Subdivision 1.
Technical assistance. The commissioner shall provide technical assistance to
small municipalities seeking designation of an area as an enterprise zone. For purposes of this
subdivision, a small municipality means a municipality with a population of 20,000 or less.
Subd. 2.[Repealed,
1997 c 187 art 3 s 34]
Subd. 3.
Federal designations. The commissioner may accept applications for and may at
any time grant a contingent designation of area as an enterprise zone for purposes of seeking a
designation of the area as a federally designated zone. For purposes of the designations, the
commissioner may waive any of the requirements or limitations on designations contained in this
section. If the contingent designation would require funding in excess of the amount available
pursuant to section
469.169, subdivision 7, the commissioner shall inform the members of the
legislative advisory commission and shall submit a request for the necessary funding to the tax
and appropriations committees of the legislature.
Subd. 4.
Reporting. The commissioner shall require municipalities receiving enterprise
zone designations to report to the state regarding the economic activity that has occurred in the
zone following the designation. This information shall include the number of jobs created in the
zone, the number of economically disadvantaged individuals hired in the zone, the average wage
level of the jobs created, and descriptions of any affirmative action programs undertaken by the
municipality in connection with the zone. The amount of the municipality's local contribution
and the number of businesses qualifying for or directly benefiting from the local contribution
must be reported annually to the commissioner.
Subd. 5.
Information sharing. Pursuant to section
270B.14, subdivision 3, the commissioner
of revenue may share information with the commissioner or with a municipality receiving an
enterprise zone designation, insofar as necessary to administer the funding limitations provided
by section
469.169, subdivision 7.
Subd. 6.
Zone boundary realignment. The commissioner may approve specific applications
by a municipality to amend the boundaries of a zone or of an area or areas designated pursuant to
469.171, subdivision 5, at any time. Boundaries of a zone may not be amended to create
noncontiguous subdivisions. If the commissioner approves the amended boundaries, the change
is effective on the date of approval. Notwithstanding the area limitation under section
subdivision 3
, the commissioner may approve a specific application to amend the boundaries of an
enterprise zone which is located within five municipalities and was designated in 1984, to increase
its area to not more than 800 acres, and may approve an additional specific application to amend
the boundaries of that enterprise zone to include a sixth municipality or to further increase its area
to include all or part of the territory of a town that surrounds one of the five municipalities, or both.
Notwithstanding the area limitation under section
469.168, subdivision 3, the commissioner
may approve a specific application to amend the boundaries of an enterprise zone that is located
within four municipalities to include a fifth municipality. The addition of the fifth municipality
may only be approved after the existing municipalities, by adoption of a resolution by each
municipality's governing board, agree to the addition of the fifth municipality.
Subd. 7.
Application. Sections
469.172, and this section remain in
effect only for border city enterprise zones and only until the enterprise zone is terminated by
resolution adopted by the city in which the border city enterprise zone is located. For all other
enterprise zones, sections
469.172, and this section are no longer in effect
after December 31, 1996.
History: 1987 c 291 s 174,243; 1987 c 404 s 159; 1989 c 184 art 2 s 29; 1996 c 471 art
7 s 8; 1997 c 7 art 1 s 146