Section | Headnote |
473.01 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.02 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.03 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.04 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.05 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.06 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.07 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.08 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.09 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.10 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.11 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.121 | Definitions. |
473.122 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.123 | Metropolitan Council. |
473.125 | Regional administrator. |
473.127 | Advisory committees. |
473.128 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.129 | Powers of Metropolitan Council. |
473.1293 | Energy forward pricing mechanisms. |
473.1295 | [Repealed, 1Sp2003 c 16 s 11] |
473.13 | Budget, financial aid. |
473.132 | Short-term indebtedness. |
473.141 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.142 | Small businesses. |
473.1425 | Working capital fund. |
473.143 | Affirmative action plans. |
473.144 | Certificates of compliance for contracts. |
473.145 | Development guide. |
473.1455 | Metropolitan Development Guide goals. |
473.146 | Policy plans for metropolitan agencies. |
473.1465 | Transportation policy. |
473.1466 | Performance audit; transit evaluation. |
473.147 | Regional recreation open space system policy plan. |
473.149 | Solid waste comprehensive planning. |
473.151 | Disclosure. |
473.153 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.155 | [Repealed, 2005 c 123 s 8] |
473.1551 | New airport search areas. |
473.156 | [Repealed, 1Sp2005 c 1 art 2 s 162] |
473.1565 | Metropolitan area water supply planning activities; advisory committee. |
473.157 | Water resources plan. |
473.161 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.1623 | [Repealed, 1Sp2003 c 16 s 11] |
473.163 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.1631 | Legislative review. |
473.164 | Sports, airport commissions to pay council costs. |
473.165 | Council review; independent commission, board, agency. |
473.166 | Controlled access; transit fixed-guideway; approval. |
473.167 | Highway projects. |
473.168 | Freeway exclusive lanes. |
473.169 | Renumbered 473.3994 |
473.1691 | [Repealed, 1989 c 339 s 24] |
473.17 | [Repealed, 1989 c 339 s 24] |
473.171 | Council review; applications for federal and state aid. |
473.173 | Council review; metropolitan significance. |
473.175 | Review of comprehensive plans; school capital programs. |
473.181 | Additional council review powers. |
473.191 | Local planning assistance. |
473.192 | Aircraft noise attenuation. |
473.193 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.194 | Definitions. |
473.195 | Housing and redevelopment authority powers. |
473.197 | Housing bond credit enhancement program. |
473.199 | Effect on a municipal or county HRA. |
473.201 | Allocate local project costs; seek, get U. S. grants. |
473.203 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.204 | [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] |
473.206 | Local ordinances. |
473.208 | Cooperation. |
473.215 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.216 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.217 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.218 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.219 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.223 | Federal aid. |
473.23 | Public facilities review. |
473.24 | Population estimates. |
473.241 | Data collection. |
473.242 | Urban research. |
473.243 | Emergency services. |
473.244 | Special studies and reports. |
473.245 | Reports. |
473.246 | Council's submissions to legislative commission. |
473.247 | Metropolitan agencies; public information. |
473.249 | Tax levy. |
473.25 | Livable communities criteria and guidelines. |
473.251 | Metropolitan livable communities fund. |
473.252 | Tax base revitalization account. |
473.253 | Livable communities demonstration account. |
473.254 | Local housing incentives account. |
473.255 | Inclusionary housing account. |
473.301 | Definitions. |
473.302 | Regional recreation open space system; purpose. |
473.303 | Metropolitan Parks and Open Space Commission. |
473.313 | Master plans. |
473.315 | Grants for recreation open space. |
473.325 | Sales of G.O. refunding bonds. |
473.326 | Como Park Zoo bonds. |
473.331 | Local acquisition. |
473.333 | Council acquisition. |
473.334 | Special assessment; agreement. |
473.341 | Tax equivalents. |
473.351 | Metropolitan area regional parks funding. |
473.371 | Policy; goals. |
473.373 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.375 | Powers of Council. |
473.377 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.38 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.382 | Local planning and development program. |
473.384 | Contracts. |
473.385 | Transit service areas. |
473.386 | Special transportation service. |
473.387 | Special transportation markets. |
473.3875 | Transit for livable communities. |
473.388 | Replacement service program. |
473.39 | Borrowing money. |
473.391 | Route planning and scheduling. |
473.3915 | [Repealed, 1Sp2001 c 5 art 3 s 96] |
473.392 | Service bidding. |
473.393 | [Repealed, 1988 c 675 s 24] |
473.394 | [Repealed, 1995 c 236 s 21] |
473.398 | [Repealed, 1989 c 339 s 24] |
473.399 | Light rail transit and commuter rail planning. |
473.3991 | [Repealed, 1993 c 353 s 20] |
473.3993 | Light rail transit facility plans; definitions. |
473.3994 | Light rail transit; design plans. |
473.3996 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.3997 | Federal funding; light rail transit. |
473.401 | [Repealed, 1984 c 654 art 3 s 153] |
473.402 | [Repealed, 1984 c 654 art 3 s 153] |
473.403 | [Repealed, 1984 c 654 art 3 s 153] |
473.404 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.405 | Powers. |
473.4051 | Light rail transit operation. |
473.4055 | Regulation of light rail transit warning signals. |
473.406 | [Repealed, 1989 c 352 s 25; 1990 c 541 s 29] |
473.407 | Metropolitan Transit Police. |
473.408 | Fare policy. |
473.409 | Agreements with council; encouragement of transit use. |
473.411 | Transit and highway systems. |
473.413 | [Repealed, 1984 c 654 art 3 s 153] |
473.415 | Acquired systems: council obligation; worker rights. |
473.416 | Rights of system workers in takeover of transit system. |
473.417 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.418 | [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] |
473.419 | [Repealed, 1987 c 284 art 2 s 9] |
473.42 | Employer contributions for certain employees. |
473.421 | [Repealed, 1977 c 454 s 49] |
473.422 | [Repealed, 1977 c 454 s 49] |
473.423 | [Repealed, 1977 c 454 s 49] |
473.424 | [Repealed, 1977 c 454 s 49] |
473.425 | [Repealed, 1977 c 454 s 49] |
473.435 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.436 | Council; borrowing money. |
473.437 | [Repealed, 1977 c 454 s 49] |
473.438 | [Repealed, 1Sp1985 c 10 s 123 subd 1] |
473.443 | [Repealed, 1977 c 454 s 49] |
473.445 | |
473.446 | Transit tax levies. |
473.4461 | Additions to transit taxing district. |
473.447 | [Repealed, 1977 c 454 s 49] |
473.448 | Transit assets exempt from tax but must pay assessments. |
473.449 | Act exclusive. |
473.451 | [Repealed, 1984 c 654 art 3 s 153] |
473.501 | Definitions. |
473.502 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.503 | [Repealed, 1994 c 628 art 3 s 209] |
473.504 | Wastewater services, powers. |
473.505 | Total watershed management. |
473.511 | Sewer service function. |
473.5111 | Transfer, disposal of nonmetropolitan interceptor. |
473.512 | Pension exclusion for certain labor service employees. |
473.513 | Municipal plans and programs. |
473.515 | Sewage collection and disposal; powers. |
473.5155 | Violation of wastewater law; remedies, penalties. |
473.516 | Waste facilities; sewage sludge disposal. |
473.517 | Allocation of costs. |
473.519 | 1972 U.S. Water Pollution Control Act: use charge shares. |
473.521 | Payments to council. |
473.523 | Construction contracts subject to municipal bid law. |
473.535 | Capital improvement program; budget. |
473.541 | Debt obligations. |
473.542 | Depositories. |
473.543 | Moneys, accounts and investments. |
473.545 | Property exempt from taxation. |
473.547 | Tax levies. |
473.549 | Relation to existing laws. |
473.551 | Definitions. |
473.552 | Legislative policy; purpose. |
473.553 | Commission; membership; administration. |
473.556 | Powers of commission. |
473.561 | Exemption from council review. |
473.564 | Metropolitan sports area. |
473.565 | Post 1977 service in MSRS; exceptions. |
473.568 | [Repealed, 1984 c 607 s 2] |
473.571 | [Repealed, 1994 c 648 art 1 s 19] |
473.572 | Revised final determination. |
473.581 | Debt obligations. |
473.591 | [Repealed, 1979 c 26 s 3] |
473.592 | Tax revenues. |
473.595 | Commission finances. |
473.596 | Highway user tax fund for metrodome access; limits. |
473.597 | [Repealed, 1982 c 501 s 26] |
473.598 | Arena acquisition. |
473.599 | Debt obligations. |
473.5995 | Football stadium account. |
473.601 | Definitions. |
473.602 | Declaration of purposes. |
473.6021 | Public necessity and purpose for bonds. |
473.603 | Basic Metropolitan Airports Commission law is here. |
473.604 | Membership, government. |
473.605 | Organization; corporate seal; bylaws. |
473.606 | Officers. |
473.608 | Powers of corporation. |
473.609 | Condemnation for preexisting airport property. |
473.611 | Plans to be consistent with development guide. |
473.612 | Expired |
473.614 | Environmental review. |
473.616 | Comprehensive airport planning. |
473.618 | Airport planning and development report. |
473.619 | [Repealed, 2005 c 123 s 8] |
473.621 | Powers of corporation. |
473.622 | Existing airports; control, jurisdiction. |
473.625 | Detaching major airport land from city, school district. |
473.626 | Value and assessment of taxable detached property. |
473.627 | Tax for police, fire, streets, parking. |
473.629 | Value of property for bond issues by school districts. |
473.631 | Boundaries of major airport. |
473.633 | [Repealed, 1977 c 447 art 6 s 13] |
473.635 | [Repealed, 1977 c 447 art 6 s 13] |
473.636 | [Repealed, 1996 c 464 art 3 s 16] |
473.637 | [Repealed, 1996 c 464 art 3 s 16] |
473.638 | Control measure involving taking. |
473.639 | [Repealed, 1997 c 7 art 1 s 155] |
473.64 | Governments in airport development area; tax sharing. |
473.641 | New airport; public hearing. |
473.651 | Rentals fixed. |
473.652 | Construction work. |
473.653 | Restrictions on certain airports. |
473.655 | Public and governmental purposes. |
473.661 | Budget specifying amounts for separate items. |
473.662 | Earnings, how applied. |
473.665 | Bonds, issuance. |
473.666 | Bonds, legal investments for public funds. |
473.667 | General obligation revenue financing. |
473.6671 | Revenue bonds. |
473.668 | Municipalities to guarantee bonds of commission. |
473.671 | Limit of tax levy. |
473.672 | Metropolitan area tax levy. |
473.675 | Legal proceedings. |
473.679 | Construction of law. |
473.680 | TIF district for heavy maintenance facility. |
473.701 | Definitions. |
473.702 | Establishment of district; purpose; area; governing body. |
473.703 | Commission. |
473.704 | Powers and duties. |
473.705 | Contracts for materials, supplies and equipment. |
473.706 | Adverse interest of commissioners. |
473.711 | Financing; budget and tax levies. |
473.712 | Withdrawal; assets. |
473.713 | [Repealed, 1982 c 579 s 9] |
473.714 | Compensation of commissioners. |
473.715 | Contiguous counties; membership. |
473.716 | Cooperation with other agencies; advisors. |
473.717 | [Repealed, 1982 c 579 s 9] |
473.801 | Definitions. |
473.8011 | Metropolitan agency recycling goal. |
473.802 | [Repealed, 1986 c 460 s 59] |
473.803 | Metropolitan county planning. |
473.804 | Household hazardous waste management. |
473.806 | [Repealed, 1991 c 337 s 90] |
473.811 | Waste management by counties, defined local units. |
473.812 | Records; inspection. |
473.813 | Cities, counties, towns; solid waste contracts. |
473.815 | [Repealed, 1976 c 179 s 20] |
473.821 | [Repealed, 1976 c 179 s 20] |
473.823 | Rules and permits. |
473.827 | |
473.831 | [Repealed, 1991 c 337 s 90] |
473.833 | [Repealed, 1991 c 337 s 90] |
473.834 | Debt service; solid waste bonds. |
473.840 | [Repealed, 1991 c 337 s 90] |
473.841 | Citation. |
473.842 | Definitions. |
473.843 | Metropolitan solid waste landfill fee. |
473.844 | Metropolitan landfill abatement fund. |
473.8441 | Local recycling development program. |
473.845 | Metropolitan landfill contingency action account. |
473.846 | Report to legislature. |
473.847 | Operator or owner liability for response expenses. |
473.848 | Restriction on disposal. |
473.849 | Prohibition; solid waste disposal. |
473.851 | Legislative findings and purpose. |
473.852 | Definitions. |
473.853 | Advisory committee. |
473.854 | Guidelines. |
473.855 | [Repealed, 1996 c 310 s 1] |
473.856 | Metropolitan system statements; amendments. |
473.857 | System statements; reconciliation procedures. |
473.858 | Comprehensive plans; local governmental units. |
473.859 | Comprehensive plan content. |
473.86 | Cities. |
473.861 | Towns. |
473.862 | Metro counties other than Hennepin, Ramsey. |
473.863 | [Repealed, 1Sp2003 c 16 s 11] |
473.864 | Plans and programs; adoption; amendment. |
473.865 | Adoption; conflicts, amendment of controls, devices. |
473.866 | Contested cases; administrative and judicial review. |
473.867 | Planning assistance; grants; loans. |
473.868 | Housing. |
473.869 | Extension. |
473.87 | Levy for increased costs. |
473.871 | New municipal sewer systems. |
473.872 | [Repealed, 1994 c 465 art 1 s 56] |
473.875 | [Repealed, 1990 c 391 art 10 s 4; renumbered 103B.201] |
473.876 | [Repealed, 1990 c 391 art 10 s 4; renumbered 103B.205, subd 10a] |
473.877 | [Repealed, 1990 c 391 art 10 s 4; renumbered 103B.211, subdivision 1] |
473.8771 | [Repealed, 1990 c 391 art 10 s 4] |
473.8775 | Renumbered 103B.227 |
473.878 | [Repealed, 1990 c 391 art 10 s 4; renumbered 103B.231, subds 1-6,8,10,12-14] |
473.8785 | [Repealed, 1990 c 391 art 10 s 4] |
473.879 | [Repealed, 1990 c 391 art 10 s 4; renumbered 103B.235, subd 2] |
473.88 | Renumbered 103B.239 |
473.881 | [Repealed, 1990 c 391 art 10 s 4; renumbered 103B.241] |
473.882 | [Repealed, 1990 c 391 art 10 s 4; renumbered 103B.245, subdivision 1] |
473.883 | [Repealed, 1990 c 391 art 10 s 4; renumbered 103B.251, subds 5,8,9] |
473.891 | Renumbered 403.21 |
473.893 | Renumbered 403.22 |
473.894 | Renumbered 403.23 |
473.895 | Renumbered 403.24 |
473.896 | Renumbered 403.25 |
473.897 | Renumbered 403.26 |
473.898 | Renumbered 403.27 |
473.899 | Renumbered 403.28 |
473.900 | Renumbered 403.29 |
473.901 | Renumbered 403.30 |
473.902 | Renumbered 403.31 |
473.903 | Renumbered 403.32 |
473.904 | Renumbered 403.33 |
473.905 | Renumbered 403.34 |
473.906 | Renumbered 403.35 |
473.907 | Renumbered 403.36 |
473.910 | Midtown Planning and Coordination Board. |
473.912 | Powers of board. |
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes