Every such label, trademark, term, device, design, or form of advertisement may be filed for
record in the Office of the Secretary of State on payment of a fee of $10 each. In so filing the
same, two copies, counterparts, or facsimiles thereof, shall be left with such secretary, together
with a sworn statement specifying the names of the persons, association, or union in whose behalf
the same is filed, the class and description of the goods or products of labor to which it is or is
intended to be appropriated, that the party in whose behalf the same is filed has the sole right
to its use, and that the counterparts or facsimiles filed are correct. No label, trademark, term,
design, device, or form of advertisement shall be so filed or recorded which could reasonably be
mistaken for one theretofore filed.
History: (10348) RL s 5074; 1955 c 820 s 49