Subdivision 1.
Royalty on certain concentrates produced from taconite ore. All ores
or concentrates shipped from the lands covered by any lease under section
93.20 shall be
classified and paid for under and in accordance with the particular schedule of said law properly
applicable thereto. The royalty provided for taconite concentrates in section
93.20, schedule 7,
shall be applicable to concentrates produced from taconite ores which, in accordance with good
engineering and metallurgical practice, require treatment by fine grinding, magnetic separation,
flotation, or some other method or methods other than or in addition to one or more of the methods
specified in schedules 1 to 6, inclusive, of said section to make them suitable for blast furnace use.
Subd. 2.
Alternate royalty determination. In lieu of payment of such royalty on the taconite
concentrates, royalty payments may be made on the taconite ore as defined herein. The method of
computing the weight and the royalty rate per ton on such taconite ore shall be determined by
agreement between the holder of the lease and the commissioner of natural resources. In case
they are unable to agree, each shall choose an arbitrator, and the two thus selected shall choose a
third. The decision of the arbitrators or any two of them shall be final and binding on the parties
in interest. The agreement or the decision of the arbitrators shall be attached as a supplement to
the lease. The holder of the lease shall reimburse the state for all costs and expenses incurred in
connection with the determination of weight of taconite ore.
Taconite ore shall be understood to mean a ferruginous chert or ferruginous slate in the form
of compact siliceous rock, in which the iron oxide is so finely disseminated that substantially all
of the iron-bearing particles of merchantable grade are smaller than 20 mesh.
Subd. 3.
Applicability. The provisions of subdivisions 1 and 2 for payment of royalty on
taconite ore shall apply to existing leases as well as subsequent leases, subject to vested rights, if
any, of the holders of existing leases.
History: 1943 c 233 s 3; 1949 c 616 s 1,2; 1957 c 158 s 1; 1969 c 1129 art 10 s 2