Shipment, introduction into, or release in Minnesota of (1) a plant pest, noxious weed, or other organism that may directly or indirectly affect Minnesota's plant life as a harmful or dangerous pest, parasite, or predator of other organisms, or (2) an arthropod, is prohibited, except under permit issued by the commissioner.
No person may sell, offer for sale, move, convey, transport, deliver, ship, or offer for shipment any plant pest, or biological control agent without a permit from the United States Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service or its state equivalent. A permit may be issued only after the commissioner determines that the proposed shipment or use will not create a hazard to the agricultural, forest, or horticultural interests of this state or the state's general environmental quality. For interstate movement, the permit must be affixed conspicuously to the exterior of each shipping container, box, package, or appliance; accompany each shipping container, box, package, or appliance; or comply with other directions of the commissioner. This section does not apply to intrastate shipments of federal or state-approved biological control agents used in this state for control of plant pests. Shipping containers must be escape-proof and the commissioner shall specify labeling and shipping protocols.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes