The chief executive officer of a local corrections agency, with approval of the district court, shall develop procedures for the sanctions conference identified in sections 244.196 to 244.199, and develop a sanctions conference form that includes notice to the offender:
(1) of the specific court-ordered condition of release that the offender has allegedly violated, the probation officer's authority to ask the court to revoke the offender's probation for the technical violation, and the offender's right to elect to participate in a sanctions conference to address the technical violation in lieu of the probation officer asking the court to revoke the offender's probation;
(2) that participation in the sanctions conference is in lieu of a court hearing under section 609.14, and that, if the offender elects to participate in the sanctions conference, the offender must admit, or agree not to contest, the alleged technical violation and must waive the right to contest the violation at a judicial hearing, present evidence, call witnesses, cross-examine the state's witnesses, and be represented by counsel;
(3) that, if the offender chooses, the offender has a right to a hearing before the court under section 609.14, for a determination of whether the offender committed the alleged violation, including the right to be present at the hearing, to cross-examine witnesses, to have witnesses subpoenaed for the offender, to have an attorney present or to have an attorney appointed if the offender cannot afford one, and to require the state to prove the allegations against the offender;
(4) that if, after a hearing, the court finds the violations have been proven, the court may continue the sentence, subject to the same, modified, or additional conditions, or order a sanction that may include incarceration, additional fines, revocation of the stay of sentence, imposition of sentence, or other sanctions;
(5) that the decision to participate in the sanctions conference will not result in the probation officer recommending revocation of the offender's stay of sentence, unless the offender fails to successfully complete the probation violation sanction;
(6) that various types of probation violation sanctions may be imposed and that the probation violation sanctions imposed on the offender will depend on the nature of the technical violation, the offender's criminal history, and the offender's level of supervision;
(7) that the probation violation sanctions supplement any existing conditions of release; and
(8) that participation in the sanctions conference requires completion of all probation violation sanctions imposed by the probation agency, and that failure to successfully complete the imposed probation violation sanctions could result in additional sanctions or the commencement of revocation proceedings under section 609.14.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes