181A.07 Exemptions.
Subdivision 1. Minors employed in corn detasseling operations and other agricultural operations, with the permission of their parents or guardian, shall be exempt from the provisions of section 181A.04, subdivision 4. Such minors 12 years of age or older are exempt from the age provision of section 181A.04, subdivision 1.
Subd. 2. Any minor employed as an actor, model, or performer shall be exempt from the minimum age provisions of section 181A.04, subdivision 1.
Subd. 3. Newspaper carriers shall be exempt from the minimum age provision of section 181A.04, subdivisions 1 and 3. Such carriers shall be at least 11 years of age.
Subd. 4. Any minor employed to do home chores, to babysit or employed by a parent shall be exempt from all provisions of sections 181A.01 to 181A.12.
Subd. 4a. A minor at least 11 years of age and less than 14 years of age shall be exempt from the minimum age provisions of section 181A.04, subdivision 1, if employed as a youth athletic program referee, umpire, or official for an age bracket younger than the minor's own age if an adult representing the state or local athletic program is on the premises at which the athletic program event is occurring and a person responsible for the state or local athletic program possesses a written acknowledgment signed by the minor's parent or guardian consenting to the minor's employment as a referee, umpire, or official.
Subd. 5. The commissioner may grant exemptions from any provisions of sections 181A.01 to 181A.12 for an individual minor if the commissioner finds that such an exemption would be in the best interest of the minor involved. Such exemptions shall be granted only in accordance with the established rules of the department.
Subd. 6. Any minor's parent or guardian, school official, or youth employment specialist may request an exemption as provided in subdivision 5.
HIST: 1974 c 432 s 7; 1975 c 204 s 78; 1976 c 2 s 72; 1985 c 248 s 70; 1986 c 444; 2003 c 31 s 1
* NOTE: Subdivision 4a was also amended by Laws 2003, *chapter 26, section 1, to read as follows:
* "Subd. 4a. A minor at least 11 years of age and less than *14 years of age shall be exempt from the minimum age provisions *of section 181A.04, subdivision 1, if employed in the position *of assistant referee in a youth soccer athletic program event in *which the participants are under 14 years of age and if:
* (1) an adult representing the state or local athletic *program is on the premises at which the athletic program event *is occurring; and
* (2) a person responsible for the state or local athletic *program possesses a written acknowledgment signed by the minor's *parent or guardian consenting to the minor's employment as an *assistant soccer referee."
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes