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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

354.07 Powers of the board.

Subdivision 1. General powers of board. The board has the power to frame bylaws for its own government and for the management of the association not inconsistent with the laws of the state and to modify them at its pleasure; to adopt, alter, and enforce reasonable rules not inconsistent with the laws of the state for the administration and management of the association, for the payment and collection of payments from members, and for the payment of withdrawals and benefits; to pass upon and allow or disallow applications for membership in the association and for credit for teaching service; to pass upon and allow or disallow claims for withdrawals, pensions, or benefits payable by the fund; to adopt an appropriate mortality table based on experience of the association as recommended by the commission-retained actuary and using the applicable postretirement interest assumption specified in section 356.215, subdivision 8; to provide for the payment out of the fund of necessary expenses for the administration by the association and of claims for withdrawals, pensions, or benefits allowed.

Subd. 2. In passing upon all applications and claims, the board may summon, swear, hear, and examine witnesses and, in the case of claims for disability benefits, may require the claimant to submit to a medical examination by a physician of the board's choice, at the expense of the claimant, as a condition precedent to the passing on the claim, and, in the case of all applications and claims, may conduct investigations necessary to determine the validity and merit of the same.

Subd. 3. The attorney general shall be legal advisor to the board and the executive director. The board may sue or be sued or petitioned under section 354.071 in the name of the Board of Trustees of the Teachers Retirement Association. In all actions brought by or against it the board shall be represented by the attorney general. Except as provided in section 354.071, subdivision 9, venue of all actions is in the Ramsey County district court.

Subd. 4. It shall be the duty of the board from time to time to certify to the State Board of Investment for investment as much of the funds in its hands as shall not be needed for current purposes. Such funds that are certified as to investment in the postretirement investment fund shall include the amount as required for the total reserves needed for the purposes described in section 354.63. The State Board of Investment shall thereupon transfer such assets to the appropriate fund provided herein, in accordance with the procedure set forth in section 354.63, or invest and reinvest an amount equal to the sum so certified in such securities as are now or may hereafter be duly authorized legal investments for state employees retirement fund and all such securities so transferred or purchased shall be deposited with the commissioner of finance. All interest from these investments shall be credited to the appropriate funds and used for current purposes or investments, except as hereinafter provided. The State Board of Investment shall have authority to sell, convey, and exchange such securities and invest and reinvest the funds when it deems it desirable to do so, and shall sell securities upon request of the officers of the association when such officers determine funds are needed for its purposes. All of the provisions regarding accounting procedures and restrictions and conditions for the purchase and sale of securities for the state employees retirement fund shall apply to the accounting, purchase and sale of securities for the Teachers' Retirement Association.

Subd. 5. The board shall keep a record of the receipts and disbursements of the fund and a separate account with each member of the association. The board shall also keep separate accounts for annuity payments, for employer contributions and all other necessary accounts and reserves. It shall determine annually the annual interest earnings of the fund which shall include realized capital gains and losses. Any amount in the capital reserve account on July 1, 1973 shall be transferred to the employer contribution's account. The annual interest earnings shall be apportioned and credited to the separate members' accounts except those covered under the provisions of section 354.44, subdivision 6 or 7. The rate to be used in this distribution computed to the last full quarter percent shall be determined by dividing the interest earnings by the total invested assets of the fund. The excess of the annual interest earnings in the excess earnings reserve which was not credited to the various accounts shall be credited to the gross interest earnings for the next succeeding year.

Subd. 6. Repealed, 1969 c 485 s 40

Subd. 7. Notwithstanding chapter 16B or 16C or any law to the contrary, the board may use the services of the Department of Administration, Information Services Division, for electronic data processing and related services or may contract for all or a portion of such services.

Subd. 8. Repealed, 1984 c 564 s 51

Subd. 9. All school districts, state universities, community colleges and other employers of members of the association are obligated to distribute to their employees ballots for the election of members to the board of trustees, pamphlets, brochures, documents or any other material containing association information which are prepared by the executive director or the board and are delivered to the employers for distribution.

HIST: (2950-4) 1931 c 406 s 4; 1949 c 708 s 1; 1951 c 481 s 1; 1953 c 750 s 1; 1961 c 380 s 3; Ex1961 c 17 s 4; 1965 c 305 s 2; 1969 c 485 s 5; 1971 c 40 s 4; 1973 c 270 s 3; 1973 c 728 s 4; 1974 c 289 s 11; 1975 c 306 s 6,7; 1977 c 67 s 4; 1980 c 607 art 14 s 45 subd 2; 1981 c 224 s 104; 1985 c 248 s 70; 1Sp1985 c 7 s 35; 1987 c 259 s 32; 1987 c 284 art 6 s 4; 1989 c 319 art 2 s 6; 1990 c 570 art 12 s 24; 1995 c 141 art 3 s 20; 1995 c 186 s 71; 1998 c 386 art 2 s 89; 2002 c 392 art 11 s 52; 2003 c 112 art 2 s 50

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes