256B.501 Rates for community-based services for persons with mental retardation or related conditions.
Subdivision 1. Definitions. For the purposes of this section, the following terms have the meaning given them.
(a) "Commissioner" means the commissioner of human services.
(b) "Facility" means a facility licensed as a mental retardation residential facility under section 252.28, licensed as a supervised living facility under chapter 144, and certified as an intermediate care facility for persons with mental retardation or related conditions. The term does not include a state regional treatment center.
(c) "Waivered service" means home or community-based service authorized under United States Code, title 42, section 1396n(c), as amended through December 31, 1987, and defined in the Minnesota state plan for the provision of medical assistance services. Waivered services include, at a minimum, case management, family training and support, developmental training homes, supervised living arrangements, semi-independent living services, respite care, and training and habilitation services.
Subd. 2. Authority. The commissioner shall establish procedures and rules for determining rates for care of residents of intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation or related conditions which qualify as providers of medical assistance and waivered services. The procedures shall specify the costs that are allowable for payment through medical assistance. The commissioner may use experts from outside the department in the establishment of the procedures.
Subd. 3. Rates for intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation or related conditions. The commissioner shall establish, by rule, procedures for determining rates for care of residents of intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation or related conditions. In developing the procedures, the commissioner shall include:
(a) cost containment measures that assure efficient and prudent management of capital assets and operating cost increases which do not exceed increases in other sections of the economy;
(b) limits on the amounts of reimbursement for property and new facilities;
(c) requirements to ensure that the accounting practices of the facilities conform to generally accepted accounting principles;
(d) incentives to reward accumulation of equity;
(e) rule revisions which:
(1) combine the program, maintenance, and administrative operating cost categories, and professional liability and real estate insurance expenses into one general operating cost category;
(2) eliminate the maintenance and administrative operating cost category limits and account for disallowances under the rule existing on July 1, 1995, in the revised rule. If this provision is later invalidated, the total administrative cost disallowance shall be deducted from economical facility payments in clause (3);
(3) establish an economical facility incentive that rewards facilities that provide all appropriate services in a cost-effective manner and penalizes reductions of either direct service wages or standardized hours of care per resident;
(4) establish a best practices award system that is based on outcome measures and that rewards quality, innovation, cost-effectiveness, and staff retention;
(5) establish compensation limits for employees on the basis of full-time employment and the developmentally disabled client base of a provider group or facility. The commissioner may consider the inclusion of hold harmless provisions;
(6) establish overall limits on a high cost facility's general operating costs. The commissioner shall consider groupings of facilities that account for a significant variation in cost. The commissioner may differentiate in the application of these limits between high and very high cost facilities. The limits, once established, shall be indexed for inflation and may be rebased by the commissioner;
(7) utilize the client assessment information obtained from the application of the provisions in subdivision 3g for the revisions in clauses (3), (4), and (6); and
(8) develop cost allocation principles which are based on facility expenses; and
(f) appeals procedures that satisfy the requirements of section 256B.50.
Subd. 3a. Interim rates. For rate years beginning October 1, 1988, and October 1, 1989, the commissioner shall establish an interim program operating cost payment rate for care of residents in intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation.
(a) For the rate year beginning October 1, 1988, the interim program operating cost payment rate is the greater of the facility's 1987 reporting year allowable program operating costs per resident day increased by the composite forecasted index in subdivision 3c, or the facility's January 1, 1988, program operating cost payment rate increased by the composite forecasted index in subdivision 3c, except that the composite forecasted index is established based on the midpoint of the period January 1, 1988, to September 30, 1988, to the midpoint of the following rate year.
(b) For the rate year beginning October 1, 1989, the interim program operating cost payment rate is the greater of the facility's 1988 reporting year allowable program operating costs per resident day increased by the composite forecasted index in subdivision 3c, or the facility's October 1, 1988, program operating cost payment rate increased by the composite forecasted index in subdivision 3c, except that the composite forecasted index is established based on the midpoint of the rate year beginning October 1, 1988, to the midpoint of the following rate year.
Subd. 3b. Settle-up of costs. The facility's program operating costs are subject to a retroactive settle-up for the 1988 and 1989 reporting years, determined by the following method:
(a) If a facility's program operating costs, including one-time adjustment program operating costs for the facility's 1988 or 1989 reporting year, are less than 98 percent of the facility's total program operating cost payments for facilities with 20 or fewer licensed beds, or less than 99 percent of the facility's total program operating cost payments for facilities with more than 20 licensed beds, then the facility must repay the difference to the state according to the desk audit adjustment procedures in Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0041, subpart 13, items B to E. For the purpose of determining the retroactive settle-up amounts, the facility's total program operating cost payments must be computed by multiplying the facility's program operating cost payment rates, including one-time program operating cost adjustment rates for those reporting years, by the prorated resident days that correspond to those program operating cost payment rates paid during those reporting years.
(b) If a facility's program operating costs, including one-time adjustment program operating costs for the facility's 1989 reporting year are between 102 and 105 percent of the amount computed by multiplying the facility's program operating cost payment rates, including one-time program operating cost adjustment rates for those reporting years, by the prorated resident days that correspond to those program operating cost payment rates paid during that reporting year, the state must repay the difference to the facility according to the desk audit adjustment procedures in Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0041, subpart 13, items B to E.
A facility's retroactive settle-up must be calculated by October 1, 1990.
Subd. 3c. Forecasted index. For rate years beginning on or after October 1, 1990, the commissioner shall index a facility's allowable operating costs in the program, maintenance, and administrative operating cost categories by using Data Resources, Inc., forecast for change in the Consumer Price Index-All Items (U.S. city average) (CPI-U). The commissioner shall use the indices as forecasted by Data Resources, Inc., in the first quarter of the calendar year in which the rate year begins. For fiscal years beginning after June 30, 1993, the commissioner shall not provide automatic inflation adjustments for intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation. The commissioner of finance shall include annual inflation adjustments in operating costs for intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation and related conditions as a budget change request in each biennial detailed expenditure budget submitted to the legislature under section 16A.11. The commissioner shall use the Consumer Price Index-All Items (United States city average) (CPI-U) as forecasted by Data Resources, Inc., to take into account economic trends and conditions for changes in facility allowable historical general operating costs and limits. The forecasted index shall be established for allowable historical general operating costs as follows:
(1) the CPI-U forecasted index for allowable historical general operating costs shall be determined in the first quarter of the calendar year in which the rate year begins and shall be based on the 21-month period from the midpoint of the facility's reporting year to the midpoint of the rate year following the reporting year; and
(2) for rate years beginning on or after October 1, 1995, the CPI-U forecasted index for the overall operating cost limits and for the individual compensation limit shall be determined in the first quarter of the calendar year in which the rate year begins and shall be based on the 12-month period between the midpoints of the two reporting years preceding the rate year.
Subd. 3d. Repealed, 1995 c 207 art 7 s 43
Subd. 3e. Repealed, 1995 c 207 art 7 s 43
Subd. 3f. Repealed, 1995 c 207 art 7 s 43
Subd. 3g. Assessment of clients. (a) To establish the service characteristics of clients, the Minnesota department of health case mix review program shall assess all clients annually. The facility's qualified mental retardation professional (QMRP) with primary responsibility for the client's individual program plan, in conjunction with the interdisciplinary team, shall assess each client who is newly admitted to a facility. This assessment must occur within 30 days from the date of admission during the interdisciplinary team meeting.
(b) All client assessments must be conducted as set forth in the manual, Minnesota ICF/MR Client Assessment Manual, February 1995, hereinafter referred to in this subdivision as the manual. Client assessments completed by the case mix review program and the facility QMRP must be recorded on assessment forms developed by the commissioner of health. The facility QMRP must complete the assessment form, submit it to the case mix review program, and mail a copy to the client's case manager within ten working days following the interdisciplinary team meeting.
(c) The case mix review program shall score assessments according to attachment E of the manual in the assessment domains of personal interaction, independence, and integration, challenging behaviors and preventive practice, activities of daily living, and special treatments. Scores must be based on information from the assessment form. A client's score from each assessment domain shall be used to determine that client's classification.
(d) The commissioner of health shall determine and assign classifications for each client using the procedures specified in attachment F of the manual. The commissioner of health shall assign the client classification within 15 working days after receiving the completed assessment form submitted by the case mix review program team or the facility QMRP. The classification for a newly admitted client is effective retroactive to the date of the client's admission. If a facility QMRP submits an incomplete assessment form, the case mix review program shall inform the facility QMRP of the need to submit additional information necessary for assigning a classification. The facility QMRP must mail the additional information to the case mix review program no later than five working days after receiving the request for the information. If a facility QMRP fails to submit a completed client assessment for a client who is newly admitted to the facility, that client's first assessment in the facility conducted by the case mix review program shall be used to establish a client classification retroactive to the date of the client's admission. Any change in classification due to annual assessment by the case mix review program will be effective on the first day of the month following completion of the case mix review program's annual assessment of all the facility's clients. A client who has resided in the facility less than 30 days must be assessed by the case mix review program during the annual assessment, but must not have a client classification assigned based on the case mix review program's assessment unless the facility QMRP fails to submit a completed client assessment and the client goes on to reside in the facility for more than 30 days.
(e) The facility QMRP may request a reclassification for a client by completing a new client assessment if the facility QMRP believes that the client's status has changed since the case mix review program's annual assessment and that these changes will result in a change in the client's classification. Client assessments for purposes of reclassification will be governed by the following:
(1) The facility QMRP that requests reclassification of a client must provide the case mix review program with evidence to determine a change in the client's classification. Evidence must include photocopies of documentation from the client's record, as specified in the documentation requirements sections of the manual.
(2) A reclassification assessment must occur between the third and the ninth month following the case mix review program's annual assessment of the client. The facility QMRP can request only one reclassification for each client annually.
(3) Any change in classification approved by the case mix review program shall be effective on the first day of the month following the date when the facility QMRP assessed the client for the reclassification.
(4) The case mix review program shall determine reclassification based on the documentation submitted by the facility QMRP. If there is not sufficient information submitted to justify a change to a higher classification, the case mix review program may request additional information necessary to complete a reclassification.
(5) If the facility QMRP does not provide sufficient documentation to support a change in classification, the classification shall remain at the level assessed by the case mix review program at the last inspection of care.
(f) The case mix review program shall conduct desk audits or on-site audits of assessments performed by facility QMRPs. Case mix review program staff shall conduct desk audits of any assessment believed to be inaccurate. The case mix review program may request the facility to submit additional information needed to conduct a desk audit. The facility shall mail the requested information within five working days after receiving the request.
(g) The case mix review program may conduct on-site audits of at least ten percent of the total assessments submitted by facility QMRPs in the previous year and may also conduct special audits if it determines that circumstances exist that could change or affect the validity of assigned classifications. The facility shall grant the case mix review program staff access to the client records during regular business hours for the purpose of conducting an audit. For assessments submitted for new clients, the case mix review program shall consider documentation in the client's record up to and including the date the client was assessed by the facility QMRP. For audits of reclassification assessments, the case mix review program shall consider documentation in the client's record from three months preceding the assessment up to and including the date the client was assessed by the facility QMRP. If the audit reveals that the facility's assessment does not accurately reflect the client's status for the time period and the appropriate supporting documentation cannot be produced by the facility, the case mix review program shall change the classification so that it is consistent with the results of the audit. Any change in client classification that results from an audit must be retroactive to the effective date of the client assessment that was audited. Case mix review program staff shall not discuss preliminary audit findings with the facility's staff. Within 15 working days after completing the audit, the case mix review program shall mail a notice of the results of the audit to the facility.
(h) Requests for reconsideration of client classifications shall be made under section 144.0723 and must be submitted according to section IV of the manual. A reconsideration must be reviewed by case mix review program staff not involved in completing the assessment that established the disputed classification. The reconsideration must be based upon the information provided to the case mix review program. Within 15 working days after receiving the request for reconsideration, the case mix review program shall affirm or modify the original classification. The original classification must be modified if the case mix review program determines that the assessment resulting in the classification did not accurately reflect the status of the client at the time of the assessment. The department of health's decision on reconsiderations is the final administrative decision of the department. The classification assigned by the department of health must be the classification that applies to the client while the request for reconsideration is pending. A change in a classification resulting from a reconsideration must be retroactive to the effective date of the client assessment for which a reconsideration was requested.
(i) The commissioner of human services shall assign weights to each client's classification according to the following table:
Classification Classification Weight 1S 1.00 1I 1.04 2S 1.36 2I 1.52 3S 1.58 3I 1.68 4S 1.87 4I 2.02 5S 2.09 5I 2.26 6S 2.26 6I 2.52 7S 2.10 7I 2.37 8S 2.26 8I 2.52
Subd. 3h. Waiving interest charges. The commissioner may waive interest charges on overpayments incurred by intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation and related conditions for the period October 1, 1987, to February 29, 1988, if the overpayments resulted from the continuation of the desk audit rate in effect on September 30, 1987, through the period.
Subd. 3i. Scope. Subdivisions 3a to 3e and 3h do not apply to facilities whose payment rates are governed by Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0075.
Subd. 3j. Rules. The commissioner shall adopt rules to implement this section. The commissioner shall consult with provider groups, advocates, and legislators to develop these rules.
Subd. 3k. Experimental project. The commissioner of human services may conduct and administer experimental projects to determine the effects of competency-based wage adjustments for direct-care staff on the quality of care and active treatment for persons with mental retardation or related conditions. The commissioner shall authorize one project under the following conditions:
(a) One service provider will participate in the project.
(b) The vendor must have an existing competency-based training curriculum and a proposed salary schedule that is coordinated with the training package.
(c) The University of Minnesota affiliated programs must approve the content of the training package and assist the vendor in studying the impact on service delivery and outcomes for residents under a competency-based salary structure. The study and its conclusions must be presented to the commissioner at the conclusion of the project.
(d) The project will last no more than 21 months from its inception.
(e) The project will be funded by Title XIX, medical assistance and the costs incurred shall be allowable program operating costs for future rate years under Minnesota Rules, parts 9553.0010 to 9553.0080. The project's total annual cost must not exceed $49,500. The commissioner shall establish an adjustment to the selected facility's per diem by dividing the $49,500 by the facility's actual resident days for the reporting year ending December 31, 1988. The facility's experimental training project per diem shall be effective on October 1, 1989, and shall remain in effect for the 21-month period ending June 30, 1991.
(f) Only service vendors who have submitted a determination of need pursuant to Minnesota Rules, parts 9525.0015 to 9525.0165, and Minnesota Statutes, section 252.28, requesting the competency-based training program cost increase are eligible. Furthermore, they are only eligible if their determination of need was approved prior to January 1, 1989, and funds were not available to implement the plan.
Subd. 3l. Temporary payment rate provisions. If an intermediate care facility for persons with mental retardation or related conditions located in Kandiyohi county:
(1) was sold during 1994;
(2) is unable to obtain records necessary to complete the cost report from the former operator at no cost; and
(3) delicensed two beds during that year, then the commissioner shall determine the payment rate for the period May 1, 1995, through September 30, 1996, as provided in paragraphs (a) to (c).
(a) A temporary payment rate shall be paid which is equal to the rate in effect as of April 30, 1995.
(b) The payment rate in paragraph (a) shall be subject to a retroactive downward adjustment based on the provisions in paragraph (c).
(c) The temporary payment rate shall be limited to the lesser of the payment in paragraph (a) or the payment rate calculated based on the facility's cost report for the reporting year January 1, 1995, through December 31, 1995, and the provisions of this section and the reimbursement rules in effect on June 30, 1995, except that the provisions referred to in clauses (1) to (3) shall not apply:
(1) the inflation factor in subdivision 3c;
(2) Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0050, subpart 2, items A to E; and
(3) Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0041, subpart 16.
Subd. 4. Waivered services. In establishing rates for waivered services the commissioner shall consider the need for flexibility in the provision of those services to meet individual needs identified by the screening team.
Subd. 4a. Inclusion of home care costs in waiver rates. The commissioner shall adjust the limits of the established average daily reimbursement rates for waivered services to include the cost of home care services that may be provided to waivered services recipients. This adjustment must be used to maintain or increase services and shall not be used by county agencies for inflation increases for waivered services vendors. Home care services referenced in this section are those listed in section 256B.0627, subdivision 2. The average daily reimbursement rates established in accordance with the provisions of this subdivision apply only to the combined average, daily costs of waivered and home care services and do not change home care limitations under section 256B.0627. Waivered services recipients receiving home care as of June 30, 1992, shall not have the amount of their services reduced as a result of this section.
Subd. 4b. Waiver rates and group residential housing rates. The average daily reimbursement rates established by the commissioner for waivered services shall be adjusted to include the additional costs of services eligible for waiver funding under title XIX of the Social Security Act and for which there is no group residential housing payment available as a result of the payment limitations set forth in section 256I.05, subdivision 10. The adjustment to the waiver rates shall be based on county reports of service costs that are no longer eligible for group residential housing payments. No adjustment shall be made for any amount of reported payments that prior to July 1, 1992, exceeded the group residential housing rate limits established in section 256I.05 and were reimbursed through county funds.
Subd. 5. Repealed, 1987 c 403 art 5 s 22
Subd. 5a. Changes to ICF/MR reimbursement. The reimbursement rule changes in paragraphs (a) to (e) apply to Minnesota Rules, parts 9553.0010 to 9553.0080, and this section, and are effective for rate years beginning on or after October 1, 1993, unless otherwise specified.
(a) The maximum efficiency incentive shall be $1.50 per resident per day.
(b) If a facility's capital debt reduction allowance is greater than 50 cents per resident per day, that facility's capital debt reduction allowance in excess of 50 cents per resident day shall be reduced by 25 percent.
(c) Beginning with the biennial reporting year which begins January 1, 1993, a facility is no longer required to have a certified audit of its financial statements. The cost of a certified audit shall not be an allowable cost in that reporting year, nor in subsequent reporting years unless the facility submits its certified audited financial statements in the manner otherwise specified in this subdivision. A nursing facility which does not submit a certified audit must submit its working trial balance.
(d) In addition to the approved pension or profit sharing plans allowed by the reimbursement rule, the commissioner shall allow those plans specified in Internal Revenue Code, sections 403(b) and 408(k).
(e) The commissioner shall allow as workers' compensation insurance costs under this section, the costs of workers' compensation coverage obtained under the following conditions:
(1) a plan approved by the commissioner of commerce as a Minnesota group or individual self-insurance plan as provided in sections 79A.03;
(2) a plan in which:
(i) the facility, directly or indirectly, purchases workers' compensation coverage in compliance with section 176.181, subdivision 2, from an authorized insurance carrier;
(ii) a related organization to the facility reinsures the workers' compensation coverage purchased, directly or indirectly, by the facility; and
(iii) all of the conditions in clause (4) are met;
(3) a plan in which:
(i) the facility, directly or indirectly, purchases workers' compensation coverage in compliance with section 176.181, subdivision 2, from an authorized insurance carrier;
(ii) the insurance premium is calculated retrospectively, including a maximum premium limit, and paid using the paid loss retro method; and
(iii) all of the conditions in clause (4) are met;
(4) additional conditions are:
(i) the reserves for the plan are maintained in an account controlled and administered by a person which is not a related organization to the facility;
(ii) the reserves for the plan cannot be used, directly or indirectly, as collateral for debts incurred or other obligations of the facility or related organizations to the facility;
(iii) if the plan provides workers' compensation coverage for non-Minnesota facilities, the plan's cost methodology must be consistent among all facilities covered by the plan, and if reasonable, is allowed notwithstanding any reimbursement laws regarding cost allocation to the contrary;
(iv) central, affiliated, corporate, or nursing facility costs related to their administration of the plan are costs which must remain in the nursing facility's administrative cost category, and must not be allocated to other cost categories; and
(v) required security deposits, whether in the form of cash, investments, securities, assets, letters of credit, or in any other form are not allowable costs for purposes of establishing the facilities payment rate; and
(5) any costs allowed pursuant to clauses (1) to (3) are subject to the following requirements:
(i) if the facility is sold or otherwise ceases operations, the plan's reserves must be subject to an actuarially based settle-up after 36 months from the date of sale or the date on which operations ceased. The facility's medical assistance portion of the total excess plan reserves must be paid to the state within 30 days following the date on which excess plan reserves are determined;
(ii) any distribution of excess plan reserves made to or withdrawals made by the facility or a related organization are applicable credits and must be used to reduce the facility's workers' compensation insurance costs in the reporting period in which a distribution or withdrawal is received; and
(iii) if the plan is audited pursuant to the Medicare program, the facility must provide a copy of Medicare's final audit report, including attachments and exhibits, to the commissioner within 30 days of receipt by the facility or any related organization. The commissioner shall implement the audit findings associated with the plan upon receipt of Medicare's final audit report. The department's authority to implement the audit findings is independent of its authority to conduct a field audit.
Subd. 5b. ICF/MR operating cost limitation after September 30, 1995. (a) For the rate year beginning on October 1, 1995, and for rate years beginning on or after October 1, 1997, the commissioner shall limit the allowable operating cost per diems, as determined under this subdivision and the reimbursement rules, for high cost ICF's/MR. Prior to indexing each facility's operating cost per diems for inflation, the commissioner shall group the facilities into eight groups. The commissioner shall then array all facilities within each grouping by their general operating cost per service unit per diems.
(b) The commissioner shall annually review and adjust the general operating costs incurred by the facility during the reporting year preceding the rate year to determine the facility's allowable historical general operating costs. For this purpose, the term general operating costs means the facility's allowable operating costs included in the program, maintenance, and administrative operating costs categories, as well as the facility's related payroll taxes and fringe benefits, real estate insurance, and professional liability insurance. A facility's total operating cost payment rate shall be limited according to paragraphs (c) and (d) as follows:
(c) A facility's total operating cost payment rate shall be equal to its allowable historical operating cost per diems for program, maintenance, and administrative cost categories multiplied by the forecasted inflation index in subdivision 3c, clause (1), subject to the limitations in paragraph (d).
(d) For the rate years beginning on or after October 1, 1995, the commissioner shall establish maximum overall general operating cost per service unit limits for facilities according to clauses (1) to (8). Each facility's allowable historical general operating costs and client assessment information obtained from client assessments completed under subdivision 3g for the reporting year ending December 31, 1994 (the base year), shall be used for establishing the overall limits. If a facility's proportion of temporary care resident days to total resident days exceeds 80 percent, the commissioner must exempt that facility from the overall general operating cost per service unit limits in clauses (1) to (8). For this purpose, "temporary care" means care provided by a facility to a client for less than 30 consecutive resident days.
(1) The commissioner shall determine each facility's weighted service units for the reporting year by multiplying its resident days in each client classification level as established in subdivision 3g, paragraph (d), by the corresponding weights for that classification level, as established in subdivision 3g, paragraph (i), and summing the results. For the reporting year ending December 31, 1994, the commissioner shall use the service unit score computed from the client classifications determined by the Minnesota department of health's annual review, including those of clients admitted during that year.
(2) The facility's service unit score is equal to its weighted service units as computed in clause (1), divided by the facility's total resident days excluding temporary care resident days, for the reporting year.
(3) For each facility, the commissioner shall determine the facility's cost per service unit by dividing its allowable historical general operating costs for the reporting year by the facility's service unit score in clause (2) multiplied by its total resident days, or 85 percent of the facility's capacity days times its service unit score in clause (2), if the facility's occupancy is less than 85 percent of licensed capacity. If a facility reports temporary care resident days, the temporary care resident days shall be multiplied by the service unit score in clause (2), and the resulting weighted resident days shall be added to the facility's weighted service units in clause (1) prior to computing the facility's cost per service unit under this clause.
(4) The commissioner shall group facilities based on class A or class B licensure designation, number of licensed beds, and geographic location. For purposes of this grouping, facilities with six beds or less shall be designated as small facilities and facilities with more than six beds shall be designated as large facilities. If a facility has both class A and class B licensed beds, the facility shall be considered a class A facility for this purpose if the number of class A beds is more than half its total number of ICF/MR beds; otherwise the facility shall be considered a class B facility. The metropolitan geographic designation shall include Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, and Washington counties. All other Minnesota counties shall be designated as the nonmetropolitan geographic group. These characteristics result in the following eight groupings:
(i) small class A metropolitan;
(ii) large class A metropolitan;
(iii) small class B metropolitan;
(iv) large class B metropolitan;
(v) small class A nonmetropolitan;
(vi) large class A nonmetropolitan;
(vii) small class B nonmetropolitan; and
(viii) large class B nonmetropolitan.
(5) The commissioner shall array facilities within each grouping in clause (4) by each facility's cost per service unit as determined in clause (3).
(6) In each array established under clause (5), facilities with a cost per service unit at or above the median shall be limited to the lesser of: (i) the current reporting year's cost per service unit; or (ii) the prior reporting year's allowable historical general operating cost per service unit plus the inflation factor as established in subdivision 3c, clause (2), increased by three percentage points.
(7) The overall operating cost per service unit limit for each group shall be established as follows:
(i) each array established under clause (5) shall be arrayed again after the application of clause (6);
(ii) in each array established in clause (5), two general operating cost limits shall be determined. The first cost per service unit limit shall be established at 0.5 and less than or equal to 1.0 standard deviation above the median of that array. The second cost per service unit limit shall be established at 1.0 standard deviation above the median of the array; and
(iii) the overall operating cost per service unit limits shall be indexed for inflation annually beginning with the reporting year ending December 31, 1995, using the forecasted inflation index in subdivision 3c, clause (2).
(8) Annually, facilities shall be arrayed using the method described in clauses (5) and (7). Each facility with a cost per service unit at or above its group's first cost per service unit limit, but less than the second cost per service unit limit for that group, shall be limited to 98 percent of its total operating cost per diems then add the forecasted inflation index in subdivision 3c, clause (1). Each facility with a cost per service unit at or above the second cost per service unit limit will be limited to 97 percent of its total operating cost per diems, then add the forecasted inflation index in subdivision 3c, clause (1). Facilities that have undergone a class A to class B conversion since January 1, 1990, are exempt from the limitations in this clause for six years after the completion of the conversion process.
(9) The commissioner may rebase these overall limits, using the method described in this subdivision but no more frequently than once every three years.
(e) For rate years beginning on or after October 1, 1995, the facility's efficiency incentive shall be determined as provided in the reimbursement rule.
(f) The total operating cost payment rate shall be the sum of paragraphs (c) and (e).
(g) For the rate year beginning on October 1, 1996, the commissioner shall exempt a facility from the reductions in this subdivision if the facility is involved in a bed relocation project where more than 25 percent of the facility's beds are transferred to another facility, the relocated beds are six or fewer, there is no change in the total number of ICF/MR beds for the parent organization of the facility, and the relocation is not part of an interim or settle-up rate.
Subd. 5c. Repealed, 1997 c 203 art 7 s 29
Subd. 5d. Adjustment for outreach crisis services. An ICF/MR with crisis services developed under the authority of Laws 1992, chapter 513, article 9, section 40, shall have its operating cost per diem calculated according to paragraphs (a) and (b).
(a) Effective for services rendered from April 1, 1996, to September 30, 1996, and for rate years beginning on or after October 1, 1996, the maintenance limitation in Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0050, subpart 1, item A, subitem (2), shall be calculated to reflect capacity as of October 1, 1992. The maintenance limit shall be the per diem limitation otherwise in effect adjusted by the ratio of licensed capacity days as of October 1, 1992, divided by resident days in the reporting year ending December 31, 1993.
(b) Effective for rate years beginning on or after October 1, 1996, the operating cost per service unit, for purposes of the cost per service unit limit in subdivision 5b, paragraph (d), clauses (7) and (8), shall be calculated after excluding the costs directly identified to the provision of outreach crisis services and a four-bed crisis unit.
(c) The efficiency incentive paid to an ICF/MR shall not be increased as a result of this subdivision.
Subd. 5e. Rate adjustment for care provided to a medically fragile individual. Beginning July 1, 1996, the commissioner shall increase reimbursement rates for a facility located in Chisholm and licensed as an intermediate care facility for persons with mental retardation and related conditions since 1972, to cover the cost to the facility for providing 24-hour licensed practical nurse care to a medically fragile individual admitted on March 8, 1996. The commissioner shall include in this higher rate a temporary adjustment to reimburse the facility for costs incurred between March 8, 1996, and June 30, 1996. Once this resident is discharged, the commissioner shall reduce the facility's payment rate by the amount of the cost of the 24-hour licensed practical nurse care.
Subd. 6. Repealed, 1987 c 403 art 5 s 22
Subd. 7. Repealed, 1987 c 403 art 5 s 22
Subd. 8. Payment for persons with special needs. The commissioner shall establish by December 31, 1983, procedures to be followed by the counties to seek authorization from the commissioner for medical assistance reimbursement for very dependent persons with special needs in an amount in excess of the rates allowed pursuant to subdivision 2, including rates established under section 252.46 when they apply to services provided to residents of intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation or related conditions, and procedures to be followed for rate limitation exemptions for intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation or related conditions. Rate payments under subdivision 8a are eligible for a rate exception under this subdivision. No excess payment approved by the commissioner after June 30, 1991, shall be authorized unless:
(1) the need for specific level of service is documented in the individual service plan of the person to be served;
(2) the level of service needed can be provided within the rates established under section 252.46 and Minnesota Rules, parts 9553.0010 to 9553.0080, without a rate exception within 12 months;
(3) staff hours beyond those available under the rates established under section 252.46 and Minnesota Rules, parts 9553.0010 to 9553.0080, necessary to deliver services do not exceed 1,440 hours within 12 months;
(4) there is a basis for the estimated cost of services;
(5) the provider requesting the exception documents that current per diem rates are insufficient to support needed services;
(6) estimated costs, when added to the costs of current medical assistance-funded residential and day training and habilitation services and calculated as a per diem, do not exceed the per diem established for the regional treatment centers for persons with mental retardation and related conditions on July 1, 1990, indexed annually by the urban consumer price index, all items, as forecasted by Data Resources Inc., for the next fiscal year over the current fiscal year;
(7) any contingencies for an approval as outlined in writing by the commissioner are met; and
(8) any commissioner orders for use of preferred providers are met.
The commissioner shall evaluate the services provided pursuant to this subdivision through program and fiscal audits.
The commissioner may terminate the rate exception at any time under any of the conditions outlined in Minnesota Rules, part 9510.1120, subpart 3, for county termination, or by reason of information obtained through program and fiscal audits which indicate the criteria outlined in this subdivision have not been, or are no longer being, met.
The commissioner may approve no more than one rate exception, up to 12 months duration, for an eligible client.
Subd. 8a. Payment for persons with special needs for crisis intervention services. State-operated, community-based crisis services provided in accordance with section 252.50, subdivision 7, to a resident of an intermediate care facility for persons with mental retardation (ICF/MR) reimbursed under this section shall be paid by medical assistance in accordance with the paragraphs (a) to (h).
(a) "Crisis services" means the specialized services listed in clauses (1) to (3) provided to prevent the recipient from requiring placement in a more restrictive institutional setting such as an inpatient hospital or regional treatment center and to maintain the recipient in the present community setting.
(1) The crisis services provider shall assess the recipient's behavior and environment to identify factors contributing to the crisis.
(2) The crisis services provider shall develop a recipient-specific intervention plan in coordination with the service planning team and provide recommendations for revisions to the individual service plan if necessary to prevent or minimize the likelihood of future crisis situations. The intervention plan shall include a transition plan to aid the recipient in returning to the community-based ICF/MR if the recipient is receiving residential crisis services.
(3) The crisis services provider shall consult with and provide training and ongoing technical assistance to the recipient's service providers to aid in the implementation of the intervention plan and revisions to the individual service plan.
(b) "Residential crisis services" means crisis services that are provided to a recipient admitted to the crisis services foster care setting because the ICF/MR receiving reimbursement under this section is not able, as determined by the commissioner, to provide the intervention and protection of the recipient and others living with the recipient that is necessary to prevent the recipient from requiring placement in a more restrictive institutional setting.
(c) Crisis services providers must be licensed by the commissioner under section 245A.03 to provide foster care, must exclusively provide short-term crisis intervention, and must not be located in a private residence.
(d) Payment rates are determined annually for each crisis services provider based on cost of care for each provider as defined in section 246.50. Interim payment rates are calculated on a per diem basis by dividing the projected cost of providing care by the projected number of contact days for the fiscal year, as estimated by the commissioner. Final payment rates are calculated by dividing the actual cost of providing care by the actual number of contact days in the applicable fiscal year.
(e) Payment shall be made for each contact day. "Contact day" means any day in which the crisis services provider has face-to-face contact with the recipient or any of the recipient's medical assistance service providers for the purpose of providing crisis services as defined in paragraph (c).
(f) Payment for residential crisis services is limited to 21 days, unless an additional period is authorized by the commissioner. The additional period may not exceed 21 days.
(g) Payment for crisis services shall be made only for services provided while the ICF/MR receiving reimbursement under this section:
(1) has a shared services agreement with the crisis services provider in effect in accordance with section 246.57;
(2) has reassigned payment for the provision of the crisis services under this subdivision to the commissioner in accordance with Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 447.10(e); and
(3) has executed a cooperative agreement with the crisis services provider to implement the intervention plan and revisions to the individual service plan as necessary to prevent or minimize the likelihood of future crisis situations, to maintain the recipient in the present community setting, and to prevent the recipient from requiring a more restrictive institutional setting.
(h) Payment to the ICF/MR receiving reimbursement under this section shall be made for up to 18 therapeutic leave days during which the recipient is receiving residential crisis services, if the ICF/MR is otherwise eligible to receive payment for a therapeutic leave day under Minnesota Rules, part 9505.0415. Payment under this paragraph shall be terminated if the commissioner determines that the ICF/MR is not meeting the terms of the cooperative agreement under paragraph (g) or that the recipient will not return to the ICF/MR.
Subd. 9. Repealed, 1987 c 403 art 5 s 22
Subd. 10. Rules. To implement this section, the commissioner shall promulgate rules in accordance with chapter 14.
Subd. 11. Investment per bed limits, interest expense limitations, and arms-length leases. (a) The provisions of Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0075, except as modified under this subdivision, shall apply to newly constructed or established facilities that are certified for medical assistance on or after May 1, 1990.
(b) For purposes of establishing payment rates under this subdivision and Minnesota Rules, parts 9553.0010 to 9553.0080, the term "newly constructed or newly established" means a facility (1) for which a need determination has been approved by the commissioner under sections 252.28 and 252.291; (2) whose program is newly licensed under Minnesota Rules, parts 9525.0215 to 9525.0355, and certified under Code of Federal Regulations, title 42, section 442.400, et seq.; and (3) that is part of a proposal that meets the requirements of section 252.291, subdivision 2, paragraph (2). The term does not include a facility for which a need determination was granted solely for other reasons such as the relocation of a facility; a change in the facility's name, program, number of beds, type of beds, or ownership; or the sale of a facility, unless the relocation of a facility to one or more service sites is the result of a closure of a facility under section 252.292, in which case clause (3) shall not apply. The term does include a facility that converts more than 50 percent of its licensed beds from class A to class B residential or class B institutional to serve persons discharged from state regional treatment centers on or after May 1, 1990, in which case clause (3) does not apply.
(c) Newly constructed or newly established facilities that are certified for medical assistance on or after May 1, 1990, shall be allowed the capital asset investment per bed limits as provided in clauses (1) to (4).
(1) The 1990 calendar year investment per bed limit for a facility's land must not exceed $5,700 per bed for newly constructed or newly established facilities in Hennepin, Ramsey, Anoka, Washington, Dakota, Scott, Carver, Chisago, Isanti, Wright, Benton, Sherburne, Stearns, St. Louis, Clay, and Olmsted counties, and must not exceed $3,000 per bed for newly constructed or newly established facilities in other counties.
(2) The 1990 calendar year investment per bed limit for a facility's depreciable capital assets must not exceed $44,800 for class B residential beds, and $45,200 for class B institutional beds.
(3) The investment per bed limit in clause (2) must not be used in determining the three-year average percentage increase adjustment in Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0060, subpart 1, item C, subitem (4), for facilities that were newly constructed or newly established before May 1, 1990.
(4) The investment per bed limits in clause (2) and Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0060, subpart 1, item C, subitem (2) shall be adjusted annually beginning January 1, 1991, and each January 1 following, as provided in Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0060, subpart 1, item C, subitem (2), except that the index utilized will be the Bureau of the Census: Composite fixed-weighted price index as published in the Survey of Current Business.
(d) A newly constructed or newly established facility's interest expense limitation as provided for in Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0060, subpart 3, item F, on capital debt for capital assets acquired during the interim or settle-up period, shall be increased by 2.5 percentage points for each full .25 percentage points that the facility's interest rate on its mortgage is below the maximum interest rate as established in Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0060, subpart 2, item A, subitem (2). For all following rate periods, the interest expense limitation on capital debt in Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0060, subpart 3, item F, shall apply to the facility's capital assets acquired, leased, or constructed after the interim or settle-up period. If a newly constructed or newly established facility is acquired by the state, the limitations of this paragraph and Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0060, subpart 3, item F, shall not apply.
(e) If a newly constructed or newly established facility is leased with an arms-length lease as provided for in Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0060, subpart 7, the lease agreement shall be subject to the following conditions:
(1) the term of the lease, including option periods, must not be less than 20 years;
(2) the maximum interest rate used in determining the present value of the lease must not exceed the lesser of the interest rate limitation in Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0060, subpart 2, item A, subitem (2), or 16 percent; and
(3) the residual value used in determining the net present value of the lease must be established using the provisions of Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0060.
(f) All leases of the physical plant of an intermediate care facility for the mentally retarded shall contain a clause that requires the owner to give the commissioner notice of any requests or orders to vacate the premises 90 days before such vacation of the premises is to take place. In the case of unlawful detainer actions, the owner shall notify the commissioner within three days of notice of an unlawful detainer action being served upon the tenant. The only exception to this notice requirement is in the case of emergencies where immediate vacation of the premises is necessary to assure the safety and welfare of the residents. In such an emergency situation, the owner shall give the commissioner notice of the request to vacate at the time the owner of the property is aware that the vacating of the premises is necessary. This section applies to all leases entered into after May 1, 1990. Rentals set in leases entered into after that date that do not contain this clause are not allowable costs for purposes of medical assistance reimbursement.
(g) A newly constructed or newly established facility's preopening costs are subject to the provisions of Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0035, subpart 12, and must be limited to only those costs incurred during one of the following periods, whichever is shorter:
(1) between the date the commissioner approves the facility's need determination and 30 days before the date the facility is certified for medical assistance; or
(2) the 12-month period immediately preceding the 30 days before the date the facility is certified for medical assistance.
(h) The development of any newly constructed or newly established facility as defined in this subdivision and projected to be operational after July 1, 1991, by the commissioner of human services shall be delayed until July 1, 1993, except for those facilities authorized by the commissioner as a result of a closure of a facility according to section 252.292 prior to January 1, 1991, or those facilities developed as a result of a receivership of a facility according to section 245A.12. This paragraph does not apply to state-operated community facilities authorized in section 252.50.
Subd. 12. ICF/MR salary adjustments. Effective July 1, 1998, to September 30, 2000, the commissioner shall make available the appropriate salary adjustment cost per diem calculated in paragraphs (a) to (e) to the total operating cost payment rate of each facility subject to reimbursement under this section and Laws 1993, First Special Session chapter 1, article 4, section 11. The salary adjustment cost per diem must be determined as follows:
(a) Computation and review guidelines. A state-operated community service, and any facility whose payment rates are governed by closure agreements, receivership agreements, or Minnesota Rules, part 9553.0075, are not eligible for a salary adjustment otherwise granted under this subdivision. For purposes of the salary adjustment per diem computation and reviews in this subdivision, the term "salary adjustment cost" means the facility's allowable program operating cost category employee training expenses, and the facility's allowable salaries, payroll taxes, and fringe benefits. The term does not include these same salary-related costs for both administrative or central office employees.
For the purpose of determining the amount of salary adjustment to be granted under this subdivision, the commissioner must use the reporting year ending December 31, 1996, as the base year for the salary adjustment per diem computation.
(b) Salary adjustment per diem computation. For the rate period beginning July 1, 1998, each facility shall receive a salary adjustment cost per diem equal to its salary adjustment costs multiplied by 3.0 percent, and then divided by the facility's resident days.
(c) Submittal of plan. A facility may apply for the salary adjustment per diem calculated under this subdivision. The application must be made to the commissioner and contain a plan by which the facility will distribute the salary adjustment to employees of the facility. For facilities in which the employees are represented by an exclusive bargaining representative, an agreement negotiated and agreed to by the employer and the exclusive bargaining representative, after July 1, 1998, may constitute the plan for the salary distribution. The commissioner shall review the plan to ensure that the salary adjustment per diem is used solely to increase the compensation of facility employees. To be eligible, a facility must submit its plan for the salary distribution by December 31, 1998. If a facility's plan for salary distribution is effective for its employees after July 1, 1998, the salary adjustment cost per diem shall be effective the same date as its plan.
(d) Cost report. Additional costs incurred by facilities as a result of this salary adjustment are not allowable costs for purposes of the December 31, 1998, cost report.
(e) Salary adjustment. In order to apply for a salary adjustment, a facility reimbursed under Laws 1993, First Special Session chapter 1, article 4, section 11, must report the information referred to in paragraph (a) in the application, in the manner specified by the commissioner.
HIST: 1983 c 312 art 9 s 7; 1984 c 640 s 32; 1984 c 654 art 5 s 25,58; 1985 c 21 s 57; 1986 c 420 s 13; 1987 c 403 art 5 s 17-19; 1988 c 689 art 2 s 169-180; 1989 c 282 art 3 s 84-86; 1990 c 568 art 3 s 80-82; 1991 c 292 art 4 s 64-66; 1992 c 513 art 7 s 122; art 9 s 28,29; 1993 c 339 s 22; 1Sp1993 c 1 art 5 s 109-112; 1995 c 114 s 1; 1995 c 207 art 7 s 33-40; 1996 c 305 art 2 s 49,50; 1996 c 451 art 3 s 4-7; 1997 c 187 art 5 s 28; 1998 c 407 art 3 s 15; art 4 s 43
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes