256.969 Payment rates.
Subdivision 1. Hospital cost index. (a) The hospital cost index shall be the change in the Consumer Price Index-All Items (United States city average) (CPI-U) forecasted by Data Resources, Inc. The commissioner shall use the indices as forecasted in the third quarter of the calendar year prior to the rate year. The hospital cost index may be used to adjust the base year operating payment rate through the rate year on an annually compounded basis.
(b) For fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 1993, the commissioner of human services shall not provide automatic annual inflation adjustments for hospital payment rates under medical assistance, nor under general assistance medical care, except that the inflation adjustments under paragraph (a) for medical assistance, excluding general assistance medical care, shall apply through calendar year 2001. The index for calendar year 2000 shall be reduced 2.5 percentage points to recover overprojections of the index from 1994 to 1996. The commissioner of finance shall include as a budget change request in each biennial detailed expenditure budget submitted to the legislature under section 16A.11 annual adjustments in hospital payment rates under medical assistance and general assistance medical care, based upon the hospital cost index.
Subd. 2. Diagnostic categories. The commissioner shall use to the extent possible existing diagnostic classification systems, including the system used by the Medicare program to determine the relative values of inpatient services and case mix indices. The commissioner may combine diagnostic classifications into diagnostic categories and may establish separate categories and numbers of categories based on program eligibility or hospital peer group. Relative values shall be recalculated when the base year is changed. Relative value determinations shall include paid claims for admissions during each hospital's base year. The commissioner may extend the time period forward to obtain sufficiently valid information to establish relative values. Relative value determinations shall not include property cost data, Medicare crossover data, and data on admissions that are paid a per day transfer rate under subdivision 14. The computation of the base year cost per admission must include identified outlier cases and their weighted costs up to the point that they become outlier cases, but must exclude costs recognized in outlier payments beyond that point. The commissioner may recategorize the diagnostic classifications and recalculate relative values and case mix indices to reflect actual hospital practices, the specific character of specialty hospitals, or to reduce variances within the diagnostic categories after notice in the State Register and a 30-day comment period.
Subd. 2a. Repealed, 1989 c 282 art 3 s 98
Subd. 2b. Operating payment rates. In determining operating payment rates for admissions occurring on or after the rate year beginning January 1, 1991, and every two years after, or more frequently as determined by the commissioner, the commissioner shall obtain operating data from an updated base year and establish operating payment rates per admission for each hospital based on the cost-finding methods and allowable costs of the Medicare program in effect during the base year. Rates under the general assistance medical care, medical assistance, and MinnesotaCare programs shall not be rebased to more current data on January 1, 1997. The base year operating payment rate per admission is standardized by the case mix index and adjusted by the hospital cost index, relative values, and disproportionate population adjustment. The cost and charge data used to establish operating rates shall only reflect inpatient services covered by medical assistance and shall not include property cost information and costs recognized in outlier payments.
Subd. 2c. Property payment rates. For each hospital's first two consecutive fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 1988, the commissioner shall limit the annual increase in property payment rates for depreciation, rents and leases, and interest expense to the annual growth in the hospital cost index derived from the methodology in effect on the day before July 1, 1989. When computing budgeted and settlement property payment rates, the commissioner shall use the annual increase in the hospital cost index forecasted by Data Resources, Inc., consistent with the quarter of the hospital's fiscal year end. For admissions occurring on or after the rate year beginning January 1, 1991, the commissioner shall obtain property data from an updated base year and establish property payment rates per admission for each hospital. Property payment rates shall be derived from data from the same base year that is used to establish operating payment rates. The property information shall include cost categories not subject to the hospital cost index and shall reflect the cost-finding methods and allowable costs of the Medicare program. The base year property payment rates shall be adjusted for increases in the property cost by increasing the base year property payment rate 85 percent of the percentage change from the base year through the year for which a Medicare cost report has been submitted to the Medicare program and filed with the department by the October 1 before the rate year. The property rates shall only reflect inpatient services covered by medical assistance. The commissioner shall adjust rates for the rate year beginning January 1, 1991, to ensure that all hospitals are subject to the hospital cost index limitation for two complete years.
Subd. 3. Repealed, 1989 c 282 art 3 s 98
Subd. 3a. Payments. Acute care hospital billings under the medical assistance program must not be submitted until the recipient is discharged. However, the commissioner shall establish monthly interim payments for inpatient hospitals that have individual patient lengths of stay over 30 days regardless of diagnostic category. Medical assistance reimbursement for treatment of mental illness shall be reimbursed based on diagnostic classifications. The commissioner may selectively contract with hospitals for services within the diagnostic categories relating to mental illness and chemical dependency under competitive bidding when reasonable geographic access by recipients can be assured. No physician shall be denied the privilege of treating a recipient required to use a hospital under contract with the commissioner, as long as the physician meets credentialing standards of the individual hospital. Individual hospital payments established under this section and sections 256.9685, 256.9686, and 256.9695, in addition to third party and recipient liability, for discharges occurring during the rate year shall not exceed, in aggregate, the charges for the medical assistance covered inpatient services paid for the same period of time to the hospital. This payment limitation shall be calculated separately for medical assistance and general assistance medical care services. The limitation on general assistance medical care shall be effective for admissions occurring on or after July 1, 1991. Services that have rates established under subdivision 11 or 12, must be limited separately from other services. After consulting with the affected hospitals, the commissioner may consider related hospitals one entity and may merge the payment rates while maintaining separate provider numbers. The operating and property base rates per admission or per day shall be derived from the best Medicare and claims data available when rates are established. The commissioner shall determine the best Medicare and claims data, taking into consideration variables of recency of the data, audit disposition, settlement status, and the ability to set rates in a timely manner. The commissioner shall notify hospitals of payment rates by December 1 of the year preceding the rate year. The rate setting data must reflect the admissions data used to establish relative values. Base year changes from 1981 to the base year established for the rate year beginning January 1, 1991, and for subsequent rate years, shall not be limited to the limits ending June 30, 1987, on the maximum rate of increase under subdivision 1. The commissioner may adjust base year cost, relative value, and case mix index data to exclude the costs of services that have been discontinued by the October 1 of the year preceding the rate year or that are paid separately from inpatient services. Inpatient stays that encompass portions of two or more rate years shall have payments established based on payment rates in effect at the time of admission unless the date of admission preceded the rate year in effect by six months or more. In this case, operating payment rates for services rendered during the rate year in effect and established based on the date of admission shall be adjusted to the rate year in effect by the hospital cost index.
Subd. 4. Repealed, 1989 c 282 art 3 s 98
Subd. 4a. Reports. If, under this section or section 256.9685, 256.9686, or 256.9695, a hospital is required to report information to the commissioner by a specified date, the hospital must report the information on time. If the hospital does not report the information on time, the commissioner may determine the information that will be used and may disregard the information that is reported late. If the Medicare program does not require or does not audit information that is needed to establish medical assistance rates, the commissioner may, after consulting the affected hospitals, require reports to be provided, in a format specified by the commissioner, that are based on allowable costs and cost-finding methods of the Medicare program in effect during the base year. The commissioner may require any information that is necessary to implement this section and sections 256.9685, 256.9686, and 256.9695 to be provided by a hospital within a reasonable time period.
Subd. 5. Repealed, 1989 c 282 art 3 s 98
Subd. 5a. Audits and adjustments. Inpatient hospital rates and payments must be established under this section and sections 256.9685, 256.9686, and 256.9695. The commissioner may adjust rates and payments based on the findings of audits of payments to hospitals, hospital billings, costs, statistical information, charges, or patient records performed by the commissioner or the Medicare program that identify billings, costs, statistical information, or charges for services that were not delivered, never ordered, in excess of limits, not covered by the medical assistance program, paid separately from rates established under this section and sections 256.9685, 256.9686, and 256.9695, or for charges that are not consistent with other payor billings. Charges to the medical assistance program must be less than or equal to charges to the general public. Charges to the medical assistance program must not exceed the lowest charge to any other payor. The audit findings may be based on a statistically valid sample of hospital information that is needed to complete the audit. If the information the commissioner uses to establish rates or payments is not audited by the Medicare program, the commissioner may require an audit using Medicare principles and may adjust rates and payments to reflect any subsequent audit.
Subd. 6. Repealed, 1989 c 282 art 3 s 98
Subd. 6a. Special considerations. In determining the payment rates, the commissioner shall consider whether the circumstances in subdivisions 7 to 14 exist.
Subd. 7. Repealed, 1992 c 513 art 7 s 135
Subd. 8. Unusual length of stay experience. The commissioner shall establish day outlier thresholds for each diagnostic category established under subdivision 2 at two standard deviations beyond the mean length of stay. Payment for the days beyond the outlier threshold shall be in addition to the operating and property payment rates per admission established under subdivisions 2, 2b, and 2c. Payment for outliers shall be at 70 percent of the allowable operating cost, after adjustment by the case mix index, hospital cost index, relative values and the disproportionate population adjustment. The outlier threshold for neonatal and burn diagnostic categories shall be established at one standard deviation beyond the mean length of stay, and payment shall be at 90 percent of allowable operating cost calculated in the same manner as other outliers. A hospital may choose an alternative to the 70 percent outlier payment that is at a minimum of 60 percent and a maximum of 80 percent if the commissioner is notified in writing of the request by October 1 of the year preceding the rate year. The chosen percentage applies to all diagnostic categories except burns and neonates. The percentage of allowable cost that is unrecognized by the outlier payment shall be added back to the base year operating payment rate per admission.
Subd. 8a. Unusual short length of stay. Except as provided in subdivision 13, for admissions occurring on or after July 1, 1995, payment shall be determined as follows and shall be included in the base year for rate setting purposes.
(1) For an admission that is categorized to a neonatal diagnostic related group in which the length of stay is less than 50 percent of the average length of stay for the category in the base year and the patient at admission is equal to or greater than the age of one, payments shall be established according to the methods of subdivision 14.
(2) For an admission that is categorized to a diagnostic category that includes neonatal respiratory distress syndrome, the hospital must have a level II or level III nursery and the patient must receive treatment in that unit or payment will be made without regard to the syndrome condition.
Subd. 9. Disproportionate numbers of low-income patients served. (a) For admissions occurring on or after October 1, 1992, through December 31, 1992, the medical assistance disproportionate population adjustment shall comply with federal law and shall be paid to a hospital, excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service, with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate in excess of the arithmetic mean. The adjustment must be determined as follows:
(1) for a hospital with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate above the arithmetic mean for all hospitals excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service but less than or equal to one standard deviation above the mean, the adjustment must be determined by multiplying the total of the operating and property payment rates by the difference between the hospital's actual medical assistance inpatient utilization rate and the arithmetic mean for all hospitals excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service; and
(2) for a hospital with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate above one standard deviation above the mean, the adjustment must be determined by multiplying the adjustment that would be determined under clause (1) for that hospital by 1.1. If federal matching funds are not available for all adjustments under this subdivision, the commissioner shall reduce payments on a pro rata basis so that all adjustments qualify for federal match. The commissioner may establish a separate disproportionate population operating payment rate adjustment under the general assistance medical care program. For purposes of this subdivision medical assistance does not include general assistance medical care. The commissioner shall report annually on the number of hospitals likely to receive the adjustment authorized by this paragraph. The commissioner shall specifically report on the adjustments received by public hospitals and public hospital corporations located in cities of the first class.
(b) For admissions occurring on or after July 1, 1993, the medical assistance disproportionate population adjustment shall comply with federal law and shall be paid to a hospital, excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service, with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate in excess of the arithmetic mean. The adjustment must be determined as follows:
(1) for a hospital with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate above the arithmetic mean for all hospitals excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service but less than or equal to one standard deviation above the mean, the adjustment must be determined by multiplying the total of the operating and property payment rates by the difference between the hospital's actual medical assistance inpatient utilization rate and the arithmetic mean for all hospitals excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service;
(2) for a hospital with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate above one standard deviation above the mean, the adjustment must be determined by multiplying the adjustment that would be determined under clause (1) for that hospital by 1.1. The commissioner may establish a separate disproportionate population operating payment rate adjustment under the general assistance medical care program. For purposes of this subdivision, medical assistance does not include general assistance medical care. The commissioner shall report annually on the number of hospitals likely to receive the adjustment authorized by this paragraph. The commissioner shall specifically report on the adjustments received by public hospitals and public hospital corporations located in cities of the first class; and
(3) for a hospital that had medical assistance fee-for-service payment volume during calendar year 1991 in excess of 13 percent of total medical assistance fee-for-service payment volume, a medical assistance disproportionate population adjustment shall be paid in addition to any other disproportionate payment due under this subdivision as follows: $1,515,000 due on the 15th of each month after noon, beginning July 15, 1995. For a hospital that had medical assistance fee-for-service payment volume during calendar year 1991 in excess of eight percent of total medical assistance fee-for-service payment volume and was the primary hospital affiliated with the University of Minnesota, a medical assistance disproportionate population adjustment shall be paid in addition to any other disproportionate payment due under this subdivision as follows: $505,000 due on the 15th of each month after noon, beginning July 15, 1995.
(c) The commissioner shall adjust rates paid to a health maintenance organization under contract with the commissioner to reflect rate increases provided in paragraph (b), clauses (1) and (2), on a nondiscounted hospital-specific basis but shall not adjust those rates to reflect payments provided in clause (3).
(d) If federal matching funds are not available for all adjustments under paragraph (b), the commissioner shall reduce payments under paragraph (b), clauses (1) and (2), on a pro rata basis so that all adjustments under paragraph (b) qualify for federal match.
(e) For purposes of this subdivision, medical assistance does not include general assistance medical care.
Subd. 9a. Disproportionate population adjustments until July 1, 1993. For admissions occurring between January 1, 1993 and June 30, 1993, the adjustment under this subdivision shall be paid to a hospital, excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service, with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate in excess of one standard deviation above the arithmetic mean. The adjustment must be determined by multiplying the total of the operating and property payment rates by the difference between the hospital's actual medical assistance inpatient utilization rate and the arithmetic mean for all hospitals excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service, and the result must be multiplied by 1.1.
The provisions of this paragraph are effective only if federal matching funds are not available for all adjustments under this subdivision and it is necessary to implement ratable reductions under subdivision 9.
Subd. 9b. Implementation of ratable reductions. Notwithstanding the provisions in subdivision 9, any ratable reductions required under that subdivision or subdivision 9a for fiscal year 1993 shall be implemented as follows:
(1) no ratable reductions shall be applied to admissions occurring between October 1, 1992, and December 31, 1992; and
(2) sufficient ratable reductions shall be taken from hospitals receiving a payment under subdivision 9a for admissions occurring between January 1, 1993, and June 30, 1993, to ensure that all state payments under subdivisions 9 and 9a during federal fiscal year 1993 qualify for federal match.
Subd. 10. Separate billing by certified registered nurse anesthetists. Hospitals may exclude certified registered nurse anesthetist costs from the operating payment rate as allowed by section 256B.0625, subdivision 11. To be eligible, a hospital must notify the commissioner in writing by October 1 of even-numbered years to exclude certified registered nurse anesthetist costs. The hospital must agree that all hospital claims for the cost and charges of certified registered nurse anesthetist services will not be included as part of the rates for inpatient services provided during the rate year. In this case, the operating payment rate shall be adjusted to exclude the cost of certified registered nurse anesthetist services.
For admissions occurring on or after July 1, 1991, and until the expiration date of section 256.9695, subdivision 3, services of certified registered nurse anesthetists provided on an inpatient basis may be paid as allowed by section 256B.0625, subdivision 11, when the hospital's base year did not include the cost of these services. To be eligible, a hospital must notify the commissioner in writing by July 1, 1991, of the request and must comply with all other requirements of this subdivision.
Subd. 11. Special rates. The commissioner may establish special rate-setting methodologies, including a per day operating and property payment system, for hospice, ventilator dependent, and other services on a hospital and recipient specific basis taking into consideration such variables as federal designation, program size, and admission from a medical assistance waiver or home care program. The data and rate calculation method shall conform to the requirements of subdivision 13, except that rates shall not be standardized by the case mix index or adjusted by relative values and hospice rates shall not exceed the amount allowed under federal law. Rates and payments established under this subdivision must meet the requirements of section 256.9685, subdivisions 1 and 2. The cost and charges used to establish rates shall only reflect inpatient medical assistance covered services. Hospital and claims data that are used to establish rates under this subdivision shall not be used to establish payments or relative values under subdivisions 2, 2b, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5a, and 7 to 14.
Subd. 12. Rehabilitation distinct parts. Units of hospitals that are recognized as rehabilitation distinct parts by the Medicare program shall have separate provider numbers under the medical assistance program for rate establishment and billing purposes only. These units shall also have operating and property payment rates and the disproportionate population adjustment, if allowed by federal law, established separately from other inpatient hospital services. The commissioner may establish separate relative values under subdivision 2 for rehabilitation hospitals and distinct parts as defined by the Medicare program. For individual hospitals that did not have separate medical assistance rehabilitation provider numbers or rehabilitation distinct parts in the base year, hospitals shall provide the information needed to separate rehabilitation distinct part cost and claims data from other inpatient service data.
Subd. 13. Neonatal transfers. For admissions occurring on or after July 1, 1989, neonatal diagnostic category transfers shall have operating and property payment rates established at receiving hospitals which have neonatal intensive care units on a per day payment system that is based on the cost finding methods and allowable costs of the Medicare program during the base year. Other neonatal diagnostic category transfers shall have rates established according to subdivision 14. The rate per day for the neonatal service setting within the hospital shall be determined by dividing base year neonatal allowable costs by neonatal patient days. The operating payment rate portion of the rate shall be adjusted by the hospital cost index and the disproportionate population adjustment. For admissions occurring after the transition period specified in section 256.9695, subdivision 3, the operating payment rate portion of the rate shall be standardized by the case mix index and adjusted by relative values. The cost and charges used to establish rates shall only reflect inpatient services covered by medical assistance. Hospital and claims data used to establish rates under this subdivision shall not be used to establish rates under subdivisions 2, 2b, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5a, and 7 to 14.
Subd. 14. Transfers. Except as provided in subdivisions 11 and 13, operating and property payment rates for admissions that result in transfers and transfers shall be established on a per day payment system. The per day payment rate shall be the sum of the adjusted operating and property payment rates determined under this subdivision and subdivisions 2, 2b, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5a, and 7 to 12, divided by the arithmetic mean length of stay for the diagnostic category. Each admission that results in a transfer and each transfer is considered a separate admission to each hospital, and the total of the admission and transfer payments to each hospital must not exceed the total per admission payment that would otherwise be made to each hospital under this subdivision and subdivisions 2, 2b, 2c, 3a, 4a, 5a, and 7 to 13.
Subd. 15. Routine service cost limitation; applicability. The computation of each hospital's payment rate and the relative values of the diagnostic categories are not subject to the routine service cost limitation imposed under the Medicare program.
Subd. 16. Indian health service facilities. Facilities of the Indian health service and facilities operated by a tribe or tribal organization under funding authorized by title III of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Public Law Number 93-638, or by United States Code, title 25, chapter 14, subchapter II, sections 450f to 450n, are exempt from the rate establishment methods required by this section and shall be paid according to the rate published by the United States assistant secretary for health under authority of United States Code, title 42, sections 248A and 248B.
Subd. 17. Out-of-state hospitals in local trade areas. Out-of-state hospitals that are located within a Minnesota local trade area and that have more than 20 admissions in the base year shall have rates established using the same procedures and methods that apply to Minnesota hospitals. For this subdivision and subdivision 18, local trade area means a county contiguous to Minnesota and located in a metropolitan statistical area as determined by Medicare for October 1 prior to the most current rebased rate year. Hospitals that are not required by law to file information in a format necessary to establish rates shall have rates established based on the commissioner's estimates of the information. Relative values of the diagnostic categories shall not be redetermined under this subdivision until required by rule. Hospitals affected by this subdivision shall then be included in determining relative values. However, hospitals that have rates established based upon the commissioner's estimates of information shall not be included in determining relative values. This subdivision is effective for hospital fiscal years beginning on or after July 1, 1988. A hospital shall provide the information necessary to establish rates under this subdivision at least 90 days before the start of the hospital's fiscal year.
Subd. 18. Out-of-state hospitals outside local trade areas. Hospitals that are not located within Minnesota or a Minnesota local trade area shall have operating and property rates established at the average of statewide and local trade area rates or, at the commissioner's discretion, at an amount negotiated by the commissioner. Relative values shall not include data from hospitals that have rates established under this subdivision. Payments, including third party and recipient liability, established under this subdivision may not exceed the charges on a claim specific basis for inpatient services that are covered by medical assistance.
Subd. 19. Metabolic disorder testing of medical assistance recipients. Medical assistance inpatient payment rates must include the cost incurred by hospitals to pay the department of health for metabolic disorder testing of newborns who are medical assistance recipients, if the cost is not recognized by another payment source.
Subd. 20. Increases in medical assistance inpatient payments; conditions. (a) Medical assistance inpatient payments shall increase 20 percent for inpatient hospital originally paid admissions, excluding Medicare crossovers, that occurred between July 1, 1988 and December 31, 1990, if: (i) the hospital had 100 or fewer Minnesota medical assistance annualized paid admissions, excluding Medicare crossovers, that were paid by March 1, 1988, for the period January 1, 1987 to June 30, 1987; (ii) the hospital had 100 or fewer licensed beds on March 1, 1988; (iii) the hospital is located in Minnesota; and (iv) the hospital is not located in a city of the first class as defined in section 410.01. For purposes of this paragraph, medical assistance does not include general assistance medical care.
(b) Medical assistance inpatient payments shall increase 15 percent for inpatient hospital originally paid admissions, excluding Medicare crossovers, that occurred between July 1, 1988 and December 31, 1990, if: (i) the hospital had more than 100 but fewer than 250 Minnesota medical assistance annualized paid admissions, excluding Medicare crossovers, that were paid by March 1, 1988, for the period January 1, 1987 to June 30, 1987; (ii) the hospital had 100 or fewer licensed beds on March 1, 1988; (iii) the hospital is located in Minnesota; and (iv) the hospital is not located in a city of the first class as defined in section 410.01. For purposes of this paragraph, medical assistance does not include general assistance medical care.
(c) Medical assistance inpatient payment rates shall increase 20 percent for inpatient hospital originally paid admissions, excluding Medicare crossovers, that occur on or after October 1, 1992, if: (i) the hospital had 100 or fewer Minnesota medical assistance annualized paid admissions, excluding Medicare crossovers, that were paid by March 1, 1988, for the period January 1, 1987 to June 30, 1987; (ii) the hospital had 100 or fewer licensed beds on March 1, 1988; (iii) the hospital is located in Minnesota; and (iv) the hospital is not located in a city of the first class as defined in section 410.01. For a hospital that qualifies for an adjustment under this paragraph and under subdivision 9 or 23, the hospital must be paid the adjustment under subdivisions 9 and 23, as applicable, plus any amount by which the adjustment under this paragraph exceeds the adjustment under those subdivisions. For this paragraph, medical assistance does not include general assistance medical care.
(d) Medical assistance inpatient payment rates shall increase 15 percent for inpatient hospital originally paid admissions, excluding Medicare crossovers, that occur after September 30, 1992, if: (i) the hospital had more than 100 but fewer than 250 Minnesota medical assistance annualized paid admissions, excluding Medicare crossovers, that were paid by March 1, 1988, for the period January 1, 1987 to June 30, 1987; (ii) the hospital had 100 or fewer licensed beds on March 1, 1988; (iii) the hospital is located in Minnesota; and (iv) the hospital is not located in a city of the first class as defined in section 410.01. For a hospital that qualifies for an adjustment under this paragraph and under subdivision 9 or 23, the hospital must be paid the adjustment under subdivisions 9 and 23, as applicable, plus any amount by which the adjustment under this paragraph exceeds the adjustment under those subdivisions. For purposes of this paragraph, medical assistance does not include general assistance medical care.
Subd. 21. Mental health or chemical dependency admissions; rates. Admissions under the general assistance medical care program occurring on or after July 1, 1990, and admissions under medical assistance, excluding general assistance medical care, occurring on or after July 1, 1990, and on or before September 30, 1992, that are classified to a diagnostic category of mental health or chemical dependency shall have rates established according to the methods of subdivision 14, except the per day rate shall be multiplied by a factor of 2, provided that the total of the per day rates shall not exceed the per admission rate. This methodology shall also apply when a hold or commitment is ordered by the court for the days that inpatient hospital services are medically necessary. Stays which are medically necessary for inpatient hospital services and covered by medical assistance shall not be billable to any other governmental entity. Medical necessity shall be determined under criteria established to meet the requirements of section 256B.04, subdivision 15, or 256D.03, subdivision 7, paragraph (b).
Subd. 22. Hospital payment adjustment. For admissions occurring from January 1, 1993 until June 30, 1993, the commissioner shall adjust the medical assistance payment paid to a hospital, excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service, with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate in excess of the arithmetic mean. The adjustment must be determined as follows:
(1) for a hospital with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate above the arithmetic mean for all hospitals excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service, the adjustment must be determined by multiplying the total of the operating and property payment rates by the difference between the hospital's actual medical assistance inpatient utilization rate and the arithmetic mean for all hospitals excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service; and
(2) for a hospital with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate above one standard deviation above the mean, the adjustment must be determined by multiplying the adjustment under clause (1) for that hospital by 1.1. Any payment under this clause must be reduced by the amount of any payment received under subdivision 9a. For purposes of this subdivision, medical assistance does not include general assistance medical care.
This subdivision is effective only if federal matching funds are not available for all adjustments under this subdivision and it is necessary to implement ratable reductions under subdivision 9.
Subd. 23. Hospital payment adjustment after June 30, 1993. (a) For admissions occurring after June 30, 1993, the commissioner shall adjust the medical assistance payment paid to a hospital, excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service, with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate in excess of the arithmetic mean. The adjustment must be determined as follows:
(1) for a hospital with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate above the arithmetic mean for all hospitals excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service, the adjustment must be determined by multiplying the total of the operating and property payment rates by the difference between the hospital's actual medical assistance inpatient utilization rate and the arithmetic mean for all hospitals excluding regional treatment centers and facilities of the federal Indian Health Service; and
(2) for a hospital with a medical assistance inpatient utilization rate above one standard deviation above the mean, the adjustment must be determined by multiplying the adjustment under clause (1) for that hospital by 1.1.
(b) Any payment under this subdivision must be reduced by the amount of any payment received under subdivision 9, paragraph (b), clause (1) or (2). For purposes of this subdivision, medical assistance does not include general assistance medical care.
(c) The commissioner shall adjust rates paid to a health maintenance organization under contract with the commissioner to reflect rate increases provided in this section. The adjustment must be made on a nondiscounted hospital-specific basis.
Subd. 24. Repealed, 1995 c 207 art 6 s 124
Subd. 25. Long-term hospital rates. For admissions occurring on or after April 1, 1995, a long-term hospital as designated by Medicare that does not have admissions in the base year shall have inpatient rates established at the average of other hospitals with the same designation. For subsequent rate-setting periods in which base years are updated, the hospital's base year shall be the first Medicare cost report filed with the long-term hospital designation and shall remain in effect until it falls within the same period as other hospitals.
HIST: 1983 c 312 art 5 s 9; 1984 c 534 s 20,21; 1984 c 640 s 32; 1984 c 654 art 5 s 58; 1Sp1985 c 9 art 2 s 34-36; 1986 c 420 s 6; 1Sp1986 c 3 art 2 s 51; 1987 c 403 art 2 s 64,65; 1988 c 435 s 1; 1988 c 689 art 2 s 139,140; 1989 c 282 art 3 s 38; 1990 c 568 art 3 s 16,17; 1991 c 292 art 4 s 25-29; 1992 c 464 art 1 s 27,28; 1992 c 513 art 7 s 23-27; 1992 c 603 s 34,35; 1993 c 20 s 1-5; 1Sp1993 c 1 art 5 s 18-25; 1Sp1993 c 6 s 7,8; 1995 c 207 art 6 s 19-25; 1996 c 395 s 11; 1996 c 451 art 2 s 5; art 5 s 11-13; 1997 c 187 art 1 s 20; 1997 c 203 art 4 s 16; 1998 c 407 art 4 s 9,10; 1999 c 245 art 4 s 25
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes