When the county agency finds that the recipient has received less than or more than the correct payment of Minnesota supplemental aid benefits, the county agency shall issue a corrective payment or initiate recovery under subdivision 3, as appropriate.
When the county agency determines that an underpayment of the recipient's monthly payment has occurred, it shall, during that same month, issue a corrective payment. Corrective payments must be excluded when determining the applicant's or recipient's income and resources for the month of payment.
(a) When the county agency determines that an overpayment of the recipient's monthly payment of Minnesota supplemental aid has occurred, it shall issue a notice of overpayment to the recipient. If the person is no longer receiving Minnesota supplemental aid, the county agency may request voluntary repayment or pursue civil recovery. If the person is receiving Minnesota supplemental aid, the county agency shall recover the overpayment by withholding an amount equal to three percent of the standard of assistance for the recipient or the total amount of the monthly grant, whichever is less.
(b) Establishment of an overpayment is limited to 12 months from the date of discovery due to agency error. Establishment of an overpayment is limited to six years prior to the month of discovery due to client error or an intentional program violation determined under section 256.046.
(c) For recipients receiving benefits via electronic benefit transfer, if the overpayment is a result of an automated teller machine (ATM) dispensing funds in error to the recipient, the agency may recover the ATM error by immediately withdrawing funds from the recipient's electronic benefit transfer account, up to the amount of the error.
(d) Residents of licensed residential facilities shall not have overpayments recovered from their personal needs allowance.
NOTE: This section is repealed by Laws 2015, chapter 71, article 5, section 34, effective August 1, 2016. Laws 2015, chapter 71, article 5, section 35.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes