62J.75 Consumer advisory board.
(a) The consumer advisory board consists of 18 members appointed in accordance with paragraph (b). All members must be public, consumer members who:
(1) do not have and never had a material interest in either the provision of health care services or in an activity directly related to the provision of health care services, such as health insurance sales or health plan administration;
(2) are not registered lobbyists; and
(3) are not currently responsible for or directly involved in the purchasing of health insurance for a business or organization.
(b) The governor, the speaker of the house of representatives, and the subcommittee on committees of the committee on rules and administration of the senate shall each appoint two members. The Indian affairs council, the council on affairs of Chicano/Latino people, the council on Black Minnesotans, the council on Asian-Pacific Minnesotans, mid-Minnesota legal assistance, and the Minnesota chamber of commerce shall each appoint one member. The member appointed by the Minnesota chamber of commerce must represent small business interests. The health care campaign of Minnesota, Minnesotans for affordable health care, and consortium for citizens with disabilities shall each appoint two members. Members serve without compensation or reimbursement for expenses.
(c) The board shall advise the commissioners of health and commerce on the following:
(1) the needs of health care consumers and how to better serve and educate the consumers on health care concerns and recommend solutions to identified problems; and
(2) consumer protection issues in the self-insured market, including, but not limited to, public education needs.
The board also may make recommendations to the legislature on these issues.
(d) The board and this section expire June 30, 2001.
HIST: 1997 c 237 s 7
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes