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Absentee ballot boards, Minn. Laws 2008 c 190 s 10, 2008 c 244 art 1 s 8, 9, 2008 c 244 art 2 s 15

Absentee ballots, ballot boards, duties, Minn. Laws 2011 c 18 s 4, 5

Absentee ballots, processing and counting, Minn. Laws 2024 c 112 art 2 s 26

Absentee ballots, processing and counting, Minn. Laws 2019 1Sp c 10 art 4 s 3

Absentee ballots

Absentee voting in person

Polling places, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 45

Town elections, repealed, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 138

Acceptance or rejection

County auditors, duties, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 40

Election judges, duties, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 65, 66

List of voters, statewide voter registration system, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 55

Conforming changes, Minn. Laws 2023 c 34 art 1 s 17

County auditors

Agents' delivery of ballots to, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 53

Equipment, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 49

Office hours, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 50

Polling places, notice, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 47

Voting in office of, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 41

Delivery of

By designated agent, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 53

Timing, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 39, 40

Health care patients, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 35, 51

Mail and mailing, Minn. Laws 2023 c 34 art 1 s 14

Municipal clerks

Notice to voters, duties, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 48

Office hours, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 50

Names of voters, confidentiality, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 54

Processing and counting, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 58-61

Returning, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 39, 40

Secretary of state, notice to voters, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 48

Absentee ballots

Acceptance or rejection

Election judges, duties, Minn. Laws 2021 c 31 art 3 s 6

List of voters, statewide voter registration system, Minn. Laws 2021 c 31 art 3 s 3

Drop boxes, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 12 art 4 s 3-5

Processing and counting, Minn. Laws 2021 c 31 art 3 s 4, 5, 2021 1Sp c 12 art 4 s 6

Absentee ballots

Health care patients, Minn. Laws 2020 c 77 s 1

Processing and counting, Minn. Laws 2020 c 77 s 1

Absentee ballots

Absentee voting in person, polling places, Minn. Laws 2016 c 161 art 1 s 2

County auditors, voting in office of, Minn. Laws 2016 c 161 art 1 s 2

Absentee ballots

Electronic absentee ballot applications, Minn. Laws 2014 c 185 s 8-11, 2014 c 264 s 9, 12

Fax or e-mail applications, Minn. Laws 2014 c 264 s 8

Safe at Home Program participants, Minn. Laws 2014 c 264 s 1

Sending by express mail, conditions for, Minn. Laws 2014 c 264 s 13

Voters submitting accepted ballots, lists, Minn. Laws 2014 c 264 s 11

Voters submitting rejected ballots, Minn. Laws 2014 c 264 s 10

Absentee ballots

Applications for, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 2, 2010 c 201 s 15-17, 20

Ballot boards, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 8, 9, 11, 12, 25, 2010 c 314 s 4

Certificates of eligibility, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 6

Checks of voter eligibility, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 13

City clerks, duties, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 3

Delivery to ballot boards, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 8

Election day voting in addition to, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 1, 27

Electronic transmission, Minn. Laws 2010 c 184 s 9, 10

Examination and marking, dates, Minn. Laws 2010 c 184 s 10

Federal write-in absentee ballots, Minn. Laws 2010 c 201 s 21

Late or rejected, voting history, Minn. Laws 2010 c 201 s 13

Optional ballot boards, repealed, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 27

Preparation and delivery, Minn. Laws 2010 c 184 s 17

Processing, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 9, 2010 c 314 s 4

Reports to legislature, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 15

Return envelopes, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 5-7

Rules about, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 10

Statewide voter registration system, entries in, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 4

Town clerks, duties, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 3

Validity, period, Minn. Laws 2010 c 184 s 8

Voters deceased before election day, treatment, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 13, 27

Voters in military or abroad, Minn. Laws 2010 c 194 s 13, 14

Absentee ballots

Acceptance or rejection, Minn. Laws 2008 c 190 s 10, 11

Delivery by agent, to incapacitated or disabled voters, Minn. Laws 2008 c 295 s 9, 10

Duplicate ballots, procedures, Minn. Laws 2008 c 190 s 12

Electronic transmission to voter, Minn. Laws 2008 c 190 s 5, 8

Examination, absentee ballot boards, see Absentee ballot boards under this topic

Records, election day procedures, Minn. Laws 2008 c 190 s 13

Rejected, effect on continued voter registration, Minn. Laws 2008 c 244 art 1 s 5

Replacement ballots, Minn. Laws 2008 c 190 s 7

Return postage paid, Minn. Laws 2008 c 244 art 1 s 6

Returned ballots, marking, Minn. Laws 2008 c 244 art 2 s 14

Write-in ballots, Minn. Laws 2008 c 190 s 9, 2008 c 336 s 1

Absentee ballots

Delivery, Minn. Laws 2005 c 156 art 6 s 25

Examination, Minn. Laws 2005 c 156 art 6 s 26, 2005 1Sp c 7 s 21

Form, Minn. Laws 2005 c 156 art 6 s 28

Rejections, Minn. Laws 2005 c 156 art 6 s 26, 30, 2005 1Sp c 7 s 21, 22

Absentee voters, election judges, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 51, 52

Administration of law, municipal clerks, notice about, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 14

Administration of law, town clerks, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 40

Applications, electronic forms, Minn. Laws 2005 c 156 art 6 s 21

Applications, identification numbers, Minn. Laws 2008 c 190 s 1-3, 6

Appropriations for, Minn. Laws 2020 c 77 s 4

Armed forces members, Minn. Laws 2005 c 156 art 6 s 20, 22

Ballot applications, filing, Minn. Laws 2008 c 244 art 2 s 12

Ballot applications, list, availability, Minn. Laws 2021 c 31 art 3 s 2

Ballot applications, town clerks, duties, Minn. Laws 2024 c 112 art 2 s 11

Ballot applications, validity, term, Minn. Laws 2016 c 161 art 1 s 3

Ballot applications

Acceptance, compensation for, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 33

Collection, compensation for, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 33

Forms, Minn. Laws 2023 c 34 art 1 s 13

Procedures, Minn. Laws 2023 c 34 art 1 s 11

Safe at Home program participants, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 7

Solicitation, compensation for, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 33

Violations, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 33

Ballot applications

Felony offenders, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 3 s 4

Permanent absentee voters, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 1 s 1-3, 5

Ballot board, duties, Minn. Laws 2015 c 70 art 1 s 15

Ballot boards, absentee ballots, duties regarding, Minn. Laws 2024 c 112 art 2 s 15

Ballot boards, absentee ballots, Minn. Laws 2021 c 31 art 3 s 4, 2021 1Sp c 12 art 4 s 6

Ballot boards

Absentee ballots, duties regarding, Minn. Laws 2023 c 34 art 1 s 17, 2023 c 62 art 4 s 58-61

Acceptance or rejection, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 65

Delivery of ballots to, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 40

Early voting ballots, duties, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 68

Mail balloting, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 86-88

Ballot boards

Composition, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 17

Count, summary statement, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 18

Mail balloting, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 30

Postelection review of ballots, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 69, 70

Ballot boxes, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 43, 44

Ballot envelopes, certificates, Minn. Laws 2012 c 250 s 1

Ballot return envelopes, Minn. Laws 2005 c 156 art 6 s 24, 28, 29

Ballots, return deadlines, Minn. Laws 2015 c 70 art 1 s 13, 14


Count, summary statement, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 18

Permanent absentee voters, see same under this topic

Received on election day, late, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 15

Secretary of state, biennial reports, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 20

Town elections held in March, ballots for, delivery, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 27

Write-in absentee ballots, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 19

Certificates and certification, voting eligibility, Minn. Laws 2024 c 112 art 2 s 12

Certificates and certification, voting eligibility, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 38

Challenges, Minn. Laws 2005 c 156 art 6 s 27

Compensation, solicitation, collection, acceptance of applications, violations, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 33

Definitions, utility worker, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 31

Definitions, Minn. Laws 2021 c 31 art 3 s 1

Directions, audio files, Minn. Laws 2015 c 70 art 1 s 12

Disabled persons, Minn. Laws 2008 c 244 art 1 s 7

Drop boxes, Minn. Laws 2021 1Sp c 12 art 4 s 3-5

Election judges, absentee ballots, acceptance or rejection, Minn. Laws 2021 c 31 art 3 s 6

Election judges

Absentee ballots, acceptance or rejection, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 65, 66

Absentee voters, judges' duties regarding, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 51, 52

Electronic rosters, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 26

Eligibility certificates, form, contents, Minn. Laws 2024 c 112 art 2 s 12

Eligibility certificates, form, contents, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 38

Envelopes, print and printing, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 36, 37

Experimental procedures, repeal, Minn. Laws 2008 c 244 art 1 s 24

Health care patients, absentee ballots, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 35, 51

Health care patients, absentee ballots, Minn. Laws 2020 c 77 s 1

In person, locations for, Minn. Laws 2008 c 244 art 1 s 7

In person, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 16

In person, Minn. Laws 2010 c 201 s 18

Indefinite residence abroad, Minn. Laws 2010 c 201 s 14, 19

Mail and mailing, signature envelopes, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 36

Municipal clerks, duties, Minn. Laws 2008 c 190 s 4, 14

Ongoing absentee status, repealed, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 1 s 9

Ongoing absentee voters, Minn. Laws 2005 c 156 art 6 s 23

Permanent absentee voter list, conforming change, Minn. Laws 2023 c 34 art 1 s 7

Permanent absentee voters

Ballot applications, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 1 s 1-3, 5


Counting, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 1 s 6

Opening of envelopes, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 1 s 8

Records of voting, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 1 s 7

Special elections, vacancies in nomination, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 5 s 6

Effective date, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 1 s 10

Safe at home program participants, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 1 s 1

Status, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 1 s 4

Permanent absentee voting status, Minn. Laws 2023 c 34 art 1 s 12, 15

Persons living abroad, Minn. Laws 2010 c 201 s 14, 19

Records and record keeping

County auditors, returned absentee ballots, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 65

List of voters, Minn. Laws 2023 c 34 art 1 s 15, 16

Return envelopes, contents, design, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 63

Shelter facilities, absentee ballots, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 51

Signature envelopes

Certificate of voting eligibility, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 38

Contents, design, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 37, 63, 64

Delivery, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 36

Statewide voter registration system, master lists for absentee voting, Minn. Laws 2014 c 264 s 6

Technical changes, Minn. Laws 2011 c 18 s 5, 2011 c 76 art 1 s 26

Town elections held in March

Ballots for, delivery, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 27

Voting in person, Minn. Laws 2013 c 131 art 2 s 16

Town elections, procedures, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 46

Veterans homes, absentee ballots, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 51

Violations, Minn. Laws 2023 c 62 art 4 s 33

Voter registration applications, Minn. Laws 2008 c 244 art 1 s 6, 2008 c 244 art 2 s 13

Voter registration, procedures, Minn. Laws 2024 c 112 art 2 s 11

Voter registration, procedures, Minn. Laws 2023 c 34 art 1 s 11

Voters in military or abroad, electronic absentee ballot applications, Minn. Laws 2014 c 185 s 10, 2014 c 264 s 12

Voters in military or overseas, Minn. Laws 2015 c 70 art 1 s 11, 16-19

Voters, eligibility, checking, Minn. Laws 2005 c 156 art 6 s 30, 2005 1Sp c 7 s 22

Voting more than once, Minn. Laws 2008 c 190 s 12

Website domains, Minn. Laws 2024 c 112 art 2 s 73