(a) Before September 1 of the odd-numbered year before the year in which a state agency is subject to sunset review, the agency commissioner shall report to the commission:
(1) information regarding the application to the agency of the criteria in section 3D.10;
(2) an outcome-based budget for the agency;
(3) an inventory of all boards, commissions, committees, and other entities related to the agency; and
(4) any other information that the agency commissioner considers appropriate or that is requested by the commission.
(b) The outcome-based budget required by paragraph (a) must be for each of the agency's activities, as the term activity is used in state budgeting and must:
(1) identify the statutory authority for the activity;
(2) include one or more performance goals and associated performance measures that measure outcomes, not inputs;
(3) discuss the extent to which each performance measure is reliable and verifiable, and can be accurately measured;
(4) discuss the extent to which the agency has met each performance measure, and the extent to which the budget devoted to the activity has permitted or prevented the agency from meeting its performance goals;
(5) discuss efficiencies that would allow the agency to better meet its goals; and
(6) identify agencies at any level of government or private sector entities that provide the same activities, and describe agency interaction with the activities provided by others.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes