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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature


A1 values, Minn. Rules 4731.0422

A2 values, Minn. Rules 4731.0422

Annual limit on intake (ALI), Minn. Rules 4731.2750

Calibration or reference sources, see under RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS

Definitions, radiation safety, Minn. Rules 4731.0315

Derived air concentration (DAC), Minn. Rules 4731.2750

Fissile material

Generally, see Fissile material under RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS

Plutonium defined as, radiation safety, Minn. Rules 4731.0100


Nationally tracked sources, thresholds, Minn. Rules 4731.2820

Packages and packaging, air transport, Minn. Rules 4731.0416

Special nuclear material in quantities not sufficient to form critical mass, Minn. Rules 4731.0315

Specific activity, Minn. Rules 4731.0422

Transportation, see under RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS