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Subdivision 1.Supervisors licensed as social workers.

(a) Except as provided in paragraph (d), to be eligible to provide supervision under this section, a social worker must:

(1) have completed 30 hours of training in supervision through coursework from an accredited college or university, or through continuing education in compliance with sections 148E.130 to 148E.170;

(2) be competent in the activities being supervised; and

(3) attest, on a form provided by the board, that the social worker has met the applicable requirements specified in this section and sections 148E.100 to 148E.115. The board may audit the information provided to determine compliance with the requirements of this section.

(b) A licensed independent clinical social worker providing clinical licensing supervision to a licensed graduate social worker or a licensed independent social worker must have at least 2,000 hours of experience in authorized social work practice, including 1,000 hours of experience in clinical practice after obtaining a licensed independent clinical social worker license.

(c) A licensed social worker, licensed graduate social worker, licensed independent social worker, or licensed independent clinical social worker providing nonclinical licensing supervision must have completed the supervised practice requirements specified in section 148E.100, 148E.105, 148E.106, 148E.110, or 148E.115, as applicable.

(d) If the board determines that supervision is not obtainable from an individual meeting the requirements specified in paragraph (a), the board may approve an alternate supervisor according to subdivision 2.

Subd. 2.Alternate supervisors.

(a) The board may approve an alternate supervisor if:

(1) the board determines that supervision is not obtainable according to paragraph (b);

(2) the licensee requests in the supervision plan submitted according to section 148E.125, subdivision 1, that an alternate supervisor conduct the supervision;

(3) the licensee describes the proposed supervision and the name and qualifications of the proposed alternate supervisor; and

(4) the requirements of paragraph (d) are met.

(b) The board may determine that supervision is not obtainable if:

(1) the licensee provides documentation as an attachment to the supervision plan submitted according to section 148E.125, subdivision 1, that the licensee has conducted a thorough search for a supervisor meeting the applicable licensure requirements specified in sections 148E.100 to 148E.115;

(2) the licensee demonstrates to the board's satisfaction that the search was unsuccessful; and

(3) the licensee describes the extent of the search and the names and locations of the persons and organizations contacted.

(c) The requirements specified in paragraph (b) do not apply to obtaining licensing supervision for social work practice if the board determines that there are five or fewer supervisors meeting the applicable licensure requirements in sections 148E.100 to 148E.115 in the county where the licensee practices social work.

(d) An alternate supervisor must:

(1) be an unlicensed social worker who is employed in, and provides the supervision in, a setting exempt from licensure by section 148E.065, and who has qualifications equivalent to the applicable requirements specified in sections 148E.100 to 148E.115;

(2) be a social worker engaged in authorized practice in Iowa, Manitoba, North Dakota, Ontario, South Dakota, or Wisconsin, and has the qualifications equivalent to the applicable requirements specified in sections 148E.100 to 148E.115; or

(3) be a licensed marriage and family therapist or a mental health professional as established by section 245.462, subdivision 18, or 245.4871, subdivision 27, or an equivalent mental health professional, as determined by the board, who is licensed or credentialed by a state, territorial, provincial, or foreign licensing agency.

(e) In order to qualify to provide clinical supervision of a licensed graduate social worker or licensed independent social worker engaged in clinical practice, the alternate supervisor must be a mental health professional as established by section 245.462, subdivision 18, or 245.4871, subdivision 27, or an equivalent mental health professional, as determined by the board, who is licensed or credentialed by a state, territorial, provincial, or foreign licensing agency.

NOTE: Sections 148E.001 to 148E.290, as added by Laws 2007, chapter 123, sections 63 to 121, and the additions and amendments made to those section by Laws 2009, chapter 157, article 3, sections 1 to 48, are effective August 1, 2011. Laws 2007, chapter 123, section 138; Laws 2009, chapter 157, article 3, section 49.

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes