There shall be at all times a chief deputy sheriff of St. Louis County and a chief deputy court
administrator of the district court of St. Louis County and such other deputies as may be necessary,
resident at the city of Virginia, or the city of Ely, or the city of Hibbing, and their appointment
shall be made in the same manner as other deputy sheriffs and deputy clerks of the district court in
said county. The salaries of such deputies shall be fixed and paid in the same manner as other such
deputies. The office of said deputy sheriff at Virginia, Hibbing, and Ely shall not in any sense be
considered or deemed the office of the sheriff for any purpose except the performance of duties
relating solely to proceedings tried or to be tried at said places; but the office of the deputy court
administrator at said places shall be equally deemed the office of the court administrator of
court for all purposes except the filing of papers in actions or proceedings to be tried at Duluth.
Marriage licenses and naturalization papers may be issued by said deputy court administrator.
History: (166) 1909 c 126; 1911 c 368 s 1; 1915 c 93; 1915 c 371; 1917 c 255 s 2; 1921 c
284 s 1; 1931 c 160 s 1; 1973 c 123 art 5 s 7; 1986 c 444; 1Sp1986 c 3 art 1 s 82