(a) As used in this section, the terms defined in this subdivision have the following meanings.
(b) "Commission" means the State Capitol Preservation Commission created under this section.
(c) "Capitol Area" means the geographic area defined in section 15B.02.
(d) "Board" means the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board created under section 15B.03.
(e) "Predesign" has the meaning given in section 16B.335, subdivision 3, paragraph (a).
The State Capitol Preservation Commission consists of 22 members, appointed as follows:
(1) the governor;
(2) the lieutenant governor;
(3) the attorney general;
(4) the chief justice of the Supreme Court, or the chief justice's designee, who shall be a member of the Supreme Court;
(5) the majority leader of the senate or the majority leader's designee, who shall be a member of the senate;
(6) the speaker of the house or the speaker's designee, who shall be a member of the house of representatives;
(7) two members of the senate, including one member from the majority party appointed by the majority leader and one member from the minority party appointed by the minority leader;
(8) two members of the house of representatives, including one member appointed by the speaker of the house and one member from the minority party appointed by the minority leader;
(9) the chair and ranking minority member of the house of representatives committee with jurisdiction over capital investment and the chair and ranking minority member of the senate committee with jurisdiction over capital investment;
(10) the commissioner of administration or the commissioner's designee;
(11) the commissioner of public safety or the commissioner's designee;
(12) the executive director of the Minnesota Historical Society or the executive director's designee;
(13) the executive secretary of the Capitol Area Architectural and Planning Board; and
(14) four public members appointed by the governor.
(a) A member serving on the commission because the member or the appointing authority for the member holds an elected or appointed office shall serve on the commission as long as the member or the appointing authority holds the office.
(b) Public members of the commission shall serve two-year terms. The public members may not serve for more than three consecutive terms.
(c) The removal of members and filling of vacancies on the commission are as provided in section 15.059. Public members may receive compensation and expenses as provided under section 15.059, subdivision 3.
(a) The governor is the chair of the commission. The lieutenant governor is the vice-chair of the commission and may act as the chair of the commission in the absence of the governor. The governor may designate a staff member to attend commission meetings and vote on the governor's behalf in the absence of the governor.
(b) The commission shall meet at least quarterly and at other times at the call of the chair. Meetings of the commission are subject to chapter 13D.
The commission may designate an executive secretary and obtain administrative support through a contract with a state agency or other means.
(a) The commission:
(1) shall exercise ongoing coordination of the restoration, protection, risk management, and preservation of the Capitol building;
(2) shall consult with and advise the commissioner of administration, the board, and the Minnesota Historical Society regarding their applicable statutory responsibilities for and in the Capitol building;
(3) may assist in the selection of an architectural firm to assist in the preparation of the predesign plan for the restoration of the Capitol building;
(4) shall develop a comprehensive, multiyear, predesign plan for the restoration of the Capitol building, review the plan periodically, and, as appropriate, amend and modify the plan. The predesign plan shall identify appropriate and required functions of the Capitol building; identify and address space requirements for legislative, executive, and judicial branch functions; and identify and address the long-term maintenance and preservation requirements of the Capitol building. In developing the predesign plan, the commission shall take into account the comprehensive plan for the Minnesota State Capitol Area, as amended in 2010, the rules governing zoning and design for the Capitol Area, citizen access, information technology needs, energy efficiency, security, educational programs including public and school tours, and any additional space needs for the efficient operation of state government;
(5) shall develop and implement a comprehensive financial plan to fund the preservation and restoration of the Capitol building;
(6) shall provide annual reports about the condition of the Capitol building and its needs, as well as all activities related to the restoration of the Capitol building; and
(7) may solicit gifts, grants, or donations of any kind from any private or public source to carry out the purposes of this section. All gifts, grants, or donations received by the commission shall be deposited in a State Capitol preservation account established in the special revenue fund. Money in the account is appropriated to the commissioner of administration for the activities of the commission and implementation of the predesign plan under this section.
(b) By January 15 of each year, the commission shall report to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over the commission regarding the activities and efforts of the commission in the preceding calendar year, including recommendations adopted by the commission, the comprehensive financial plan required under paragraph (a), clause (5), and any proposed draft legislation necessary to implement the recommendations of the commission.
Notwithstanding section 15.059, subdivision 5, the State Capitol Preservation Commission does not expire.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes