Subdivision 1.
Legislative and budget proposal data. (a) Definition. As used in this
section, "state administration" means the governor's office, the Department of Finance, and any
state agency that is under the direct control of the governor.
(b) Classifications. Legislative and budget proposals, including preliminary drafts, that are
created, collected, or maintained by the state administration are protected nonpublic data. After
the budget is presented to the legislature by the state administration, supporting data, including
agency requests, are public data. Supporting data do not include preliminary drafts. The state
administration may disclose any of the data within the state administration and to the public at
any time if disclosure would aid the administration in considering and preparing its proposals.
Subd. 2.
Indian Affairs Council data. All financial information on individuals and
business entities including, but not limited to, credit reports, financial statements, and net worth
calculations, that are contained in applications received by the Indian Affairs Council in its
administration of the Indian business development loan program are classified as private data with
regard to data on individuals and as nonpublic data with regard to data not on individuals.
History: 1985 c 298 s 26; 1995 c 259 art 1 s 16; 1999 c 227 s 22