Subdivision 1.[Repealed,
1Sp1985 c 6 s 11]
Subd. 2.
Exemption. No licensed power limited technician, technology system contractor,
or individual employed by a technology system contractor may be required to obtain any
authorization, permit, franchise, or license from, or pay any fee, franchise tax, or other assessment
to, any agency, department, board, or political subdivision of the state as a condition for
performing any work within the scope of the license.
Subd. 3.[Repealed,
2003 c 58 s 8]
Subd. 4.[Repealed,
2003 c 58 s 8]
Subd. 5.[Repealed,
1Sp1985 c 6 s 11]
Subd. 6.[Repealed,
2003 c 58 s 8]
Subd. 7.[Repealed,
1987 c 384 art 3 s 14]
Subd. 8.[Repealed,
2003 c 58 s 8]
Subd. 9.
Limitation. Nothing in this section prohibits a unit of local government from
charging a franchise fee to the operator of a cable communications company as defined in
History: 1Sp1985 c 6 s 1; 1986 c 373 s 7; 1987 c 279 s 2; 1995 c 233 art 2 s 52; 1997 c 7 art
1 s 125; 2002 c 328 s 22,23; 2003 c 58 s 5