Upon its own motion or upon petition of an interested party, the juvenile court having
jurisdiction of the child may, after notice to the parties and a hearing, remove the guardian
appointed by the juvenile court and appoint a new guardian in accordance with the provisions
of section
260C.325, subdivision 1, clause (a), (b), or (c). Upon a showing that the child is
emancipated, the court may discharge the guardianship. Any child 14 years of age or older who
is not adopted but who is placed in a satisfactory foster home, may, with the consent of the
foster parents, join with the guardian appointed by the juvenile court in a petition to the court
having jurisdiction of the child to discharge the existing guardian and appoint the foster parents as
guardians of the child. The authority of a guardian appointed by the juvenile court terminates
when the individual under guardianship is no longer a minor or when guardianship is otherwise
History: 1999 c 139 art 3 s 35