Subdivision 1.
Termination of revocation period. If the commissioner receives notice of
the driver's attendance at a driver improvement clinic, attendance at counseling sessions, or
participation in treatment for an alcohol problem, the commissioner may, 30 days prior to the time
the revocation period would otherwise expire, terminate the revocation period. The commissioner
shall not terminate the revocation period under this subdivision for a driver who has had a license
revoked under section
169A.52 (license revocation for test failure or refusal);
169A.54 (impaired
driving convictions and adjudications; administrative penalties); or Minnesota Statutes 1998,
169.121 (driving under the influence of alcohol or controlled substances); or
(implied consent) for another incident during the preceding three-year period.
Subd. 2.
Reinstatement of driving privileges; notice. Upon expiration of a period of
revocation under section
169A.52 (license revocation for test failure or refusal) or
(impaired driving convictions and adjudications; administrative penalties), the commissioner
shall notify the person of the terms upon which driving privileges can be reinstated, and new
registration plates issued, which terms are: (1) successful completion of an examination and proof
of compliance with any terms of alcohol treatment or counseling previously prescribed, if any;
and (2) any other requirements imposed by the commissioner and applicable to that particular
case. The commissioner shall notify the owner of a motor vehicle subject to an impoundment
order under section
169A.60 (administrative impoundment of plates) as a result of the violation
of the procedures for obtaining new registration plates, if the owner is not the violator. The
commissioner shall also notify the person that if driving is resumed without reinstatement of
driving privileges or without valid registration plates and registration certificate, the person
will be subject to criminal penalties.
Subd. 3.
Reinstatement or issuance of provisional license. The commissioner shall not
issue a provisional or regular driver's license to a person whose provisional driver's license was
revoked for conviction as a juvenile of a violation of section
169A.33, or
169A.35; a
violation of a provision of sections
169A.50 to
169A.53; or a crash-related moving violation; until
the person, following the violation, reaches the age of 18 and satisfactorily:
(1) completes a formal course in driving instruction approved by the commissioner of public
(2) completes an additional three months' experience operating a motor vehicle, as
documented to the satisfaction of the commissioner;
(3) completes the written examination for a driver's license with a passing score; and
(4) complies with all other laws for reinstatement of a provisional or regular driver's license,
as applicable.
History: 2000 c 478 art 1 s 35; 2004 c 177 s 1; 2005 c 10 art 1 s 31