Subdivision 1.
Designation of districts. A city may designate development districts within
the boundaries of the city. Before designating a district, the city must consult with its planning
agency or department and must hold a public hearing on the designation. Notice of the hearing
must be published in the official newspaper of the city or, if there is no official newspaper, in a
newspaper of general distribution in the city. The city shall also provide for relocation pursuant to
469.133 and consult with the advisory board created by section
469.132 before making
this designation.
Subd. 2.
Powers. Within these districts the city may:
(1) adopt a development program consistent with which the city may acquire, construct,
reconstruct, improve, alter, extend, operate, maintain, or promote developments aimed at
improving the physical facilities, quality of life, and quality of transportation;
(2) acquire land or easements through negotiation or through powers of eminent domain;
(3) adopt ordinances regulating traffic in pedestrian skyway systems, public parking
structures, and other facilities constructed within the development district. Traffic regulations may
include direction and speed of traffic, policing of pedestrianways, hours that pedestrianways are
open to the public, kinds of service activities that will be allowed in arcades, parks, and plazas,
and rates to be charged in the parking structures;
(4) adopt ordinances regulating access to pedestrian skyway systems and the conditions
under which such access is allowed;
(5) require private developers to construct buildings so as to accommodate and support
pedestrian systems which are part of the program for the development district. When the city
requires the developer to construct columns, beams, or girders with greater strength than required
for normal building purposes, the city shall reimburse the developer for the added expense from
development district funds;
(6) install special lighting systems, special street signs and street furniture, special
landscaping of streets and public property, and special snow removal systems;
(7) acquire property for the district;
(8) lease or sell air rights over public buildings and spend public funds for constructing the
foundations and columns in the public buildings strong enough to support the buildings to be
constructed on air rights;
(9) lease all or portions of basement, ground, and second floors of the public buildings
constructed in the district; and
(10) negotiate the sale or lease of property for private development if the development is
consistent with the development program for the district.
History: 1987 c 291 s 127; 2001 c 7 s 75