Subdivision 1.
Generally. Unless the context of the provision indicates that a different
meaning is intended, each of the terms in the following subdivisions has the meaning indicated.
Subd. 2.
Applicable municipality. "Applicable municipality" means the municipality or
municipalities in which a consolidating relief association is located and to which a consolidating
relief association is associated by virtue of the presence of at least one municipal official on the
relief association board of trustees under section
Subd. 3.
Consolidating relief association. "Consolidating relief association" means a
volunteer firefighters relief association organized under chapter 317A and governed by chapter
424A that has initiated or has completed the process of consolidating with one or more other
relief associations under this chapter.
Subd. 4.
Prior relief associations. "Prior relief associations" means the two or more
volunteer firefighters relief associations that have initiated the consolidation process under this
chapter by action of the board of trustees of the relief association.
Subd. 5.
Relief association membership. "Relief association membership" means all active
members of the volunteer firefighters relief association, all deferred retirees and other vested
inactive members of the volunteer firefighters relief association, and any persons regularly
receiving a service pension or other retirement benefit from the volunteer firefighters relief
Subd. 6.
Subsequent relief association. "Subsequent relief association" means the volunteer
firefighters relief association that is designated to be the successor relief association in the
consolidation initiative resolutions of the board of trustees of the prior relief associations or the
volunteer firefighters relief association organized under chapters 317A and 424A for the purpose
of operating as the successor relief association after consolidation under this chapter.
History: 2000 c 461 art 16 s 1