Subdivision 1.
Application for extension. Upon written application by the holder of any
mining lease heretofore issued, or hereafter issued upon a prospecting permit heretofore issued,
which has been designated as a taconite iron ore mining lease pursuant to Minnesota Statutes
1998, section
93.19 or
93.191, the commissioner of natural resources, with the approval of the
Executive Council, may extend the term of the lease for an additional period of 25 years beyond
the term specified in the lease, upon the terms and conditions prescribed under this section.
The additional period of 25 years for which the lease is extended shall be the extended period
as the term is used in this section.
Subd. 2.
Royalty rates; other ores. As a condition of receiving such extended period the
applicant therefor shall agree that during the extended period the royalty rates specified in the
lease for ores other than taconite or taconite concentrates shall not be applicable, and no such
other ores or concentrates shall be removed except after the royalties and rentals to be paid
therefor shall have been negotiated with and agreed to by the commissioner of natural resources,
with the approval of the Executive Council. Until such royalty is agreed upon the lessee may
mine and stockpile such other ores upon the leased premises, or other lands, pursuant to section
93.20, subdivision 28, if such mining is necessary or desirable in connection with the mining and
removal of taconite.
Subd. 3.
Form; terms. All applications for the extension of the term of such taconite iron
mining leases shall be made within 18 months from April 27, 1957, and shall be in such form
and contain such information as the commissioner may prescribe. Upon such application the
commissioner and the applicant shall negotiate, and, with the approval of the Executive Council,
shall determine the rentals and royalties to be paid for taconite or taconite concentrates or both
during the extended period. Upon such determination the commissioner shall enter into an
agreement providing for such rentals and royalties, and containing the other provisions required
by this section, which agreement, upon due execution by the commissioner and the holder of such
lease, shall be effective to extend the lease for the period hereinbefore specified.
History: 1957 c 722 s 1-3; 1969 c 1129 art 10 s 2; 2000 c 495 s 16