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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature


Appropriations for, Minn. Laws 2023 c 6 s 1

Appropriations for, Minn. Laws 2015 c 75 art 1 s 3


Generally, Minn. Laws 2009 c 36 art 1 s 3

Interchange construction, Minn. Laws 2009 c 36 art 2 s 1, 2


Bonds (public debt), Minn. Laws 2008 c 152 art 2 s 2, 6

Construction, Minn. Laws 2008 c 152 art 2 s 3


Generally, Minn. Laws 2007 c 143 art 1 s 3

Humphrey Institute grant (vetoed), Minn. Laws 2007 c 143 art 1 s 3

Arianna Celeste Macnamara Memorial Bridge, Minn. Laws 2012 c 287 art 4 s 7

Attraction signs, Minn. Laws 2013 c 127 s 2-4

Augie Mueller Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2023 c 35 s 1

Bikeways, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 8

Black and Yellow Trail, Minn. Laws 2012 c 287 art 3 s 1

Boat lifts, transporting on, Minn. Laws 2011 c 44 s

Bonds (public debt)

Appropriations, Minn. Laws 2008 c 152 art 2 s 2, 6

Debt service surcharge, Minn. Laws 2008 c 152 art 2 s 1

Bonds, see Trunk highway bonds under BONDS (PUBLIC DEBT)

Bridge improvement program, Minn. Laws 2008 c 152 art 2 s 3, 2008 c 152 art 6 s 5

Bridges (structures), trunk highway bridge improvement program, deleted, Minn. Laws 2023 c 25 s 190

Capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2019 c 2 art 2 s 3

Capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2018 c 214 art 1 s 16

Capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 8 art 1 s 15

Capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2015 1Sp c 5 art 1 s 10, 14

Capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2010 c 189 s 53

Captain Jeffrey Vollmer Memorial Highway, revisor's correction, Minn. Laws 2023 c 25 s 57

Captain Jeffrey Vollmer Memorial Highway, revisor's correction, Minn. Laws 2020 c 83 art 1 s 103

Captain Jeffrey Vollmer Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2019 c 37 s , 2019 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 11

Centerlines, changes, filing with county recorder, Minn. Laws 2009 c 168 s 1

Chip A. Imker Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2017 c 81 s

Clearwater County Veterans Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2009 c 18 s

Connector highways to adjoining states, length limits removed, Minn. Laws 2014 c 243 s 1, 2

Construction and reconstruction, transportation economic development infrastructure program, Minn. Laws 2015 1Sp c 5 art 1 s 14

Construction and reconstruction

Capital improvement project, Minn. Laws 2023 c 71 art 1 s 10, 2023 c 72 art 2 s 7

Corridors of commerce program, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 20-25

Generally, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 1 s 2

Transportation greenhouse gas emissions impact assessments, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 28

Construction and reconstruction

Capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2020 5Sp c 3 art 1 s 16, 2020 5Sp c 3 art 2 s 2, 2021 1Sp c 9 s 22, 43, 44

Generally, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 1 s 2

Construction and reconstruction

Capital improvement projects, Minn. Laws 2020 5Sp c 3 art 1 s 16, 2020 5Sp c 3 art 2 s 2

County turnback account, revisor's correction, Minn. Laws 2020 c 83 art 1 s 50

Construction and reconstruction

Appropriations, Minn. Laws 2010 c 388 art 2 s 1-5

Businesses affected, mitigation, Minn. Laws 2010 c 351 s 2

Construction contracts, direct negotiation, Minn. Laws 2019 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 18, 116

Construction contracts, Indian tribes, Minn. Laws 2016 c 189 art 13 s 53

Construction contracts, Transportation Department, authority to enter, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 22

Construction contracts

Direct negotiation, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 5 s 7

Indian land proximity, Indian employment preference, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 5 s 8

Construction contracts

Small targeted group business contracts, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 26

Veteran-owned small business contracts, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 26

Construction projects

Appropriations, Minn. Laws 2008 c 152 art 2 s 3

Priority, Metropolitan Council plans, Minn. Laws 2008 c 350 art 1 s 65

Privatization transportation contracts, Minn. Laws 2008 c 287 art 1 s 16


Bonding for, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 2 s 2

Corridors of commerce, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 2 s 2


Contracts, repairs, Minn. Laws 2014 c 243 s 3

Default by contractor, Minn. Laws 2014 c 287 s 3


Corridors of commerce program, Minn. Laws 2013 c 117 art 2 s , 2013 c 117 art 3 s 1

Hiring, women and minorities, Minn. Laws 2013 c 117 art 3 s 39

2010 appropriation, cancellation, Minn. Laws 2012 1Sp c 1 art 1 s 28

Contracts, best value contracts, Minn. Laws 2007 c 148 art 3 s 16-148:3:18

Corporal Caleb L. Erickson Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 26

Corporal Caleb L. Erickson Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 15

Corporal Johnathan Benson Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2010 c 196 s

Corrections Officer Joseph Gomm Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2019 c 15 s

Corridor studies, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 1 s 6

Corridors of commerce program, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 20-25

Corridors of commerce program, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 12

Corridors of commerce program, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 20-22, 125

Corridors of commerce, capital improvement project, Minn. Laws 2019 c 2 art 2 s 4

Corridors of Commerce, capital improvement project, Minn. Laws 2018 c 214 art 1 s 16

Definitions, advertising devices, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 77-83

Deputy Richard K. Magnuson Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 19

Design standards, Minn. Laws 2015 c 75 art 2 s 57

Directional signs, revisor's correction, Minn. Laws 2023 c 25 s 98

Divided highways, oversize vehicles, operating on, Minn. Laws 2020 c 100 s 11, 30

Dynamic shoulder lanes, user fees, Minn. Laws 2008 c 306 s

Dynamic shoulder lanes, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 10, 132

Easements, Transportation Department, duties, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 29

Expansion, Nicollet County, Minn. Laws 2020 c 69 s 2

Funding, debt-financing management policy, Minn. Laws 2010 c 350 s 3

Funding, trunk highway corridor projects account, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 5 s 44


Prior appropriations, road construction, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 100

Statewide highway capital investment plan, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 86

Funding, Minn. Laws 2019 1Sp c 3 art 1 s 2


County turnback account, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 19

Flexible highway account, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 19

Generally, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 1 s 2

Local road authorities, expenditures, Transportation Department, duties, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 27

Gross weight, restrictions, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 52

High-occupancy vehicle lanes, user fees, Minn. Laws 2008 c 306 s

High-occupancy vehicle lanes, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 10, 132

Highway 95, Veterans Memorial Bridge, Minn. Laws 2010 c 204 s

Interchange construction, appropriations, Minn. Laws 2009 c 36 art 2 s 1, 2

Kenneth L. Olson Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2017 c 69 s

Lands, conveyance and reconveyance, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 20, 21, 23, 24

Lands, conveyance and reconveyance, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 28-30, 130

Lands, review for disposal, bicycle or pedestrian use, Minn. Laws 2014 c 287 s 4

Legislative Route 228, removal, Minn. Laws 2015 c 75 art 2 s 50

Legislative Route 275, removal, Minn. Laws 2015 c 75 art 2 s 51

Legislative Route 392, engine brakes, restrictions on use, Minn. Laws 2015 c 75 art 2 s 53

Legislative route No. 145, amended, Minn. Laws 2007 c 23 s 1

Legislative route No. 262, removed, Minn. Laws 2007 c 23 s 2

Legislative Route No. 290, removal, Minn. Laws 2009 c 28 s 1

Legislative Route No. 293, removal, Minn. Laws 2009 c 28 s 2

Legislative routes removed, Minn. Laws 2012 c 287 art 3 s 57-59

Legislative routes, listed, Minn. Laws 2020 c 100 s 2, 23, 26

Legislative routes, listed, Minn. Laws 2019 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 7, 8, 120, 132-138

Legislative routes

Listed, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 5 s 4, 5

Removed, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 5 s 52-54

Legislative routes

Listed, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 14

Removed, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 124, 125

Legislative routes

Route No. 101, repealed, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 144

Route No. 123, removed, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 141

Route No. 225, removed, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 142

Route No. 259, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 23

Maintenance, improvement, repair, or restoration, corridors of commerce program, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 20-25

Major highway projects, Minn. Laws 2014 c 312 art 11 s 26

Marked Trunk Highway 10, intersection reconstruction, Minn. Laws 2010 c 181 s

Marked Trunk Highway 23, Minn. Laws 2013 c 12 s

Marked Trunk Highway 28, Staff Sergeant Kevin Witte Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2016 c 118 s

Marked Trunk Highway 47, signs, Minn. Laws 2013 c 127 s 69

Marked Trunk Highway 52, specific service sign, Minn. Laws 2013 c 127 s 68

Marked Trunk Highway 7, Patrol Officer Michael Alan Hogan Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2016 c 117 s

Mayor William "Bill" Sandberg Memorial Bridge, Minn. Laws 2008 c 350 art 1 s 2

Nicholas Patrick Spehar Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2014 c 216 s

Obsolete and redundant law, repeals, Minn. Laws 2014 c 227 art 1 s 5, 23, 2014 c 227 art 2 s 3-6

Officer Richard Crittenden, Sr., Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2014 c 155 s

Officer Tom Decker Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2013 c 12 s

Patrol Inspector Robert H. Lobdell Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 18

Patrol Officer Michael Alan Hogan Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2016 c 117 s

Performance, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 88

Permits, access permits, appeals, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 7

Plans and specifications

Transportation Department, duties, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 65

Transportation greenhouse gas emissions impact assessments, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 28

Portable boat docks, transporting on, Minn. Laws 2011 c 44 s

Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2023 c 35 s 2

Public land survey corners, duties regarding, revisor's corrections, Minn. Laws 2016 c 158 art 1 s 181


Contracts for, Minn. Laws 2014 c 243 s 3

2012 cancellation reduced, Minn. Laws 2014 c 312 art 9 s 5

Reports about, cost estimates, revisor's correction, Minn. Laws 2022 c 55 art 1 s 47

Reports about, trunk highway fund expenditures, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 13, 137

Reports about, trunk highway fund expenditures, Minn. Laws 2019 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 6

Richard J. Ames Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2019 c 55 s , 2019 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 12

Right of entry, utilities, easements, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 29

Rights-of-way, force mains for manure transport, temporary permits, Minn. Laws 2015 c 75 art 2 s 7

Rights-of-way, temporary permit, field application of manure, Minn. Laws 2016 c 168 s 1

Rights-of-way, utilities on, across, along, or under, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 29

Route 297, repeal, removal, Minn. Laws 2010 c 265 s 2

Route 309, repeal, Minn. Laws 2014 c 287 s 26

Route 332, partial removal, Minn. Laws 2010 c 265 s 1

Route 332, repeal, removal, Minn. Laws 2011 c 34 s

Route No. 298, Minn. Laws 2013 c 127 s 6

Route No. 339, Minn. Laws 2013 c 127 s 7

Ryane Clark Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2019 c 56 s , 2019 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 14

Safety improvements, standards, Minn. Laws 2008 c 350 art 1 s 3

Sergeant Joseph Bergeron Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2015 c 46 s

Signs and signals, designated highway signs, removal, Minn. Laws 2009 c 23 s 1

Signs and signals, revisor's correction, Minn. Laws 2023 c 25 s 98

Snowmobiles, restrictions, revisor's correction, Minn. Laws 2022 c 55 art 1 s 18

Soybean meal-hauling vehicles, revisor's correction, Minn. Laws 2022 c 55 art 1 s 76

Soybean meal-hauling vehicles, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 5 art 4 s 66

Speaker Irvin N. Anderson Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2009 c 23 s 3

Specific service signs, interchanges, Minn. Laws 2016 c 98 s

Speed limits, reports about, Minn. Laws 2014 c 312 art 11 s 36

Speed limits

Safe road zones, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 44

Trunk Highway 19, Lonsdale (city), Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 5 s 25

Spring repair, advertisements for bids, Minn. Laws 2008 c 287 art 1 s 15

Staff Sergeant Kevin Witte Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2016 c 118 s

State lands, periodic review for sale, Minn. Laws 2013 c 127 s 9

State Trooper Ray Krueger Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2019 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 16

Surplus lands, conveyance to Indian tribal governments, Minn. Laws 2010 c 226 s

Transportation greenhouse gas emissions impact assessments, Minn. Laws 2023 c 68 art 4 s 28

Trooper Glen Skalman Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2014 c 312 art 11 s 1

Trunk Highway 149, Officer Scott Patrick Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2015 c 51 s

Trunk highway 23 bypass project, Minn. Laws 2012 c 287 art 4 s 47

Trunk Highway 36, commercial vehicle combinations, length limits, Minn. Laws 2009 c 144 s

Trunk Highway 36, Sergeant Joseph Bergeron Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2015 c 46 s

Trunk Highway 36, Minn. Laws 2014 c 155 s

Trunk Highway 53, Minn. Laws 2009 c 23 s 3

Trunk Highway 60, construction, Minn. Laws 2006 c 234 s 6

Trunk Highway 60, Michael Duane Clickner Memorial Bridge, Minn. Laws 2014 c 287 s 2

Trunk highway 77, bus lane, Minn. Laws 2008 c 152 art 2 s 3

Trunk Highway 95, Minn. Laws 2015 1Sp c 1 art 1 s 2

Trunk highway bonds

2010 authorization, Minn. Laws 2014 c 312 art 9 s 2

2012 authorization, Minn. Laws 2014 c 312 art 9 s 4

Trunk highway bridge improvement program

Bicycle and pedestrian accommodations, Minn. Laws 2010 c 351 s 13

Projects after conclusion of program, priority, Minn. Laws 2010 c 205 s

Report to legislature, Minn. Laws 2010 c 351 s 14

Trunk Highway Corridor Projects Account Advisory Committee, Minn. Laws 2014 c 286 art 8 s 24, 2014 c 295 s 16

Trunk highway emergency relief account, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 18

Trunk highway emergency relief account, Minn. Laws 2013 c 127 s 5

Trunk highway emergency relief account, Minn. Laws 2010 c 215 art 10 s 5

Turnbacks, project report, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 138

User fees, dynamic shoulder lanes, Minn. Laws 2008 c 306 s

Vehicles on, oversize vehicles, permits, Minn. Laws 2017 1Sp c 3 art 3 s 72

Veterans Memorial Highway, Minn. Laws 2012 c 287 art 4 s 6

Voyageur Highway, route change, Minn. Laws 2009 c 23 s 2

Waterfront structures, transporting on, Minn. Laws 2011 c 44 s