Subdivision 1.
Discretionary admission. Any person otherwise eligible for admission
to the Minnesota veterans homes, except that the person has means of support, may, at the
discretion of the board, be admitted to one of the Minnesota veterans homes upon entering into
and complying with the terms of a contract made by the person with the board, providing for
reasonable compensation to be paid by such person to the state of Minnesota for care, support,
and maintenance in the home. Any earnings derived by the person from participating in a work
therapy program while the person is a resident of the home may not be considered a means of
support. Rebates of federal taxes and state taxes may not be considered a means of support.
Subd. 2.
Cost of care. The board shall set out in rules the method of calculating the average
cost of care for the domiciliary and nursing care residents. The cost must be determined yearly
based upon the average cost per resident taking into account, but not limited to, administrative
cost of the homes, the cost of service available to the resident, and food and lodging costs. These
average costs must be calculated separately for domiciliary and nursing care residents. The
amount charged each resident for maintenance, if anything, must be based on the appropriate
average cost of care calculation and the assets and income of the resident but must not exceed
the appropriate average cost of care.
Subd. 3.
Arrearages. Residents are liable for paying all of their overdue maintenance
charges. Overdue maintenance charges incurred after May 1, 1990, may be charged interest
according to section
334.01. A resident owing overdue maintenance to the state of Minnesota for
charges incurred prior to May 1, 1990, may continue to stay in the home if the resident enters
into an agreement, including a payment schedule, with the administrator for the payment of the
arrearage and abides by the agreement. Residents who do not promptly pay maintenance or who
do not abide by their agreements to pay overdue maintenance to the state of Minnesota may be
discharged from the home. The payment schedule agreed to between the administrator and the
resident must provide for the prompt payment of the overdue maintenance owed by the resident,
but it must not reduce the resident's personal needs allowance below that which is provided
for in the administrative rules of the facility.
History: (4346) 1923 c 13; 1967 c 148 s 2; 1971 c 619 s 4; 1975 c 61 s 18; 1984 c 505 s 1;
1986 c 444; 1988 c 699 s 14; 1989 c 84 s 4; 1991 c 24 s 3; 2000 c 442 s 1; 2002 c 313 s 1