Every person who shall counterfeit or imitate any such label, trademark, term, design,
device, or form of advertisement, or shall sell, offer for sale, or in any way utter or circulate any
counterfeit or imitation thereof; or who shall keep or possess, with intent that the same shall be
sold or disposed of, any product of labor to or upon which any such counterfeit or imitation is
attached, affixed, or impressed; or who shall knowingly sell or dispose of any product of labor
contained in any box, case, can, or package to or upon which any such counterfeit or imitation is
attached, affixed, or impressed; or who shall possess, with intent that the same shall be sold or
disposed of, any product of labor in any box, case, can, or package to which or upon which any
such counterfeit or imitation is attached, affixed, or impressed, shall be punished by imprisonment
in the county jail for not more than three months, or by a fine of not more than $100.
History: (10347) RL s 5073; 1986 c 444