Air pollution, indirect source permits, Minn. Rules 7001.0020, 7002.0075
Alcoholic beverages, purchase alcohol permit, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Athletic events, sales and use taxes, admissions, Minn. Rules 8130.0900
Audits and examinations, radioactive materials, decommissioning, Minn. Rules 4731.3175
Carpool programs, motor vehicle fuel conservation, Minn. Rules 7620.0610
Certificates and certification
Driver education, see Certificates and certification under DRIVER EDUCATION
Student residences, Minn. Rules 8200.5100
Wild mushroom identification experts, education and training, Minn. Rules 4626.0156
Child care grants program, Minn. Rules 4830.7000 to 4830.7900
Community colleges, see COMMUNITY COLLEGES
Courses of study, peace officer education programs, Minn. Rules 6700.0300
Curriculum, wild mushroom identification, Minn. Rules 4626.0156
Driver education programs, Minn. Rules 7411.0100 to 7411.7700
Flexible work hours, motor vehicle fuel emergency, conservation plans, Minn. Rules 7620.0610
Flight schools, exceptions, Minn. Rules 8800.3300
Food and beverage service, prepared food sold by, sales and use taxes, exemption, Minn. Rules 8130.4700
Indirect source permits, Minn. Rules 7001.0020, 7002.0075
Instructors, peace officer education programs, Minn. Rules 6700.0300
Jitney service, motor vehicle fuel emergency, conservation programs, Minn. Rules 7620.0610
Land grant universities
Names, soil testing laboratories, certification applications, Minn. Rules 1512.0020
Reports given, soil fertility recommendations, Minn. Rules 1512.0085
Soil testing laboratories, Minn. Rules 1512.0010 to 1512.0085
Licenses, radioactive materials, see Licenses under RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS
Motor vehicle fuel emergencies, Minn. Rules 7620.0610
Names, private career schools, Minn. Rules 4880.1700
Non-Minnesota public colleges and universities
Definitions, Minn. Rules 4840.0100
Degrees, approval, defined, Minn. Rules 4840.0100
Fees, registration, Minn. Rules 4840.0400
Licensing by state agency or department, Minn. Rules 4840.0900
Registration with Higher Education Office
Exempt schools, voluntary compliance, Minn. Rules 4840.1100
Generally, Minn. Rules 4840.0100 to 4840.1100
Requirements, Minn. Rules 4840.0300, 4840.0400, 4840.0500
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 4840.0200
Permits, indirect source permits, Minn. Rules 7001.0020, 7002.0075
Private colleges and universities
Definitions, Minn. Rules 4840.0100
Degrees, approval, defined, Minn. Rules 4840.0100
Driver education programs, see Certified programs under DRIVER EDUCATION
Fees, registration, Minn. Rules 4840.0400
Licensing by state agency or department, Minn. Rules 4840.0900
Registration with Higher Education Office
Exempt schools, voluntary compliance, Minn. Rules 4840.1100
Generally, Minn. Rules 4840.0100 to 4840.1100
Requirements, Minn. Rules 4840.0300, 4840.0400, 4840.0500
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 4840.0200
Radioactive materials, see RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS
Records and record keeping, peace officer education programs, retention, Minn. Rules 6700.0300
Sales and use taxes
Exemptions, Minn. Rules 8130.5700, 8130.6200
Textbooks, exemptions, Minn. Rules 8130.6700
Scholarships, see STUDENT GRANTS
Student grants, see STUDENT GRANTS
Student identification cards, voter registration, proof of residence, Minn. Rules 8200.5100
Student loans, Minn. Rules 4830.0100 to 4830.9130
Students, voter registration, proof of residence, Minn. Rules 8200.5100, 8200.5400
Teachers, see TEACHERS
University of Minnesota, see UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA
Vanpool programs, motor vehicle fuel emergency, employer conservation plan, Minn. Rules 7620.0610
Vocational rehabilitation services
Definitions, Minn. Rules 3300.5010
Generally, Minn. Rules 3300.5060