Blind persons services, Minn. Rules 3325.0100 to 3325.0478
Civil service, disabled applicants, placement, examinations, Minn. Rules 3900.5200
Disabled persons, residential programs, social services, Minn. Rules 9570.2500
Home improvement grants, Minn. Rules 4900.0610
Medical assistance
Covered services, Minn. Rules 9505.0295, 9505.0385, 9505.0386, 9505.0390
Long-term care facilities, Minn. Rules 9505.0410 to 9505.0412
Medicare compliance, Minn. Rules 9505.0392
Payment rates, Minn. Rules 9505.0445
Nursing homes, Minn. Rules 4658.1200, 4658.1290
Purchase and rehabilitation mortgage loans, Minn. Rules 4900.2000, 4900.2005
Refinance and rehabilitation mortgage loans, Minn. Rules 4900.2000, 4900.2005
Rehabilitation agencies, medical assistance
Covered services, Minn. Rules 9505.0385, 9505.0390, 9505.0410 to 9505.0412
Payment rates, Minn. Rules 9505.0445
Rental loans, Minn. Rules 4900.0530
Surveillance and integrity review program (health services), records, Minn. Rules 9505.2175
Rehabilitative therapy, defined, Minn. Rules 2500.0100
Reports about, Minn. Rules 4650.0102 to 4650.0174
Veterans homes, specialized rehabilitation services, Minn. Rules 9050.1030
Vocational rehabilitation, see VOCATIONAL REHABILITATION
Workers' compensation, see WORKERS COMPENSATION
Workers' compensation, review panel, Minn. Rules 5217.0300 to 5217.1000