdivisions 2 to 6 shall be subject to civil penalties for failing to report as required by law.
1985 c 247 s 14; 1986 c 444; 1Sp1986 c 3 art 1 s 82; 1988 c 557 s 3; 1990 c 576 s 5; 1991 c 106 s 6; 1991 c 199 art 2 s 1; 1993 c 21 s 9; 1993 c 121 s 2; 1994 c 497 s 4; 1Sp1994 c 1 art 2 s 5; 1995 c 44 s 1; 2003 c 62 s 1; 2004 c 146 art 3 s 47; 2012 c 278 art 2 s 9; 2019 c 50 art 1 s 44
Any person, health care facility, business, or organization is immune from civil liability or criminal prosecution for submitting a report to the board pursuant to section 147.111 or for otherwise reporting to the board violations or alleged violations of section 147.091. All such reports are confidential and absolutely privileged communications.
(a) Members of the board, persons employed by the board, consultants retained by the board for the purpose of investigation of violations, the preparation of charges and management of board orders on behalf of the board are immune from civil liability and criminal prosecution for any actions, transactions, or publications in the execution of, or relating to, their duties under sections 147.01 to 147.22.
(b) Members of the board and persons employed by the board or engaged in maintaining records and making reports regarding adverse health care events are immune from civil liability and criminal prosecution for any actions, transactions, or publications in the execution of or relating to their duties under section 147.155.
(c) For purposes of this section, a member of the board or a consultant described in paragraph (a) is considered a state employee under section 3.736, subdivision 9.
1985 c 247 s 15,25; 1991 c 199 art 2 s 1; 1993 c 21 s 10; 1995 c 18 s 9; 2004 c 186 s 3
A physician who is the subject of an investigation by or on behalf of the board shall cooperate fully with the investigation. Cooperation includes responding fully and promptly to any question raised by or on behalf of the board relating to the subject of the investigation and providing copies of patient medical records, as reasonably requested by the board, to assist the board in its investigation. The board shall pay for copies requested. If the board does not have a written consent from a patient permitting access to the patient's records, the physician shall delete any data in the record which identifies the patient before providing it to the board. The board shall maintain any records obtained pursuant to this section as investigative data pursuant to chapter 13.
1985 c 247 s 16; 1986 c 444
When the board finds that a licensed physician or a physician registered under section 147.032 has violated a provision or provisions of sections 147.01 to 147.22, it may do one or more of the following:
(1) revoke the license;
(2) suspend the license;
(3) revoke or suspend registration to perform interstate telehealth;
(4) impose limitations or conditions on the physician's practice of medicine, including the limitation of scope of practice to designated field specialties; the imposition of retraining or rehabilitation requirements; the requirement of practice under supervision; or the conditioning of continued practice on demonstration of knowledge or skills by appropriate examination or other review of skill and competence;
(5) impose a civil penalty not exceeding $10,000 for each separate violation, the amount of the civil penalty to be fixed so as to deprive the physician of any economic advantage gained by reason of the violation charged or to reimburse the board for the cost of the investigation and proceeding;
(6) order the physician to provide unremunerated professional service under supervision at a designated public hospital, clinic, or other health care institution; or
(7) censure or reprimand the licensed physician.
Upon judicial review of any board disciplinary action taken under sections 147.01 to 147.22, the reviewing court shall seal the administrative record, except for the board's final decision, and shall not make the administrative record available to the public.
(a) The board shall maintain a record of an event that comes to the board's attention that, in the judgment of the board or a committee of the board, qualifies as an adverse health care event under section 144.7065.
(b) Within 30 days of making a determination under paragraph (a) that an event qualifies as an adverse health care event, the board shall forward to the commissioner of health a report of the event, including the facility involved, the date of the event, and information known to the board regarding the event. The report shall not include any identifying information for any of the health care professionals, facility employees, or patients involved.
The board shall maintain and keep current a file containing the reports and complaints filed against persons regulated by the board in the state. Each complaint filed with the board pursuant to section 214.10, subdivision 1, shall be investigated according to section 214.10, subdivision 2.
Whenever the files maintained by the board show that a professional malpractice settlement or award to the plaintiff has been made against a person regulated by the board as reported by insurers pursuant to section 147.111, the executive director of the board shall notify the board and the board may authorize a review of the regulated person's practice.
When the board initiates a review of a physician's practice it shall notify the attorney general who shall investigate the matter in the same manner as provided in section 214.10. If an investigation is to be made, the attorney general shall notify the physician, and, if the incident being investigated occurred there, the administrator and chief of staff at the medical care facilities in which the physician serves.
The board shall have access to hospital and medical records of a patient treated by the physician under review if the patient signs a written consent permitting such access. If no consent form has been signed, the hospital or physician shall first delete data in the record which identifies the patient before providing it to the board.
1976 c 222 s 39; 1980 c 509 s 47; 1981 c 311 s 39; 1982 c 545 s 24; 1985 c 247 s 10,25; 1Sp1986 c 3 art 1 s 23; 1995 c 44 s 2
Each physician shall file with the board a list of the inpatient and outpatient medical care facilities at which the physician has medical privileges. The list shall be updated when the physician applies for license renewal. Nothing in this chapter grants to any person the right to be admitted to the medical staff of a health care facility.
1976 c 222 s 40; 1985 c 247 s 11,25; 1986 c 444
Every doctor of osteopathic medicine licensed by the state Board of Osteopathy under Minnesota Statutes 1961, sections 148.11 to 148.16, prior to May 1, 1963, and not licensed to practice medicine under this chapter shall annually register with the board in the manner prescribed in section 146.13.
The records, assets, and powers of the state Board of Osteopathy are transferred to the state Board of Medical Practice.
(a) Subject to paragraph (b), a physician, physician assistant, certified nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist in psychiatric and mental health nursing is not civilly liable for conduct of a former prisoner or civilly committed person that is related to the use or nonuse of medicines prescribed by the physician, physician assistant, certified nurse practitioner, or clinical nurse specialist in psychiatric and mental health nursing before the prisoner's or committed person's release. This limitation on liability applies during the period from release from confinement until the former prisoner or committed person is scheduled to receive new medicines pursuant to a new prescription written after the release.
(b) In order for paragraph (a) to apply, the person must have made the prescription in good faith, within the scope of lawful practice, and with reasonable care.
The board shall encourage licensees to make available to patients information on free and discounted prescription drug programs offered by pharmaceutical manufacturers when the information is provided to the licensees at no cost.
The Interstate Medical Licensure Compact is enacted into law and entered into with all other jurisdictions legally joining in it, in the form substantially as follows:
In order to strengthen access to health care, and in recognition of the advances in the delivery of health care, the member states of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact have allied in common purpose to develop a comprehensive process that complements the existing licensing and regulatory authority of state medical boards, and provides a streamlined process that allows physicians to become licensed in multiple states, thereby enhancing the portability of a medical license and ensuring the safety of patients. The compact creates another pathway for licensure and does not otherwise change a state's existing Medical Practice Act. The compact also adopts the prevailing standard for licensure and affirms that the practice of medicine occurs where the patient is located at the time of the physician-patient encounter, and therefore requires the physician to be under the jurisdiction of the state medical board where the patient is located. State medical boards that participate in the compact retain the jurisdiction to impose an adverse action against a license to practice medicine in that state issued to a physician through the procedures in the compact.
(a) "Bylaws" means those bylaws established by the Interstate Commission pursuant to article 11 for its governance, or for directing and controlling its actions and conduct.
(b) "Commissioner" means the voting representative appointed by each member board pursuant to article 11.
(c) "Conviction" means a finding by a court that an individual is guilty of a criminal offense through adjudication, or entry of a plea of guilt or no contest to the charge by the offender. Evidence of an entry of a conviction of a criminal offense by the court shall be considered final for purposes of disciplinary action by a member board.
(d) "Expedited license" means a full and unrestricted medical license granted by a member state to an eligible physician through the process set forth in the compact.
(e) "Interstate Commission" means the Interstate Commission created pursuant to article 11.
(f) "License" means authorization by a state for a physician to engage in the practice of medicine that would be unlawful without the authorization.
(g) "Medical Practice Act" means laws and regulations governing the practice of allopathic and osteopathic medicine within a member state.
(h) "Member board" means a state agency in a member state that acts in the sovereign interests of the state by protecting the public through licensure, regulation, and education of physicians as directed by the state government.
(i) "Member state" means a state that has enacted the compact.
(j) "Practice of medicine" means the clinical prevention, diagnosis, or treatment of human disease, injury, or condition requiring a physician to obtain and maintain a license in compliance with the Medical Practice Act of a member state.
(k) "Physician" means any person who:
(1) is a graduate of a medical school accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, the Commission on Osteopathic College Accreditation, or a medical school listed in the International Medical Education Directory or its equivalent;
(2) passed each component of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) or the Comprehensive Osteopathic Medical Licensing Examination (COMLEX-USA) within three attempts, or any of its predecessor examinations accepted by a state medical board as an equivalent examination for licensure purposes;
(3) successfully completed graduate medical education approved by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education or the American Osteopathic Association;
(4) holds specialty certification or a time-unlimited specialty certificate recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialties or the American Osteopathic Association's Bureau of Osteopathic Specialists;
(5) possesses a full and unrestricted license to engage in the practice of medicine issued by a member board;
(6) has never been convicted, received adjudication, deferred adjudication, received community supervision, or deferred disposition for any offense by a court of appropriate jurisdiction;
(7) has never held a license authorizing the practice of medicine subjected to discipline by a licensing agency in any state, federal, or foreign jurisdiction, excluding any action related to nonpayment of fees related to a license;
(8) has never had a controlled substance license or permit suspended or revoked by a state or the United States Drug Enforcement Administration; and
(9) is not under active investigation by a licensing agency or law enforcement authority in any state, federal, or foreign jurisdiction.
(l) "Offense" means a felony, gross misdemeanor, or crime of moral turpitude.
(m) "Rule" means a written statement by the Interstate Commission promulgated pursuant to article 12 that is of general applicability, and implements, interprets, or prescribes a policy or provision of the compact, or is an organizational, procedural, or practice requirement of the Interstate Commission, and has the force and effect of statutory law in a member state, and includes the amendment, repeal, or suspension of an existing rule.
(n) "State" means any state, commonwealth, district, or territory of the United States.
(o) "State of principal license" means a member state where a physician holds a license to practice medicine and has been designated as such by the physician for purposes of registration and participation in the compact.
(a) A physician must meet the eligibility requirements as defined in article 2 to receive an expedited license under the terms and provisions of the compact.
(b) An individual who does not meet the requirements of article 2 may obtain a license to practice medicine in a member state if the individual complies with all laws and requirements, other than the compact, relating to the issuance of a license to practice medicine in that state.
(a) A physician shall designate a member state as the state of principal license for purposes of registration for expedited licensure through the compact if the physician possesses a full and unrestricted license to practice medicine in that state, and the state is:
(1) the state of primary residence for the physician;
(2) the state where at least 25 percent of the physician's practice of medicine occurs;
(3) the location of the physician's employer; or
(4) if no state qualifies under clause (1), (2), or (3), the state designated as the physician's state of residence for purposes of federal income tax.
(b) A physician may redesignate a member state as the state of principal license at any time, as long as the state meets the requirements in paragraph (a).
(c) The Interstate Commission is authorized to develop rules to facilitate redesignation of another member state as the state of principal license.
(a) A physician seeking licensure through the compact in a selected member state shall file an application for an expedited license with the member board of the state selected by the physician as the state of principal license.
(b) Upon receipt of an application for an expedited license, the member board within the state selected as the state of principal license shall evaluate whether the physician is eligible for expedited licensure and issue a letter of qualification, verifying or denying the physician's eligibility, to the Interstate Commission.
Static qualifications, which include verification of medical education, graduate medical education, results of any medical or licensing examination, and other qualifications as determined by the Interstate Commission through rule, shall not be subject to additional primary source verification if already verified by the state of principal license.
The member board within the state selected as the state of principal license shall, in the course of verifying eligibility, perform a criminal background check of an applicant, including the use of the results of fingerprint or other biometric data checks compliant with the requirements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, with the exception of federal employees who have suitability determination in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations, section 731.202.
An appeal on the determination of eligibility shall be made to the member state where the application was filed and shall be subject to the law of that state.
(c) Upon verification in paragraph (b), physicians eligible for an expedited license shall complete the registration process established by the Interstate Commission to receive a license in a member state selected pursuant to paragraph (a), including the payment of any applicable fees.
(d) After receiving verification of eligibility under paragraph (b) and any fees under paragraph (c), a member board shall issue an expedited license to the physician. This license shall authorize the physician to practice medicine in the issuing state consistent with the Medical Practice Act and all applicable laws and regulations of the issuing member board and member state.
(e) An expedited license shall be valid for a period consistent with the licensure period in the member state and in the same manner as required for other physicians holding a full and unrestricted license within the member state.
(f) An expedited license obtained though the compact shall be terminated if a physician fails to maintain a license in the state of principal licensure for a nondisciplinary reason, without redesignation of a new state of principal licensure.
(g) The Interstate Commission is authorized to develop rules regarding the application process, including payment of any applicable fees, and the issuance of an expedited license.
(a) A member state issuing an expedited license authorizing the practice of medicine in that state may impose a fee for a license issued or renewed through the compact.
(b) The Interstate Commission is authorized to develop rules regarding fees for expedited licenses.
(a) A physician seeking to renew an expedited license granted in a member state shall complete a renewal process with the Interstate Commission if the physician:
(1) maintains a full and unrestricted license in a state of principal license;
(2) has never been convicted, received adjudication, deferred adjudication, received community supervision, or deferred disposition for any offense by a court of appropriate jurisdiction;
(3) has not had a license authorizing the practice of medicine subject to discipline by a licensing agency in any state, federal, or foreign jurisdiction, excluding any action related to nonpayment of fees related to a license; and
(4) has not had a controlled substance license or permit suspended or revoked by a state or the United States Drug Enforcement Administration.
(b) Physicians shall comply with all continuing professional development or continuing medical education requirements for renewal of a license issued by a member state.
(c) The Interstate Commission shall collect any renewal fees charged for the renewal of a license and distribute the fees to the applicable member board.
(d) Upon receipt of any renewal fees collected in paragraph (c), a member board shall renew the physician's license.
(e) Physician information collected by the Interstate Commission during the renewal process will be distributed to all member boards.
(f) The Interstate Commission is authorized to develop rules to address renewal of licenses obtained through the compact.
(a) The Interstate Commission shall establish a database of all licensed physicians, or those physicians who have applied for licensure, under article 5.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, member boards shall report to the Interstate Commission any public action or complaints against a licensed physician who has applied for or received an expedited license through the compact.
(c) Member boards shall report disciplinary or investigatory information determined as necessary and proper by rule of the Interstate Commission.
(d) Member boards may report any nonpublic complaint or disciplinary or investigatory information not required by paragraph (c) to the Interstate Commission.
(e) Member boards shall share complaint or disciplinary information about a physician upon request of another member board.
(f) All information provided to the Interstate Commission or distributed by member boards shall be confidential, filed under seal, and used only for investigatory or disciplinary matters.
(g) The Interstate Commission is authorized to develop rules for mandated or discretionary sharing of information by member boards.
(a) Licensure and disciplinary records of physicians are deemed investigative.
(b) In addition to the authority granted to a member board by its respective Medical Practice Act or other applicable state law, a member board may participate with other member boards in joint investigations of physicians licensed by the member boards.
(c) A subpoena issued by a member state shall be enforceable in other member states.
(d) Member boards may share any investigative, litigation, or compliance materials in furtherance of any joint or individual investigation initiated under the compact.
(e) Any member state may investigate actual or alleged violations of the statutes authorizing the practice of medicine in any other member state in which a physician holds a license to practice medicine.
(a) Any disciplinary action taken by any member board against a physician licensed through the compact shall be deemed unprofessional conduct that may be subject to discipline by other member boards, in addition to any violation of the Medical Practice Act or regulations in that state.
(b) If a license granted to a physician by the member board in the state of principal license is revoked, surrendered, relinquished in lieu of discipline, or suspended, then all licenses issued to the physician by member boards shall automatically be placed, without further action necessary by any member board, on the same status. If the member board in the state of principal license subsequently reinstates the physician's license, a license issued to the physician by any other member board shall remain encumbered until that respective member board takes action to reinstate the license in a manner consistent with the Medical Practice Act of that state.
(c) If a license granted to a physician by a member board is revoked, surrendered, relinquished in lieu of discipline, or suspended by a member board that is not the state of the principal, then any licenses issued to the physician by any other member boards shall be suspended automatically and immediately without further action necessary by the other member boards for 90 days upon entry of the order by the disciplining board, to permit the member boards to investigate the basis for the action under the Medical Practice Act of that state. A member board may terminate the automatic suspension of the license it issued prior to the completion of the 90-day suspension period in a manner consistent with the Medical Practice Act of that state.
(d) If disciplinary action other than a license being revoked, surrendered, or relinquished in lieu of discipline or suspension is taken against a physician by a member board, any other member board may deem the action conclusive as to matter of law and fact decided, and:
(1) impose the same or lesser sanctions against the physician so long as such sanctions are consistent with the Medical Practice Act of that state; or
(2) pursue separate disciplinary action against the physician under its respective Medical Practice Act, regardless of the action taken in other member states.
(a) The member states hereby create the "Interstate Medical Licensure Compact Commission."
(b) The purpose of the Interstate Commission is the administration of the Interstate Medical Licensure Compact, which is a discretionary state function.
(c) The Interstate Commission shall be a body corporate and joint agency of the member states and shall have all the responsibilities, powers, and duties set forth in the compact, and any additional powers as may be conferred upon it by a subsequent concurrent action of the respective legislatures of the member states in accordance with the terms of the compact.
(d) The Interstate Commission shall consist of two voting representatives appointed by each member state who shall serve as commissioners. In states where allopathic and osteopathic physicians are regulated by separate member boards, or if the licensing and disciplinary authority is split between multiple member boards within a member state, the member state shall appoint one representative from each member board. A commissioner shall be:
(1) an allopathic or osteopathic physician appointed to a member board;
(2) an executive director, executive secretary, or similar executive of a member board; or
(3) a member of the public appointed to a member board.
(e) The Interstate Commission shall meet at least once each calendar year. A portion of this meeting shall be a business meeting to address such matters as may properly come before the commission, including the election of officers. The chairperson may call additional meetings and shall call for a meeting upon the request of a majority of the member states.
(f) The bylaws may provide for meetings of the Interstate Commission to be conducted by telecommunications or electronic communications.
(g) Each commissioner participating at a meeting of the Interstate Commission is entitled to one vote. A majority of commissioners shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business, unless a larger quorum is required by the bylaws of the Interstate Commission. A commissioner shall not delegate a vote to another commissioner. In the absence of its commissioner, a member state may delegate voting authority for a specified meeting to another person from that state who shall meet the requirements of paragraph (d).
(h) The Interstate Commission shall provide public notice of all meetings which shall be open to the public. The Interstate Commission may close a meeting, in full or in part, where it determines by a two-thirds vote of the commissioners present that an open meeting would be likely to:
(1) relate solely to the internal personnel practices and procedures of the Interstate Commission;
(2) discuss matters specifically exempted from disclosure by federal statute;
(3) discuss trade secrets or commercial or financial information that is privileged or confidential;
(4) involve accusing a person of a crime, or formally censuring a person;
(5) discuss information of a personal nature where disclosure would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;
(6) discuss investigative records compiled for law enforcement purposes; or
(7) specifically relate to the participation in a civil action or other legal proceeding.
(i) The Interstate Commission shall keep minutes that fully describe all matters discussed in the meeting and shall provide a full and accurate summary of actions taken, including a record of any roll call votes.
(j) The Interstate Commission shall make its information and official records, to the extent not otherwise designated in the compact or by its rules, available to the public for inspection.
(k) The Interstate Commission shall establish an executive committee, which shall include officers, members, and others as determined by the bylaws. The executive committee shall have the power to act on behalf of the Interstate Commission, with the exception of rulemaking, during periods when the Interstate Commission is not in session. When acting on behalf of the Interstate Commission, the executive committee shall oversee the administration of the compact, including enforcement and compliance with the provisions of the compact, its bylaws and rules, and other such duties as necessary.
(l) The Interstate Commission may establish other committees for governance and administration of the compact.
The Interstate Commission shall have the duty and power to:
(1) oversee and maintain the administration of the compact;
(2) promulgate rules which shall be binding to the extent and in the manner provided for in the compact;
(3) issue, upon the request of a member state or member board, advisory opinions concerning the meaning or interpretation of the compact and its bylaws, rules, and actions;
(4) enforce compliance with compact provisions, the rules promulgated by the Interstate Commission, and the bylaws, using all necessary and proper means, including, but not limited to, the use of judicial process;
(5) establish and appoint committees, including, but not limited to, an executive committee as required by article 11, which shall have the power to act on behalf of the Interstate Commission in carrying out its powers and duties;
(6) pay or provide for the payment of the expenses related to the establishment, organization, and ongoing activities of the Interstate Commission;
(7) establish and maintain one or more offices;
(8) borrow, accept, hire, or contract for services of personnel;
(9) purchase and maintain insurance and bonds;
(10) employ an executive director who shall employ, select or appoint employees, agents, or consultants, and determine their qualifications, define their duties, and fix their compensation;
(11) establish personnel policies and programs relating to conflicts of interest, rates of compensation, and qualifications of personnel;
(12) accept donations and grants of money, equipment, supplies, materials, and services, and to receive, utilize, and dispose of them in a manner consistent with the conflict of interest policies established by the Interstate Commission;
(13) lease, purchase, accept contributions or donations of, or otherwise to own, hold, improve, or use any property, real, personal, or mixed;
(14) sell, convey, mortgage, pledge, lease, exchange, abandon, or otherwise dispose of any property, real, personal, or mixed;
(15) establish a budget and make expenditures;
(16) adopt a seal and bylaws governing the management and operation of the Interstate Commission;
(17) report annually to the legislatures and governors of the member states concerning the activities of the Interstate Commission during the preceding year. The reports shall also include reports of financial audits and any recommendations that may have been adopted by the Interstate Commission;
(18) coordinate education, training, and public awareness regarding the compact, its implementation, and its operation;
(19) maintain records in accordance with the bylaws;
(20) seek and obtain trademarks, copyrights, and patents; and
(21) perform such functions as may be necessary or appropriate to achieve the purposes of the compact.
(a) The Interstate Commission may levy on and collect an annual assessment from each member state to cover the cost of the operations and activities of the Interstate Commission and its staff. The total assessment must be sufficient to cover the annual budget approved each year for which revenue is not provided by other sources. The aggregate annual assessment amount shall be allocated upon a formula to be determined by the Interstate Commission, which shall promulgate a rule binding upon all member states.
(b) The Interstate Commission shall not incur obligations of any kind prior to securing the funds adequate to meet the same.
(c) The Interstate Commission shall not pledge the credit of any of the member states, except by, and with the authority of, the member state.
(d) The Interstate Commission shall be subject to a yearly financial audit conducted by a certified or licensed public accountant and the report of the audit shall be included in the annual report of the Interstate Commission.
(a) The Interstate Commission shall, by a majority of commissioners present and voting, adopt bylaws to govern its conduct as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes of the compact within 12 months of the first Interstate Commission meeting.
(b) The Interstate Commission shall elect or appoint annually from among its commissioners a chairperson, a vice chairperson, and a treasurer, each of whom shall have such authority and duties as may be specified in the bylaws. The chairperson, or in the chairperson's absence or disability, the vice chairperson, shall preside at all meetings of the Interstate Commission.
(c) Officers selected in paragraph (b) shall serve without remuneration from the Interstate Commission.
(d) The officers and employees of the Interstate Commission shall be immune from suit and liability, either personally or in their official capacity, for a claim for damages or loss of property or personal injury or other civil liability caused or arising out of, or relating to, an actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred, or that the person had a reasonable basis for believing occurred, within the scope of Interstate Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities; provided that the person shall not be protected from suit or liability for damage, loss, injury, or liability caused by the intentional or willful and wanton misconduct of the person.
(e) The liability of the executive director and employees of the Interstate Commission or representatives of the Interstate Commission, acting within the scope of the person's employment or duties for acts, errors, or omissions occurring within the person's state, may not exceed the limits of liability set forth under the constitution and laws of that state for state officials, employees, and agents. The Interstate Commission is considered to be an instrumentality of the states for the purposes of any such action. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to protect such person from suit or liability for damage, loss, injury, or liability caused by the intentional or willful and wanton misconduct of the person.
(f) The Interstate Commission shall defend the executive director and its employees, and, subject to the approval of the attorney general or other appropriate legal counsel of the member state represented by an Interstate Commission representative, shall defend the Interstate Commission representative in any civil action seeking to impose liability arising out of an actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred within the scope of Interstate Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, or that the defendant had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of Interstate Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, provided that the actual or alleged act, error, or omission did not result from intentional or willful and wanton misconduct on the part of the person.
(g) To the extent not covered by the state involved, member state, or the Interstate Commission, the representatives or employees of the Interstate Commission shall be held harmless in the amount of a settlement or judgment, including attorney fees and costs, obtained against such persons arising out of an actual or alleged act, error, or omission that occurred within the scope of Interstate Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, or that such persons had a reasonable basis for believing occurred within the scope of Interstate Commission employment, duties, or responsibilities, provided that the actual or alleged act, error, or omission did not result from intentional or willful and wanton misconduct on the part of such persons.
(a) The Interstate Commission shall promulgate reasonable rules in order to effectively and efficiently achieve the purposes of the compact. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the Interstate Commission exercises its rulemaking authority in a manner that is beyond the scope of the purposes of the compact, or the powers granted hereunder, then such an action by the Interstate Commission shall be invalid and have no force or effect.
(b) Rules deemed appropriate for the operations of the Interstate Commission shall be made pursuant to a rulemaking process that substantially conforms to the Model State Administrative Procedure Act of 2010, and subsequent amendments thereto.
(c) Not later than 30 days after a rule is promulgated, any person may file a petition for judicial review of the rule in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district where the Interstate Commission has its principal offices, provided that the filing of such a petition shall not stay or otherwise prevent the rule from becoming effective unless the court finds that the petitioner has a substantial likelihood of success. The court shall give deference to the actions of the Interstate Commission consistent with applicable law and shall not find the rule to be unlawful if the rule represents a reasonable exercise of the authority granted to the Interstate Commission.
(a) The executive, legislative, and judicial branches of state government in each member state shall enforce the compact and shall take all actions necessary and appropriate to effectuate the compact's purposes and intent. The provisions of the compact and the rules promulgated hereunder shall have standing as statutory law, but shall not override existing state authority to regulate the practice of medicine.
(b) All courts shall take judicial notice of the compact and the rules in any judicial or administrative proceeding in a member state pertaining to the subject matter of the compact that may affect the powers, responsibilities, or actions of the Interstate Commission.
(c) The Interstate Commission shall be entitled to receive all service of process in any such proceeding, and shall have standing to intervene in the proceeding for all purposes. Failure to provide service of process to the Interstate Commission shall render a judgment or order void as to the Interstate Commission, the compact, or promulgated rules.
(a) The Interstate Commission, in the reasonable exercise of its discretion, shall enforce the provisions and rules of the compact.
(b) The Interstate Commission may, by majority vote of the commissioners, initiate legal action in the United States District Court for the District of Columbia, or, at the discretion of the Interstate Commission, in the federal district where the Interstate Commission has its principal offices, to enforce compliance with the provisions of the compact, and its promulgated rules and bylaws, against a member state in default. The relief sought may include both injunctive relief and damages. In the event judicial enforcement is necessary, the prevailing party shall be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney fees.
(c) The remedies herein shall not be the exclusive remedies of the Interstate Commission. The Interstate Commission may avail itself of any other remedies available under state law or the regulation of a profession.
(a) The grounds for default include, but are not limited to, failure of a member state to perform such obligations or responsibilities imposed upon it by the compact, or the rules and bylaws of the Interstate Commission promulgated under the compact.
(b) If the Interstate Commission determines that a member state has defaulted in the performance of its obligations or responsibilities under the compact, or the bylaws or promulgated rules, the Interstate Commission shall:
(1) provide written notice to the defaulting state and other member states of the nature of the default, the means of curing the default, and any action taken by the Interstate Commission. The Interstate Commission shall specify the conditions by which the defaulting state must cure its default; and
(2) provide remedial training and specific technical assistance regarding the default.
(c) If the defaulting state fails to cure the default, the defaulting state shall be terminated from the compact upon an affirmative vote of a majority of the commissioners, and all rights, privileges, and benefits conferred by the compact shall terminate on the effective date of termination. A cure of the default does not relieve the offending state of obligations or liabilities incurred during the period of the default.
(d) Termination of membership in the compact shall be imposed only after all other means of securing compliance have been exhausted. Notice of intent to terminate shall be given by the Interstate Commission to the governor, the majority and minority leaders of the defaulting state's legislature, and each of the member states.
(e) The Interstate Commission shall establish rules and procedures to address licenses and physicians that are materially impacted by the termination of a member state or the withdrawal of a member state.
(f) The member state that has been terminated is responsible for all dues, obligations, and liabilities incurred through the effective date of termination, including obligations, the performance of which extends beyond the effective date of termination.
(g) The Interstate Commission shall not bear any costs relating to any state that has been found to be in default or that has been terminated from the compact, unless otherwise mutually agreed upon in writing between the Interstate Commission and the defaulting state.
(h) The defaulting state may appeal the action of the Interstate Commission by petitioning the United States District Court for the District of Columbia or the federal district where the Interstate Commission has its principal offices. The prevailing party shall be awarded all costs of such litigation, including reasonable attorney fees.
(a) The Interstate Commission shall attempt, upon the request of a member state, to resolve disputes that are subject to the compact and that may arise among member states or member boards.
(b) The Interstate Commission shall promulgate rules providing for both mediation and binding dispute resolution as appropriate.
(a) Any state is eligible to become a member state of the compact.
(b) The compact shall become effective and binding upon legislative enactment of the compact into law by no less than seven states. Thereafter, it shall become effective and binding on a state upon enactment of the compact into law by that state.
(c) The governors of nonmember states, or their designees, shall be invited to participate in the activities of the Interstate Commission on a nonvoting basis prior to adoption of the compact by all states.
(d) The Interstate Commission may propose amendments to the compact for enactment by the member states. No amendment shall become effective and binding upon the Interstate Commission and the member states unless and until it is enacted into law by unanimous consent of the member states.
(a) Once effective, the compact shall continue in force and remain binding upon each and every member state, provided that a member state may withdraw from the compact by specifically repealing the statute which enacted the compact into law.
(b) Withdrawal from the compact shall be by the enactment of a statute repealing the same, but shall not take effect until one year after the effective date of such statute and until written notice of the withdrawal has been given by the withdrawing state to the governor of each other member state.
(c) The withdrawing state shall immediately notify the chairperson of the Interstate Commission in writing upon the introduction of legislation repealing the compact in the withdrawing state.
(d) The Interstate Commission shall notify the other member states of the withdrawing state's intent to withdraw within 60 days of its receipt of notice provided under paragraph (c).
(e) The withdrawing state is responsible for all dues, obligations, and liabilities incurred through the effective date of withdrawal, including obligations, and the performance of which extend beyond the effective date of withdrawal.
(f) Reinstatement following withdrawal of a member state shall occur upon the withdrawing state reenacting the compact or upon such later date as determined by the Interstate Commission.
(g) The Interstate Commission is authorized to develop rules to address the impact of the withdrawal of a member state on licenses granted in other member states to physicians who designated the withdrawing member state as the state of principal license.
(a) The compact shall dissolve effective upon the date of the withdrawal or default of a member state that reduces the membership in the compact to one member state.
(b) Upon the dissolution of the compact, the compact becomes null and void and shall be of no further force or effect, and the business and affairs of the Interstate Commission shall be concluded and surplus funds shall be distributed in accordance with the bylaws.
(a) The provisions of the compact shall be severable, and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision is deemed unenforceable, the remaining provisions of the compact shall be enforceable.
(b) The provisions of the compact shall be liberally construed to effectuate its purposes.
(c) Nothing in the compact shall be construed to prohibit the applicability of other interstate compacts to which the states are members.
(a) Nothing herein prevents the enforcement of any other law of a member state that is not inconsistent with the compact.
(b) All laws in a member state in conflict with the compact are superseded to the extent of the conflict.
(c) All lawful actions of the Interstate Commission, including all rules and bylaws promulgated by the commission, are binding upon the member states.
(d) All agreements between the Interstate Commission and the member states are binding in accordance with their terms.
(e) In the event any provision of the compact exceeds the constitutional limits imposed on the legislature of any member state, such provision shall be ineffective to the extent of the conflict with the constitutional provision in question in that member state.
(a) Uniform rules developed by the Interstate Commission established under section 147.38 shall not be subject to the provisions of sections 14.05 to 14.389.
(b) Complaints against physicians licensed in Minnesota under the expedited licensure process in section 147.38 shall be handled as provided in sections 214.10 and 214.103.
(c) All provisions of section 147.38 authorizing or requiring the board to provide data to the Interstate Commission are authorized by section 214.10, subdivision 8, paragraph (d).
(d) According to uniform rules developed by the Interstate Commission established under section 147.38, the board is authorized to require a physician who has designated Minnesota as the state of principal license to submit to a national criminal background check. The criminal background check shall be conducted as provided in section 214.075. The board shall use the criminal background check data to evaluate a physician's eligibility for a letter of qualification pursuant to section 147.38, and shall not disseminate this data to the Interstate Commission. A physician seeking expedited licensure in Minnesota under section 147.38 who has not designated Minnesota as the state of principal license is exempt from the requirements of section 214.075 if the state of principal license has required a criminal background check for the physician within the last 12 months.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes