Adoption, Minn. Rules 9560.0040
Affirmative action in state contracts, workforce analysis, Minn. Rules 5000.3450
Alcohol and drug counselors, training in Native American issues, Minn. Rules 4747.1100
Business loans
Applications, Minn. Rules 5100.0500, 5100.0600
Definitions, Minn. Rules 5100.0200
Generally, Minn. Rules 5100.0500
Maximum participation, Minn. Rules 5100.0900
Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 5100.0400
Repayment, Minn. Rules 5100.0700
Review, Minn. Rules 5100.0800
Scope of program, Minn. Rules 5100.0300
Contracts, see STATE CONTRACTS
Definitions, state contracts, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Drinking water revolving fund, Minn. Rules 7380.0252 to 7380.0297
Education and training, Indian education parent committees, Minn. Rules 3535.0120
Fishing, lawful possession, documentation requirements, Minn. Rules 6200.0200
Gambling, equipment purchases, Minn. Rules 7863.0220, 7864.0240
Housing programs, Minn. Rules 4900.0900 to 4900.1080
Hunting, lawful possession, documentation, Minn. Rules 6200.0200
Identification cards, American Indian cards, primary documents, drivers' licenses, vehicle records, Minn. Rules 7410.0100, 7410.0400
Indian children
Adoption requirements, Minn. Rules 9560.0040
Children in need of protection or services, social service plans, Minn. Rules 9560.0440
Children in need of protection or services, Minn. Rules 9560.0430
Foster care, Minn. Rules 9560.0521
Maltreatment, Minn. Rules 9560.0214
Foster care, see Indian children under FOSTER CARE
Maltreatment, Minn. Rules 9560.0221, 9560.0223
Leech Lake Chippewas, minnow taking on Leech Lake, permission, Minn. Rules 6254.0800
Notice received, radioactive materials, decommissioning, Minn. Rules 4731.2100
Outdoor recreation grants, Minn. Rules 4310.8105 to 4310.8160
Preferences, state contracts, Minn. Rules 1230.1400 to 1230.1910
Public school students, identification, racial composition reports, Minn. Rules 3535.0120
Commercial fishing areas, Minn. Rules 6260.2300
Developmental loans, reciprocal interstate branching and acquisitions, Minn. Rules 2660.0090
Leech Lake Indian reservation
Fishing, seasons and limits, Minn. Rules 6262.0800
Minnows, commercial taking, Minn. Rules 6254.0800
Wild rice harvesting, Minn. Rules 6284.0600
Teachers of, licenses, Minn. Rules 8710.4100, 8710.4800
Tribal councils
Agencies, WIC program, Minn. Rules 4617.0020 to 4617.0030
Tribal governments
Community action agencies, termination, Minn. Rules 9571.0060
Notice received
High-voltage lines, transmission planning meetings, Minn. Rules 7848.1000
High-voltage transmission line notice plans, Minn. Rules 7829.2550
Service on, power lines, biennial transmission projects reports, Minn. Rules 7848.1800, 7848.2000
Tribal identification cards
Absentee voting, proof of residence, Minn. Rules 8210.0500, 8210.0600
Voter registration, election day registration, Minn. Rules 8200.5100
Agencies, WIC program, Minn. Rules 4617.0020 to 4617.0030
Local units of government, Indian tribes or bands defined as, tourism loan program, Minn. Rules 4308.0020
Nuclear waste shipments, notice to tribes about, Minn. Rules 4731.0419
Urban Indian housing loan program, Minn. Rules 4900.1500 to 4900.1586
Wild rice harvesting, Minn. Rules 6284.0600