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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature


See also specific index headings

Afternoon, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 336.4-104

Annulment proceedings

Generally, governed by Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure, Court Rules Gen Prac 302.03

Limits, shortening, grounds, Court Rules Gen Prac 302.03

Bank deposits and collections, see Time under BANKS

Banking day, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 336.4-104

Benefit day, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 62A.46

Biennium, see BIENNIUM

Computation, prescribed by rule, Court Rules Civ 6.01, Civ 6.03

Computation, see Time under CONTESTED CASES


Criminal proceedings, Court Rules Crim 34.01 to 34.05


Commitment proceedings, Court Rules Comm & Treat 2


Conciliation court proceedings, Court Rules Gen Prac 503.01 to 503.03

Expedited child support process

Generally, Court Rules Gen Prac 354.01

Service by mail, Court Rules Gen Prac 354.03

Service late in day, Court Rules Gen Prac 354.03

Time periods less than seven days, Court Rules Gen Prac 354.01


Delinquency proceedings

Additional time after service by mail, Court Rules Juv Del 31.02

Generally, Court Rules Juv Del 31.01


Additional time after service, juvenile protection proceedings, Court Rules Juv Prot 4.02

Generally, protection matters, Court Rules Juv Prot 4.01


Rules of Civil Procedure, application, Court Rules App 126.01

Computation, Court Rules Jud Stand 23

Day time, drivers' license restrictions, Minn. Rules 7410.2400

Day, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.45

Daylight saving time, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.071

Days, definitions

Occupational safety and health, Minn. Rules 5210.0005

Special education, Minn. Rules 3525.0210

Daytime, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 169.011


Electronic authentication, Minn. Statutes 2022 325K.01

Health and accident insurance, Minn. Statutes 2022 62A.46

Statutory construction, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.13, 2022 645.45

Traffic regulations, Minn. Statutes 2022 169.011

Uniform Commercial Code, Minn. Statutes 2022 336.4-104

Discovery, procedure, modification, limitations, Court Rules Civ 29

Dissolution of marriage

Generally, governed by Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure, Court Rules Gen Prac 302.03

Limits, shortening, grounds, Court Rules Gen Prac 302.03

Enlargement of time prescribed by rule

Depositions, Court Rules Civ 31.01

Exceptions, Court Rules Civ 6.02

Interrogatories, Court Rules Civ 33.01

Requirements, generally, Court Rules Civ 6.02

Expedited child support process

Computation, see Computation under this topic

Legal holiday, defined, Court Rules Gen Prac 354.02

Extension or limitation of time prescribed by rule

Exceptions, Court Rules App 126.02, App 131.02

Grounds, Court Rules App 126.02

Final enactment of bills, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.01

Fiscal year, see FISCAL YEAR

Funds transfers, see Time under FUNDS TRANSFERS

Hereafter, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.45

Heretofore, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.45

Holidays, see HOLIDAYS

Hours of work, see HOURS OF WORK

Letters of credit, Minn. Statutes 2022 336.5-108

Midnight deadline, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 336.4-104

Months, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.14, 2022 645.44

Negotiable instruments, extensions, payable at a definite time, Minn. Statutes 2022 336.3-108

Night, definitions, aeronautics, Minn. Rules 8800.0100

Nighttime, Minn. Statutes 2022 169.011, 2022 645.45

Now, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.45

Official year, Minn. Const. art 7 s 7

One hour of instruction time, defined, Minn. Rules 7411.0100

Sales, see Time under SALES

Saturday, see SATURDAY

School day, see SCHOOLS (K-12)

School year, see under SCHOOLS (K-12)

Separation of husband and wife

Generally, governed by Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure, Court Rules Gen Prac 302.03

Limits, shortening, grounds, Court Rules Gen Prac 302.03

Shortening of time prescribed by rule

Depositions, Court Rules Civ 31.01

Interrogatories, Court Rules Civ 33.01

Special education, Minn. Rules 3525.3790

Standard time, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.071

Successive weeks, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.13

Sunday, see SUNDAY

Sunrise, definitions, aeronautics, Minn. Rules 8800.0100

Sunset, definitions, aeronautics, Minn. Rules 8800.0100

Suspension, in forma pauperis proceedings, Court Rules App 109.05

Time stamps, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 325K.01


Children in need of protection or services matters, Court Rules Juv Prot 43

Termination of parental rights matters, Court Rules Juv Prot 52.01, Juv Prot 52.02

Violation, sanctions, Court Rules Juv Prot 4.03

Timely filing, bond allocation law, Minn. Statutes 2022 474A.025

Weeks, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.13

Year, defined, Minn. Statutes 2022 645.44