Aid programs, termination of school's eligibility, Minn. Rules 4830.0120 to 4830.0195
Child care grants program, Minn. Rules 4830.7000 to 4830.7900
Contractual payments to private colleges, Minn. Rules 4840.0100 to 4840.1100
Financial assistance, Minn. Rules 4830.0100 to 4830.9130
Non-Minnesota public colleges and universities, see under COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES
Private career schools, see PRIVATE CAREER SCHOOLS
Private colleges and universities, see under COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES
Student loans and grants, Minn. Rules 4830.0100 to 4830.9130
Student supplemental loans (SELF), Minn. Rules 4850.0010 to 4850.0027
Veterans dependents student assistance program, see COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES