Section | Headnote |
256K.01 | Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3 |
256K.015 | Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3 |
256K.02 | Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3 |
256K.03 | Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3 |
256K.04 | Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3 |
256K.05 | Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3 |
256K.06 | Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3 |
256K.07 | Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3 |
256K.08 | Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3 |
256K.09 | Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3 |
256K.25 | Supportive housing and managed care pilot project. |
256K.26 | Long-term homeless supportive services. |
256K.30 | Repealed, 1Sp2003 c 14 art 1 s 107 |
256K.35 | At-risk youth out-of-wedlock pregnancy prevention program. |
256K.01 Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3
256K.015 Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3
256K.02 Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3
256K.03 Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3
256K.04 Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3
256K.05 Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3
256K.06 Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3
256K.07 Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3
256K.08 Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3
256K.09 Repealed, 2002 c 220 art 16 s 3
256K.25 Supportive housing and managed care pilot project.
Subdivision 1. Establishment and purpose. (a) The commissioner shall establish a supportive housing and managed care pilot project to determine whether the integrated delivery of employment services, supportive services, housing, and health care into a single, flexible program will:
(1) reduce public expenditures on homeless families with minor children, homeless noncustodial parents, and other homeless individuals;
(2) increase the employment rates of these persons; and
(3) provide a new alternative to providing services to this hard-to-serve population.
(b) The commissioner shall create a program for counties for the purpose of providing integrated intensive and individualized case management services, employment services, health care services, rent subsidies or other short- or medium-term housing assistance, and other supportive services to eligible families and individuals. Minimum project and application requirements shall be developed by the commissioner in cooperation with counties and their nonprofit partners with the goal to provide the maximum flexibility in program design.
(c) Services available under this project must be coordinated with available health care services for an eligible project participant.
Subd. 2. Definition. For purposes of this section, "homeless" means having no appropriate housing available and lacking the resources necessary to access permanent housing, as determined by the county requesting funding under subdivision 3, and:
(1) living, or being at imminent risk of living, on the street or in a shelter; or
(2) having been evicted from a dwelling or discharged from a regional treatment center, state-operated community-based program, community hospital, or residential treatment program.
Subd. 3. County eligibility. (a) A county may request funding under this pilot project if the county:
(1) agrees to develop, in cooperation with nonprofit partners, a supportive housing and managed care pilot project that integrates the delivery of employment services, supportive services, housing and health care for eligible families and individuals, or agrees to contract with an existing integrated program;
(2) for eligible participants who are also MFIP recipients, agrees to develop, in cooperation with nonprofit partners, procedures to ensure that the services provided under the pilot project are closely coordinated with the services provided under MFIP;
(3) develops a method for evaluating the quality of the integrated services provided and the amount of any resulting cost savings to the county and state; and
(4) addresses in the pilot design the prevalence in the homeless population served those individuals with mental illness, a history of substance abuse, or HIV.
(b) Preference may be given to counties that cooperate with other counties participating in the pilot project for purposes of evaluation and counties that provide additional funding.
Subd. 4. Participant eligibility. (a) In order to meet initial eligibility criteria for the pilot project, the county must determine that a participant is homeless or is at risk of homelessness and is a family that meets the criteria in paragraph (b) or is an individual who meets the criteria in paragraph (c).
(b) An eligible family must include a minor child or a pregnant woman, and:
(1) be receiving or be eligible for MFIP assistance under chapter 256J; or
(2) include an adult caregiver who is employed or is receiving employment and training services, and have household income below the MFIP exit level in section 256J.24, subdivision 10.
(c) An eligible individual must:
(1) meet the eligibility requirements of the group residential housing program under section 256I.04, subdivision 1; or
(2) be a noncustodial parent who is employed or is receiving employment and training services, and have household income below the MFIP exit level in section 256J.24, subdivision 10.
(d) Counties participating in the pilot project may develop and initiate disenrollment criteria, subject to approval by the commissioner of human services.
Subd. 5. Funding. A county may request funding from the commissioner for a specified number of project participants. The commissioner shall review the request for compliance with subdivisions 1 to 4 and may approve or disapprove the request. If other funds are available, the commissioner may allocate funding for project participants who meet the eligibility requirements of subdivision 4, paragraph (c). The commissioner may also redirect funds to the pilot project.
Subd. 6. Report. Participating counties and the commissioner shall collaborate to prepare and issue an annual report, beginning December 1, 2001, to the chairs of the appropriate legislative committees on the pilot project's use of public resources, including other funds leveraged for this initiative and an assessment of the feasibility of financing the pilot through other health and human services programs, the employment and housing status of the families and individuals served in the project, and the cost-effectiveness of the project. The annual report must also evaluate the pilot project with respect to the following project goals: that participants will lead more productive, healthier, more stable and better quality lives; that the teams created under the project to deliver services for each project participant will be accountable for ensuring that services are more appropriate, cost-effective and well-coordinated; and that the systemwide costs of serving this population, and the inappropriate use of emergency, crisis-oriented or institutional services, will be materially reduced. The commissioner shall provide data that may be needed to evaluate the project to participating counties that request the data.
Subd. 7. Sunset. The pilot project under this section sunsets on June 30, 2007.
HIST: 2000 c 488 art 10 s 25; 1Sp2001 c 9 art 10 s 55-59; 2002 c 379 art 1 s 113; 2004 c 204 s 1
256K.26 Long-term homeless supportive services.
Subdivision 1. Establishment and purpose. The commissioner shall establish the long-term homeless supportive services fund to provide integrated services needed to stabilize individuals, families, and youth living in supportive housing developed to further the goals set forth in Laws 2003, chapter 128, article 15, section 9.
Subd. 2. Implementation. The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioners of the Department of Corrections and the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, counties, providers and funders of supportive housing and services, shall develop application requirements and make funds available according to this section, with the goal of providing maximum flexibility in program design.
Subd. 3. Definitions. For purposes of this section, the following terms have the meanings given:
(1) "long-term homelessness" means lacking a permanent place to live continuously for one year or more or at least four times in the past three years; and
(2) "household" means an individual, family, or unaccompanied minor experiencing long-term homelessness.
Subd. 4. County eligibility. Counties are eligible for funding under this section. Priority will be given to proposals submitted on behalf of multicounty partnerships.
Subd. 5. Content of proposals. Proposals will be evaluated on the extent to which they:
(1) include partnerships with providers of services or other partners;
(2) develop strategies to enhance housing stability for people experiencing long-term homelessness by integrating services and establishing consistent services and procedures across jurisdictions as appropriate;
(3) evidence a commitment to working with the commissioners of human services, corrections, and the Housing Finance Agency to identify appropriate households to be served under this section and serve households as defined in subdivision 3. The commissioner may also set criteria for serving people at significant risk of experiencing long-term homelessness, with a priority on serving families with minor children;
(4) ensure that projects make maximum use of mainstream resources, including employment, social, and health services, and leverage additional public and private resources in order to serve the maximum number of households;
(5) demonstrate cost-effectiveness by identifying and prioritizing those services most necessary for housing stability; and
(6) evaluate and report on outcomes of the projects according to protocols developed by the commissioner of human services in cooperation with the commissioners of corrections and the Housing Finance Agency. Evaluation would include methods for determining the quality of the integrated service approach, improvement in outcomes, cost savings, or reduction in service disparities that may result.
Subd. 6. Outcomes. Projects will be selected to further the following outcomes:
(1) reduce the number of Minnesota individuals and families that experience long-term homelessness;
(2) increase the number of housing opportunities with supportive services;
(3) develop integrated, cost-effective service models that address the multiple barriers to obtaining housing stability faced by people experiencing long-term homelessness, including abuse, neglect, chemical dependency, disability, chronic health problems, or other factors including ethnicity and race that may result in poor outcomes or service disparities;
(4) encourage partnerships among counties, community agencies, schools, and other providers so that the service delivery system is seamless for people experiencing long-term homelessness;
(5) increase employability, self-sufficiency, and other social outcomes for individuals and families experiencing long-term homelessness; and
(6) reduce inappropriate use of emergency health care, shelter, chemical dependency, foster care, child protection, corrections, and similar services used by people experiencing long-term homelessness.
Subd. 7. Eligible services. Services eligible for funding under this section are all services needed to maintain households in permanent supportive housing, as determined by the county or counties administering the project or projects.
Subd. 8. Families experiencing long-term homelessness. The commissioner, in consultation with the commissioners of housing finance and corrections, shall assess whether the definition of long-term homelessness impacts the ability of families with minor children experiencing homelessness to obtain services necessary to support housing stability.
HIST: 1Sp2005 c 4 art 3 s 16
256K.30 Repealed, 1Sp2003 c 14 art 1 s 107
256K.35 At-risk youth out-of-wedlock pregnancy prevention program.
Subdivision 1. Establishment and purpose. The commissioner shall establish a statewide grant program to prevent or reduce the incidence of out-of-wedlock pregnancies among homeless, runaway, or thrown-away youth who are at risk of being prostituted or currently being used in prostitution. The goal of the out-of-wedlock pregnancy prevention program is to significantly increase the number of existing short-term shelter beds for these youth in the state. By providing street outreach and supportive services for emergency shelter, transitional housing, and services to reconnect the youth with their families where appropriate, the number of youth at risk of being sexually exploited or actually being sexually exploited, and thus at risk of experiencing an out-of-wedlock pregnancy, will be reduced.
Subd. 2. Funds available. The commissioner shall make funds for street outreach and supportive services for emergency shelter and transitional housing for out-of-wedlock pregnancy prevention available to eligible nonprofit corporations or government agencies to provide supportive services for emergency and transitional housing for at-risk youth. The commissioner shall consider the need for emergency and transitional housing supportive services throughout the state, and must give priority to applicants who offer 24-hour emergency facilities.
Subd. 3. Application; eligibility. (a) A nonprofit corporation or government agency must submit an application to the commissioner in the form and manner the commissioner establishes. The application must describe how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria under paragraph (b). The commissioner may also require an applicant to provide additional information.
(b) To be eligible for funding under this section, an applicant must meet the following criteria:
(1) the applicant must have a commitment to helping the community, children, and preventing juvenile prostitution. If the applicant does not have any past experience with youth involved in or at risk of being used in prostitution, the applicant must demonstrate knowledge of best practices in this area and develop a plan to follow those practices;
(2) the applicant must present a plan to communicate with local law enforcement officials, social services, and the commissioner consistent with state and federal law; and
(3) the applicant must present a plan to encourage homeless, runaway, or thrown-away youth to either reconnect with family or to transition into long-term housing.
Subd. 4. Uses of funds. (a) Funds available under this section must be used to create and maintain supportive services for emergency shelter and transitional housing for homeless, runaway, and thrown-away youth. Federal TANF funds must be used to serve youth and their families with household income below 200 percent of the federal poverty guidelines. If other funds are available, services may be provided to youth outside of TANF-eligible families.
(b) Funds available under this section shall not be used to conduct general education or awareness programs unrelated to the operation of an emergency shelter or transitional housing.
HIST: 2000 c 488 art 10 s 27
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes