Subdivision 1.
Chemical dependency rates. Notwithstanding sections
246.50, subdivision
246.511; and
251.011, the commissioner shall establish separate rates for each chemical
dependency service operated by the commissioner and may establish separate rates for each
service component within the program by establishing fees for services or different per diem rates
for each separate chemical dependency unit within the program based on actual costs attributable
to the service or unit. The rate must allocate the cost of all anticipated maintenance, treatment,
and expenses including depreciation of buildings and equipment, interest paid on bonds issued
for capital improvements for chemical dependency programs, reimbursement and other indirect
costs related to the operation of chemical dependency programs other than that paid from the
Minnesota state building fund or the bond proceeds fund, and losses due to bad debt. The rate
must not include allocations of chaplaincy, patient advocacy, or quality assurance costs that are
not required for chemical dependency licensure by the commissioner or certification for chemical
dependency by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hospitals. Notwithstanding any other
law, the commissioner shall treat these costs as nonhospital department expenses.
Subd. 2.
Depreciation collections. Beginning July 1, 1987, depreciation collected under
subdivision 1 must be credited to the general fund and principal and interest on the bonded debt
collected under subdivision 1 must be deposited in the state bond fund.
Subd. 3.
Responsibilities of commissioner. The commissioner shall credit all receipts from
billings for rates set in subdivision 1, except those credited according to subdivision 2, to the
chemical dependency fund. This money must not be used for a regional treatment center activity
that is not a chemical dependency service or an allocation of expenditures that are included in the
base for computation of the rates under subdivision 1. The commissioner may expand chemical
dependency services so long as expenditures are recovered by patient fees, transfer of funds, or
supplementary appropriations. The commissioner may expand or reduce chemical dependency
staff complement as long as expenditures are recovered by patient fees, transfer of funds, or
supplementary appropriations. Notwithstanding chapters 176 and 268, the commissioner shall
provide for the self-insurance of regional treatment center chemical dependency programs for the
costs of unemployment benefits and workers' compensation claims.
Subd. 4.
Trade secret information. Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, data
concerning matters affecting the competitive position of the chemical dependency programs is
"trade secret information" for purposes of classification under section
13.37, subdivision 2.
History: 1986 c 394 s 7; 1989 c 271 s 33; 1991 c 292 art 4 s 6; 1993 c 4 s 23; 1994 c 488 s
8; 1997 c 7 art 2 s 36; 1999 c 107 s 66; 2000 c 343 s 4