144.441 Tuberculosis screening in schools.
Subdivision 1. Definitions. As used in sections 144.441 to 144.444, the following terms have the meanings given them:
(a) "Person employed by a school or school district" means a person employed by a school, school district, or by a service cooperative as a member of the instructional, supervisory, or support staff including, but not limited to, superintendents, principals, supervisors, teachers, librarians, counselors, school psychologists, school nurses, school social workers, audiovisual directors or coordinators, recreation personnel, media generalists or supervisors, speech therapists, athletic coaches, teachers' aids, clerical workers, custodians, school bus drivers, and food service workers.
(b) "Person enrolled in a school" means a person enrolled in grades kindergarten through 12 and a handicapped child receiving special instruction and services in a school.
(c) "School" includes any public elementary, middle, secondary, or vocational center school as defined in section 120.05, or nonpublic school, church, or religious organization in which a child is provided instruction in compliance with sections 120.101 and 120.102.
Subd. 2. Designation of schools. Based on the occurrence of active tuberculosis or evidence of a higher than expected prevalence of tuberculosis infection in the population attending or employed by one or more schools in a school district, the commissioner of health may designate schools or a school district in which screening of some or all persons enrolled in or employed by the school or school district for tuberculosis is a necessary public health measure. In making the designation, the commissioner shall also determine the frequency with which proof of screening must be submitted. In determining whether the population attending or employed by a school or school district has a higher than expected prevalence of tuberculosis infection, the commissioner shall consider factors such as race or ethnicity, age, and the geographic location of residence of the student population; the expected background prevalence of tuberculosis infection in the community; and currently accepted public health standards pertaining to the control of tuberculosis.
Subd. 3. Screening of students. As determined by the commissioner under subdivision 2, no person may enroll or remain enrolled in any school which the commissioner has designated under subdivision 2 until the person has submitted to the administrator or other person having general control and supervision of the school, one of the following statements:
(1) a statement from a physician or public clinic stating that the person has had a negative Mantoux test reaction within the past year, provided that the person has no symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis or evidence of a new exposure to active tuberculosis;
(2) a statement from a physician or public clinic stating that a person who has a positive Mantoux test reaction has had a negative chest roentgenogram (X-ray) for tuberculosis within the past year, provided that the person has no symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis or evidence of a new exposure to active tuberculosis;
(3) a statement from a physician or public health clinic stating that the person (i) has a history of adequately treated active tuberculosis; (ii) is currently receiving tuberculosis preventive therapy; (iii) is currently undergoing therapy for active tuberculosis and the person's presence in a school building will not endanger the health of other people; or (iv) has completed a course of tuberculosis preventive therapy or was intolerant to preventive therapy, provided the person has no symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis or evidence of a new exposure to active tuberculosis; or
(4) a notarized statement signed by the minor child's parent or guardian or by the emancipated person stating that the person has not submitted the proof of tuberculosis screening as required by this subdivision because of the conscientiously held beliefs of the parent or guardian of the minor child or of the emancipated person. This statement must be forwarded to the commissioner.
Subd. 4. Screening of employees. As determined by the commissioner under subdivision 2, a person employed by the designated school or school district shall submit to the administrator or other person having general control and supervision of the school one of the following:
(1) a statement from a physician or public clinic stating that the person has had a negative Mantoux test reaction within the past year, provided that the person has no symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis or evidence of a new exposure to active tuberculosis;
(2) a statement from a physician or public clinic stating that a person who has a positive Mantoux test reaction has had a negative chest roentgenogram (X-ray) for tuberculosis within the past year, provided that the person has no symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis or evidence of a new exposure to active tuberculosis;
(3) a statement from a physician or public health clinic stating that the person (i) has a history of adequately treated active tuberculosis; (ii) is currently receiving tuberculosis preventive therapy; (iii) is currently undergoing therapy for active tuberculosis and the person's presence in a school building will not endanger the health of other people; or (iv) has completed a course of preventive therapy or was intolerant to preventive therapy, provided the person has no symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis or evidence of a new exposure to active tuberculosis; or
(4) a notarized statement signed by the person stating that the person has not submitted the proof of tuberculosis screening as required by this subdivision because of conscientiously held beliefs. This statement must be forwarded to the commissioner of health.
Subd. 5. Exceptions. Subdivisions 3 and 4 do not apply to:
(1) a person with a history of either a past positive Mantoux test reaction or active tuberculosis who has a documented history of completing a course of tuberculosis therapy or preventive therapy when the school or school district holds a statement from a physician or public health clinic indicating that such therapy was provided to the person and that the person has no symptoms suggestive of tuberculosis or evidence of a new exposure to active tuberculosis; and
(2) a person with a history of a past positive Mantoux test reaction who has not completed a course of preventive therapy. This determination shall be made by the commissioner based on currently accepted public health standards and the person's health status.
Subd. 6. Programs using school facilities. The commissioner may require the statements described in subdivisions 3 and 4 to be submitted by participants or staff of a program or activity that uses the facilities of a school or school district on a regular and ongoing basis, if the commissioner has determined that tuberculosis screening is necessary.
Subd. 7. Implementation. The administrator or other person having general control and supervision of the school or school district designated by the commissioner under subdivision 2 shall take the measures that are necessary, including the exclusion of persons from the premises of a school, to obtain the proof of screening required by subdivisions 3 and 4.
Subd. 8. Access to records. The commissioner shall have access to any school or school district records, including health records of persons enrolled in or employed by a school or school district, that are needed to determine whether a tuberculosis screening program is necessary, or to administer a screening program.
Subd. 9. Reports. The administrator or other person having general control and supervision of a school or school district that the commissioner has designated under subdivision 2 shall provide the commissioner with any reports determined by the commissioner to be necessary to implement a screening or control program or to evaluate the need for further tuberculosis screening or control efforts in a school.
Subd. 10. Waiver. The commissioner may waive any portion of the requirements of subdivisions 3 to 9 if the commissioner determines that it is not necessary in order to protect the public health.
HIST: 1993 c 167 s 2; 1996 c 305 a 1 s 138
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes