256K.05 Temporary jobs program.
Subdivision 1. Program established. The provider must establish and operate a program to provide temporary jobs to participants who, after eight weeks of job search, are not hired into a nonsubsidized or a subsidized job, or are deferred under section 256K.03, subdivision 8. The temporary jobs to be created under this section must be public service jobs that serve a useful public service such as: health, social service, environmental protection, education, urban and rural development and redevelopment, welfare, recreation, public facilities, public safety, community service, services to the aged or disabled citizens, and child care.
Subd. 2. Assignment to temporary public service jobs. The provider must assign the participant who (1) is within completion of the required eight weeks of job search and has failed to secure a nonsubsidized or a subsidized job for at least 32 hours per week, or (2) does not earn a net income from self-employment that is equal to at least the MFIP monthly grant for the household size to a temporary public service job. The assignment must be made seven days before the end of the job search and be based on section 256K.03, subdivision 12. The participant that is deferred under section 256K.03, subdivision 8, will be assigned by the provider to a temporary public service job within seven days after the application.
Subd. 3. Participant's status. The participant who is working in a temporary public service job under this section is not considered an employee for the purposes of reemployment compensation benefits, retirement, or civil service laws, and shall not perform work ordinarily performed by a public employee.
Subd. 4. Continuous job search requirement. At the discretion of the provider, the participant who is working in a temporary public service job under section 256K.03, subdivision 12, may be required to continue to look for a job for up to eight hours per week in addition to working. The participant who is working at least 20 hours per week but less than 32 hours per week in a nonsubsidized or subsidized job may be required to look for a job for up to 20 hours per week in lieu of work in the temporary public service job so that the total hours of work and job search is not more than 40 hours per week.
Subd. 5. Excused absences. The participant who is working in a temporary public service job may be allowed excused absences from the assigned temporary job site up to eight hours per month. For purposes of this subdivision, "excused absence" means absence due to temporary illness or injury of the caregiver or a member of the caregiver's family, the unavailability of appropriate child care or unavailability of transportation needed to go to and from the work site, a job interview, or a nonmedical emergency. For purposes of this subdivision, "emergency" means a sudden, unexpected occurrence or situation of a serious or urgent nature that requires action.
Subd. 6. Move to a different county. If the applicant or recipient who is required to participate in the work first program moves to a different county in this state, the benefits and enabling services agreed upon in the self-sufficiency agreement shall be provided by the pilot county where the applicant or recipient originated, provided the move was part of the job search or employability development plan. If the applicant or recipient is moving to a different county for failure to comply with the requirements of the work first program, the applicant or recipient will not be eligible for MFIP-S in this state for at least six months from the date of the move.
HIST: 1997 c 66 s 80; 1997 c 85 art 2 s 6; 1999 c 107 s 66; 1999 c 159 s 102
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes