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Office of the Revisor of Statutes


Table of Sections
Section Headnote
500.13 [Repealed, 1987 c 60 s 6; 1988 c 482 s 10; 1989 c 340 art 1 s 77]
500.19 DIVISION.
500.22 Subdivisions renumbered, repealed, or no longer in effect
500.23 [Repealed, 1973 c 427 s 2]


Estates in lands are divided into estates of inheritance, estates for life, estates for years, and estates at will and by sufferance.


(8032) RL s 3191


Every estate of inheritance shall continue to be termed a fee simple, or fee; and every such estate, when not defeasible or conditional, shall be a fee simple absolute or an absolute fee.


(8033) RL s 3192


In all cases where any person, if this chapter had not been passed, would at any time hereafter become seized in fee tail of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments by virtue of any devise, gift, grant, or other conveyance heretofore made, or hereafter to be made, or by any other means, such person, instead of becoming seized thereof in fee tail, shall be deemed and adjudged to be seized thereof as in fee simple.


(8034) RL s 3193


Where lands, tenements, or hereditaments heretofore have been devised, granted, or otherwise conveyed by a tenant in tail, and the person to whom such devise, grant, or other conveyance has been made, or that person's heirs or assigns, have from the time such devise took effect, or from the time such grant or conveyance was made, to the day of passing this chapter, been in the uninterrupted possession of such lands, tenements, or hereditaments, and claiming and holding the same under or by virtue of such devise, grant, or other conveyance, they shall be deemed as good and legal to all intents and purposes as if such tenant in tail had, at the time of making such devise, grant, or other conveyance, been seized in fee simple of such lands, tenements, or hereditaments, any law to the contrary notwithstanding.


(8035) RL s 3194; 1986 c 444


Estates of inheritance and for life shall be denominated estates of freehold; estates for years shall be denominated chattels real; and estates at will or by sufferance shall be chattel interests, but shall not be liable as such to sale on execution.

An estate for the life of a third person, whether limited to heirs or otherwise, shall be deemed a freehold only during the life of the grantee or devisee, but after the death of the grantee or devisee it shall be deemed a chattel real.


(8036, 8037) RL s 3195, 3196; 1986 c 444


Estates, as respects the time of their enjoyment, are divided into estates in possession and estates in expectancy.


(8038) RL s 3197


An estate in possession is where the owner has an immediate right to the possession of the land; an estate in expectancy is where the right to the possession is postponed to a future period.


(8038) RL s 3197


Estates in expectancy are divided into, (1) reversions, and (2) estates commencing at a future day, denominated future estates. All expectant estates, except such as are enumerated and defined in this chapter, are abolished.


(8039, 8072) RL s 3198, 3231


A reversion is the residue of an estate left in the grantor, or the grantor's heirs, or in the heirs of a testator, commencing in possession on the determination of a particular estate granted or devised.


(8042) RL s 3201; 1986 c 444


A future estate is an estate limited to commence in possession at a future day, either without the intervention of a precedent estate, or on the determination, by lapse of time or otherwise, of a precedent estate created at the same time.


(8040) RL s 3199


Subdivision 1.Common law remainders.

When a future estate is dependent upon a precedent estate, it may be termed a remainder, and may be created and transferred by that name.

When a remainder on an estate for life or for years is not limited on a contingency defeating or avoiding such precedent estate, it shall be construed as intended to take effect only on the death of the first taker, or at the expiration, by lapse of time, of such term of years.

Subd. 2.Conditional limitations; shifting interests.

A remainder may be limited on a contingency which, in case it should happen, will operate to abridge or determine the precedent estate; and every such remainder shall be construed a conditional limitation, and have the same effect as such limitation would have by law.

Subd. 3.Springing interests.

Subject to the rules established in this chapter, a freehold estate, as well as a chattel real, may be created to commence at a future day; an estate for life may be created in a term of years, and a remainder limited thereon.


(8041, 8054, 8057, 8059) RL s 3200, 3213, 3216, 3218


Future estates are either vested or contingent. They are contingent while the person to whom, or the event upon which, they are limited to take effect remains uncertain.


Subdivision 1.Failure of heirs or issue.

Unless a different intent is effectively manifested, whenever property is limited upon the death of any person without "heirs" or "heirs of the body" or "issue" general or special, or "descendants" or "offspring" or "children" or any such relative described by other terms, the limitation is to take effect only when that person dies not having such relative living at the time of the person's death, or in gestation and born alive thereafter, and is not a limitation to take effect upon the indefinite failure of such relatives; nor, unless a different intent is effectively manifested, does the limitation mean that death without such relative is restricted in time to the lifetime of the creator of the interest.

Subd. 2.Alternative future estates.

Two or more future estates may also be created, to take effect in the alternative, so that if the first in order fails to vest the next in succession shall be substituted for it, and take effect accordingly.

Subd. 3.Probability of contingency.

No future estate, otherwise valid, shall be void on the ground of the probability or improbability of the contingency on which it is limited to take effect.

Subd. 4.Certain remainders vest by purchase.

When a remainder is limited to the heirs, or heirs of the body, of a person to whom a life estate in the same premises is given, the persons who, on the termination of the life estate, are the heirs or heirs of the body of such tenant for life shall be entitled to take as purchasers, by virtue of the remainder so limited to them. No conveyance, transfer, devise, or bequest of an interest, legal or equitable, in real or personal property, shall fail to take effect by purchase because limited to a person or persons, howsoever described, who would take the same interest by descent or distribution.

Subd. 5.Posthumous children as remainderpersons.

When a future estate is limited to heirs, or issue, or children, posthumous children shall be entitled to take in the same manner as if living at the death of their parent.

Subd. 6.Posthumous birth averts "death without issue."

A future estate, depending on the contingency of the death of any person without heirs or issue or children, shall be defeated by the birth of a posthumous child of such person capable of taking by descent.


(8052-1, 8055, 8056, 8058, 8060, 8061) RL s 3211, 3214, 3215, 3217, 3219, 3220; 1939 c 90; 1939 c 378; 1986 c 444


Subdivision 1.Owner's destruction of precedent estate.

No expectant estate can be defeated or barred by any alienation or other act of the owner of the intermediate or precedent estate, nor by any destruction of such precedent estate, by disseisin, forfeiture, surrender, merger, or otherwise.

Subd. 2.Exception.

Subdivision 1 shall not be construed to prevent an expectant estate from being defeated in any manner, or by any act or means, which the party creating such estate has, in the creation thereof, provided or authorized; nor shall an expectant estate thus liable to be defeated be on that ground adjudged void in its creation.

Subd. 3.Premature determination of precedent estate.

No remainder, valid in its creation, shall be defeated by the determination of the precedent estate before the happening of the contingency on which the remainder is limited to take effect; but, should such contingency afterward happen, the remainder shall take effect in the same manner and to the same extent as if the precedent estate had continued to the same period.


(8062, 8063, 8064) RL s 3221, 3222, 3223


Expectant estates are descendible, devisable, and alienable in the same manner as estates in possession; and hereafter contingent rights of reentry for breach of conditions subsequent, and rights to possession for breach of conditions subsequent after breach but before entry made, and possibilities of reverter, shall be descendible, devisable, and alienable in the same manner as estate in possession.


Subdivision 1.Disposal; rules governing.

Dispositions of the rents and profits of lands, to accrue and be received at any time subsequent to the execution of the instrument creating such disposition, shall be governed by the rules established in this chapter in relation to future estates in lands.

Subd. 2.Accumulation.

Where the controlling will or other written instrument permits accumulation, either expressly or by necessary implication, income from personal property and rents and profits from real estate may be accumulated for the period during which the power of alienation may be suspended by future interests in real or personal property not held in trust under section 501B.09, subdivision 3. Where any will or other instrument authorizes accumulation beyond the period permissible under this section, such authorization shall be void only as to the excess period.

Reasonable sums set aside for depreciation and depletion shall not be deemed an accumulation within the meaning of this section.

Subd. 3.

[Repealed, 1965 c 682 s 2]

Subd. 4.Support of minor beneficiaries.

When such rents and profits are directed to be accumulated for the benefit of infants entitled to the expectant estate, and such infants are destitute of other sufficient means of support and education, the district court, upon the application of their guardian, may direct a suitable sum, out of such rents and profits, to be applied to their maintenance and education.

Subd. 5.Ownership if alienation suspended.

When, in consequence of a valid limitation of an expectant estate, there is a suspension of the power of alienation, or of ownership, during the continuance of which the rents and profits are undisposed of, and no valid direction for their accumulation is given, such rents and profits shall belong to the person presumptively entitled to the next eventual estate.

Subd. 6.Trustee's accumulation of rents, profits of realty.

The provisions of this section shall not apply to the accumulations of rents and profits of real estate held or owned by a trustee or trustees of a trust forming a part of a stock bonus, pension, retirement or profit-sharing plan or fund exempt from tax under the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States, and rents and profits of real estate held or owned by any such trustee or trustees may be accumulated without restriction as to time.


The delivery of the grant, where an expectant estate is created by grant, and, where it is created by devise, the death of the testator, shall be deemed the time of the creation of the estate.


(8071) RL s 3230

500.19 DIVISION.

Subdivision 1.According to number.

Estates, in respect to the number and connection of their owners, are divided into estates in severalty, in joint tenancy, and in common; the nature and properties of which, respectively, shall continue to be such as are now established by law, except so far as the same may be modified by the provisions of this chapter.

Subd. 2.Construction of grants and devises.

All grants and devises of lands, made to two or more persons, shall be construed to create estates in common, and not in joint tenancy, unless expressly declared to be in joint tenancy. This subdivision shall not apply to mortgages, nor to devises or grants made in trust, or to executors.

Subd. 3.Joint tenancy requirements abolished.

The common law requirement for unity of time, title, interest, and possession in the creation of a joint tenancy is abolished.

Subd. 4.Conveying interest directly.

(a) Subject to section 507.02 specifying when both spouses must join in a conveyance of their homestead, one or more owners of an interest in real estate may convey all or part of the interest directly to one or more other persons or to one or more of themselves, or to any combination of one or more of themselves and other persons.

(b) Subject to section 507.02 specifying when both spouses must join in a conveyance of their homestead, conveyances between spouses are allowed under paragraph (a) to the same extent as those between unmarried persons.

Subd. 5.Severance of estates in joint tenancy.

A severance of a joint tenancy interest in real estate by a joint tenant shall be legally effective only if (1) the instrument of severance is recorded in the office of the county recorder or the registrar of titles in the county where the real estate is situated; or (2) the instrument of severance is executed by all of the joint tenants; or (3) the severance is ordered by a court of competent jurisdiction; or (4) a severance is effected pursuant to bankruptcy of a joint tenant.

A decree of dissolution of a marriage severs all joint tenancy interests in real estate between the parties to the marriage, except to the extent the decree declares that the parties continue to hold an interest in real estate as joint tenants.


Subdivision 1.Nominal conditions and limitations.

When any covenants, conditions, restrictions or extensions thereof annexed to a grant, devise or conveyance of land are, or shall become, merely nominal, and of no actual and substantial benefit to the party or parties to whom or in whose favor they are to be performed, they may be wholly disregarded; and a failure to perform the same shall in no case operate as a basis of forfeiture of the lands subject thereto.

Subd. 2.

[Repealed, 1982 c 500 s 5]

Subd. 2a.Restriction of duration of condition.

Except for any right to reenter or to repossess as provided in subdivision 3, all private covenants, conditions, or restrictions created by which the title or use of real property is affected, cease to be valid and operative 30 years after the date of the deed, or other instrument, or the date of the probate of the will, creating them, and may be disregarded.

This subdivision does not apply to covenants, conditions, or restrictions:

(1) that were created before August 1, 1959, under which a person who owns or has an interest in real property against which the covenants, conditions, or restrictions have been filed claims a benefit of the covenant, condition, or restriction if the person records in the office of the county recorder or files in the office of the registrar of titles in the county in which the real estate affected is located, on or before March 30, 1989, a notice sworn to by the claimant or the claimant's agent or attorney: setting forth the name of the claimant; describing the real estate affected; describing the deed, instrument, or will creating the covenant, condition, or restriction; and stating that the covenant, condition, or restriction is not nominal and may not be disregarded under subdivision 1;

(2) that are created by the declaration, bylaws, floor plans, or condominium plat of a condominium created before August 1, 1980, under chapter 515, or created on or after August 1, 1980, under chapter 515A or 515B, or by any amendments of the declaration, bylaws, floor plans, or condominium plat;

(3) that are created by the articles of incorporation, bylaws, or proprietary leases of a cooperative association formed under chapter 308A;

(4) that are created by a declaration or other instrument that authorizes and empowers a corporation of which the qualification for being a stockholder or member is ownership of certain parcels of real estate, to hold title to common real estate for the benefit of the parcels;

(5) that are created by a deed, declaration, reservation, or other instrument by which one or more portions of a building, set of connecting or adjacent buildings, or complex or project of related buildings and structures share support, structural components, ingress and egress, or utility access with another portion or portions;

(6) that were created after July 31, 1959, under which a person who owns or has an interest in real estate against which covenants, conditions, or restrictions have been filed claims a benefit of the covenants, conditions, or restrictions if the person records in the office of the county recorder or files in the office of the registrar of titles in the county in which the real estate affected is located during the period commencing on the 28th anniversary of the date of the deed or instrument, or the date of the probate of the will, creating them and ending on the 30th anniversary, a notice as described in clause (1); or

(7) that are created by a declaration or bylaws of a common interest community created under or governed by chapter 515B, or by any amendments thereto.

A notice filed in accordance with clause (1) or (6) delays application of this subdivision to the covenants, conditions, or restrictions for a period ending on the later of seven years after the date of filing of the notice, or until final judgment is entered in an action to determine the validity of the covenants, conditions, or restrictions, provided in the case of an action the summons and complaint must be served and a notice of lis pendens must be recorded in the office of the county recorder or filed in the office of the registrar of titles in each county in which the real estate affected is located within seven years after the date of recording or filing of the notice under clause (1) or (6).

County recorders and registrars of titles shall accept for recording or filing a notice conforming with this subdivision and charge a fee corresponding with the fee charged for filing a notice of lis pendens of similar length. The notice may be discharged in the same manner as a notice of lis pendens and when discharged, together with the information included with it, ceases to constitute either actual or constructive notice.

Subd. 3.Time to assert power of termination.

Hereafter any right to reenter or to repossess land on account of breach made in a condition subsequent shall be barred unless such right is asserted by entry or action within six years after the happening of the breach upon which such right is predicated.


The provisions of sections 500.16 and 500.20 shall not apply to so-called ground leases providing for the construction by the lessee of buildings or other structures upon the lands of the lessor.


(8075-1) 1937 c 487 s 3


Subdivision 1.General rule.

(a) Any provision of any deed restriction, subdivision regulation, restrictive covenant, local ordinance, contract, rental agreement or regulation, or homeowners association document that limits the right of an owner or tenant of residential property to display the flag of the United States and the flag of the State of Minnesota is void and unenforceable.

(b) "Homeowners association document" includes the declaration, articles of incorporation, bylaws, and rules and regulations of:

(1) a common interest community, as defined in section 515B.1-103(C)(10), regardless of whether the common interest community is subject to chapter 515B; and

(2) a residential community that is not a common interest community, as defined in section 515B.1-103(C)(10).

Subd. 2.Exceptions.

(a) This section does not prohibit limitations narrowly tailored to protect health or safety.

(b) This section does not prohibit limitations that restrict:

(1) the size of the flag to be displayed to a size customarily used on residential property;

(2) the installation and display of the flag to a portion of the residential property to which the person who displays the flag has exclusive use; or

(3) illuminating the flag.

(c) This section does not prohibit a requirement that the flag be displayed in a legal manner under Minnesota law, that the flag be in good condition and not altered or defaced, or that the flag not be affixed in a permanent manner to that portion of property to be maintained by others or in a way that causes more than inconsequential damage to others' property. A person who causes damage is liable for the repair costs.

Subd. 3.Applicability.

This section applies to all limitations described in subdivision 1 and not excepted in subdivision 2, regardless of whether adopted before, on, or after August 1, 2005.

Subd. 4.Recovery of attorney fees.

If an owner or tenant of residential property is denied the right provided by this section, the owner or tenant is entitled to recover, from the party who denied the right, reasonable attorney fees and expenses if the owner or tenant prevails in enforcing the right. If a flag is installed or displayed in violation of enforceable restrictions or limitations, the party enforcing the restrictions or limitations is entitled to recover, from the party displaying the flag, reasonable attorney fees and expenses if the enforcing party prevails in enforcing the restrictions or limitations.


2005 c 168 s 1


Subdivision 1.

[Repealed, 1977 c 269 s 2]

Subd. 2.

[Repealed, 1959 c 495 s 3]

Subd. 3.

[Repealed, 1973 c 427 s 2]

Subd. 4.

[Repealed, 1973 c 427 s 2]

Subd. 5.

[Repealed, 1973 c 427 s 2]


Subdivision 1.Definitions.

For purposes of this section, "agricultural land" means land capable of use in the production of agricultural crops, livestock or livestock products, poultry or poultry products, milk or dairy products, or fruit and other horticultural products but does not include any land zoned by a local governmental unit for a use other than and nonconforming with agricultural use. For the purposes of this section, "interest in agricultural land" includes any leasehold interest. For the purposes of this section, a "permanent resident alien of the United States" is a natural person who:

(1) has been lawfully admitted to the United States for permanent residence; or

(2) is a holder of a nonimmigrant treaty investment visa pursuant to United States Code, title 8, section 1101(a)15(E)(ii).

A person who qualifies as a permanent resident alien of the United States under clause (1) must also maintain that person's principal, actual dwelling place within the United States for at least six months out of every consecutive 12-month period without regard to intent. A person who qualifies as a permanent resident alien of the United States under clause (2) must also maintain that person's principal actual dwelling place in Minnesota for at least ten months out of every 12-month period, and is limited to dairy farming and up to 1,500 acres of agricultural land. The eligibility of a person under clause (2) is limited to three years, unless the commissioner waives the three-year limitation upon finding that the person is actively pursuing the status under clause (1) or United States citizenship. For the purposes of this section, "commissioner" means the commissioner of agriculture.

Subd. 1a.Determination of alien status.

An alien who qualifies under subdivision 1, clause (1), and has been physically absent from the United States for more than six months out of any 12-month period shall be presumed not to be a permanent resident alien. An alien who qualifies under subdivision 1, clause (2), and has been physically absent from Minnesota for more than two months out of any 12-month period shall be presumed not to be a permanent resident alien. Every permanent resident alien of the United States who purchases property subject to this section must:

(1) file a report with the commissioner within 30 days of the date of purchase; and

(2) annually, at some time during the month of January, file with the commissioner a statement setting forth the dates and places of that person's residence in the United States during the prior calendar year.

The statement required under clause (2) must include an explanation of absences totaling more than two months during the prior calendar year and any facts which support the continuation of permanent resident alien status. Upon receipt of the statement, the commissioner shall have 30 days to review the statement and notify the resident alien whether the facts support continuation of the permanent resident alien status.

Subd. 2.Aliens and non-American corporations.

Except as hereinafter provided, no natural person shall acquire directly or indirectly any interest in agricultural land unless the person is a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident alien of the United States. In addition to the restrictions in section 500.24, no corporation, partnership, limited partnership, trustee, or other business entity shall directly or indirectly, acquire or otherwise obtain any interest, whether legal, beneficial or otherwise, in any title to agricultural land unless at least 80 percent of each class of stock issued and outstanding or 80 percent of the ultimate beneficial interest of the entity is held directly or indirectly by citizens of the United States or permanent resident aliens. This section shall not apply:

(1) to agricultural land that may be acquired by devise, inheritance, as security for indebtedness, by process of law in the collection of debts, or by any procedure for the enforcement of a lien or claim thereon, whether created by mortgage or otherwise. All agricultural land acquired in the collection of debts or by the enforcement of a lien or claim shall be disposed of within three years after acquiring ownership;

(2) to citizens or subjects of a foreign country whose rights to hold land are secured by treaty;

(3) to lands used for transportation purposes by a common carrier, as defined in section 218.011, subdivision 10;

(4) to lands or interests in lands acquired for use in connection with (i) the production of timber and forestry products by a corporation organized under the laws of Minnesota, or (ii) mining and mineral processing operations. Pending the development of agricultural land for the production of timber and forestry products or mining purposes the land may not be used for farming except under lease to a family farm, a family farm corporation or an authorized farm corporation;

(5) to agricultural land operated for research or experimental purposes if the ownership of the agricultural land is incidental to the research or experimental objectives of the person or business entity and the total acreage owned by the person or business entity does not exceed the acreage owned on May 27, 1977;

(6) to the purchase of any tract of 40 acres or less for facilities incidental to pipeline operation by a company operating a pipeline as defined in section 216G.01, subdivision 3;

(7) to agricultural land and land capable of being used as farmland in vegetable processing operations that is reasonably necessary to meet the requirements of pollution control law or rules;

(8) to an interest in agricultural land held on the August 1, 2003, by a natural person with a nonimmigrant treaty investment visa, pursuant to United States Code, title 8, section 1101(a)15(E)(ii), if, within five years after August 1, 2003, the person:

(i) disposes of all agricultural land held; or

(ii) becomes a permanent resident alien of the United States or a United States citizen; or

(9) to an easement taken by an individual or entity for the installation and repair of transmission lines and for wind rights.

Subd. 2a.Loss of exempt status.

If any person or business entity acquires an interest in agricultural land as permitted by subdivision 2 and thereafter ceases to be a person or entity qualified to acquire an interest in agricultural land as permitted by subdivision 2 by reason of the loss of citizenship or permanent residence status or the loss of citizenship or permanent residence status of its shareholders or the holders of ultimate beneficial interests, the person or entity shall:

(a) Notify the commissioner within 30 days of the loss of qualification and file a report with the commissioner of agriculture giving a description of all agricultural land owned by the person or entity within the state, the date upon which the land was acquired, the date upon which the person or entity ceased to be qualified, and other information reasonably required by the commissioner;

(b) Divest itself of any agricultural land acquired after May 27, 1981 within one year of the date upon which the person or entity ceased to be qualified;

(c) Report the divestiture to the commissioner of agriculture within 90 days after it occurs;

(d) Make other reports as the commissioner may reasonably require; and

(e) Continue to file periodic reports as required by subdivision 4 with respect to any land acquired on or before May 27, 1977.

Subd. 2b.Investigation by commissioner.

The commissioner, upon the request of any person or upon receipt of any information which leads the commissioner to believe that a violation of this section may exist, may issue subpoenas requiring the appearance of witnesses, the production of relevant records and the giving of relevant testimony. On concluding, as a result of the investigation, that a violation of this section may have occurred, the commissioner shall provide the landowner or the landowner's designee with the opportunity to meet with the commissioner or the commissioner's designee in the county where the land is located to exchange information relating to the compliance with this section and any necessity for divestiture. The commissioner shall have the power to issue additional subpoenas for the meeting. The landowner and any person subpoenaed by the commissioner may be represented by counsel. Notwithstanding the provisions of chapter 14, the preliminary investigation and the meeting do not constitute a contested case hearing.

Subd. 3.Enforcement.

With reason to believe, after investigation, that any person is violating this section, the commissioner shall commence an action in the district court in which any agricultural land relative to the violation is situated, or if situated in two or more counties, in any county in which a substantial part of the land is situated. The commissioner shall file for record with the county recorder or the registrar of titles of each county in which any portion of the land is located a notice of the pendency of the action as provided in section 557.02. If the court finds that the land in question is being held in violation of subdivision 2, it shall enter an order so declaring. The commissioner shall file for record any order with the county recorder or the registrar of titles of each county in which any portion of the land is located. Thereafter, the natural person, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, trustee or other business entity, shall have a period of one year from the date of the order to divest itself of the lands. The aforementioned one year limitation period shall be deemed a covenant running with the title to the land against any grantee or assignee or successor corporation or any noncorporation entity acting as agent, assignee, or successor on behalf of a corporation. Any land not so divested within the time prescribed shall be sold at public sale in the manner prescribed by law for the foreclosure of a mortgage by action. No title to land shall be invalid or subject to forfeiture by reason of the alienage of any former owner or person having a former interest therein.

Subd. 3a.Injunction.

The commissioner may seek injunctive relief whenever a violation of this section is threatened.

Subd. 3b.Agreement.

The commissioner is authorized to enter into a written agreement in settlement of any alleged violation, whether or not a hearing is held on the violation. An agreement may provide for an extension of the time period for divestiture but shall not include a waiver of a divestiture required by this section. The agreement shall be construed as a "No Contest" pleading and may include any sanctions, penalties, or affirmative actions which are mutually satisfactory and are consistent with this section. The agreement shall be final and conclusive with respect to the action, except upon a showing of fraud, malfeasance, or misrepresentation of a material fact. The matter agreed upon shall not be reopened or modified by an officer, employee, or agent of the state. The agreement shall be filed in Ramsey County District Court and shall be enforceable by it or the district court of the county in which the person resides or principally does business. Any violator of an agreement may, after notice is given to the alleged violator and a hearing is held, be punished by the district court as for contempt, in addition to other remedies in this section.

Subd. 4.Reports.

(a) Any natural person, corporation, partnership, limited partnership, trustee, or other business entity prohibited from future acquisition of agricultural land may retain title to any agricultural land lawfully acquired within this state prior to June 1, 1981, but shall file a report with the commissioner of agriculture annually before January 31 containing a description of all agricultural land held within this state, the purchase price and market value of the land, the use to which it is put, the date of acquisition and any other reasonable information required by the commissioner.

(b) An individual or entity that qualifies for an exemption under subdivision 2, clause (2) or (9), and owns an interest in agricultural land shall file a report with the commissioner of agriculture by December 31 of each year in which the individual or entity acquires an interest in agricultural land. The report must contain a description of all interests in agricultural land held by the individual or entity within this state.

(c) The commissioner shall make the information available to the public.

(d) All required annual reports shall include a filing fee of $50 plus $10 for each additional quarter section of land.

Subd. 5.Penalty.

Willful failure to properly file a report required under subdivision 1a or to properly register any parcel of land as required by subdivision 4 is a gross misdemeanor.


A local unit of government may exchange a parcel of land owned by it or acquired for it by a qualified intermediary, for a parcel of agricultural real estate that is owned by an individual exempt under section 500.221 based on ownership being lawfully acquired prior to June 1, 1981. The agricultural land being exchanged for the parcel that is currently exempt shall also be exempt under section 500.221 as if it had been purchased by the owner prior to June 1, 1981. The exchanged parcel shall have exactly the same status under section 500.221 as the parcel to be exchanged and the status may be stated on the deeds used to effectuate the transaction.


2002 c 373 s 32


500.23 [Repealed, 1973 c 427 s 2]


Subdivision 1.Purpose.

The legislature finds that it is in the interests of the state to encourage and protect the family farm as a basic economic unit, to insure it as the most socially desirable mode of agricultural production, and to enhance and promote the stability and well-being of rural society in Minnesota and the nuclear family.

Subd. 2.Definitions.

The definitions in this subdivision apply to this section.

(a) "Farming" means the production of (1) agricultural products; (2) livestock or livestock products; (3) milk or milk products; or (4) fruit or other horticultural products. It does not include the processing, refining, or packaging of said products, nor the provision of spraying or harvesting services by a processor or distributor of farm products. It does not include the production of timber or forest products, the production of poultry or poultry products, or the feeding and caring for livestock that are delivered to a corporation for slaughter or processing for up to 20 days before slaughter or processing.

(b) "Family farm" means an unincorporated farming unit owned by one or more persons residing on the farm or actively engaging in farming.

(c) "Family farm corporation" means a corporation founded for the purpose of farming and the ownership of agricultural land in which the majority of the stock is held by and the majority of the stockholders are persons, the spouses of persons, or current beneficiaries of one or more family farm trusts in which the trustee holds stock in a family farm corporation, related to each other within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of the civil law, and at least one of the related persons is residing on or actively operating the farm, and none of whose stockholders are corporations; provided that a family farm corporation shall not cease to qualify as such hereunder by reason of any:

(1) transfer of shares of stock to a person or the spouse of a person related within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of civil law to the person making the transfer, or to a family farm trust of which the shareholder, spouse, or related person is a current beneficiary; or

(2) distribution from a family farm trust of shares of stock to a beneficiary related within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of civil law to a majority of the current beneficiaries of the trust, or to a family farm trust of which the shareholder, spouse, or related person is a current beneficiary.

For the purposes of this section, a transfer may be made with or without consideration, either directly or indirectly, during life or at death, whether or not in trust, of the shares in the family farm corporation, and stock owned by a family farm trust are considered to be owned in equal shares by the current beneficiaries.

(d) "Family farm trust" means:

(1) a trust in which:

(i) a majority of the current beneficiaries are persons or spouses of persons who are related to each other within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of civil law;

(ii) all of the current beneficiaries are natural persons or nonprofit corporations or trusts described in the Internal Revenue Code, section 170(c), as amended, and the regulations under that section; and

(iii) one of the family member current beneficiaries is residing on or actively operating the farm; or the trust leases the agricultural land to a family farm unit, a family farm corporation, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm limited liability company, a family farm trust, an authorized farm limited liability company, a family farm partnership, or an authorized farm partnership; or

(2) a charitable remainder trust as defined in the Internal Revenue Code, section 664, as amended, and the regulations under that section, and a charitable lead trust as set forth in the Internal Revenue Code, section 170(f), and the regulations under that section.

(e) "Authorized farm corporation" means a corporation meeting the following standards:

(1) it has no more than five shareholders, provided that for the purposes of this section, a husband and wife are considered one shareholder;

(2) all its shareholders, other than any estate, are natural persons or a family farm trust;

(3) it does not have more than one class of shares;

(4) its revenue from rent, royalties, dividends, interest, and annuities does not exceed 20 percent of its gross receipts;

(5) shareholders holding 51 percent or more of the interest in the corporation reside on the farm or are actively engaging in farming;

(6) it does not, directly or indirectly, own or otherwise have an interest in any title to more than 1,500 acres of agricultural land; and

(7) none of its shareholders are shareholders in other authorized farm corporations that directly or indirectly in combination with the corporation own more than 1,500 acres of agricultural land.

(f) "Authorized livestock farm corporation" means a corporation formed for the production of livestock and meeting the following standards:

(1) it is engaged in the production of livestock other than dairy cattle;

(2) all its shareholders, other than any estate, are natural persons, family farm trusts, or family farm corporations;

(3) it does not have more than one class of shares;

(4) its revenue from rent, royalties, dividends, interest, and annuities does not exceed 20 percent of its gross receipts;

(5) shareholders holding 75 percent or more of the control, financial, and capital investment in the corporation are farmers, and at least 51 percent of the required percentage of farmers are actively engaged in livestock production;

(6) it does not, directly or indirectly, own or otherwise have an interest in any title to more than 1,500 acres of agricultural land; and

(7) none of its shareholders are shareholders in other authorized farm corporations that directly or indirectly in combination with the corporation own more than 1,500 acres of agricultural land.

(g) "Agricultural land" means real estate used for farming or capable of being used for farming in this state.

(h) "Pension or investment fund" means a pension or employee welfare benefit fund, however organized, a mutual fund, a life insurance company separate account, a common trust of a bank or other trustee established for the investment and reinvestment of money contributed to it, a real estate investment trust, or an investment company as defined in United States Code, title 15, section 80a-3.

(i) "Farm homestead" means a house including adjoining buildings that has been used as part of a farming operation or is part of the agricultural land used for a farming operation.

(j) "Family farm partnership" means a limited partnership formed for the purpose of farming and the ownership of agricultural land in which the majority of the interests in the partnership is held by and the majority of the partners are natural persons or current beneficiaries of one or more family farm trusts in which the trustee holds an interest in a family farm partnership related to each other within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of the civil law, and at least one of the related persons is residing on the farm, actively operating the farm, or the agricultural land was owned by one or more of the related persons for a period of five years before its transfer to the limited partnership, and none of the partners is a corporation. A family farm partnership does not cease to qualify as a family farm partnership because of a:

(1) transfer of a partnership interest to a person or spouse of a person related within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of civil law to the person making the transfer or to a family farm trust of which the partner, spouse, or related person is a current beneficiary; or

(2) distribution from a family farm trust of a partnership interest to a beneficiary related within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of civil law to a majority of the current beneficiaries of the trust, or to a family farm trust of which the partner, spouse, or related person is a current beneficiary.

For the purposes of this section, a transfer may be made with or without consideration, either directly or indirectly, during life or at death, whether or not in trust, of a partnership interest in the family farm partnership, and interest owned by a family farm trust is considered to be owned in equal shares by the current beneficiaries.

(k) "Authorized farm partnership" means a limited partnership meeting the following standards:

(1) it has been issued a certificate from the secretary of state or is registered with the county recorder and farming and ownership of agricultural land is stated as a purpose or character of the business;

(2) it has no more than five partners;

(3) all its partners, other than any estate, are natural persons or family farm trusts;

(4) its revenue from rent, royalties, dividends, interest, and annuities does not exceed 20 percent of its gross receipts;

(5) its general partners hold at least 51 percent of the interest in the land assets of the partnership and reside on the farm or are actively engaging in farming not more than 1,500 acres as a general partner in an authorized limited partnership;

(6) its limited partners do not participate in the business of the limited partnership including operating, managing, or directing management of farming operations;

(7) it does not, directly or indirectly, own or otherwise have an interest in any title to more than 1,500 acres of agricultural land; and

(8) none of its limited partners are limited partners in other authorized farm partnerships that directly or indirectly in combination with the partnership own more than 1,500 acres of agricultural land.

(l) "Family farm limited liability company" means a limited liability company founded for the purpose of farming and the ownership of agricultural land in which the majority of the membership interests is held by and the majority of the members are natural persons, or current beneficiaries of one or more family farm trusts in which the trustee holds an interest in a family farm limited liability company related to each other within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of the civil law, and at least one of the related persons is residing on the farm, actively operating the farm, or the agricultural land was owned by one or more of the related persons for a period of five years before its transfer to the limited liability company, and none of the members is a corporation or a limited liability company. A family farm limited liability company does not cease to qualify as a family farm limited liability company because of:

(1) a transfer of a membership interest to a person or spouse of a person related within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of civil law to the person making the transfer or to a family farm trust of which the member, spouse, or related person is a current beneficiary; or

(2) distribution from a family farm trust of a membership interest to a beneficiary related within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of civil law to a majority of the current beneficiaries of the trust, or to a family farm trust of which the member, spouse, or related person is a current beneficiary.

For the purposes of this section, a transfer may be made with or without consideration, either directly or indirectly, during life or at death, whether or not in trust, of a membership interest in the family farm limited liability company, and interest owned by a family farm trust is considered to be owned in equal shares by the current beneficiaries. Except for a state or federally chartered financial institution acquiring an encumbrance for the purpose of security or an interest under paragraph (x), a member of a family farm limited liability company may not transfer a membership interest, including a financial interest, to a person who is not otherwise eligible to be a member under this paragraph.

(m) "Authorized farm limited liability company" means a limited liability company meeting the following standards:

(1) it has no more than five members;

(2) all its members, other than any estate, are natural persons or family farm trusts;

(3) it does not have more than one class of membership interests;

(4) its revenue from rent, royalties, dividends, interest, and annuities does not exceed 20 percent of its gross receipts;

(5) members holding 51 percent or more of both the governance rights and financial rights in the limited liability company reside on the farm or are actively engaged in farming;

(6) it does not, directly or indirectly, own or otherwise have an interest in any title to more than 1,500 acres of agricultural land; and

(7) none of its members are members in other authorized farm limited liability companies that directly or indirectly in combination with the authorized farm limited liability company own more than 1,500 acres of agricultural land.

Except for a state or federally chartered financial institution acquiring an encumbrance for the purpose of security or an interest under paragraph (x), a member of an authorized farm limited liability company may not transfer a membership interest, including a financial interest, to a person who is not otherwise eligible to be a member under this paragraph.

(n) "Farmer" means a natural person who regularly participates in physical labor or operations management in the person's farming operation and files "Schedule F" as part of the person's annual Form 1040 filing with the United States Internal Revenue Service.

(o) "Actively engaged in livestock production" means performing day-to-day physical labor or day-to-day operations management that significantly contributes to livestock production and the functioning of a livestock operation.

(p) "Research or experimental farm" means a corporation, limited partnership, pension, investment fund, or limited liability company that owns or operates agricultural land for research or experimental purposes, provided that any commercial sales from the operation are incidental to the research or experimental objectives of the corporation. A corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, or pension or investment fund seeking initial approval by the commissioner to operate agricultural land for research or experimental purposes must first submit to the commissioner a prospectus or proposal of the intended method of operation containing information required by the commissioner including a copy of any operational contract with individual participants.

(q) "Breeding stock farm" means a corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company, that owns or operates agricultural land for the purpose of raising breeding stock, including embryos, for resale to farmers or for the purpose of growing seed, wild rice, nursery plants, or sod. An entity that is organized to raise livestock other than dairy cattle under this paragraph that does not qualify as an authorized farm corporation must:

(1) sell all castrated animals to be fed out or finished to farming operations that are neither directly nor indirectly owned by the business entity operating the breeding stock operation; and

(2) report its total production and sales annually to the commissioner.

(r) "Aquatic farm" means a corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company, that owns or leases agricultural land as a necessary part of an aquatic farm as defined in section 17.47, subdivision 3.

(s) "Religious farm" means a corporation formed primarily for religious purposes whose sole income is derived from agriculture.

(t) "Utility corporation" means a corporation regulated under Minnesota Statutes 1974, chapter 216B, that owns agricultural land for purposes described in that chapter, or an electric generation or transmission cooperative that owns agricultural land for use in its business if the land is not used for farming except under lease to a family farm unit, a family farm corporation, a family farm trust, a family farm partnership, or a family farm limited liability company.

(u) "Development organization" means a corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, or pension or investment fund that has an interest in agricultural land for which the corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, or pension or investment fund has documented plans to use and subsequently uses the land within six years from the date of purchase for a specific nonfarming purpose, or if the land is zoned nonagricultural, or if the land is located within an incorporated area. A corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, or pension or investment fund may hold agricultural land in the amount necessary for its nonfarm business operation; provided, however, that pending the development of agricultural land for nonfarm purposes, the land may not be used for farming except under lease to a family farm unit, a family farm corporation, a family farm trust, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm partnership, an authorized farm partnership, a family farm limited liability company, or an authorized farm limited liability company, or except when controlled through ownership, options, leaseholds, or other agreements by a corporation that has entered into an agreement with the United States under the New Community Act of 1968 (Title IV of the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, United States Code, title 42, sections 3901 to 3914) as amended, or a subsidiary or assign of such a corporation.

(v) "Exempt land" means agricultural land owned or leased by a corporation as of May 20, 1973, agricultural land owned or leased by a pension or investment fund as of May 12, 1981, agricultural land owned or leased by a limited partnership as of May 1, 1988, or agricultural land owned or leased by a trust as of the effective date of Laws 2000, chapter 477, including the normal expansion of that ownership at a rate not to exceed 20 percent of the amount of land owned as of May 20, 1973, for a corporation; May 12, 1981, for a pension or investment fund; May 1, 1988, for a limited partnership, or the effective date of Laws 2000, chapter 477, for a trust, measured in acres, in any five-year period, and including additional ownership reasonably necessary to meet the requirements of pollution control rules. A corporation, limited partnership, or pension or investment fund that is eligible to own or lease agricultural land under this section prior to May 1997, or a corporation that is eligible to own or lease agricultural land as a benevolent trust under this section prior to the effective date of Laws 2000, chapter 477, may continue to own or lease agricultural land subject to the same conditions and limitations as previously allowed.

(w) "Gifted land" means agricultural land acquired as a gift, either by grant or devise, by an educational, religious, or charitable nonprofit corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, or pension or investment fund if all land so acquired is disposed of within ten years after acquiring the title.

(x) "Repossessed land" means agricultural land acquired by a corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, or pension or investment fund by process of law in the collection of debts, or by any procedure for the enforcement of a lien or claim on the land, whether created by mortgage or otherwise if all land so acquired is disposed of within five years after acquiring the title. The five-year limitation is a covenant running with the title to the land against any grantee, assignee, or successor of the pension or investment fund, corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company. The land so acquired must not be used for farming during the five-year period, except under a lease to a family farm unit, a family farm corporation, a family farm trust, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm partnership, an authorized farm partnership, a family farm limited liability company, or an authorized farm limited liability company. Notwithstanding the five-year divestiture requirement under this paragraph, a financial institution may continue to own the agricultural land if the agricultural land is leased to the immediately preceding former owner, but must dispose of the agricultural land within ten years of acquiring the title. Livestock acquired by a pension or investment fund, corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company in the collection of debts, or by a procedure for the enforcement of lien or claim on the livestock whether created by security agreement or otherwise after August 1, 1994, must be sold or disposed of within one full production cycle for the type of livestock acquired or 18 months after the livestock is acquired, whichever is earlier.

(y) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of agriculture.

(z) "Nonprofit corporation" means a nonprofit corporation organized under state nonprofit corporation or trust law or qualified for tax-exempt status under federal tax law that: (1) uses the land for a specific nonfarming purpose; (2) leases the agricultural land to a family farm unit, a family farm corporation, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm limited liability company, a family farm trust, an authorized farm limited liability company, a family farm partnership, or an authorized farm partnership; or (3) actively farms less than 160 acres that were acquired by the nonprofit corporation prior to August 1, 2010, or actively farms less than 40 acres that were acquired by the nonprofit corporation after August 1, 2010, and the nonprofit corporation uses all profits from the agricultural land for educational purposes.

(aa) "Current beneficiary" means a person who at any time during a year is entitled to, or at the discretion of any person may, receive a distribution from the income or principal of the trust. It does not include a distributee trust, other than a trust described in section 170(c) of the Internal Revenue Code, as amended, but does include the current beneficiaries of the distributee trust. It does not include a person in whose favor a power of appointment could be exercised until the holder of the power of appointment actually exercises the power of appointment in that person's favor. It does not include a person who is entitled to receive a distribution only after a specified time or upon the occurrence of a specified event until the time or occurrence of the event. For the purposes of this section, a distributee trust is a current beneficiary of a family farm trust.

(bb) "De minimis" means that any corporation, pension or investment fund, limited liability company, or limited partnership that directly or indirectly owns, acquires, or otherwise obtains any interest in 40 acres or less of agricultural land and annually receives less than $150 per acre in gross revenue from rental or agricultural production.

Subd. 3.Farming and ownership of agricultural land by corporations restricted.

(a) No corporation, limited liability company, pension or investment fund, trust, or limited partnership shall engage in farming; nor shall any corporation, limited liability company, pension or investment fund, trust, or limited partnership, directly or indirectly, own, acquire, or otherwise obtain any interest, in agricultural land other than a bona fide encumbrance taken for purposes of security. This subdivision does not apply to general partnerships. This subdivision does not apply to any agricultural land, corporation, limited partnership, trust, limited liability company, or pension or investment fund that meet any of the definitions in subdivision 2, paragraphs (b) to (f), (j) to (m), (p) to (x), (z), and (bb), has a conservation plan prepared for the agricultural land, and reports as required under subdivision 4.

(b) A corporation, pension or investment fund, trust, limited liability company, or limited partnership that cannot meet any of the definitions in subdivision 2, paragraphs (b) to (f), (j) to (m), (p) to (x), (z), and (bb), may petition the commissioner for an exemption from this subdivision. The commissioner may issue an exemption if the entity meets the following criteria:

(1) the exemption would not contradict the purpose of this section; and

(2) the petitioning entity would not have a significant impact upon the agriculture industry and the economy.

The commissioner shall review annually each entity that is issued an exemption under this paragraph to ensure that the entity continues to meet the criteria in clauses (1) and (2). If an entity fails to meet the criteria, the commissioner shall withdraw the exemption and the entity is subject to enforcement proceedings under subdivision 5. The commissioner shall submit a report with a list of each entity that is issued an exemption under this paragraph to the chairs of the senate and house of representatives agricultural policy committees by October 1 of each year.

Subd. 3a.Lease agreement; conservation practice protection clause.

A corporation, pension or investment fund, limited partnership, or limited liability company other than those meeting any of the definitions in subdivision 2, paragraphs (c) to (f) or (j) to (m), when leasing farm land to a family farm unit, a family farm corporation, a family farm trust, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm partnership, an authorized farm partnership, a family farm limited liability company, or an authorized farm limited liability company, under provisions of subdivision 2, paragraph (x), must include within the lease agreement a provision prohibiting intentional damage or destruction to a conservation practice on the agricultural land.

Subd. 3b.Protection of conservation practices.

A corporation, pension or investment fund, or limited partnership, or limited liability company other than those meeting any of the definitions in subdivision 2, paragraphs (c) to (f) or (j) to (m), which, during the period of time it holds agricultural land under subdivision 2, paragraph (x), intentionally destroys a conservation practice as defined in section 103F.401, subdivision 3, to which the state has made a financial contribution, must pay the commissioner, for deposit in the general fund, an amount equal to the state's total contributions to that conservation practice plus interest from the time of investment in the conservation practice. Interest must be calculated at an annual percentage rate of 12 percent.

Subd. 4.Reports.

(a) The chief executive officer of every pension or investment fund, corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, or entity that is seeking to qualify for an exemption from the commissioner, and the trustee of a family farm trust that holds any interest in agricultural land or land used for the breeding, feeding, pasturing, growing, or raising of livestock, dairy or poultry, or products thereof, or land used for the production of agricultural crops or fruit or other horticultural products, other than a bona fide encumbrance taken for purposes of security, or which is engaged in farming or proposing to commence farming in this state after May 20, 1973, shall file with the commissioner a report containing the following information and documents:

(1) the name of the pension or investment fund, corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company and its place of incorporation, certification, or registration;

(2) the address of the pension or investment plan headquarters or of the registered office of the corporation in this state, the name and address of its registered agent in this state and, in the case of a foreign corporation, limited partnership, or limited liability company, the address of its principal office in its place of incorporation, certification, or registration;

(3) the acreage and location listed by quarter-quarter section, township, and county of each lot or parcel of agricultural land or land used for the keeping or feeding of poultry in this state owned or leased by the pension or investment fund, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company;

(4) the names and addresses of the officers, administrators, directors, or trustees of the pension or investment fund, or of the officers, shareholders owning more than ten percent of the stock, including the percent of stock owned by each such shareholder, the members of the board of directors of the corporation, and the members of the limited liability company, and the general and limited partners and the percentage of interest in the partnership by each partner;

(5) the farm products which the pension or investment fund, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company produces or intends to produce on its agricultural land;

(6) with the first report, a copy of the title to the property where the farming operations are or will occur indicating the particular exception claimed under subdivision 3; and

(7) with the first or second report, a copy of the conservation plan proposed by the soil and water conservation district, and with subsequent reports a statement of whether the conservation plan was implemented.

The report of a corporation, trust, limited liability company, or partnership seeking to qualify hereunder as a family farm corporation, an authorized farm corporation, an authorized livestock farm corporation, a family farm partnership, an authorized farm partnership, a family farm limited liability company, an authorized farm limited liability company, or a family farm trust or under an exemption from the commissioner shall contain the following additional information: the number of shares, partnership interests, or governance and financial rights owned by persons or current beneficiaries of a family farm trust residing on the farm or actively engaged in farming, or their relatives within the third degree of kindred according to the rules of the civil law or their spouses; the name, address, and number of shares owned by each shareholder, partnership interests owned by each partner or governance and financial rights owned by each member, and a statement as to percentage of gross receipts of the corporation derived from rent, royalties, dividends, interest, and annuities. No pension or investment fund, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company shall commence farming in this state until the commissioner has inspected the report and certified that its proposed operations comply with the provisions of this section.

(b) Every pension or investment fund, limited partnership, trust, corporation, or limited liability company as described in paragraph (a) shall, prior to April 15 of each year, file with the commissioner a report containing the information required in paragraph (a), based on its operations in the preceding calendar year and its status at the end of the year. A pension or investment fund, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company that does not file the report by April 15 must pay a $500 civil penalty. The penalty is a lien on the land being farmed under subdivision 3 until the penalty is paid.

(c) The commissioner may, for good cause shown, issue a written waiver or reduction of the civil penalty for failure to make a timely filing of the annual report required by this subdivision. The waiver or reduction is final and conclusive with respect to the civil penalty, and may not be reopened or modified by an officer, employee, or agent of the state, except upon a showing of fraud or malfeasance or misrepresentation of a material fact. The report required under paragraph (b) must be completed prior to a reduction or waiver under this paragraph. The commissioner may enter into an agreement under this paragraph only once for each corporation or partnership.

(d) Failure to file a required report or the willful filing of false information is a gross misdemeanor.

Subd. 5.Enforcement.

With reason to believe that a corporation, limited partnership, limited liability company, trust, or pension or investment fund is violating subdivision 3, the attorney general shall commence an action in the district court in which any agricultural lands relative to such violation are situated, or if situated in two or more counties, in any county in which a substantial part of the lands are situated. The attorney general shall file for record with the county recorder or the registrar of titles of each county in which any portion of said lands are located a notice of the pendency of the action as provided in section 557.02. If the court finds that the lands in question are being held in violation of subdivision 3, it shall enter an order so declaring. The attorney general shall file for record any such order with the county recorder or the registrar of titles of each county in which any portion of said lands are located. Thereafter, the pension or investment fund, limited partnership, or corporation owning such land shall have a period of five years from the date of such order to divest itself of such lands. The aforementioned five-year limitation period shall be deemed a covenant running with the title to the land against any pension or investment fund, limited partnership, or corporate grantee or assignee or the successor of such pension or investment fund, limited partnership, or corporation. Any lands not so divested within the time prescribed shall be sold at public sale in the manner prescribed by law for the foreclosure of a mortgage by action. In addition, any prospective or threatened violation may be enjoined by an action brought by the attorney general in the manner provided by law.

Subd. 6.

[Renumbered 500.245, subdivision 1]

Subd. 7.

[Renumbered 500.245, subd 2]

Subd. 8.

[Renumbered 500.245, subd 3]


Subdivision 1.Disposal of land.

(a) A state or federal agency, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company may not lease or sell agricultural land or a farm homestead before offering or making a good faith effort to offer the land for sale or lease to the immediately preceding former owner at a price no higher than the highest price offered by a third party that is acceptable to the seller or lessor. The offer must be made on the notice to offer form under subdivision 2. The requirements of this subdivision do not apply to a sale or lease by a corporation that is a family farm corporation or an authorized farm corporation or to a sale or lease by the commissioner of agriculture of property acquired by the state under the family farm security program under chapter 41. This subdivision applies only to a sale or lease when the seller or lessor acquired the property by enforcing a debt against the agricultural land or farm homestead, including foreclosure of a mortgage, accepting a deed in lieu of foreclosure, terminating a contract for deed, or accepting a deed in lieu of terminating a contract for deed. Selling or leasing property to a third party at a price is prima facie evidence that the price is acceptable to the seller or lessor. The seller must provide written notice to the immediately preceding former owner that the agricultural land or farm homestead will be offered for sale at least 14 days before the agricultural land or farm homestead is offered for sale.

(b) An immediately preceding former owner is the entity with record legal title to the agricultural land or farm homestead before acquisition by the state or federal agency or corporation except: if the immediately preceding former owner is a bankruptcy estate, the debtor in bankruptcy is the immediately preceding former owner; and if the agricultural land or farm homestead was acquired by termination of a contract for deed or deed in lieu of termination of a contract for deed, the immediately preceding former owner is the purchaser under the contract for deed. For purposes of this subdivision, only a family farm, family farm corporation, family farm partnership or family farm limited liability company can be an immediately preceding former owner.

(c) An immediately preceding former owner may elect to purchase or lease the entire property or an agreed to portion of the property. If the immediately preceding former owner elects to purchase or lease a portion of the property, the election must be reported in writing to the seller or lessor prior to the time the property is first offered for sale or lease. If election is made to purchase or lease a portion of the property, the portion must be contiguous and compact so that it does not unreasonably reduce access to or the value of the remaining property.

(d) For purposes of this subdivision, the term "a price no higher than the highest price offered by a third party" means the acceptable cash price offered by a third party or the acceptable time-price offer made by a third party. A cash price offer is one that involves simultaneous transfer of title for payment of the entire amount of the offer. If the acceptable offer made by a third party is a time-price offer, the seller or lessor must make the same time-price offer or an equivalent cash offer to the immediately preceding former owner. An equivalent cash offer is equal to the total of the payments made over a period of the time-price offer discounted by yield curve of the United States treasury notes and bonds of similar maturity on the first business day of the month in which the offer is personally delivered or mailed for time periods similar to the time period covered by the time-price offer, plus 2.0 percent. A time-price offer is an offer that is financed entirely or partially by the seller and includes an offer to purchase under a contract for deed or mortgage. An equivalent cash offer is not required to be made if the state participates in an offer to a third party through the Rural Finance Authority.

(e) This subdivision applies to a seller when the property is sold and to a lessor each time the property is leased, for the time period specified in section 500.24, subdivision 2, paragraph (v), after the agricultural land is acquired except:

(1) an offer to lease to the immediately preceding former owner is required only until the immediately preceding owner fails to accept an offer to lease the property or the property is sold;

(2) an offer to sell to the immediately preceding former owner is required until the property is sold; and

(3) if the immediately preceding former owner elects to lease or purchase a portion of the property, this subdivision does not apply to the seller with regard to the balance of the property after the election is made under paragraph (c).

(f) The notice of an offer under subdivision 2 that is personally delivered with a signed receipt or sent by certified mail with a receipt of mailing to the immediately preceding former owner's last known address is a good faith offer.

(g) This subdivision does not apply to a sale or lease that occurs after the seller or lessor has held the property for the time period specified in section 500.24, subdivision 2, paragraph (x).

(h) For purposes of this subdivision, if the immediately preceding former owner is a bankruptcy estate the debtor in the bankruptcy is the immediately preceding owner.

(i) The immediately preceding former owner must exercise the right to lease all or a portion of the agricultural land or a homestead located on agricultural land in writing within 15 days after an offer to lease under this subdivision is mailed with a receipt of mailing or personally delivered. If election is made to lease only the homestead or a portion of the agricultural land, the portion to be leased must be clearly identified in writing. The immediately preceding former owner must exercise the right to buy the agricultural land, a portion of the agricultural land, or a farm homestead located on agricultural land, in writing, within 65 days after an offer to buy under this subdivision is mailed with a receipt of mailing or is personally delivered. Within ten days after exercising the right to lease or buy by accepting the offer, the immediately preceding owner must fully perform according to the terms of the offer including paying the amounts due. A seller may sell and a lessor may lease the agricultural land or farm homestead subject to this subdivision to the third party in accordance with their lease or purchase agreement if:

(1) the immediately preceding former owner does not accept an offer to lease or buy before the offer terminates; or

(2) the immediately preceding former owner does not perform the obligations of the offer, including paying the amounts due, within ten days after accepting the offer.

(j) A certificate indicating whether or not the property contains agricultural land or a farm homestead that is signed by the county assessor where the property is located and recorded in the office of the county recorder or the registrar of titles where the property is located is prima facie evidence of whether the property is agricultural land or a farm homestead.

(k) As prima facie evidence that an offer to sell or lease agricultural land or a farm homestead has terminated, a receipt of mailing the notice under subdivision 2 and an affidavit, signed by a person authorized to act on behalf of a state, federal agency, or corporation selling or leasing the agricultural land or a farm homestead may be filed in the office of the county recorder or registrar of titles of the county where the agricultural land or farm homestead is located. The affidavit must state that:

(1) notice of an offer to buy or lease the agricultural land or farm homestead was provided to the immediately preceding former owner at a price not higher than the highest price offered by a third party that is acceptable;

(2) the time during which the immediately preceding former owner is required to exercise the right to buy or lease the agricultural land or farm homestead has expired;

(3) the immediately preceding former owner has not exercised the right to buy or lease the agricultural land or farm homestead as provided in this subdivision or has accepted an offer and has not fully performed according to the terms of the offer; and

(4) the offer to the immediately preceding former owner has terminated.

(l) The right of an immediately preceding former owner to receive an offer to lease or purchase agricultural land under this subdivision or to lease or purchase at a price no higher than the highest price offered by a third party that is acceptable to the seller or lessor may be extinguished or limited by an express statement signed by the immediately preceding owner that complies with the plain language requirements of section 325G.31. The right may not be extinguished or limited except by:

(1) an express statement in a deed in lieu of foreclosure of the agricultural land;

(2) an express statement in a deed in lieu of a termination of a contract for deed for the agricultural land;

(3) an express statement conveying the right to the state or federal agency or corporation owning the agricultural land that is required to make an offer under this subdivision; however, the preceding former owner may rescind the conveyance by notifying the state or federal agency or corporation in writing within 20 calendar days after signing the express statement;

(4) to cure a title defect, an express statement conveying the right may be made to a person to whom the agricultural land has been transferred by the state or federal agency or corporation; or

(5) an express statement conveying the right to a contract for deed vendee to whom the agricultural land or farm homestead was sold under a contract for deed by the immediately preceding former owner if the express statement and the contract for deed are recorded.

(m) The right of an immediately preceding former owner to receive an offer to lease or purchase agricultural land under this subdivision may not be assigned or transferred except as provided in paragraph (l), but may be inherited.

(n) An immediately preceding former owner, except a former owner who is actively engaged in farming as defined in section 500.24, subdivision 2, paragraph (a), and who agrees to remain actively engaged in farming on a portion of the agricultural land or farm homestead for at least one year after accepting an offer under this subdivision, may not sell agricultural land acquired by accepting an offer under this subdivision if the arrangement of the sale was negotiated or agreed to prior to the former owner accepting the offer under this subdivision. A person who sells property in violation of this paragraph is liable for damages plus reasonable attorney fees to a person who is damaged by a sale in violation of this paragraph. There is a rebuttable presumption that a sale by an immediately preceding former owner is in violation of this paragraph if the sale takes place within 270 days of the former owner accepting the offer under this subdivision. This paragraph does not apply to a sale by an immediately preceding former owner to the owner's spouse, the owner's parents, the owner's sisters and brothers, the owner's spouse's sisters and brothers, or the owner's children.

Subd. 2.Notice of offer.

(a) The state, a federal agency, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company subject to subdivision 1 must provide a notice of an offer to sell or lease agricultural land substantially as follows, after inserting the appropriate terms within the parentheses:


TO: (...Immediately preceding former owner...)
FROM: (...The state, federal agency, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company subject to subdivision 1...)
DATE: ( notice is mailed or personally delivered...)

(...The state, federal agency, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company...) HAS ACQUIRED THE AGRICULTURAL LAND DESCRIBED BELOW AND HAS RECEIVED AN ACCEPTABLE OFFER TO (LEASE, SELL) THE AGRICULTURAL LAND FROM ANOTHER PARTY. UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTION 500.245, SUBDIVISION 1, AN OFFER FROM (...the state, federal agency, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company...) MUST BE MADE TO YOU AT A PRICE NO HIGHER THAN THE HIGHEST OFFER MADE BY ANOTHER PARTY.


(Informal description of the agricultural land being offered that reasonably describes the land. This description does not need to be a legal description.)

(...The state, federal agency, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company...) OFFERS TO (SELL, LEASE) THE AGRICULTURAL LAND DESCRIBED ABOVE FOR A CASH PRICE OF $( price or equivalent cash price for lease and lease period, or cash price or equivalent cash price for sale of land...), WHICH IS NOT HIGHER THAN THE PRICE OFFERED BY ANOTHER PARTY. THE PRICE IS OFFERED ON THE FOLLOWING TERMS:

(Terms, if any, of acceptable offer)

IF YOU WANT TO ACCEPT THIS OFFER YOU MUST NOTIFY (...the state, federal agency, limited partnership, corporation, or limited liability company...) IN WRITING THAT YOU ACCEPT THE OFFER OR SIGN UNDERNEATH THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPH AND RETURN A COPY OF THIS NOTICE BY (15 for a lease, 65 for a sale) DAYS AFTER THIS NOTICE IS PERSONALLY DELIVERED OR MAILED TO YOU. THE OFFER IN THIS NOTICE TERMINATES ON ( of termination - 15 days for lease and 65 days for sale after date of mailing or personal delivery...)



Signature of Former Owner Accepting Offer



(b) For an offer to sell, a copy of the purchase agreement containing the price and terms of the highest offer made by a third party that is acceptable to the seller and a signed affidavit by the seller affirming that the purchase agreement is true, accurate, and made in good faith must be included with the notice under this subdivision. At the seller's discretion, reference to the third party's identity may be deleted from the copy of the purchase agreement.

(c) For an offer to lease, a copy of the lease containing the price and terms of the highest offer made by a third party that is acceptable to the lessor and a signed affidavit by the lessor affirming that the lease is true, accurate, and made in good faith must be included with the notice under this subdivision. At the lessor's discretion, reference to the third party's identity may be deleted from the copy of the lease agreement.

(d) The affidavit under paragraphs (b) and (c) is subject to section 609.48.

Subd. 3.Failure to bring action.

An action for the recovery of title to or possession of real property or any right in the property or any action for damages, except for damages for fraud, based upon a failure to comply with the requirements of subdivision 1 or 2 must be commenced, and a notice of lis pendens filed with the county recorder or registrar of titles in the county where the real property is located, within three years after the conveyance on which the action is based was recorded with the county recorder or registrar of titles.


Subdivision 1.Definition.

For the purposes of this section, "farm tenancy" is a tenancy involving 40 or more acres of tillable land or crop land rented for agricultural purposes.

Subd. 2.Continuation of tenancy.

Upon the death of a life tenant between March 2 and the following October 31, a farm tenancy granted by the life tenant shall continue until the earlier of the following March 1, the completion of harvest, or the expiration of the lease by its terms. If a life tenant dies between November 1 and the following March 1, the farm tenancy shall continue for the following crop year and shall terminate on the earlier of the March 1 following that crop year, the completion of harvest, or the expiration of the lease by its terms. However, if the lease is binding upon the remainderperson by specific commitment of the remainderperson, the lease shall terminate as provided by that commitment.

Subd. 3.Rental value.

A remainderperson who is required by subdivision 2 to continue a tenancy shall be entitled to a rental amount equal to the prevailing fair market rental amount in the area. If the parties cannot agree on a rental amount, either party may petition the district court for a declaratory judgment setting the rental amount. The costs of the action shall be apportioned between the parties by the court.


1981 c 370 s 1; 1986 c 444


Subdivision 1.Solar easement.

"Solar easement" means a right, whether or not stated in the form of a restriction, easement, covenant, or condition, in any deed, will, or other instrument executed by or on behalf of any owner of land or solar skyspace for the purpose of ensuring adequate exposure of a solar energy system as defined in section 216C.06, subdivision 17, to solar energy.

Subd. 1a.Wind easement.

"Wind easement" means a right, whether or not stated in the form of a restriction, easement, covenant, or condition, in any deed, will, or other instrument executed by or on behalf of any owner of land or air space for the purpose of ensuring adequate exposure of a wind power system to the winds.

Subd. 2.Like any conveyance.

Any property owner may grant a solar or wind easement in the same manner and with the same effect as a conveyance of an interest in real property. The easements shall be created in writing and shall be filed, duly recorded, and indexed in the office of the recorder of the county in which the easement is granted. No duly recorded easement shall be unenforceable on account of lack of privity of estate or privity of contract; such easements shall run with the land or lands benefited and burdened and shall constitute a perpetual easement, except that an easement may terminate upon the conditions stated therein or pursuant to the provisions of section 500.20. A wind easement, easement to install wind turbines on real property, option, or lease of wind rights shall also terminate after seven years from the date the easement is created or lease is entered into, if a wind energy project on the property to which the easement or lease applies does not begin commercial operation within the seven-year period.

[See Note.]

Subd. 3.Required contents.

Any deed, will, or other instrument that creates a solar or wind easement shall include, but the contents are not limited to:

(a) a description of the real property subject to the easement and a description of the real property benefiting from the solar or wind easement; and

(b) for solar easements, a description of the vertical and horizontal angles, expressed in degrees and measured from the site of the solar energy system, at which the solar easement extends over the real property subject to the easement, or any other description which defines the three dimensional space, or the place and times of day in which an obstruction to direct sunlight is prohibited or limited;

(c) a description of the vertical and horizontal angles, expressed in degrees, and distances from the site of the wind power system in which an obstruction to the winds is prohibited or limited;

(d) any terms or conditions under which the easement is granted or may be terminated;

(e) any provisions for compensation of the owner of the real property benefiting from the easement in the event of interference with the enjoyment of the easement, or compensation of the owner of the real property subject to the easement for maintaining the easement;

(f) any other provisions necessary or desirable to execute the instrument.

Subd. 4.Enforcement.

A solar or wind easement may be enforced by injunction or proceedings in equity or other civil action.

Subd. 5.Depreciation, not appreciation counted for taxes.

Any depreciation caused by any solar or wind easement which is imposed upon designated property, but not any appreciation caused by any easement which benefits designated property, shall be included in the net tax capacity of the property for property tax purposes.

NOTE: The amendment to subdivision 2 by Laws 2008, chapter 296, article 1, section 25, striking the sentence "A wind easement ... seven-year period." is effective June 1, 2017. Laws 2008, chapter 296, article 1, section 25, the effective date, as amended by Laws 2010, chapter 333, article 1, section 33, and Laws 2012, chapter 244, article 1, section 76.

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes