Subdivision 1.
Delay of notification. (a) A governmental entity acting under section
626A.28, subdivision 2, may:
(1) where a court order is sought, include in the application a request, which the court shall
grant, for an order delaying the notification required under section
626A.28, subdivision 2, for a
period not to exceed 90 days, if the court determines that there is reason to believe that notification
of the existence of the court order may have an adverse result described in paragraph (b); or
(2) where an administrative subpoena or a grand jury subpoena is obtained, delay the
notification required under section
626A.28 for a period not to exceed 90 days upon the execution
of a written certification of a supervisory official that there is reason to believe that notification of
the existence of the subpoena may have an adverse result described in paragraph (b).
(b) An adverse result for the purposes of paragraph (a) is:
(1) endangering the life or physical safety of an individual;
(2) flight from prosecution;
(3) destruction of or tampering with evidence;
(4) intimidation of potential witnesses; or
(5) otherwise seriously jeopardizing an investigation or unduly delaying a trial.
(c) The governmental entity shall maintain a true copy of certification under paragraph
(a), clause (2).
(d) Extensions of the delay of notification provided in section
626A.28 of up to 90 days each
may be granted by the court upon application, or by certification by a governmental entity, but
only in accordance with subdivision 2.
(e) Upon expiration of the period of delay of notification under paragraph (a) or (d), the
governmental entity shall serve upon, or deliver by registered or first-class mail to, the customer
or subscriber a copy of the process or request together with notice that:
(1) states with reasonable specificity the nature of the law enforcement inquiry; and
(2) informs the customer or subscriber:
(i) that information maintained for the customer or subscriber by the service provider named
in the process or request was supplied to or requested by that governmental authority and the date
on which the supplying or request took place;
(ii) that notification of the customer or subscriber was delayed;
(iii) what governmental entity or court made the certification or determination under which
that delay was made; and
(iv) which provision of sections
626A.26 to
626A.34 allowed such delay.
(f) As used in this subdivision, the term "supervisory official" means a peace officer with the
rank of sergeant, or its equivalent, or above, a special agent in charge from the Bureau of Criminal
Apprehension, the attorney general, the head of the attorney general's criminal division, a county
attorney, or the head of a county attorney's criminal division.
Subd. 2.
Preclusion of notice to subject of governmental access. A governmental entity
acting under section
626A.28 when it is not required to notify the subscriber or customer
under section
626A.28, subdivision 2, paragraph (a), or to the extent that it may delay notice
under subdivision 1, may apply to a court for an order commanding a provider of electronic
communications service or remote computing service to whom a warrant, subpoena, or court order
is directed, for a period as the court considers appropriate, not to notify any other person of the
existence of the warrant, subpoena, or court order. The court shall enter an order if it determines
that there is reason to believe that notification of the existence of the warrant, subpoena, or
court order will result in:
(1) endangering the life or physical safety of an individual;
(2) flight from prosecution;
(3) destruction of or tampering with evidence;
(4) intimidation of potential witnesses; or
(5) otherwise seriously jeopardizing an investigation or unduly delaying a trial.
History: 1988 c 577 s 51,62; 1989 c 336 art 2 s 8