Subdivision 1.
Abatement authorization. (a) Notwithstanding section
375.192, a county
board may grant an abatement of net tax for homestead and nonhomestead property under the
provisions of this paragraph for taxes payable in the year in which the destruction occurs if:
(1) the owner submits a written application to the county assessor as soon as practical after
the damage has occurred;
(2) the owner submits a written application to the county board as soon as practical after the
damage has occurred; and
(3) the county assessor determines that 50 percent or more of a homestead dwelling or other
building has been (i) unintentionally or accidentally destroyed, or (ii) destroyed by arson or
vandalism by someone other than the owner.
Abatements granted under this paragraph are not subject to approval by the commissioner
of revenue.
(b) Notwithstanding sections
270C.86 and
375.192, the commissioner of revenue may grant
an abatement of net tax for property that the commissioner is required by law to appraise for taxes
payable in the year in which the destruction occurs if:
(1) the owner submits a written application to the commissioner as soon as practical after
the damage has occurred;
(2) the owner forwards a copy of the written application to the county board as soon as
practical after the damage has occurred; and
(3) the commissioner determines that 50 percent or more of the property has been (i)
unintentionally or accidentally destroyed, or (ii) destroyed by arson or vandalism by someone
other than the owner.
Abatements granted under this paragraph are not subject to approval by the county board
of the county where the property is located.
Subd. 2.
Abatement limits and allowances. (a) In the case of a property located within a
disaster or emergency area, the abatement under this section is limited to the difference between
(i) the net tax on the property computed using the market value of the property established for the
January 2 assessment in the year in which the damage occurred, and (ii) the net tax computed
using the reassessed value.
(b) In the case of property not located in a disaster or emergency area, the abatement under
this section is limited to the result obtained by multiplying the difference in the net tax on the
property computed using the market value of the property established for the January 2 assessment
in the year in which the damage occurred, and the net tax computed using the reassessed value,
times a fraction, the numerator of which is the number of months in the assessment year that the
structure was not usable and the denominator of which is 12. If a structure was usable for a
fraction of a month, that month is not included in the numerator.
(c) If application is made after payment of all or a portion of the taxes being abated, the
portion already paid shall be refunded to the taxpayer by the county treasurer as soon as practical.
Subd. 3.
Reimbursement, levy, and appropriation. (a) If the destruction occurs as a result
of a disaster or emergency and the property is located in a disaster or emergency area, the county
auditor shall certify the abatements granted under this section to the commissioner of revenue
for reimbursement to each taxing jurisdiction in which the damaged property is located. The
commissioner shall make the payments to the taxing jurisdictions containing the property, other
than school districts and the state, at the time distributions are made under section
subdivision 3
. Reimbursements to school districts shall be made as provided in section
No reimbursement is to be paid to the state treasury.
(b) Local taxing authorities may levy in the following year the amount of unreimbursed
tax dollars lost as a result of the reductions granted pursuant to this subdivision outside of any
statutory restriction as to levy amount or tax rate.
(c) There is annually appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of revenue an
amount necessary to make the payments required by this section.
History: 1Sp2007 c 2 art 3 s 8