(a) The Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board and the Board of School Administrators, in cooperation with board-adopted teacher or administrator preparation programs, annually must collect and report summary data on teacher and administrator preparation and performance outcomes, consistent with this subdivision. The Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board and the Board of School Administrators annually by June 1 must update and post the reported summary preparation and performance data on teachers and administrators from the preceding school years on a Web site hosted jointly by the boards.
(b) Publicly reported summary data on teacher preparation programs must include:
(1) student entrance requirements for each Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board-approved program, including grade point average for enrolling students in the preceding year;
(2) the average board-adopted skills examination or ACT or SAT scores of students entering the program in the preceding year;
(3) summary data on faculty qualifications, including at least the content areas of faculty undergraduate and graduate degrees and their years of experience either as kindergarten through grade 12 classroom teachers or school administrators;
(4) the average time resident and nonresident program graduates in the preceding year needed to complete the program;
(5) the current number and percentage of students by program who graduated, received a standard Minnesota teaching license, and were hired to teach full time in their licensure field in a Minnesota district or school in the preceding year disaggregated by race, except when disaggregation would not yield statistically reliable results or would reveal personally identifiable information about an individual;
(6) the number of content area credits and other credits by undergraduate program that students in the preceding school year needed to complete to graduate;
(7) students' pass rates on skills and subject matter exams required for graduation in each program and licensure area in the preceding school year;
(8) survey results measuring student and graduate satisfaction with the program in the preceding school year disaggregated by race, except when disaggregation would not yield statistically reliable results or would reveal personally identifiable information about an individual;
(9) a standard measure of the satisfaction of school principals or supervising teachers with the student teachers assigned to a school or supervising teacher; and
(10) information under subdivision 3, paragraphs (a) and (b).
Program reporting must be consistent with subdivision 2.
(c) Publicly reported summary data on administrator preparation programs approved by the Board of School Administrators must include:
(1) summary data on faculty qualifications, including at least the content areas of faculty undergraduate and graduate degrees and the years of experience either as kindergarten through grade 12 classroom teachers or school administrators;
(2) the average time program graduates in the preceding year needed to complete the program;
(3) the current number and percentage of students who graduated, received a standard Minnesota administrator license, and were employed as an administrator in a Minnesota school district or school in the preceding year disaggregated by race, except when disaggregation would not yield statistically reliable results or would reveal personally identifiable information about an individual;
(4) the number of credits by graduate program that students in the preceding school year needed to complete to graduate;
(5) survey results measuring student, graduate, and employer satisfaction with the program in the preceding school year disaggregated by race, except when disaggregation would not yield statistically reliable results or would reveal personally identifiable information about an individual; and
(6) information under subdivision 3, paragraphs (c) and (d).
Program reporting must be consistent with section 122A.14, subdivision 10.
(a) By December 31, 2018, and annually thereafter, the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board shall report and publish on its Web site the cumulative summary results of at least three consecutive years of data reported to the board under subdivision 1, paragraph (b). Where the data are sufficient to yield statistically reliable information and the results would not reveal personally identifiable information about an individual teacher, the board shall report the data by teacher preparation program.
(b) The Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board must report annually to the chairs and ranking minority members of the legislative committees with jurisdiction over kindergarten through grade 12 education, the following information:
(1) the total number of teacher candidates during the most recent school year taking a board-adopted skills examination;
(2) the number who achieve a qualifying score on the examination;
(3) the number who do not achieve a qualifying score on the examination; and
(4) the candidates who have not passed a content or pedagogy exam.
The information reported under this paragraph must be disaggregated by categories of race, ethnicity, and eligibility for financial aid. The report must be submitted in accordance with section 3.195.
(a) School districts annually by October 1 must report to the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board the following information for all teachers who finished the probationary period and accepted a continuing contract position with the district from September 1 of the previous year through August 31 of the current year:
(1) the effectiveness category or rating of the teacher on the summative evaluation under section 122A.40, subdivision 8, or 122A.41, subdivision 5;
(2) the licensure area in which the teacher primarily taught during the three-year evaluation cycle; and
(3) the teacher preparation program preparing the teacher in the teacher's primary areas of instruction and licensure.
(b) School districts annually by October 1 must report to the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board the following information for all probationary teachers in the district who were released or whose contracts were not renewed from September 1 of the previous year through August 31 of the current year:
(1) the licensure areas in which the probationary teacher taught; and
(2) the teacher preparation program preparing the teacher in the teacher's primary areas of instruction and licensure.
(c) School districts annually by October 1 must report to the Board of School Administrators the following information for all school principals and assistant principals who finished the probationary period and accepted a continuing contract position with the district from September 1 of the previous year through August 31 of the current year:
(1) the effectiveness category or rating of the principal or assistant principal on the summative evaluation under section 123B.147, subdivision 3; and
(2) the principal preparation program providing instruction to the principal or assistant principal.
(d) School districts annually by October 1 must report to the Board of School Administrators all probationary school principals and assistant principals in the district who were released or whose contracts were not renewed from September 1 of the previous year through August 31 of the current year.
The Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board must prepare reports in accordance with section 214.07.
(a) The Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board must survey the state's school districts and teacher preparation programs and report to the education committees of the legislature by February 1, 2019, and each odd-numbered year thereafter, on the status of teacher early retirement patterns, the access to effective and more diverse teachers who reflect the students under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (b), clause (2), enrolled in a district or school, the teacher shortage, and the substitute teacher shortage, including patterns and shortages in licensure field areas and the economic development regions of the state.
(b) The report must also include:
(1) aggregate data on teachers' self-reported race and ethnicity;
(2) data on how districts are making progress in hiring teachers and substitute teachers in the areas of shortage; and
(3) a five-year projection of teacher demand for each district, taking into account the students under section 120B.35, subdivision 3, paragraph (b), clause (2), expected to enroll in the district during that five-year period.
By January 1, 2019, the Professional Educator Licensing and Standards Board must prepare a report to the legislature on the implementation of the teacher licensure system established under sections 122A.18 to 122A.184. The report must include the number of applicants for licensure in each tier, the number of applications granted and denied, summary data on the reasons applications were denied, and the status of the board's rulemaking process for all licensure-related rules.
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes