Notwithstanding any provision of section 94.343, subdivision 2, or any other existing law to the contrary, Class A state lands located within the Red Lake Game Preserve, the conservation areas created under sections 84A.20 and 84A.31, the Beltrami Island Conservation Project, the Beltrami Island State Forest, the Pine Island Conservation Project, the Pine Island State Forest, and all state forests or parts thereof in the area within the proclaimed boundaries of the Superior National Forest and the Chippewa National Forest wherein consent of the state to acquisition of land by the United States has heretofore been given by or pursuant to law may be exchanged for other lands within or without said areas upon compliance with all other provisions of law relating to the exchange of such lands, even though such exchanges may reduce land holdings of the state within the respective areas above specified.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes