Section | Headnote |
4A.05 | [Repealed, 2009 c 101 art 2 s 110] |
4A.055 | [Repealed, 1Sp2003 c 1 art 2 s 136] |
4A.08 | [Repealed, 1999 c 250 art 1 s 115 para (g)] |
4A.09 | [Repealed, 1999 c 250 art 1 s 115 para (g)] |
4A.10 | [Repealed, 1999 c 250 art 1 s 115 para (g)] |
The commissioner of administration is the state planning officer and is responsible for the coordination, development, assessment, and communication of information, performance measures, planning, and policy concerning the state's future. The commissioner may contract with another agency for the provision of administrative services.
By September 15, 2010, and every five years thereafter, the commissioner must develop an integrated long-range plan for the state based upon the plans and strategies of state agencies, public advice about the future, and other information developed under this chapter. The commissioner must coordinate activities among all levels of government and must stimulate public interest and participation in the future of the state.
The commissioner must act in coordination with the commissioner of management and budget, affected state agencies, and the legislature in the planning and financing of major public programs.
The commissioner must submit a report to the governor and chairs and ranking minority members of the senate and house of representatives committees with jurisdiction on state government finance by January 15 of each year that provides economic, social, and environmental demographic information to assist public and elected officials with long-term management decisions. The report must identify and assess the information important to understanding the state's two-, ten-, and 50-year outlook, including the budget implications for those time periods. The report must include the demographic forecast required by section 4A.02, paragraph (e), and information to assist with the preparation of the milestones report required by section 4A.11, and may include policy recommendations based upon the information and assessment provided.
(a) The commissioner shall appoint a state demographer. The demographer must be professionally competent in demography and must possess demonstrated ability based upon past performance.
(b) The demographer shall:
(1) continuously gather and develop demographic data relevant to the state;
(2) design and test methods of research and data collection;
(3) periodically prepare population projections for the state and designated regions and periodically prepare projections for each county or other political subdivision of the state as necessary to carry out the purposes of this section;
(4) review, comment on, and prepare analysis of population estimates and projections made by state agencies, political subdivisions, other states, federal agencies, or nongovernmental persons, institutions, or commissions;
(5) serve as the state liaison with the United States Bureau of the Census, coordinate state and federal demographic activities to the fullest extent possible, and aid the legislature in preparing a census data plan and form for each decennial census;
(6) compile an annual study of population estimates on the basis of county, regional, or other political or geographical subdivisions as necessary to carry out the purposes of this section and section 4A.03;
(7) by January 1 of each year, issue a report to the legislature containing an analysis of the demographic implications of the annual population study and population projections;
(8) prepare maps for all counties in the state, all municipalities with a population of 10,000 or more, and other municipalities as needed for census purposes, according to scale and detail recommended by the United States Bureau of the Census, with the maps of cities showing precinct boundaries;
(9) prepare an estimate of population and of the number of households for each governmental subdivision for which the Metropolitan Council does not prepare an annual estimate, and convey the estimates to the governing body of each political subdivision by June 1 of each year;
(10) direct, under section 414.01, subdivision 14, and certify population and household estimates of annexed or detached areas of municipalities or towns after being notified of the order or letter of approval by the chief administrative law judge of the State Office of Administrative Hearings;
(11) prepare, for any purpose for which a population estimate is required by law or needed to implement a law, a population estimate of a municipality or town whose population is affected by action under section 379.02 or 414.01, subdivision 14; and
(12) prepare an estimate of average household size for each statutory or home rule charter city with a population of 2,500 or more by June 1 of each year.
(c) A governing body may challenge an estimate made under paragraph (b) by filing their specific objections in writing with the state demographer by June 24. If the challenge does not result in an acceptable estimate, the governing body may have a special census conducted by the United States Bureau of the Census. The political subdivision must notify the state demographer by July 1 of its intent to have the special census conducted. The political subdivision must bear all costs of the special census. Results of the special census must be received by the state demographer by the next April 15 to be used in that year's June 1 estimate to the political subdivision under paragraph (b).
(d) The state demographer shall certify the estimates of population and household size to the commissioner of revenue by July 15 each year, including any estimates still under objection.
(e) The state demographer shall release a demographic forecast in conjunction with the commissioner of management and budget and the November state economic forecast.
(f) The state demographer may contract for the development of data and research required under this chapter, including, but not limited to, population estimates and projections, the preparation of maps, and other estimates.
1991 c 345 art 2 s 3; 1992 c 511 art 5 s 1; 1997 c 87 s 1; 2003 c 2 art 5 s 1; 1Sp2003 c 21 art 5 s 1; 2005 c 151 art 4 s 1; 2008 c 196 art 2 s 1; 2009 c 101 art 2 s 7,109
NOTE: Paragraph (e), as added by Laws 2009, chapter 101, article 2, section 7, is effective November 1, 2010. Laws 2009, chapter 101, article 2, section 7, the effective date.
Each state agency shall submit to the director for comment all population estimates and projections prepared by it before:
(1) submitting the estimates and projections to the legislature or the federal government to obtain approval of grants;
(2) the issuance of bonds based upon those estimates and projections; or
(3) releasing a plan based upon the estimates and projections.
(a) The director may apply for, receive, and expend money from municipal, county, regional, and other planning agencies; apply for, accept, and disburse grants and other aids for planning purposes from the federal government and from other public or private sources; and may enter into contracts with agencies of the federal government, local governmental units, the University of Minnesota, and other educational institutions, and private persons as necessary to perform the director's duties. Contracts made pursuant to this section are not subject to the provisions of chapter 16C, as they relate to competitive bidding.
(b) The director may apply for, receive, and expend money made available from federal sources or other sources for the purposes of carrying out the duties and responsibilities of the director relating to local and urban affairs.
(c) All money received by the director pursuant to this section shall be deposited in the state treasury and is appropriated to the director for the purposes for which the money has been received. The money shall not cancel and is available until expended.
The Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center of the Office of Strategic and Long-Range Planning shall report to the legislature no later than January 31 of each year on the number of persons arrested, charged, convicted, and sentenced for violations of each state law affecting the use or possession of firearms. The report must include complete statistics, including the make, model, and serial number of each firearm involved, where that information is available, on each crime committed affecting the use or possession of firearms and a breakdown by county of the crimes committed.
(a) "Local unit of government" means a county, statutory or home rule charter city, town, or watershed district.
(b) "Sustainable development" means development that maintains or enhances economic opportunity and community well-being while protecting and restoring the natural environment upon which people and economies depend. Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
The Office of Strategic and Long-Range Planning must develop and publish a planning guide for local units of government to plan for sustainable development, based on the principles of sustainable development adopted by the Environmental Quality Board with advice of the Governor's Round Table on Sustainable Development. The office must make the planning guide available to local units of government within the state.
The Office of Strategic and Long-Range Planning, in consultation with appropriate and affected parties, must prepare a model ordinance to guide sustainable development.
The model ordinance must specify the technical and administrative procedures to guide sustainable development. When adopted by a local unit of government, the model ordinance is the minimum regulation to guide sustainable development that may be adopted. Upon completion, the Office of Strategic and Long-Range Planning must notify local units of government that the model ordinance is available, and must distribute it to interested local units.
At least once every five years, the planning office must review the model ordinance and its use with local units of government to ensure its continued applicability and relevance.
The commissioner must review the statewide system of economic, social, and environmental performance measures in use under section 16A.10, subdivision 1c, and known as Minnesota milestones. The commissioner must provide the economic, social, and environmental information necessary to assist public and elected officials with understanding and evaluating Minnesota milestones. The commissioner must report on the trends and their implications for Minnesota milestones each year and provide the commissioner of management and budget with recommendations for the use of Minnesota milestones in budget documents. The commissioner may contract for the development of information and measures.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes