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Answers, land registration, Court Rules Gen Prac 206, Gen Prac 209

Appeals by

To Court of Appeals, Court Rules Crim 28.02, Crim Form 33

Cross-appeal by defendant upon appeal by state, Court Rules Crim Form 35

To Supreme Court, 1st degree murder, Court Rules Crim 29.03

Appearances in court, see APPEARANCE

Bail, see BAIL

Communication, defendants disabled in communication, see INTERPRETERS

Competency proceedings, generally, Court Rules Crim 20.01 to 20.04

Consent, interactive video teleconferences, consent to, Court Rules Crim Form 51

Copies to, charging documents, Court Rules Crim 5.01


Misdemeanors, Court Rules Crim 5.06

Summonses, Court Rules Crim 3.03


Conciliation court proceedings, Court Rules Gen Prac 509, Gen Prac 510

Intent to prove, joint statement of case, contents, rule applicable to all court proceedings, Court Rules Gen Prac 112.02

Criminal defendants

Attorneys, complaints about, dismissal, Court Rules Prof Resp 8

Death, substitution of parties, Court Rules Civ 25.01

Defenses, see DEFENSES

Depositions, attendance at, expenses, Court Rules Crim 21.03

Disabled in communication, see INTERPRETERS


Notice to defendant about

Evidence of additional offenses to be offered at trial, Court Rules Crim Form 14

Rasmussen notice, Court Rules Crim 7.01, Crim Form 13


Character evidence, admissibility, Court Rules Evid 404

Expenses of, attendance at deposition, Court Rules Crim 21.03

Family law actions, designation of parties, Court Rules Gen Prac 302.04

First appearance, arraignment, see ARRAIGNMENT

Forms, request for determination of competency to proceed pro se, Court Rules Crim Form 39

Garnishments, proposed judgments against, notice requirements, Court Rules Gen Prac 136.02

Guilty pleas, see GUILTY PLEAS

Health care for arrested persons, Court Rules Crim 6.01

Incarcerated defendants, clothing, Court Rules Crim 26.03

Indigent defendants, see INDIGENT PERSONS

Joinder of defendants, Court Rules Crim 17.03

Joinder of parties, permissive joinder, Court Rules Civ 20.01

Leaving state to defraud creditors, service of process on, Court Rules Civ 4.04

Mentally ill or cognitively impaired persons, competency proceedings, Court Rules Crim 20.01

Motions by, see MOTIONS

New trials, motions for, Court Rules Crim 26.04

Notice given, claims or counterclaims, settlement, Conciliation court proceedings, Court Rules Gen Prac 511

Other offenses offered at trial, notice to defendant about, Court Rules Crim 7.02

Persons arrested without warrant, see Warrantless arrests under ARRESTS

Plea bargaining, see PLEA BARGAINING

Pleadings, generally, see PLEADINGS

Presence during trial, Court Rules Crim 26.03

Pretrial release, see PRETRIAL RELEASE

Pro se, defendants proceeding, see Pro se parties under PARTIES TO SUITS

Release on personal recognizance, Court Rules Crim 6.02

Restraint of, Court Rules Crim 26.03


Advising defendant of, Court Rules Crim 5.03, Crim 8.01

Right to an attorney, see under ATTORNEYS

Right to trial by jury, see under JURY TRIALS

Service of process on

Conciliation court proceedings, Court Rules Gen Prac 508

Constructive service, housing court proceedings, Court Rules Gen Prac 606

Housing court proceedings, Court Rules Gen Prac 606

Severance from codefendants, Court Rules Crim 17.03

Substituted defendants, interpleaders, Court Rules Civ 22

Summary judgment, see SUMMARY JUDGMENT

Summonses, identification prior to issuance, land registration, Court Rules Gen Prac 205

Transcripts ordered by, Court Rules Gen Prac 707